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Defiance Page 4

by Viola Grace

  She walked over to the towels and followed his lead, slipping the new swimsuit on with only a few false starts. With her feet bare, she moved quickly across the hot sand, stepping into the waves with relief. The waves lapped at her legs as she moved deeper into the surf.

  Zhomos surfaced a few meters away, and she kept wading until she could swim out in relative comfort. The current tugged and pulled at her, but she was stronger than she looked, and it was a relief to use her strength to its full capacity.

  When Zhomos surfaced in front of her, he rose to clear his shoulders from the water. “You seem fairly at home in water.”

  “I like it, yes. I don’t have a tail, but I get by.” She treaded water in place as he slowly circled her.

  “Akath did a good job on your suit. It looks lovely.”

  She flicked water at him. “The fact that you are peeping under the waves is rather creepy.”

  “I said I would leave you alone while you changed, I never said I wouldn’t look at you after that.” He laughed and moved around her again.

  She shifted and jerked as something touched her under the water. “What was that?”

  “My fins. They do take up a bit of space. Sorry.”

  “Zhomos, you have an entire sea to swim through. Keep your fins off my legs.”

  He laughed, and she felt the subsurface caress once again. She splashed him and yelped as he sank beneath the surface and grabbed her to take her with him.

  The water closed over her head, and she looked around, her eyes stinging in the salt water. She kicked herself into the shallows, bending her knees, placing her feet against his chest and pushing off with as much force as she could. Her kick propelled her up and out of the water for a moment before she stood up and walked out of the water and back across the beach.

  She took one of the towels and wrapped it around herself, sitting in the shade and watching the waves.

  Zhomos came out of the surf, and she was irritated enough to ignore her attraction to the well-muscled physique and the obvious erection that had survived the cold water. He lifted the other towel and dried off. “I apologize for the sudden dunking. I am guessing that you did not appreciate the joke.”

  She shook her head. “I have been pulled under before, but it was not in a humorous situation. I am not sure that frolicking under the waves will ever be something that I take lightly.”

  He sighed. “I am sorry. I wish I had known. What happened?”

  “I was swimming with friends and one of them got a cramp or inhaled water. Whatever it was, Benny started flailing, and she grabbed me, pulling me under. I couldn’t fight her off, she was holding onto me with everything she had and nearly twice my size. By the time help arrived, I was blacking out and she was taking on water. We both survived.”

  “And yet you swim so well.”

  “Of course. I never wanted to be in that position again. Benny stayed away from the water after that, and I made it my goal to become a strong enough swimmer to help those in trouble or help myself if it was needed.”

  He reached out and touched her cheek. “So small and yet so strong.”

  She gripped his wrist. “I really wish that people would stop telling me how small I am.”

  Zhomos grinned. “You are very petite compared to a Gakkada woman. I have to admit that when I first saw you, I was shocked that you had done what none of our warriors could have.”

  She released his hand. That was news to her. “You sent others after Thaka?”

  “Yes, and they were unable to get close, let alone find her in a slave pen on a travelling station.”

  Teeny shrugged. It had simply been a matter of contacting a Finder and bribing them to break nine treaties in order to get her a location in Nyal space. “Everyone has their talents.”

  He chuckled. “True. Are you hungry?”

  He pulled the basket out and opened the cloth that was nestled at the top. Zhomos pulled out sandwiches, bread, a meat-based spread and a box of pastries. Canisters of water and juice were also included in the mobile feast.

  “I am usually hungry when I am walking on a world with normal gravity.” She grinned and looked into the basket for cutlery or plates. There were none, so she broke off a piece of bread and spread some of the meat paste on it.

  Zhomos seemed to be waiting for her to eat, because the moment she took a bite, he tucked in.

  It was nice to be away from noise, people, canned air and obligation. She leaned back on her elbows and sighed at the relief from stress she was feeling. Sand stuck to her arms, so she got to her feet, stepped a few feet away, cleaned herself off, and then, she flattened the towel to make a sand-free spot for her to lie down.

