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Spilt Secrets (A Talnarin Novel Book 2)

Page 20

by D. E. Chapman

  Hesitantly I say, “A rogue did this to me. He put the collar on, but he didn’t have golden eyes.”

  His eyes light up with an unnamed emotion. It frightens me. “Did he now? And why did he do that, my little bhria?”

  I press my lips together. “He caught me. He was going to experiment on me.” I wince.

  I said too much. I know I did. I wait for the retaliation.

  It doesn’t come.

  “What a fool.” He tuts. “Must not be a part of the inner circle. Otherwise, he would have known my little pet has silver eyes.” He releases me neck and paces around me. “One look at you and he should have delivered you to me. He’s a failure. He needs to die.” He whips around to face me. “And where is this failure now?”

  “He gone.” I mutter. His eyes unnerve me. His stare chills me to the bone.

  He cocks His head yet again. “Gone where, little bhria?”

  I shake my head but instantly stop. The movement jolted the pain awake. “I don’t know, he disappeared.” I watch his eyes narrow menacingly. I hurriedly say, “But he’s dead by now.”

  He starts pacing once more. At last His eyes leave me.

  “Is that so? Shame. I wanted to infect him with the serum and watch his insides squirm.” He flings His arm out without a care. “Well, so be it.” He whips back around and screams. “Why do you still wear it?”

  He rushes at me and I yelp. Roughly gripping my neck, He pulls me until I’m sitting on my knees. I manage to contain the scream. The searing pain in my back is too much. Tears run unchecked down my face. My eyes are pinched. My breathing labored.

  I’m so confused. One minute He’s calm, and the next He’s screaming. And the conversation is a mess. Everything is all over the place. I nearly sob out, “To become stronger. He wants me to grow stronger so he left it on.”

  He laughs sadistically. “That’s nonsense. How will it make you stronger?” He spits the words. “This male just wants to control you.”

  The sting in his words hurts worse than the pain in my back. Maybe there’s some truth to his words. Maybe Malik was just using it as a means to control me. Doubt creeps in, leaving me vulnerable.

  I will the tears away. I fight to strengthen my resolve.

  He crouches over me, His palms on my neck. He’s staring intently at the metal like it’s the most offensive thing He’s ever seen.

  Suddenly the collar is warm. Too warm.

  I cry out as the heat singes my neck. I try to jerk free but His grip is strong. I’m left to endure the burning. The whole while, he mutters incoherently. Eventually, the heat begins to die off. What was once an agonizing pain is now just a dull throbbing. Suddenly, I jerk forward.

  His hands are gone and I hear a distant clang.

  The energy in my chest surges forward. I struggle to contain the raging energy. It’s so much stronger than I remember. It’s almost too strong. It’s nearly overpowering in its intensity. The hollowness is gone. It feels as if it was never even there in the first place. It’s like I imagined the hollow feeling before now. The energy is so present, so dominating, yet comforting.

  I feel whole for the first time in a long time.

  It finally feels as if things are as they should be at last. It makes me want to use the energy, feel its strength as it burns everything in its wake.

  His mutters become comprehensible and it pulls me from my thoughts. “My little bhria needs to be free to grow and spread your wings. Well, wing.” He laughs manically as my eyes widen.

  As suddenly as the laugh started, it dies. His look is haunting. He beings to pace. “I’ll avenge you. That collar was so terrible for you, little bhria. Don’t worry. I’ll kill him for you, this male. Which one is it?”

  I keep my mouth shut, afraid to say anything. He faces me and steps closer.

  “Come now. Tell me little bhria. This male won’t hurt you anymore. I’ll protect you.”

  “Did you let me go all that time ago?” I must know.

  He tilts his head. “Yes, little bhria, I did.”

  “I burned them down. You didn’t let me go. I set myself free.” I argue, voice firm.

  He smiles at me adoringly, like I’m the sweetest thing. “And you thought a little thing like you could beat me when you were so new. You were like a baby, you couldn’t have beat me.”

  “Why? Why did you let me go?” I want to sob. It doesn’t make sense. Was it just some sick joke watching me squirm for survival? What was the point?

