Wrapped Around Him

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Wrapped Around Him Page 17

by Debra Kayn

  He limped into the silent, darkened house. His cock hardened. Now that the delivery went down without a problem, he wanted to celebrate. Then he wanted to crash for a few hours.

  Christina lay wrapped tight in the comforter. He stood at the edge of the bed and calmed his breathing. She still went against his wishes of opening herself to him and leaving the damn blanket spread out over the bed. He hoped someday, she'd feel comfortable in his home with him to let herself relax.

  He leaned over, groped for the edge of the blanket, and gave it a tug, rolling her out of the middle. Christina startled and screamed. He shushed her, and she quieted.

  "You scared me to death," she whispered, panting for breath. "I didn't hear you come home."

  He lay down beside her, covered them both with the blanket, and pulled her to him.

  "Oh my God, your hands are freezing." She squirmed until his hands warmed. "What time is it?"

  "Almost four." He nudged her head with his chin and when she lifted, he claimed her mouth.

  Her body burned him. Hot and dampened from sleep, she melted against him, warming him up. He plunged his tongue in her mouth and cupped her bare ass. She'd slept naked for him. That was a first. The knowledge she'd gone out of her way to please him made him harder.

  He held her firmly, bruising her lips. He'd thought of nothing else on the ride home but having her. There was nothing slow or patient about his behavior tonight. He wanted to make sure she understood who she belonged to, and she could never leave.

  Her hand slid down to his hip, and she squeezed until her nails dug into his skin. His cock throbbed, and he swallowed her moan. She needed no warming up. He could smell her arousal, and to him there was no better scent in the world.

  Every day brought her closer to him. She relied on what he could give her and he wanted to give her everything.

  He reached down and hooked her knee, bringing her leg up over his hip. His cock slid against her pussy. Fuck, she was already wet.

  He rolled onto his back, taking her with him until she straddled his hips. His chest expanded. This was his woman.

  The only woman he'd gambled his freedom for.

  He'd do a life sentence, knowing she'd stick by him.

  She proved herself over the span of two years that she was the one person he needed. That was an alien feeling to him, since he'd never needed anyone before. Not his parents, not his club, not society.

  And, when he'd put everything on the line and kidnapped her, she'd refused to give him up. She'd believed the rude, blunt, and bad prisoner he gave her through letters was the only one who'd tell her the truth. Someday, he'd tell her everything. He'd let her into his soul and the weight he carried would ease. Someone would know his legacy and finally give a damn about an ex-convict that made something of his life.

  "Put my cock inside you," he said, stretching his legs.

  She shifted her weight to her knees, fisted his dick, and slid down on him. He held his breath, consumed with feeling every single inch of her. Tight, wet, warm, she squeezed down on him, until he reached home.

  Christina planted her hands on his chest and moved her hips. He fought to keep his eyes open and watch her breasts sway in the little light that came through the window from the flood light mounted on the end of the porch. Every fantasy, every idea, every damn thought of how she'd be in real life never compared to the reality of having her here.

  The bed creaked with the motion of her body. He hooked her neck, bringing her down. Her desperate, frantic kiss set his blood on fire. He greedily drank her in, stealing every bit of pleasure she gave him as if it was his last.

  She bit down on his bottom lip. "Cam?"

  "Yeah?" He trailed his touch around the smooth, rounded slopes of her ass, squeezing and kneading her closer.

  "Don't ever leave me," she whispered, pumping her hips. "I'd never survive without you."

  He groaned and his cock ached in pleasure at her plea. He'd waited and clung to the fact she laid her vulnerability at his feet. He wanted someone to give a damn, whether he was inside or outside the pen. He'd shown her an unlovable man, and she'd seen past his words, his actions, and still wanted him in her life.

  "I'll be careful not to get caught." He grasped her hips, bracing her for his thrust. "For you. Only you."

  Christina panted louder, driving her sex down on him. His world spun faster and faster. He rolled with her, until she lay flat on her back. He needed to possess her.

