Spilt Secrets (A Talnarin Novel Book 2)

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Spilt Secrets (A Talnarin Novel Book 2) Page 17

by D. E. Chapman

  I blush as I realize he’d asked me a question and I’ve yet to answer. “Yes.” I manage to choke out the word.

  He smiles brightly and reaches for a blade and cloth. He sets the cloth down and places the weapon gently on top. In a quick few seconds, he has the weapon fully secure and tied with rope. I stare wide eyed.

  I’m an idiot.

  That was simple, so why couldn’t I figure it out? No matter how I wrapped or how I tied, the ends of the weapon were always open. The way this talnarin did it fixed my problem. My face heats in embarrassment for not understanding how to do something so simple. Thankfully, he doesn’t appear to notice my reddening face.

  “Anything else?” His voice startles me.

  “No, that’s it. Thanks.” I mumble, managing to not trip over my words.

  He smiles, teeth showing as he stands. “You’re very welcome. Let me know if you need anything else. I’ll be glad to help you.” The male moves away.

  “Oh, I never caught your name.” I don’t word it as a question and it makes me want to bury myself in a ditch. What is wrong with me? I never act this flustered.

  He turns back and laughs kindly. “It’s Seth. Alanna, right?”


  It fits. I nod in response to his question, not bothering to ask how he knows that. I’m the oddball in Craforian, so it’s no surprise strangers know who I am. With one last dimpled smile, Seth moves on to help someone else. I stare after him for a few long moments before I snap back to myself.

  Don’t be any more of a freak, Alanna. Stop staring.

  I glance back down and begin wrapping once more. This time it’s so much smoother, so much quick.

  As I master the weapon wrapping, my mind begins to wander.

  This festival is a huge deal. I finally understood that in the last week. All the preparations have been amazing, a flurry of activity. I’ve never seen so much hustle and bustle before, not even for my village’s Market Day.

  The stall we’ll be setting up tomorrow is a weapons stand. Apparently, all the weapons were made in a nearby underground cavern that doubles as a smithy. There’s so much I still don’t know about this area.

  All the weapons were shuffled back to the armory at Craforian in small shipments throughout the year in preparation for this festival. All the wares to be sold were situated in the back area of the armory, tucked away from prying eyes. Elain says there are over five hundred weapons to be sold. Five hundred weapons that need to dragged to the capitol. It’s far too heavy for thirty capalts to carry on their own. The plan is split our group of thirty into two teams.

  Team one will to carry the wares and the camping materials. The campsite will be set up by the first team as well. There will be at least thirty tents to set up for the members of Craforian. After we complete these tasks, dinner is prepared and cooked by this team.

  Team two, on the other hand, will carry the weapons in loads and drop them at the campsite before returning for more. While team one unloads and sets up, team two will be arriving with more weapons and setting up the stall.

  Once we all settle in for the night, we’ll sit around the fire trading stories. I’ve never experienced something like that before; it’s exciting to me. The bonfire our Elders built were only used to signify a council meeting, and we never gathered around it to bond.

  Then the next morning, when the sun peeks out from behind the horizon, the day of birth will begin.

  A rough shove to my shoulder rouses me from my thoughts of the festival. Glancing back, I see Elaine jerking her head in the direction of the door. I quickly finish the weapon in my hands, placing it in the stockpile before following her out. Elaine called me just in time, too. My hands have gone numb from not only the cold weather, but also from holding steel weapons without gloves in winter.

  I catch up to Elaine. “What’s next?”

  She laughs abruptly. What’s so funny? “Now we load the camping gear into the arena.” I groan, only spurring more laughter from her. “After that, we pack our food. Luckily, there isn’t much food to pack since the festival provides it and hunting is permitted.”

  “Then why bring any at all?” I glance over at her as we make our way to the dorms for the camping items.