  “Because I needed to see what you could do. The serum wasn’t doing anything for you anymore. You needed to grow. And what better way to grow than to fight for your survival.”

  No, that couldn’t have been the only reason. “I could have died.” Anger coats my tongue. I wasn’t sure what answer I was expecting, but it wasn’t that one.

  He shakes his head aggressively. “But you didn’t.” Pride echoes across his face. “Just as I knew you wouldn’t.” He puffs out His chest at the admission.

  It’s wrong. All of this. “There was no way of knowing that.”

  He freezes. His expression turns contemplative, like he hadn’t thought of that before. “I would have simply revived you.”

  I pale. I was set loose to die, all on the whims of a madman. A madman that thinks revival of the dead is possible in the first place.

  “You’re sick.” Fear forgotten in the eyes of my disgust, I spit the words at Him.

  He looks unfazed by my open hostility. “I would have found a way.” He shrugs nonchalantly. “But if I couldn’t, that would have been that. It would have been fine either way.”

  My eyes widen and my heart races. He speaks of death so carelessly. It’s appalling. Frightening. Like lives are nothing but toys for a madman to chew and spit out as he pleases. To Him, lives are nothing more than a bag of bones due for expiration sooner rather than later.

  Disgust isn’t a strong enough word for how I feel.

  I narrow my eyes as he continues. “Because of you, we figured out how to make more. We discovered why the others didn’t turn like you did.” He snaps his fingers. “You were the first. You were the model we used to craft the rest.”

  No. No. To assume there are more like me is one thing. To actually confirm there are is a whole other thing.

  Horror coats my words. “There’re more like me?”

  “Yes, you’re not alone. Together, you will be unstoppable.” A sick smile slims across his face. He stares at me with a sick obsession in his eyes. “Together with me, you will be the queen of this world.”

  No fucking way. Over His dead body. He’s insane. Crazy. I just never knew he was this mental. Perhaps he always was. Perhaps He was just better at disguising it, better at containing it.

  Still, He goes on. “We will take down the real King and become invincible.”

  In His dreams, maybe. He’s going to take down a King that hides in the shadows.

  I nearly scoff. “No one knows who the King is. It’s impossible to kill a ghost.”

  “Is that what they told you?” His expression screams pity. It angers me that a monster like this dare to pity me. “Such a shame. They manipulated you.” Pity morphs to rage. His voice raises. “That makes me angry. I’ll kill them for that. Painfully.” Glee etches across his face, and these moods swings are rapid. It gives me a headache. “Oh, we have guests it seems. A guest of honor in fact. What a pleasure.”

  “You’re a sick bastard.” I’m through worrying about the consequences of my words and actions.

  He tuts. “Now, now, little bhria. You know to call me Lucien.” I scoff. So that’s the monsters name. And here I just thought a madman like this had no name.

  Lucien. It tastes like acid in my mouth.

  “Oh, here they come. Too bad they can’t get in.” His words cause my brows to furrow. “They’ll have to watch from the entrance.” He snaps his figures like a grand idea came to him. “You can watch as I tear them apart. Just like old times.” His brows turn down. “Only the
n, you were ripping others apart, not me.” He laughs jovially. “Funny, isn’t it.” He turns abruptly to face what appears to be the only exit.

  Now that His back is turned, I take a moment to survey my surroundings. It looks to be a large cavern. The lighting is dim, the only illumination being lanterns scattered throughout. There’s just enough to make out details.

  Every time I turn my head, the pain in my back sears to life. I shake it off as best I can and continue studying the details of this place. Where He faces is in fact the only exit. It’s simply a large opening leading further into darkness. A strange golden sheen covers the entire exit like a net.

  I hear footsteps growing closer. Shadows morph into forms.

  I nearly weep with relief.


  Behind him stands Elaine, Zeke, and the rest of the Elites, except for Orion. I ignore the strange feeling in my gut at that observation and look at them in relief. All stand strong and fierce; their masks are rigid and unforgiving. The sight is unnerving, even for me.

  In unison, they all draw to a sudden halt at the sight of me. Their expressions range from horrified to furious. I give them the best reassured look I can to ease the torrent of emotions I see on their faces.