  He plunged, withdrew, and thrust into her. She thrashed on the bed, and he kept her pinned to the mattress.

  "You belong to me." He grunted.

  "Yes." She hissed, taking each stroke.

  Her head rolled left and right. He dug his toes into the mattress, pounding into her.

  Her back arched off the bed. He gave her more of his weight, rubbing himself on her clit while his cock continued stroking her insides. He captured her lips, knowing his whiskers marked her face and tomorrow, the slight blush from where he'd rubbed his beard would remind him of her wild abandon underneath him.

  She was perfect.

  So fucking perfect, he'd kill to stay in her life.

  His balls tightened, tingling. Braced on his elbows, he continued his assault on her body while cradling her head with his hands. The rawness of having her spread underneath him burst his control.

  He laid his forehead on hers. "I'm going to make you come."

  She nodded, holding him tightly. He ground himself against her on each down stroke, fully seated inside her body, and swiftly pulled back to repeat. He kept the pace, listening to her breath leave her and she stiffened. Her pussy spasmed around him. Too powerful, too tight, too fucking fantastic, he pulled back his head and groaned his release.

  The jolts of her orgasm further soothed him. He rocked against her, letting her come down softly.

  She stared up at him with a lazy smile on her lips. Eye to eye, skin to skin, he'd never had someone crawl inside of him and stay, even when he'd given her no reason to want his lifestyle or accept the dangers that went along with being involved with an ex-con.

  "You must be exhausted," she whispered, stroking her hand down his face and straightening his beard.

  "Beat," he said, yawning.

  She kissed him softly. "Sleep."

  He returned the kiss and rolled off her. Lying sprawled eagle on his back and satisfied, he wanted to lay here forever. The mattress shifted, and she walked out of the room. He closed his eyes and took his first full lungful of air of the night. Christina had nothing to worry about. He had everything under control.

  Chapter Twenty Four

  "Christina, get up," Cam yelled from the other room.

  Christina stretched her legs and rolled to her stomach, trying to force herself to throw off the blanket and set her bare feet on the hardwood floor. Cam's attention kept her from sleeping most of the night, and she wanted to sleep all day to pamper her body.

  "Get up," Cam said, slapping her ass.

  "Ow." Christina jolted into a sitting position. "I said I was getting up."

  "Yeah, an hour ago." Cam walked over to the closet and grabbed the lavender sundress she rarely wore.

  "What are you doing?"

  "I need to go to town, and you're coming with me." He tossed the dress on the bed. "Put that on and hurry."

  "I can't wear that. It takes a strapless bra and I don't have one." She scooted off the mattress and stretched her arms above her head, trying to wake up.

  Cam ogled her body. "Fuck."

  She lowered her arms. A flutter of pleasure went through her at the way he looked her over. "What?"

  "If I wasn't late, I'd have you on your back in bed."

  She raised her brows. "That's not a bad thing if you want to wait."

  "Can't." He groaned, taking another long, hungry look at her. "It's bad enough you were humping my leg this morning."

  "What?" Her jaw dropped opened. "I was not."

  "You gave me soft little moans against my ch
est and your hips were grooving against my thigh." Cam walked to the bed, picked up the dress, and slipped it over her head. "I could feel you pussy throbbing and you made my leg wet."

  "No..." She shook her head, not believing a word he was telling her.

  "If Stache hadn't called me and dragged my ass out of bed, I could've taken care of your problem." He watched her pull the dress down and softly whistled. "Damn."

  "I told you I don't wear this dress." She covered the front of her. "It's too sexy without a bra."

  He stepped over and grabbed her big sweater out of the closet. "Here, wear this. It's cool enough this morning."

  "Cam." She shook her head. "That's a granny sweater. Nobody ever sees me in it. It's for those days I pamper myself, snuggle down on the couch in the winter, and read. I'm not wearing it."

  He grabbed her hand. "Whatever. Let's go."

  "Wait. I need to grab my shoes, brush my teeth, put makeup on, and do my hair." She headed toward the bathroom. "I'll hurry."