  “The food’s a precaution. We would rather have extra food than not enough. It’s always good to have and we’re bringing nonperishables, anyway.” At my blank look, she explains. “Food that doesn’t go bad if it sits out. Some foods need to be refrigerated.” I nod my understanding and she continues on. “Not to mention, we’ll need food for tomorrow since the festival doesn’t officially start until the following day.”

  Deciding I’ve had enough planning for a while I ask, “So what event are we hitting first?”

  She laughs. “The King will be giving his yearly speech before we can hit any stalls or events. It’s mandatory attendance.”

  The King? Is she saying that I’ll actually get a glimpse at this elusive King of the talnarins?

  Holy shit.

  Chapter 26

  The day finally arrived though I’m not entirely sure how I feel about today. A mix of emotions jumble around inside me, fighting for possession. Part of me is excited; I can’t wait to see the capitol and the festivities. Another part of me is nervous and uncertain of what to expect and how to act. Still, a third part of me is terrified, and constant worries float through the back of my mind. What will other talnarins see and think when faced with my freaky eyes? I’ve been surrounded by talnarins accustomed to my strangeness. These talnarins are different, new.

  It’s frightening.

  I snap out of these thoughts as best as I can. I won’t let the negativity ruin today. I vowed last night that I wouldn’t let my worries eat away at me. The next seven days are for putting my past and mission aside for a brief moment of peace. Even though I don’t deserve it, not after what I’ve done. But for once, I have a purpose in life other than getting stronger. This is my chance to let loose and relax, unwind. If I can. All the things I don’t understand can wait.

  He can wait.

  It nearly kills me to say it.

  I take my time getting ready. I decide on the thicker training leathers for today, thankful for the slits for my wings. These leathers are warm, sometimes stuffy, but I never know when I might need the added layers outside. And because we’re riding the capalts today, I’m expecting the bitter wind to make for a cold, long day.

  Head held high, I leave my room and head to the Abel’s. I arrive in short order and find fifteen talnarins waiting outside already. I search the crowd for a familiar face and find Elaine leaning against the wood frame of Abel’s home. She’s deep in conversation with another talnarin, though from this position I can’t make out a face just yet.

  As I move closer I see a familiar head of hair. Erik stands with his arms crossed against his chest. Standing next to him is his twin. As I grow nearer, Erik is the first to notice my arrival. He nods his head regally which catches the attention of his twin. Benjamin turns around and smiles widely at me.

  “Alanna!” He shouts from ten paces away.

  Elaine is the last to turn but the first to move. We meet each other half way. “Good morning Alanna. Today’s the day! Are you ready?”

  I shrug and say, “Morning. I’m as ready as I’ll ever be I guess.”

  “It’ll be fun, you’ll see.” Her enthusiasm is contagious. In a few more steps I’m standing in front of Benjamin and Erik.



  The twins talk at the same time. I greet back with a soft and simple ‘hello.’

  Benjamin is the first to talk this time. “Did you sleep well?”

  I nod and glance between them all. “Yes. Did you all?” The twins nod while Elaine shrugs with a wry grin on her face.

  “Todays the big day, are you exited?” Erik asks, stoic as ever.

  “I am, but I’m nervous too. Despite what everyone’s told me, I’m still not exactly sure what to expe
ct.” I shrug nonchalantly, though my anxiety is spiking.

  Benjamin and Elaine’s eyes soften with sympathy. Erik’s expression, on the other hand, doesn’t change. “Don’t worry, we won’t let anything happen to you. You’ll be with us the entire time. Well, all expect, Ben that is.”

  I shift my eyes in Benjamin’s direction and find him sulking. It’s funny.

  My lips turn down at the corners as what he said hits “What do you mean?” I direct my next words at Benjamin. “I thought you were going with us?” Malik told me to stick myself with all of them. How can I do that if one of them isn’t attending?

  “I am.” Benjamin smiles broadly, nearly bouncing with excitement. “I’m in team two though. I only dropped by to say hi.”

  Oh. Disappointment washes through me, then the rising anxiety. Striving for nonchalance again, I say, “Bummer.” I twist my hands together.

