Scorpio's Lot

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Scorpio's Lot Page 76

by Ray Smithies

  ‘Not I. Our regional head will only visit the bowels of Pedley when necessary,’ he replied, grinning beneath his balaclava.

  ‘So who are you two, and for that matter, where are your missing accomplices?’ pressed Forbes.

  ‘Some call us the Piedpiper’s disciples, while others insist on less desirable names. Our accomplices, as you put it, are not far away. They’ll be back with something rather menacing.’

  ‘Oh?’ Forbes believed the comment was no more than a scare tactic.

  ‘We have something very special in store for you lot.’

  ‘And what’s that supposed to mean?’

  ‘Sorry, no tell, Mr Copper. We don’t want to spoil our little surprise, do we now?’

  ‘You realise your game is up. By capturing us will only result in the authorities returning in greater numbers,’ declared Forbes.

  ‘I assume you are the leader of this unfortunate lot,’ he said.

  ‘Yes, I am.’

  ‘Then let me tell you something, fat boy. Our chances of survival are quite high. Should we choose to remain in the underground, it would take a month of Sundays to find your way around this place. Likewise, should we decide to relocate your police force will have no idea where that might be. Either way we’re on a winner.’

  ‘That’s a matter of opinion. Your type is generally caught in the end.’

  ‘Don’t make me laugh. The destruction caused by the Broadbent explosion is only a minor setback. Give Scorpio an inch and we’ll take a mile. The sky’s the limit and this syndicate will always be a survivor to rule another day.’

  ‘Forever the optimist, but eternally the blind fool!’ Forbes retaliated.

  ‘Don’t try me!’ he warned.

  ‘So what do you plan to do with us?’

  ‘The Piedpiper will make that decision.’

  ‘Then why doesn’t he have the guts to face the police?’

  ‘All in due course.’

  ‘Tell me, what have you done with Arthur Simpson?’

  ‘Arthur Simpson is safe for now. Enough of this shit about the old man. We have orders to take you -’

  The Scorpio accomplice stopped and stared at something behind Forbes and his men. His eyes were clearly visible through the balaclava and wide open in apparent fear.

  ~ * ~

  In the pitch darkness, I heard the sound of Indigo’s return. Glimpses of approaching light beams now bounced off a number of passageway walls. His voice appeared agitated, suggesting he had failed in his attempt to locate the enemy. Now almost in sight, I could hear his passing comment, for the network intensified the acoustics to the point where even whispers weren’t immune.

  ‘I’ll get that fucking Scorpio jerk if it’s the last thing I do!’

  On their return I could sense we had suddenly become a liability. Indigo reflected a picture of restlessness and impatience and I realised our committee of eight persons would only delay proceedings in finding these southern headquarters. A light was aimed directly at us, implying a head count was being carried out. How stupid, I thought. As if someone was going to make a run for it without the aid of a torch. The Traffik unit then rechecked their weaponry. It was a logical deduction to suggest the Scorpio operation may be close at hand.

  We had travelled a series of further corridors when suddenly the maze of passageways gave way to an open expanse of space. So immense was the spectacle that our entire entourage stopped and stared in disbelief. Indigo stepped forth on a nearby balcony to survey the enormity of it all. Casting his eye on the crater and far descending pathways, I could hear him make comment to his thugs that it would be inconceivable for his nemesis to conduct their operation from these depths.

  ‘It makes no sense to go beyond this landing,’ he reasoned. ‘Their headquarters would have to be located within this upper level and somewhere in the vicinity of Broadbent’s.’

  ‘How many floors in this upper section?’ questioned one of Indigo’s lackeys.

  ‘I dunno, maybe six or seven,’ another responded.

  ‘We’ll search every landing above this level until we find the bastards. Keep an eye on those eight and if anyone begins to lag behind shoot them. I won’t tolerate further delays,’ Indigo instructed to the cries of their captives.

  Ordered by Indigo to progress in a tight huddle, we were having difficulty in avoiding the many feet that were shuffling along the passageway. Martha Kellett and Helen O’Neill tripped together but fortunately their falls were cushioned by the surrounding bodies. I incurred the brunt of Helen’s collapse, which dislodged something from my pocket that I couldn’t immediately detect. Despite being a bit shaken their injuries were only minor, enabling both women to continue with the expedition.

  Martha lashed out furiously at the Traffik leader. ‘If you expect us to obey your demands, would you give us a bit more room and light?’

  Stephen Buchanan and Ashley Collins added their voices to the women’s protest, stating that the men’s demands were unrealistic.

  ‘Shut the fuck up! Any more outbursts and I’ll leave you behind to rot. From now on not a bloody sound, and if I so much as hear a cough from someone you’ll get a bullet in your back!’ he snapped.

  Level by level we climbed and on reaching the third landing I could hear the distinct beating sound of a compressor. Judging by Indigo’s sudden reaction I sensed the search for Scorpio’s headquarters had been consummated. With the speed and grace of a gazelle, he shot to the front of the queue to instruct his accomplices to stay put and guard us captives. His briefing could be heard by all. Both their leader and one lackey would proceed forward to assess the unknown and have at least one person return with the lowdown. Silently the Traffik pair disappeared from view. I couldn’t help but think that Scorpio scouts may well be scrutinising the fringe area of their headquarters.