  “You can go back and frolic in the waves. I am going to have a little nap now.” She smiled at him, and Zhomos shocked her by leaning over to place a kiss on her lips.

  She licked at his lips, catching a small fleck of sugar-coated pastry before she pressed a quick kiss to the curve of his smile. “Off you go. I promise to be here when you get back.”

  He laughed and dropped his towel, striding easily across the sand. She watched the muscles of his buttocks and thighs as they shifted with each step, the narrowing vee of his back and the wide span of his shoulders as he walked calmly into the surf.

  It was going to be a peculiarly stimulating afternoon, she could tell.

  Chapter Seven

  She returned to swim with Zhomos an hour later. He didn’t try to dunk her, so it was a pretty nice time. They exited the water with his arm around her waist, and he supported her as she yawned from the prolonged exertion.

  “Promise not to peek?” She chuckled as she reached for the breast band that Akath had provided.

  “No. My moratorium on not peeking only lasts for an hour. I am afraid that you are at my mercy.” He laughed and leaned against the nearest tree as he towelled off.

  She scowled and then grinned. She settled the breast band against her skin, unclasped the neck of the swimsuit and tugged it free without showing anything. Once the suit was down to her waist, she slipped on her shirt, and the long tunic covered her to mid-thigh. From there, it was simply a matter of slipping the suit off and the filmy panties in place before putting on the wide-legged trousers.

  She smirked. “Ta-da.”

  He was scowling darkly. “Where did you learn to do that?”

  “The locker room in high school.” She batted her lashes at him as she tucked the suit back into the fabric and waited expectantly for him.

  Zhomos sighed. “That was cheating.”

  “No. That was creativity. Cheating looks different. When will we leave?”

  He sighed and his shoulders slumped in disappointment. “As soon as I am dressed. As fun as it has been watching you watching me, it is inappropriate to appear naked in mixed company.”

  She blushed hotly and turned her attention to packing up the residue of their meal. There wasn’t a lot left.

  By the time she finished, he was dressed, so she carried her sandals back to the cycle and waited for him.

  When he was back astride the vehicle, she slipped on her sandals and snuggled up to him without prompting. He pressed her wrapped arms against his chest with one hand, and she felt him sigh heavily. The next moment, they were up and returning to the resort.

  She closed her eyes and let her hands explore slowly. She could feel his heartbeat pounding faster as her hands traced the cobblestone path of muscle under his skin. A path that had taken so long in the morning seemed like mere minutes on the way back.

  When she felt them descend, she sighed regretfully, sitting up and preparing to be decorous.

  He grabbed her hands and wrapped them around him once again. Apparently, decorous was not required.

  They landed in front of her accommodation, and Arthu was waiting for her.

  He inclined his head formally to Zhomos. “Selik Zhomos, I hope you had a good day.”

  Zhomos stood and turned to face her. “I did. Did you?”

  She grinned, hopped up and pulled him down by his shoulders. The kiss that she planted on him in front of the doorman and all passing guests and personnel was far from chaste. When he wrapped his arms around her and lifted her to keep contact, she wrapped her legs around him, pressing her crotch against his erection.

  When Zhomos lifted his head from their kiss, her lips were throbbing, as was her clit. Her crotch was wet, aching and had a heavy pulse of its own.

  She smiled. “I had a good time, too.”

  He wore her into the building, picking up the parcel from Arthu with a grin. He went up to the third floor and walked directly to her quarters.

  “How do you know where I am staying?”

  “Two reasons. One, I can smell your scent leading to this door. Two, I picked your rooms so that you would have the best view at the resort.”

  She laughed, unsurprised. “I would expect nothing less, Selik Zhomos.”

  He groaned. “Open your door, and let me in. We can discuss formal terms of address later.”