  Fifteen minutes later, she rushed outside and found Cam by his motorcycle with Stache, Gunner, Bear, and Willy. She slowed down and approached them.

  "Morning, Christina." Gunner smiled.

  She squeezed her elbows to her sides to keep her breasts from jiggling, and gave a low wave. "Hi, guys."

  Cam's good mood had turned serious. "Let's go. We're already late."

  "What's happening in town?" She took the helmet from him and fastened it on her head.

  "I need to talk to a guy named Ink, and we're late," he said, throwing his leg over the motorcycle seat.

  She paused in getting on behind him. "Wait. I don't want to go if you have business to talk about with Ink. I know he belongs to Bantorus Motorcycle club. "

  "You're going."

  "Why?" She lowered her voice, so the others wouldn't hear. "We agreed that I wouldn't have anything to do with—"

  "I'd let you stay home, but I need you for afterward." He motioned his chin for her to get on. "Jeremy didn't come home last night, and I need you there when I drag his ass home, so I don't end up killing the kid for breaking the rules."

  She climbed up behind him and hung on to his waist. Jeremy had been home to eat dinner with them and stayed outside while the others partied. She hurried and got on the back of the motorcycle, worried about where a sixteen year old would be all night.

  Jeremy mainly kept to himself and far as she knew, he didn't have any friends he hung out with and normally his lack of friends would be a concern, except he'd gone through so many changes lately. She wanted to give Jeremy time over the summer to adjust to the new living situation and having his dad in his life. With a new stable home life, he'd be better prepared to make new friends at school in the fall.

  By the time they made it through town and parked behind the Sterling Building, she regretted not wearing the granny sweater. The early morning air chilled her and going by the frown on Cam's face when he eyed her breasts, everyone could see how cold she was by her nipples straining against the thin silky material.

  "Should've worn different clothes," Cam muttered.

  "I told you that," she said, practically hissing. "You wouldn't listen."

  The backdoor of the adult entertainment business opened. Cam tugged her arm, and she followed him inside with the others.

  Daylight poured into the main room of the Sterling Building. She loved the changes the brightness brought with it compared to the dark, erotic dance hall she remembered on her first visit. She admired the vibrant red colors splashed around the room and the light streaming in from the opened velvet curtains facing Cedar Street.

  Lilly, who Ink called his old lady, caught her admiring the room. Christina smiled and walked over to the table where Lilly sat going through some papers.

  "Hi, Lilly," she said, not wanting to interrupt.

  Lilly, her silver bracelets tinkling as she stood, hugged her. "How are you? I saw you a couple of months ago when you came with Cam to Silver Girls, and when I looked for you later to say hello, you'd already left."

  Warmth flooded her cheeks. That night changed her in many ways. "I had to leave early, but it was nice to see why everyone always talked about the dancers at Silver Girls. They're gorgeous and talented."

  "Thank you. The Moroad women are wonderful to work with and make my job a pleasure." Lilly flipped her blonde hair over her shoulder and gazed over at the men. "It's none of my business, but this is the second time I've seen you with Cam..."

  She glanced over her shoulder and caught Cam giving her that same intense gaze he got when the members of Moroad paid too much attention to her. They hadn't discussed what she should tell other people should they ask about her relationship.

  "I'm living with him." She blew out her breath and laughed self-consciously. "That came out wrong. I'm...honestly, I don't know what's going on between us, but right now, it's good. I enjoy spending time with him now that I'm not working—"

  "What?" Lilly's hand came out and rested on Christina's arm. "You quit working with the kids?"

  She nodded. "I did. I'm exploring other options right now, but the Silver Girls contributions help so much during the year, I hope you'll continue working with whoever took my position. I know the county appreciates how much you and Ink give to the kids."

  Lilly waved her hand, dismissing Christina's speech. "No worries. We're happy to help, and Silver Girls is dedicated to supporting the community whenever we can."

  "That's wonderful." She exhaled in relief.

