The Love List

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The Love List Page 4

by Jean Joachim

  This year, Barney drove the tractor that pulled the wagon so Gavin and April could cuddle up in the hay like the three other couples along for the ride. They were huddled together, a wool blanket warming them from waist to feet. Gavin took his eyes from his bride for a moment to connect with Grey. He nodded at his mentor and smiled. Grey returned the grin. They fit together so perfectly. Will we look like that, too?

  Gavin leaned over April, his head spoiling the view of her pretty face. Grey chuckled, causing Carrie to turn her gaze to him. Outdoor make-out session. Grey took her chin in his gloved hand and pulled her face close enough for a kiss. The warmth of her lips egged him on and he angled his head to deepen the kiss. Carrie's mitten hugged his shoulder as his hand searched for her breast. Obstructed by her thick jacket, he gave up but continued kissing her which warmed him to his toes.

  Carrie burrowed her head into his shoulder and pulled their wool blanket up, tucking it around their waists and hips.

  "Brrrrrrrrrrrr. It's cold." Carrie rubbed her mittened hands together.

  "Gets colder here than the City. You get used to it." Grey folded his arm around her shoulders.

  "Can't imagine getting used to this."

  "This used to be light jacket weather for me when I lived here. January is worse."

  Carrie gave a short laugh. "How soon do we get to go inside?"

  Grey sat up, craning his neck to see where they were. "We're on the way back now. Look at the stars, we never get such a clear view in New York."

  Carrie tipped her head way back. "It is beautiful. Sort of like the planetarium…but real."

  Within ten minutes, Barney had pulled up in front of the old Victorian and stopped. Grey and Carrie hopped down from the wagon, thanked him and brushed the hay off their clothes.

  "Football?" Grey asked Gavin.



  "You're on."

  Stiff from the cold, they walked slowly back to the house, stopping for a quick goodbye wave as the wagon pulled away.

  "Football?" Carrie asked, slipping her hand in Grey's.

  "A few old friends, Colin, my dad, Bill, Earl and Gavin, too, come by for a touch football game on Christmas Day."

  Grey glanced at the front windows of the house and noticed Jenna peeking around the curtain on a tall window in the living room. Shortly after she disappeared from the frosted glass, the front door opened.

  "Am I glad to get inside," Carrie said as warm air enveloped her. Grey stomped his feet to jump-start his circulation and chase the chill from his bones.

  "They're here! We can start. Come on everybody!" Jenna called out through cupped hands.

  Grey hung their coats in the front closet. John entered the living room carrying a big tray balancing six mugs of hot chocolate.

  Grey handed one to Carrie, then took one for himself. Carrie wrapped her fingers around the warm mug before drinking. Grey did the same.

  "Cold hands, warm heart," he whispered to her.

  "Present exchange!" Colin called out as the rest of the mugs were claimed.

  Grey glanced at the generous pile of gifts under the Christmas tree and spied his private present for Carrie on the top.

  "There's been a small mistake here," he said, bending down to retrieve the elegantly wrapped package.

  Colin' eyes glistened with mischief as he watched his brother.

  "This isn't supposed to be here," Grey said, closing his fingers around the special gift.

  Colin snatched the beautiful present from Grey's grasp and moved back.

  "Ho ho ho, Grey! What's this?" Colin put his ear to the box and shook it.

  "It's a private gift, for Carrie," Grey confessed, his mouth drawing into a tight line.

  "Oohh, big brother! A naughty gift for a naughty girl?" Colin teased.

  "Give me that, Colin," Grey lunged at his brother but Colin was too quick for him.

  "Must be a very naughty gift…open it! Open it now, Carrie!" Colin danced around the room, staying one step ahead of Grey.

  Carrie's face flushed pink. Grey sensed his anger mixed with embarrassment brought heat and color up his neck into his cheeks.

  "Colin! Dammit! Give it to me!"

  "From Victoria's Secret?"

  Everyone else stood by quietly. Some fidgeted, some shifted nervously. Jenna gave a giggle; Fran lowered her eyes. But no one made a move to help Grey. Finally John spoke up.