  ~ * ~

  Indigo and Dave had successfully advanced some two intersecting passageways and voices could now be heard above the interfering noise of the compressor. Glimpses of light began to emerge from a distance. Within a stone’s throw of their intended target, the two Traffik thugs cautiously maneuvered their way toward the light. Torches were switched off to eliminate any possible detection.

  The Traffik pair had now reached the end of the passageway and Indigo could see an open area resembling more of a gallery than that of a wide corridor. A rooftop above a chamber and handrail located along its edge separated the two men from the gallery that lay beneath. Now on all fours, they crawled ever so quietly toward the railing. A voice from below could be heard issuing some directive, but until they reached the rail it was impossible to gauge the numbers, let alone identities. Inch by inch they worked closer to the edge, mindful not to allow any metal object they carried to come into contact with the stone they crawled on. The slightest sound would be magnified within these walls. Indigo’s determination in reaching the vantage point was unrelenting. He anticipated that Scorpio was finally within his grasp and in particular, that of the elusive Piedpiper which he had sworn unconditional revenge.

  Indigo’s head peered beyond the railing to view the commotion below. Two men wearing balaclavas and holding pistols held four captives against a wall. Who was threatening who? Undoubtedly both were adversaries, but was Scorpio in the ascendancy or not? Perhaps they all belong to the syndicate and this was the result of some in-house feuding.

  It was all irrelevant because he would soon gain control and sort out the confusion, particularly with the Piedpiper in mind. With guns poised and aimed directly at the two who were armed below, Indigo and his accomplice stood to deliver the initial command.

  ‘Drop your guns, now!’

  So startled were the two hooded men with this sudden intrusion, they dropped their weapons almost instantaneously. An exchange of fire would have meant immediate death had they chosen to take aim. From Scorpio’s perspective, they could recognise only two persons instigating the threat from above. But it begged the question as to the whereabouts of their ac
complices, who had brought the police to the gallery. They were only to be gone a short time to retrieve further weaponry.

  ‘Kick your weapons towards the wall to your right!’ Indigo commanded and then added, ‘Now sit down in the middle with hands on your head where I can keep an eye on you both.’

  His order was immediately obeyed. Dave descended a set of nearby steps, retrieved the guns and returned to his leader’s side. The task was completed in less than half a minute. Indigo then glared at the four plainclothes policemen, wondering who they were and where they fitted into the scheme of things. The drug lord and master would call for introductions shortly. He then ordered his lackey to fetch Ivan and Martin along with the captives and to switch off the annoying compressor.

  Indigo patiently waited the required three minutes, not once taking his eyes off the hooded pair.

  ~ * ~

  The drug lackey’s lone return implied that enemy headquarters had been located. The one they called Dave had an irritating whine as he described the situation up ahead to his two Traffik accomplices. I could sense a degree of anxiety among the rest of the committee. What had Indigo in mind for us lot, let alone Scorpio’s fate? Our three captors then gave instructions to march along the main passageway.

  With our arrival the Traffik leader immediately descended the steps to the gallery. I leaned forward upon the chamber roof to sneak a peep at the disturbance below. Startled on seeing Forbes and company sitting cross-legged against a sidewall would be an understatement. Indigo then issued an order for us to proceed down the steps, single file, and to stand beside the wall directly to our left. The look of astonishment from the constabulary was clearly visible, especially in seeing Burke descend the steps to take up his position.

  ‘Good, we’re all assembled now. First let me introduce myself. My name is Indigo, supreme leader of the famed Traffik syndicate. The intention of our visit is twofold. One is to destroy Scorpio and the other to capture the Piedpiper. As a gesture of common courtesy I now call on everyone here to identify themselves, including the eight people lined up against the wall. We will commence with the four seated men.’

  Forbes introduced his attendees, pointing out it was their intention to put the Traffik criminals behind bars for the terrible atrocity they had inflicted on Pedley. Indigo simply laughed in response, stating Forbes was in no position to enforce his authority.

  We committee members then took centre stage, each of us revealing our name and role carried within the community. In stark contrast to the publican’s blunt and bitter delivery, both Helen and Martha addressed the audience with nervousness and fear.

  Following my own admission, I noticed the larger of the two hooded men seated in the middle closely resembled one of the thugs from that infamous night at the caravan park. His T-shirt summed up the mentality of the man. Sprawled across the front, the words ‘Lights, Camera, War’ were printed in bold black letters. I could only conclude the blighter was an utter fruitcake and possibly the one they called Charlie.

  I then took the liberty of questioning Indigo as to why innocent people should be detained, when they served no purpose with his personnel vendetta against Scorpio. The response drew an ominous glare with a somewhat predicable answer.

  ‘What, and let you all return to alert the authorities. Do you take me for a fucking idiot, Mr Harrison? If and when I believe I’m satisfied that you provide no pending threat, I will then and only then consider your release. Until then shut up!’