  Of course, Elaine and her emotional feelers notice. She reaches out and pats my back, talking quietly so only I can hear her next words. “Calm down, it’ll be alright. The festival doesn’t start until tomorrow, so we’ll be the only ones around today.” I breathe out a sigh of relief. “The only talnarins who will see you today are the ones who’ve already seen you. Don’t panic.” She gives me a questioning smile. “That’s what’s making you nervous, right?”

  “Yeah, that’s it.” Trying to lighten the mood I joke, “Aren’t you supposed to know that, Miss Mind Manipulator?”

  She laughs, saving me from my embarrassment at the terrible joke. Benjamin perks up. “What’s so funny?” We both shake out head which only causes him to frown. “Fine. Well got to go, I’ll see you later for the bonfire.” He smacks his twin on the back once before turning away with a wave for Elaine and me.

  Erik stands up straight and look off into the crowd that’s gathered. “Looks like it’s time for us to start too.”

  My gaze follows his. The gathered talnarins have headed off to the arena to get their beasts loaded. Without a word, the three of us walk to the arena, too.

  Elaine leads to the way to three capalts standing off to the side. They already have their saddles on, too. As we draw near I see one of the beasts is Ivora. Elaine grabs the reigns of a dark red beast while Erik grabs a dark brown one, leaving me with Ivora. My heart lifts. I don’t if it was by chance or someone arranged for me to ride her, but I’m grateful for it. The riding part was already giving me some anxiety despite the fact that Malik taught me briefly. But knowing I’m with Ivora is a huge relief. She’s gentle and very well trained, making today’s intimidating flight less terrifying.

  I trail behind Erik and Elaine as they guide their mounts to the camping stash along the far wall. Already, talnarins grab piles of gear for loading. I tune out the chatter and noise as they secure their loads. The three of us follow suit and load up next. Once the camping materials are all secured to the capalts, someone passes weapons out for loading as well. Seeing as the beasts already have some added weight with the camping gear, only one or two weapons are distributed per beast. This ensures they aren’t carrying too much with us on their backs.

  No sense in overworking the loyal creatures.

  Once we are ready to mount, I take a quick scan in search of Malik and Zeke. I shake my head when I realize I won’t find him today. He’s off doing important secretive business, Alanna. Feeling stupid, I focus on properly outfitting myself in my clothes. I make sure the face mask and goggles are secure. An extra coat was waiting atop Ivora that I claimed for myself, seeing as it had slits for wings in the back. I didn’t question the warm gift and accepted it gratefully.

  All dressed up, it’s stifling while we wait to leave.

  The last of team one’s capalts are fully loaded and ready to go. We maneuver out of the arena and into open sky. They climb atop their mounts and lift off. Recalling practice with Malik, I gently grip Ivora’s horns and pull back. She follows the others, swiftly catching up. In no time, Ivora levels out with the rest. I finally release my death drip on her horns and breath out a huge sigh of relief.

  Thank gods Malik deemed it necessary for me to learn how to fly on my own.

  I glance over and find Elaine and Erik on either side of me. Looking to the rest, I count fifteen of us grouped together, flying close. I’m positioned in the middle, being guided from the front and back. I like to think I’m being herded because I’m completely clueless as to where we’re headed. The alternative isn’t as nice.

  The view from this position is amazing and breathtaking, just as it was the first time I rode Magilor all that time ago with Malik. I don’t think I’ll ever get used to it. The air is rushing past my face, a bitter cold that steals the air from my lungs. Yet… there’s something so refreshing about the cold. The contact with nature this far up is liberating and energizing all at once. The sun is peeking out from the clouds, shedding light on the rich reds and browns of early winter. The sound of the rushing wind echoing in my ears drowns out the noise in my head. All my worries drop away and end up somewhere far behind me.

  There is nothing better.

  I don’t know how long we fly, but soon I spot the shadows of buildings intermixed with the forest. As we fly further, the trees thin and open fields meet my eyes. I see more buildings beneath me and people scurrying about. Elaine manages to get my attention and points to the left. I follow her gaze and gasp.