  "Come on, Dad. Just a little fun…"

  Grey continued to chase Colin around the living room, but the younger man managed to elude his brother.

  "What dirty little surprise do you have in store for your future bride?"

  "Colin, quick! Give it to me. I'll open it, that'll get him!" Carrie snickered, motioning with her hands for the package.

  Grey stopped dead in his tracks. Did his ears deceive him…was Carrie joining with Colin to humiliate him? His mouth dropped open slightly as he stared at her. All eyes rested on Carrie. Colin turned, a look of disbelief on his face. Then an evil grin spread across it as his gaze seesawed back and forth between Grey and Carrie. She grinned at Colin but the smile did not make it to her eyes.

  Colin tossed the package to Carrie. She snatched it from the air and pulled it to her chest then scooted over to Grey. His gaze settled on her serious expression as she handed the package to him. He smiled in relief and put his arm around her. How could I have doubted her?

  Carrie stepped forward and paused. Small sighs of relief uttered by Barbara, Bill and Earl subsided before she spoke.

  "I love being part of this family. I think you are all amazing. But I have to speak up. This was…was appalling. First," she turned to face her future mother-in-law, "this package was in our room, not under the tree. Fran, did you go in our room and get it?"

  Fran nodded.

  "You never should have entered our room when we weren't there and taken it without Grey's permission. Grey had no intention of putting this under the tree. You put it there, which set this whole thing up."

  Carrie turned to face Colin.

  "Colin, you should be ashamed of yourself. Why would you want to upset your brother like that? Your behavior was so disrespectful…I've lost respect for you, too."

  Color stained Colin's cheeks as his gaze fell to the floor.

  "Listen, everyone. I know Grey has been a bachelor a long time. You're all used to having him at your beck and call. And family does have some rights. Soon he'll be a married man and we will be a separate family from this one. You must respect that…and our privacy. That room is our room when we're here…a private place. If that privacy is not respected…"

  Grey stepped forward next to Carrie to finish her sentence. He put his hand on her shoulder and she stopped talking, resting her gaze on his face.

  "If that privacy is not respected we may have to stay elsewhere when we come to visit. Carrie is right. I'm getting married and you'll have to adjust…and treat me differently from now on."

  Fran's face was flushed. She stopped fidgeting and looked directly at Grey then Carrie before she spoke.

  "I'm sorry, Grey…and Carrie. You're right. I shouldn't have gone in there when you were out. I turned to look and saw a box with a ribbon on the dresser and I thought…well, I guess I didn't think. That is your private place and I will not go in there uninvited again. I apologize."

  Grey walked to his mother and gave her a kiss on the cheek and shot a warning look at Colin, who was about to speak. Colin remained quiet as Grey returned to Carrie and took her hand. Everyone watched them in silence. Grey rotated his wrist a bit and glanced at his watch.

  "It's nine o'clock. We've had a long day. Goodnight."

  "But what about our Christmas Eve present exchange?" Jenna wailed.

  "Carrie and I are going to have a private present exchange. You all go ahead. We'll see you in the morning."

  Tucking the package safely under his arm, Grey moved toward the stairs with Carrie in tow. No one spoke while they climbe
d the stairs, went into their room and shut the door.

  Chapter Four

  Carrie backed up against the closed door and looked at Grey who walked to the small desk and put the controversial gift down.

  "You thought I was going to open it and embarrass you, didn't you?"

  A bit of color stained his cheeks.

  "Well…I…you…okay I admit I was…uh… stumped."

  "You must have faith. Husbands and wives stand by each other. I would never join in any plan to humiliate you."

  "We're not husband and wife yet."

  "We're living like we are," she moved toward him and he met her in the middle of the room, in front of the small fireplace.

  "I wish we were married already," he said, reaching for her hand.

  Carrie laughed. "Weddings take time. Tell me you won't misjudge me again."

  "I won't…I'll try not to. You're…you're better than I deserve."

  "Shhh! Not true. We're on the same team."

  "Okay co-captain, let's exchange our stuff," he said, leaning over to open the flue in the chimney.

  "Next item on the love list. Trust your lover will not publicly humiliate you and is on your side."

