Bad Boy Boxed Set

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by Whiskey, D. G.

  Bad Boy Boxed Set

  D.G Whiskey

  Edited by

  Wyrmwood Editing

  Illustrated by

  Mayhem Cover Creations


  D.G. Whiskey






  Connect With Me

  1. ~ Kat ~

  2. ~ James ~

  3. ~ Kat ~

  4. ~ James ~

  5. ~ Kat ~

  6. ~ James ~

  7. ~ Kat ~

  8. ~ James ~

  9. ~ Kat ~

  10. ~ James ~

  11. ~ Kat ~

  12. ~ James ~

  13. ~ Kat ~

  14. ~ James ~

  15. ~ Kat ~

  16. ~ James ~

  17. ~ Kat ~

  18. ~ James ~

  19. ~ Kat ~

  20. ~ James ~

  21. ~ Kat ~

  22. ~ James ~

  23. ~ Kat ~

  24. ~ James ~



  Also by D.G Whiskey

  D.G. Whiskey

  Royal Rogue





  Connect With Me

  1. ~ Addison ~

  2. ~ Liam ~

  3. ~ Addison ~

  4. ~ Liam ~

  5. ~ Addison ~

  6. ~ Liam ~

  7. ~ Addison ~

  8. ~ Liam ~

  9. ~ Addison ~

  10. ~ Liam ~

  11. ~ Addison ~

  12. ~ Liam ~

  13. ~ Addison ~

  14. ~ Liam ~

  15. ~ Addison ~

  16. ~ Liam ~

  17. ~ Addison ~

  18. ~ Liam ~

  19. ~ Addison ~

  20. ~ Liam ~

  21. ~ Addison ~

  22. ~ Liam ~

  23. ~ Addison ~

  24. ~ Liam ~

  25. ~ Addison ~

  26. ~ Liam ~

  27. ~ Addison ~


  Also by D.G Whiskey

  D.G. Whiskey






  Connect With Me

  1. ~ Leah ~

  2. ~ Chris ~

  3. ~ Leah ~

  4. ~ Chris ~

  5. ~ Leah ~

  6. ~ Chris ~

  7. ~ Leah ~

  8. ~ Chris ~

  9. ~ Leah ~

  10. ~ Chris ~

  11. ~ Leah ~

  12. ~ Chris ~

  13. ~ Leah ~

  14. ~ Chris ~

  15. ~ Leah ~

  16. ~ Chris ~

  17. ~ Leah ~

  18. ~ Chris ~

  19. ~ Leah ~

  20. ~ Chris ~

  21. ~ Leah ~

  22. ~ Chris ~

  23. ~ Leah ~

  24. ~ Chris ~

  25. ~ Leah ~

  26. ~ Chris ~

  27. ~ Leah ~

  28. ~ Chris ~

  29. ~ Leah ~

  30. ~ Chris ~

  31. ~ Leah ~

  32. ~ Chris ~

  33. ~ Leah ~

  34. ~ Chris ~

  35. ~ Leah ~

  36. ~ Chris ~

  37. ~ Leah ~

  38. ~ Chris ~

  39. ~ Leah ~

  40. ~ Chris ~

  41. ~ Leah ~

  42. ~ Chris ~

  43. ~ Leah ~


  Also by D.G Whiskey

  About the Author



  A Bad Boy Romance

  D.G. Whiskey



  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form, including electronic or mechanical, without written permission from the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles or reviews.

  As a work of fiction, all people, places, and events are fictional or used in a fictional manner.

  This eBook is licensed by the publisher for personal use only.

  To Christen, and a fun week in San Francisco.

  He who loves, flies, runs, and rejoices; he is free and nothing holds him back.

  Henri Matisse



  The last thing I needed in my life was another arrogant jerk to distract me from my career.

  But there was something about James I couldn't resist, despite how wrong it was. The ex-Marine took control every time we were together, and it felt so good to let him.

  Despite how he made me feel, I couldn't shake the conviction that he would destroy me.


  Manipulating people is an art, and I'm Michelangelo.