  Indigo then turned his attention to the hooded pair still maintaining their seated positions.

  ‘So ... finally our masked duo,’ he commenced. ‘Unless I’m mistaken you two imbeciles couldn’t possibly uphold the role of regional head. Your vocabulary skills are sadly deficient and you sit there trembling and hiding behind those ridiculous hoods.’

  He ordered the pair to remove the balaclavas and reveal their identities. With some reluctance the two faces emerged. Their audience, disappointingly, were none the wiser. Both men were unknowns and on Indigo’s request to reveal their names the pair remained silent.

  ‘I suggest you tell me or feel the brunt of Traffik’s punishment!’ Indigo snapped with their lack of cooperation and then added for good measure, ‘Torture is a specialty of mine. Our methods to extract information will leave you begging for mercy. If you don’t collaborate I suggest we commence with electric shocks to the genitals, or perhaps electric needles under the fingernails. Then again burning you with cigarettes or the slow compression of the testicles is generally persuasive. So what will it be?’

  The men responded with the names John and Luke.

  ‘So, John and Luke, tell me where your boss is.’

  An uncooperative silence followed.

  ‘In case you’ve forgotten, your illustrious leader goes by the name of the Piedpiper,’ he coaxed.

  ‘He’s not far,’ responded the shorter man with some reluctance.

  ‘Would you please elaborate?’

  ‘He’s in the underground as we speak. The cops were brought here by the Piedpiper,’ stated the other.

  ‘Thank you, we’re finally getting somewhere.’

  ~ * ~

  With the passageway now seemingly safe, the traitor stepped forth from behind a medieval sandstone statue. He withdrew a handkerchief from his pocket and proceeded to place it over the torch’s glass face to reduce the illuminating beams. He would not repeat his previous mistake. The advancing party would be no more than three intersecting corridors ahead and he knew distance had to be maintained if he were to be privy to the Scorpio operation. He began to gloat over what might lie ahead. He had recommenced his quest to experience the ultimate confrontation and felt an unrelenting determination to witness its consequences.

  Ascending two levels, he had been following Indigo and his group for some fifteen minutes and, excluding the one isolated incident that resulted in someone falling over, the Scorpio renegade was now aware of an uneasy continuous silence. The situation up front had changed, giving the impression the location to the southern headquarters was suddenly within reach. A cautious approach was now paramount, for the slightest sound or careless use of his torch would have the Traffik thugs repeating their pursuit.

  Patiently the traitor advanced at a moderate pace and turned into one of the numerous corridors where he could see a distant light. His torch was immediately extinguished as he stepped a little closer to assess the situation. An open space lay ahead and numerous voices could be heard. Finally the Scorpio operation had become penetrable.

  He realised to accept first impressions at face value could lead to a serious mistake. The area ahead appeared to be a major junction and therefore logic suggested that numerous pathways would lead to this convergence. Traffik and their captives had most likely chosen this corridor and there was no certainty that one of their thugs wasn’t keeping vigilance at its exit. He decided to backtrack and choose a different entry to arrive at this most tempting of galleries. The path he selected was three intersections across. Turning left, he detected light and voices at the end of the tunnel.

  The traitor made his approach and on reaching a chamber roof he lay facedown to commence his forward thrust. Slowly he wormed his way toward the railing, careful not to attract any undue attention.

  The sound of Indigo’s presence continued to dominate proceedings, his forceful authority maintaining a captive audience. The subdued lighting and constant bickering from below was distinctly to the traitor’s advantage.

  Crawling forward with an unyielding determination, he had finally reached the roof edge. The traitor focused on the individuals below and immediately identified the Scorpio pair along with Indigo and his cronies. As to the rest of these people, he wasn’t sure. It was difficult for the traitor to gain a clear view of the captives, for they all stood in a line beside the wall directly beneath him. He could at least identity their gender. The interrogation from below continued at a punishing rate.

  Indigo was focused on the id
entity of the Piedpiper. He maintained his assault on the Scorpio duo, lashing out with some choice punches and cursing the pair for their mere existence. Screaming for the whereabouts of their leader, he let fly with a few savage kicks to head and torso. Indigo then decided to back off in seeing the blood run freely from both men. It was imperative to keep these two conscious to enable identification of their leader.

  Whilst the Scorpio pair repeatedly confirmed the Piedpiper had left prior to Traffik intervening, Indigo wasn’t totally convinced. Ivan suggested the answer may well lie in this very room and not to discount present company as potential candidates. I thought his insinuation was absurd which had no grounds for such a claim. Ivan continued to explore the possibilities. He dismissed the police, believing their entry was by way of the exposed Broadbent locality. The much-publicised bombsite was a logical choice, but the committee’s RSL selection raised an interesting point. Here was an entrance that required knowledge of the underground layout. He maintained the subterranean system was privy to only a select few and yet the committee that stood before them had somehow acquired this information. Although Burke and Harrison had contributed, it would be foolish of Traffik to dismiss the remaining council members. Indigo was beginning to understand Ivan’s logic. Slightly exhausted following the vicious outburst, he now turned his attention to the committee members standing beside the bluestone wall.


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