  It does nothing.

  “Well, well, if it isn’t the man in charge himself.” All heads snap in Lucien’s direction. “Come to pick up the broken doll I created?” My eyes widen. What? Malik snarls loudly and steps closer. Lucien’s voice pulls him to a sudden halt. “You can try to come closer, but you won’t succeed. I’ve been preparing weeks for this moment.” He laughs sadistically. “There’s no way to pass through to reach her. I’ve managed to push most of the energy I have into a wall. It allows no one in but me.”

  Lucien whips around to eyes me.

  “Or out.”

  I gulp at the possessive look in his face. Then Lucien’s words hit. I’m trapped in here with a madman. Malik and the rest are stuck outside. I’m screwed.

  Malik draws Lucien’s attention away from me. Thank gods.

  “Unless you die.”

  Faint hope blooms in my chest once again.

  “Yes, but seeing as you’re there and I’m in here.” He shrugs nonchalantly. “Good luck.” Lucien laughs once more. “And my little bhria is far too weak. Such a shame that.” He tuts. “All that blood loss makes someone woozy.” He cocks his head, thrusting out his hand, still holding my wing. “Isn’t this pretty. Such a fragile thing. A little pull and up it came.” Lucien stares at the broken appendage, eyes wide with wonder.

  Him holding my wing feels invasive. Wrong.

  I shudder and grip my arms. Shaking the feeling off as best as I can, I look to Malik. His golden eyes are burning holes into Lucien, and I can almost feel the tangible rage seeping from his skin.

  I’m not entirely certain, but I think even Malik’s eyes are glowing.

  Lucien, either oblivious to the growing rage or uncaring, continues. “She never even screamed. I miss her screams.”

  I pale at the admission. A sinking feeling works its way into my gut.

  “I made her. She’s perfect because of me. I altered her DNA with mine.” He stares hard at Malik, unflinching. “She belongs to me. No one can take her from me, not even Father.” He starts to pace. “Father insisted I wait to collect her, but it was too much. The distance was too much. The longing was too much.” He clenches his hands into fists. “He doesn’t know I’m here. I couldn’t leave my creation behind. Not when she’s to rule beside me. Not when she’s to lead the army.”

  “What army?” Malik manages to spit out past the fury riding him hard.

  “Don’t interrupt,” Lucien snarls loudly, his expression mocking Malik. “You think you’re so great. Your reign will end. I will end it.”

  He moves back to me and crouches low. He pets my head and I shift away. He’s not having it. He grips my other wing tight and I wince.

  Quietly he says, “He has no idea that there are others waiting outside. They will come in and kill them all. I’ll save the King for last. Then, he will die as you watch.”

  Horrified, I yell out. “Malik, run! It’s a trap. There are more.” He yanks hard on my wing and I scream.

  Over the sound of my scream, I hear pounding as Malik yells, “Let her go, you bastard.”

  My screams tapper off and Lucien tuts. “Little bhria, a King wouldn’t run from a fight. You should know better.” I don’t understand. I shake my head softy, tears running down my cheeks.

  “Oh, looks like he kept you in the dark.” His voice lowers as he mocks. “Poor little bhria. I would never keep you in the dark. Shall I tell you, then? As a sign of good faith.”

  “I don’t care what you’re going to say,” I manage to sputter out.

  His eyes light with excitement. “Oh, you will.” He leans in close to whisper. “That golden eyed bastard that took you from me…”

  I hold my breath, dreading Lucien’s words.

  “He’s the damn King.”

  Chapter 30

  What? No, that can’t be. He’s wrong. It’s just Lucien’s delusions. Nothing more.

  He continues talking, oblivious to my inner turmoil. “That’s why I had to come up with a creative way to take you back. With him and his guard dogs keeping you hidden, I couldn’t just walk in and claim you. No. I had to steal you. Even though you’re mine. Even though he stole you from me. I-”

  “I’m warning you,” Malik cuts in, voice able to slice through metal. “Leave her the fuck alone.”