  She reached out and touched the locking mechanism, opening the door and allowing her access to the one private place she had on the whole planet. It seemed appropriate on so many levels.

  The moment that they were inside, he dropped the parcel to one side, kicked the door shut and lowered her to the bed with the utmost care.

  He unfastened her shirt, flicking the edges open. With a smooth move, he unfastened her breast band and peeled the sides apart to expose her to his gaze.

  He let out a shuddering sigh. “Finally. You are lovely.”

  She smiled shyly and gasped as he took one nipple between his teeth for a moment before he covered a good portion of the mound with his mouth. The heat, the flickers of pain and the low groan of enjoyment were all driving her senses higher, her channel clenched and a wet heat made itself known.

  She whispered, “How does this affect the night of the hunt?”

  He looked up, and his eyes were positively feral. “You won’t run from me. You will face my beast and offer full challenge.”

  She laughed, and it turned to a gasp as he took her other breast into his mouth for the same mix of wet heat, pleasure and pain.

  Her thighs rubbed together. Teeny wrapped her legs around him and arched against him, seeking an end to her torment. He groaned again, and his hips moved to meet hers in a rhythm that sent her mind spinning.

  His hand caressed the curve of her hip. Zhomos leaned away from her, unwrapping her thighs from his waist while one hand unfastened her trousers.

  She blanked the nervousness from her mind as he peeled her clothes away until she was nothing but receptive and aching skin. His clothing hit the floor a moment after hers.

  Teeny shivered and reached up to touch him, learning the muscles and textures of his torso. The bright light streaming in through the window should have increased her nervousness, but it had the effect of keeping her aware of her surroundings and the changes in Zhomos’s features.

  His face was shifting into something focussed and predatory, and she couldn’t look away as he approached her with definite intent.

  Against her better judgement, she shifted backward as he crawled onto the bed, sniffing her knee, inner thigh and working his way up to the wet heat between her thighs. He nuzzled at her skin and parted her thighs, inhaling deeply. Every time he scented her, she bit her lip and tried not to move. His hands were tipped with claws, and when he started lapping at her sex, his hand caressed her belly, dragging the claws gently across her skin.

  The threat was obvious but so was the proof of what his body was capable of.

  The heat of his tongue worked between her folds and parted her, freeing her channel to his devoted exploration.

  Teeny closed her eyes as his tongue caressed and delved into her. The slick heat of his appendage made her shake and shiver as he learned her taste with ferocious attention.

  She bit her lip and held her breath as her orgasm approached, her body grew hot, tense, shivering, and she gasped and gripped the bedding on either side of her hips as she gave in to him.

  His tongue continued to twist and stroke inside her until she slumped back with her aftershocks slowly pulsing at random.

  Zhomos left the mouth of her sex and moved up her body, sniffing and licking at what seemed to be random intervals.

  Teeny was wary as he moved across her breasts. She had one sensitive spot that she was afraid he would find, and when she tried to grip his head and push him away, he raised his head and his eyes were now burning with yellow fire. His gaze met hers and he pushed her hands aside.

  Zhomos resumed his exploration, but when he was inches from the curve of her neck, she blocked him again, this time with more force.

  Teeny’s body shifted from aroused and nervous to battle mode in an instant. She was out to defend her secrets, and her hands reacted on instinct. It was not the brightest thing she could have done.

  He responded to the strike on his shoulders with a quick shaking of his head. His lips parted slightly and his teeth had elongated into deadly points. “What are you hiding, Teeny?”

  His words were carefully formed, his tone octaves lower than his original voice.

  “None of your business, Zhomos.” She was firm on that point.

  “Your entire body is my business, Teeny.” He bent his head and approached her weak spot.

  She raised her hand up and smacked him in the centre of the forehead.

  He moved to restrain her and the fight was on.