  "Good. Write that down!" Grey lit a rolled up newspaper and stuck it up the flue.

  Carrie strode over to the dresser, scribbled it down on a scrap of paper and tucked the paper into her wallet.

  "Where were we?" Grey stooped down, using rolled up newspaper to light scrunched up paper under the kindling and log in the small fireplace.

  "When did you lay a fire here?"

  "While you were in the kitchen."

  The paper went up in a blaze, igniting the kindling quickly. Grey reached out and snatched the fleece blanket folded at the foot of the bed. He spread it out on the floor. Carrie sat cross-legged. Grey ducked down on the side of the bed, picking up something hidden on the bottom shelf of the nightstand next to the bed. When he stood up he had a split of champagne and two glasses in his hand.

  Carrie clapped her hands together. She joined her palms in front of her face and smiled.

  "Your favorite brand, Piper Heidsieck." He said.

  "You got that when you went to the liquor store today?"

  "You guessed it."

  He popped the cork, filled her flute and handed it to her before pouring his own. Grey put his glass down on the hearth before he retrieved the now sorry-looking package for Carrie. She pushed to her feet and went to the dresser, fumbling around in the top drawer before drawing out two small packages gaily wrapped.

  Carrie returned to her seat and placed the small packages on the floor in front of her. She held up her hand, palm out toward Grey before he could speak.

  "Question! Was it okay to speak up like that to your family? Are they going to be mad?"

  He chuckled. "We're a pretty outspoken bunch. Haven't you noticed?"

  "I thought so, but still, I'm new and…"she gave a nervous laugh.

  "You were fine. I'm proud of you."

  Carrie shot a shy grin at him and handed him her two presents. "Merry Christmas, Grey."

  He opened the thin package first, uncovering a beautiful, wallet-sized picture of Carrie in a sexy pose. She wore a low-cut teal blue dress with plenty of cleavage showing and a saucy expression on her face.

  "In case you forget what I look like on a business trip or…or…"

  He leaned over and kissed her. "I'll never forget, still…it's great to have this picture. You look so hot. Who took it?"

  "A female friend, if that's what you're wondering."

  "Know me pretty well, don't you?" His hazel eyes connected with hers for a moment while his hand grasped the other small package waiting for him on the blanket.

  He ripped off the paper and opened the box to reveal a small exotically-shaped bottle.

  "Hmmm, massage oil?" He asked, peering closely at the small dark label with white writing.


  "For me to use on you or…"

  "Both. Chocolate, our favorite flavor."

  She shot a naughty grin at him and he laughed.

  "To be tested tonight, I hope?" He raised his eyebrows as he ran his thumb over the smooth surface of the bottle.

  "If you wish," she replied, peeking at him from under her lashes.

  He leaned over and kissed her. "Thank you. Great gift."

  He sat back and handed her the bedraggled package Colin had grabbed. "Damn…it's a mess."

  "I'm dying to see what's inside!"

  Carrie ripped off the bow and paper and opened the box. Lying gently folded inside was the most beautiful piece of creamy silk satin she had ever seen. With fingers gripping each side lightly, she lifted the garment out of the box and gasped as it gracefully unfolded before her eyes.

  A short nightie of the finest cream-colored silk satin with spaghetti straps, trimmed in delicate apricot lace. The color of the lace was a darker coral color on the outside, fading to a softer shade as it got closer to the garment. There was a two-inch ruffle of the same material circling the bottom. The line of the bodice wasn't straight across but dipped in the middle to follow the line of her breasts. Her eyes found the tag, reading the name "Lady Jeanne", the most exclusive French lingerie line on the market. Lady Jeanne lingerie was only for sale in a few select stores, Bergdorf Goodman being one of them. Exclusive meant expensive and Carrie could only imagine what something this exquisite would cost.

  She tugged gently on the top. When it gave a little, she spied a tiny cord of elastic hidden under the lace. Checking the tag again, she smiled when she saw the nightie was in her size.

  "Do you like it?" His brow furrowed, tiny lines crinkled at the outer corners of his eyes.