  Lucien whips his head around and screams “Shut up! I’m enlightening my little bhria. The one you kept in the dark.” Lucien faces me once more, voice low. “Father told me to leave you. But I couldn’t. You were my masterpiece, my prefect creation. I couldn’t throw you away to the filthy bastard King. You’re mine.” He grips my wing tighter and I wince. “But Father was worried you’d be corrupted now. I know differently. I’m going to prove to Father that you’re still mine.” He snaps his fingers. “We just need to start the training over. Then Father will see.”

  I pale.

  As quickly as he grabbed me, he releases me. I grip my shoulder, my back aching. I would rather die than face those horrors again. There’s no way that serum with ever run through my veins again. I’d sooner set myself on fire. And there’s no way I’m entertaining the spilt secrets of a madman.

  Nothing he says can be taken seriously.


  Lucien moves off to stand at the entrance, his back facing me once more. “Father’s alive and he’s waiting for you to find him. He has so many things he’d like to say to you.”

  Malik’s eyes narrow menacingly. Even Elaine and the Elites grow more openly hostile. What was it that Lucien said that made them react this way?

  I’m missing something. Somehow, I’m not connecting all the pieces once again. My mind is spinning with all the possibilities. It’s aggravating.

  And I’m not even going to get started on the ‘Malik is the King’ bit.

  Clearing my head, I take a deep breath. I’m done playing weak. I’m done rolling over and letting Lucien break me down. This time, I’ll fight back with all I have. This time, I’ll end him once and for all.

  I look to Malik praying he turns his head. His eyes flick to me before moving away. So subtle I nearly miss it, he nods his head. For what I can only guess. Taking that as my cue regardless, I start to move.

  Lucien continues drolling on. “He has plans for this world. You’ll see. Better things. Great things.” He paces back and forth, muttering to himself.

  Sudden movement from Zeke startles me. And Lucien. He stops pacing and snarls at Zeke. Zeke had turned and kicked the stone wall with a rage I’ve only seen once before. That was when it was directed at me when we were at the talnarin village. But even then, it wasn’t so terrifying to behold.

  Malik subtly tilts his head in my direction. He flicks his eyes in my direction once more. Understanding dawns. They are creating a distraction.
I was so caught off guard I missed my opportunity. It makes me want to kick myself.

  Just as I think to do so, Zeke does it again.

  This time I don’t miss a beat. I swiftly, but quietly, stand up and shuffle back. Grabbing my shoulder in pain, I make sure I’m out of Lucien’s sight. I make sure I’m far enough back he can’t see me unless he turns.

  Malik nonchalantly resumes the conversation, seemingly without a care in the world. “Is that so? And tell me, who is this father of yours?”

  Lucien’s turns to Malik once more. “Oh, you know.”

  “I see.” Malik nods his head sharply. “And why did you make Alanna?”

  Once I’m nearly flush against the wall, careful of my battered back, I call for my energy. An endless lake of water greets me. That hollow feeling I’d grown so accustomed to is gone. Feeling invincible, I summon more energy to hover just beneath my skin. A faint glow encompasses my skin.

  My head snaps up.

  Thank gods Lucien didn’t notice my little glow. I’ll have to move quick or I’ll lose the element of surprise. I just worry I won’t make it. This much blood loss is dangerous. I’m already woozy. Any more sudden movements and I might topple over. But, I need to risk it, so I start to plan.

  “I know what you are doing. It won’t work.” I freeze. My heart sinks at his words. It feels like I’ve already lost.

  Malik keeps his cool as he drolly keeps Lucien talking. “What am I doing exactly?”

  “Trying to get me to spill everything.” I heave a soundless sigh of relief. “To spill all my secrets.”

  He hasn’t realized what I’m doing yet. Thank gods. I reach for the boundless energy supply in my core and yank. I gather as much as I can as quickly as I can in my palm. I envision the daggers from the manor as I work. Energy surges out of me at a rate I’ve never felt before. Flickers of silver appear almost immediately. Needing more, I pull harder and faster. The flickers turn to patches. Patches turn to sections. Sections turn to fully formed daggers.

  A grim smile tugs on my lips.

  I’m ready.

  Malik nods his head, contemplating. “The bigger question is, what are you doing?”


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