  Teeny knew that he was surprised when she flipped him off her body and even more surprised when she used pressure points to immobilize him. Her exploration of him earlier had been part appreciation and part research. Gakkada had certain points of vulnerability, and she knew most of them now.

  Kneeling next to him, she cupped his jaw in her hand. “If I say no, you don’t touch it. All right?”

  He scowled, and his lips worked. She released the point in his neck, and he spoke. “Why are you so resistant?”

  She sighed and shrugged. “I am excessively ticklish, and bursting into uncontrollable laughter is never a good idea for a first time.”

  His fingers twitched a little. “Do you consider pinning me in place to be a good idea?”

  “Well, you were going to insist, and I tend to kick and punch a lot when I want someone to stop tickling me. We would have ended up here anyway.”

  “I doubt that.”

  She shrugged. “No. I am pretty sure that we would have. Are we clear on you not touching that spot?”

  He grunted.

  With short jabs, she released him, and he flexed his fingers as feeling returned. He leaned up on his elbow. “This is not how I expected the day to go.”

  She sighed and wrapped her arms around her knees. “I know.”

  Tears pricked her eyes, and she looked out toward the balcony. It seemed that her chance at a holiday romance had just disappeared in the space of a few minutes.

  Chapter Eight

  Zhomos wove his fingers through her hair and tilted her head back as he kissed her. He curled her body against his with his other arm, and as he deepened the kiss, she felt her body waking once again.

  “You are from a higher-gravity world than this, aren’t you?” He pressed a kiss down the front of her neck, avoiding the spot she had mentioned.

  “I am. Not by much, but it means it is a pretty fair fight when I go up against a guy like you.”

  He chuckled against her neck. “That is kind of a turn on.”

  She shivered and used her hand to stroke down his body, gripping his cock lightly and stroking slowly. “It is a fairly uncommon fetish, Zhomos. You might be a bit of a pervert.”

  “I will accept that assessment.” He moved down her body, kissing and sniffing from the point where she had stopped him.

  A low, throaty chuckle ran through her when he pulled her hand from his shaft. His hands were still sporting the claws as he caressed her hip and belly. The light tingle of the
possibility of pain was an extra spur to her senses.

  When he flipped her to her belly and pulled her up on hands and knees, she felt a shiver of apprehension. As she was flipped over, she saw his features for an instant and the savagery of his expression was enough to give her a wave of uneasy arousal. He was shifting to more beast than man, and she was guessing that her seeing his face was a little more than he was prepared for right then.

  His tongue traced a path up and down her spine. She quivered and waited. The pointed head of his cock worked into her channel with slow prods. She tilted her hips and he slipped in further.

  Zhomos’s hands coaxed her thighs apart and with a low groan he slid into her completely.

  She shuddered as he sank into her inch by inch until he couldn’t go any further. Teeny gasped when he withdrew and rocked as he slid forward. He set up a rhythm of thrusts that rocked her back and forth as she moved to meet him halfway.

  His hands gripped her hips, pulling her into his inward plunges, and she heard his low growl as he sped up his movements, driving her toward release.

  Her orgasm approached at blinding speed, swamping over her in a rush and buckling her arms until she rested her head on her forearms with her ass in the air.

  Zhomos howled as his cock twitched inside her, a low, throaty noise that rippled loudly in her room and out into the early evening air.

  He wrapped an arm around her hips, keeping her sealed to him as he continued to shudder. His other arm lifted her so that his chest pressed against her back with his cock still inside her. With a low grunt, he sat back on his heels and pressed a kiss to her shoulder.

  “What would you like to do for dinner?” His words were incongruous with their current position.

  “Eat. I was just going to the dining hall at the main building.” She leaned her head back against his shoulder and sighed.

  “I believe that this requires a little more than simply stuffing food into your face. I will change clothing and be back here in an hour.”

  Teeny chuckled. “You will have to slide out of me first.”

  He sighed and she felt him shift within her. “I don’t want to. I want to stay inside you until we both die of old age.”


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