  It’s the most beautiful building I’ve ever seen. The dark gray stone stands out brilliantly against the turning dol trees. Large windows all along the building provide a brilliant view of the surrounding forest to the inhabitants. The building is so tall it nearly reaches the capalts in the sky. It could easily house fifty people inside with plenty of room to spare.

  The castle.

  We lower until we’re about thirty heads above the ground, readying ourselves for landing. It didn’t take us long to reach our destination, the beasts flying swiftly. I continue to stare in awe at the magnificent four-story stone castle and the area surrounding it, content to be herded along by the others. Plants crawl up the stone, reaching for the sun and sky. A walkway leads up to two huge carved wooden doors. To the left, an elegant bridge extends over the calmest body of water I have ever seen. The metal bridge rounds at the bottom, arching over the water delicately. The surrounding trees, mostly without their leaves, reach gently for each other across the bank. There’s a purple mist hovering just above the water, like an otherworldly fog.

  It’s a strange sight.

  I’ve never seen such a thing before. I make a mental note to ask Elaine about it when we land. We circle around the castle once more, allowing me more time to absorb the details of this place. We come up behind the forest surrounding the castle to land. Our capalts touch down in the grass gently, a seemingly impossible gesture for a beast so large. I swiftly dismount before turning to unload the gear. Just as I reach for the ties securing the bundle, I freeze.

  Just there, thirty paces out, a cloaked figure faces our group. The black hooded figure just stands there, making no move to come closer and greet us. Instead the figure waits. For what, I can’t say. A shudder runs down my body at the haunting thought that the figure is watching me. Though I can’t be sure with the hood, my gut screams at me to flee.

  I harden my resolve and plant my feet. I won’t run like a coward.

  It only takes a few seconds for the rest of our team to notice the presence standing not too far from us. Elaine and Erik whip around, positioning themselves in front of me in seconds. My heart warms at the gesture even though I feel it’s a gross exaggeration.

  I will myself to calm. There was no way the figure was looking at me. After all, not only is the figure too far out to see my eyes, but I also still sport my goggles.

  Peeking out from between their bodies, I watch as a male from the front line greets the figure. Either I’m too far to hear the exchange or the figure opted for silence. I see the hooded man raise his hands as if to attack. Stifling silence descends upon our group instantly.
Tension rises as we wait. Impatience getting the better of him, another male from Craforian rushes forward. From my distance, I see sparks dancing around this talnarin. He’s rearing for an attack. Why he’s attacking, I have no idea. It feels foolhardy, not knowing what the figure intends. It would be better to wait for the figure to make the first move.

  Before the talnarin can make contact with the figure, he flies back. The male lies on the forest floor, out cold. Gasps echoes out in tandem, the sound unnerving, frightening. Two talnarins rush toward the male on the ground. They drag him quickly back to the group to tend to him. Four more talnarins step forward. They stand there defensively, ready to attack.

  All the while, the figure remains immobile and silent.

  Before anyone else can charge forward recklessly, the hooded figure says, “Craforian will be next.”

  I stop breathing.

  My body tenses, pulling tight. Panic surges. Heart pounds. My palms sweat. That voice. I know that voice. It can’t be. No, this isn’t right. He wouldn’t do this. He isn’t here. Why? This isn’t happening. This doesn’t make any sense. Why now?

  I’m snapped from my inner panic by a strong hand shaking me. My teeth rattle at the rough movement. I whip my head up and find Elaine staring at me. Her expression is calm but her eyes give her away. Panic brews behind her eyes. “Alanna. Not now. I can’t afford to lose focus now.”

  And then it clicks. It’s not her panic she feels, it’s mine.

  I push it all to the back of my mind as best as I can, though I can still feel it hovering just below the surface. Without thinking, I call forth my flames to keep me warm, to chase away the chills that wash over me.

  My heart pounds as an all too familiar voice rings out. “Give me the girl. If you refuse, there will be consequences.”


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