  Lilly tilted her head. "So...Cam? Wow. I'm happy for you."

  She could tell Lilly wanted to know more, but she wasn't ready to explain what was happening in her life. While they'd worked together for the fundraiser, the thought of sharing secrets with Lilly made her nervous.

  Cam motioned for her. She smiled at Lilly. "I better go. It looks like Cam's done talking."

  "It was nice of you to stop by. Come back any time." Lilly moved back to the table.

  Christina joined Cam and let him lead her out the door. She got on the back of the motorcycle after Cam, and then they were riding out of town.

  She leaned forward and yelled, "Where's Jeremy?"

  "At Lola's," he answered.

  Christina laid her head on the back of Cam's shoulder. Why would Jeremy be with Lola? She was too old for Jeremy to want to hang around with her. She groaned, realizing that's exactly why he'd want to be with an older woman. The Moroad women gave their attention freely to the bikers and now that Jeremy was part of the club, she could assume he was taking full advantage of Lola's friendliness.

  Across the river and up Nine Mile Road, Cam turned onto a dirt road and rode up to a simple one-story house. The second Cam turned off the motorcycle, she climbed off.

  "You need to talk to Jeremy about safe sex." She hurried to keep up with Cam.

  "Lola would make him wear a condom." He pounded on the door. "That's not the problem."

  "Okay, but he's sixteen. I don't think it's healthy for him to get the idea he can use women—"

  The door opened and Lola appeared in front of them. Cam bellowed for Jeremy to get outside. Christina avoided Lola's questioning gaze. Cam seemed set on keeping his thoughts to himself, and she was trying to figure out what would happen next.

  Jeremy strolled to the front door, pulling his T-shirt over his head. "Hey."

  "Get your bike and go home." Cam waited and when Jeremy looked to Lola for guidance, he added, "Now."

  Christina flinched at the harsh bark. She put her hand on Cam's back and stepped closer. The least she could do was support him after lecturing him to step up and be a responsible father. Jeremy overstepped Cam's boundary. At sixteen years old, Jeremy should not be seeking out a relationship with Lola. He should be dating girls his own age and excited over kissing, holding hands, and getting to know someone first.

  "Whatever," Jeremy muttered, squeezing past Lola and walking past Cam.

  Cam stepped toward him. Christina grabbed his fisted hand and twi
ned her fingers with his.

  "Let him cool off. You've embarrassed him in front of Lola. Once he cools off, then you can talk to him," she whispered.

  Cam turned around and faced Lola. "I told you to entertain the kid during get-togethers at the house. I don't want you bringing him home with you."

  "I'm sorry, Cam." Lola pouted. "I asked him if you knew about him crashing at my house, and he said it was no problem."

  "It is a problem." Cam walked to his motorcycle, leading Christina. "Damn, kid."

  "The lines are blurry when it comes to house rules versus club rules." Christina climbed up behind him. "It was a good thing you followed through and are showing him wrong from right."

  Cam gazed at her in his rear view mirror. "That's not my job, it's yours."

  She turned her head to escape his eyes, and he rode away from Lola's house. Her heart sunk to the bottom of her stomach. The breeze dried the tears that she couldn't hold back. Normally, she'd be ecstatic if someone thought she had wisdom and guidance to hand to a troubled teenager. Going by Cam's statement, she had the sinking impression Cam only kept her around for Jeremy's sake.

  Chapter Twenty Five

  Meese lit a joint and passed it to Stache before walking over to where the other Moroad members congregated in Cam's yard. Cam sat on the top porch step with Christina between his legs and his hands on her shoulders. He leaned forward and kissed the top of her head.

  "Hey." Stache held the doobie out to Cam. "Want a hit?"

  He shook his head. "I'm good."

  "What about you, Christina?" Stache grinned.

  She wrinkled her nose. "No, thanks."

  Cam chuckled. "Take a hike, Stache, and stop trying to get my woman high. Christina doesn't do that shit."

  Christina swiveled and stared at him.


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