  "Like it? Are you kidding? It's magnificent, Grey. I love it, adore it! Lady Jeanne. It must have cost a fortune…hundreds of dollars…"

  "You're worth it."

  "When did you…I can't picture you shopping for this."

  "I ended up in the lingerie department at Bergdorf's, sent there by a sales clerk. A purse or gloves wasn't going to cut it. I saw this hanging on a rack. The moment I touched it, I knew I had to have it…had to see it on you, feel it on you. The thought of touching you through this…I almost got hard in the store."

  Carrie chuckled, feeling a bit of heat in her cheeks as well as in her core. How did I find him? He's my best present.

  "Aren't you going to try it on? Wear it…now?"

  "Want me to?" She teased.

  "I wanted you to wear it the second I touched it. It's been tough waiting to give it to you. You're not going to continue this torture, are you?"

  Her gaze took in his look of eager anticipation turning his face boyish in a sexy way and she grinned at him.

  "Can't wait to put it on," she admitted, handing him her empty champagne flute. She stood up holding the nightie and walked behind him.

  The minute she moved away from the fire, cooler air chilled her. Goose bumps sprang up on her arms. Grey, sitting cross-legged on the floor, swiveled around to watch her.

  "No peeking!" She commanded pulling her sweater over her head.


  Grey turned back to face the fire. He put both glasses down on the hearth and started to unbutton his flannel shirt. The glow from the flames highlighted gold in his thick hair. Carrie wanted to reach out and run her hand through it but she continued undressing.

  She picked up the slinky garment, slipped it over her head, raising her arms, to allow the nightie to slide down her body. The expensive silk caressed every inch of her skin on the way down, making her body tingle and certain parts jump to attention. The skimpy gown fit her form like a glove, softly clinging to her curves, creating a gentle outline. The cool silk warmed Carrie enough so she forgot the temperature of the air. Mom always said when you look beautiful you're never cold. Right on.

  She took small, delicate steps on tiptoe around Grey as he sipped the last of his champagne. Carrie turned around to face him.

sp; "Ta da!" She announced, flinging her arms out to the side.

  He looked up at her, gasped and immediately started choking on his champagne. Carrie started toward him but he held up his hand as he coughed, turning his gaze down from her body to the blanket. He pounded himself on the chest but continued to cough and sputter. Without thinking, Carrie rushed out of the room and down the hall to the bathroom. She filled a cup with water and raced back to their room, almost colliding with Jenna on the way back. Some water sloshed out of the cup and onto the floor. Bill bumped into Jenna from behind as he followed her up the stairs.

  "So that's what was in the box. Holy crap!" Jenna said, her eyes widening as her gaze traveled over Carrie's body barely covered by the translucent silk nightie.

  Following behind his wife, Bill's gaze focused on Carrie's body.

  "Wow," he said before looking away.

  Heat traveled up from Carrie's chest to her face at a rapid rate. She froze, speechless. The sound of Grey coughing startled her, reminding her where she was headed. She slipped into their room and slammed the door shut. Grey looked up as she walked over to him. Carrie gripped the cup with both hands, to steady it in her shaking hand. Tears from choking inched down Grey's face. He took the cup from her and took a sip. Carrie dropped to her knees on the blanket facing Grey. The coughing abated after he took two more sips.

  He stared at her breasts, where the points pushed out, softly outlined by the fabric.

  "Cold?" He managed to choke out.

  She shook her head. "Our cover is blown," she said, "I ran into Jenna and Bill in the hall."

  "I don't care. Wow. You look…I can't describe it," he said, reaching his hand out to touch her.

  "Is this your fantasy?"

  "Better." His eyes roved over her body from head to toe and back again.

  Grey's fingers closed over her bare shoulder as he inched closer to her. He finished the water and put the cup down on the hearth next to the empty flutes. Carrie rested her palms on his wide shoulders and edged nearer to him. He bent down and his lips closed over hers in a gentle kiss that quickly became demanding. Carrie opened her lips, welcoming his searching tongue. His other arm circled her waist, his fingers gripped the silk and her flesh together. He moaned and removed his mouth for a moment.


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