  My name is James Stratton. At least, that's the name I'm using right now. I'm a con artist. A grifter. But I only steal from assholes who deserve it.

  Kat has no idea that I'm her childhood friend. I've changed. Grown. Matured. And I'm back to get even with the girl who broke my heart.

  Connect With Me

  Amazon Profile


  [email protected]


  ~ Kat ~

  I turned the key to no response—no purr of the engine, no kick of the starter. Hell, not even the sputtering efforts of a dying battery.

  “You’ve got to be kidding me.”

  A few more tries under eerie silence confirmed it.

  “No! Come on, you old bucket, you can’t do this. Not today.” I slammed my fist on the dash, nearly upsetting my coffee.

  Anger didn’t work, so I tried pleading.

  “I didn’t mean it, Carly. Let’s go, girl. You can do it!” Past boyfriends had made fun of me for naming my cars, but it felt right to have an actual name to appeal to. I held my breath and turned the key, but nothing had changed.


  It took a minute to locate the hood release. I’d never used it before, and I accidentally popped the trunk and the fuel tank cover before finding it.

  “Let’s take a look at you,” I said as I hoisted the hood.

  The mess of metal and plastic parts held no meaning to my inexperienced eyes. Nothing looked out of place, but I didn’t know how it should look. I stared under the hood of the car as if the solution to my problem could be found if I looked hard enough.

  “Having car troubles?”

  I jumped. A tall and muscled man with two-day scruff, a tight shirt and a dangerous smile had crept up behind me.

  “Obvious, huh?”

  He chuckled. “People rarely look under the hood unless there’s something wrong with their car.”

  “I guess that’s true.” I eyed the stranger, wary of his motives. His easy manner was reassuring, but the tattoos that slithered from under the collar and sleeves of his simple white t-shirt warned me that he wasn’t a typical Silicon Valley nerd. He exuded an air of familiarity that made me want to trust him. “Do I know you?”

  His eyes narrowed as he looked into mine. “I don’t think so. I would never forget a face like yours.”

  A tingle ran down the back of my neck. “Thank you.”

  He made a good point—I’d remember him.

  “Why don’t you let me take a look? I know a thing or two about cars—I can tell you what’s wrong with it.”

  I didn’t want to owe anything to this man, but I was short on options and couldn’t waste the time to figure something else out.

  “It couldn’t
hurt,” I agreed, and stood aside to let him lean over the engine and poke around. “Just promise you won’t do anything to screw it up any worse.”

  “You have my word,” he said. The statement carried weight, as if he were not the type of man to use it lightly. “I’m James.”

  “My name’s Katherine.”

  “That’s a charming name, but mind if I call you Kat?” His gaze was piercing. “I think that suits you better.”

  My breath caught in my throat. Only my closest friends called me Kat, but it never sounded so sensual coming from their lips. “If you want.”

  With nothing better to do than wait for the stranger’s assessment, my eyes helped themselves to the feast of man flesh in front of them.

  His powerful back rippled underneath his shirt, the tight material leaving nothing to the imagination as he poked around the engine compartment looking for the problem. It had been so long since I’d been with someone that just watching him work on my car sent a shiver down my spine.

  “This isn’t good,” James said as he straightened. “Something’s off here. It might be toast.”

  “What? It drove here fine, I only shut it off for a couple minutes while I ran in to get my coffee! It can’t be broken. How is that even possible?” An embarrassing entrance to work awaited me, and it might be my last. I couldn’t afford any more screw-ups.

  He shrugged, “These things happen sometimes, Kat. Works fine until it doesn’t. That’s how it goes.”

  “You don’t understand,” I said. “I have to get to work on time. I only started this job a couple weeks ago, and it hasn’t been going well.”

  James raised an eyebrow. “Is that right? Where do you work?”

  “It’s a digital security startup in downtown San Francisco called ARCANE. We have a patented encryption algorithm that’s guaranteed to be more secure than any other method available. I'm the director of marketing and public relations.”

  “Is that right? With a body like yours, I pegged you as a yoga instructor.”

  Warmth colored my cheeks at his words. He wasn’t shy about looking me up and down as he said them. My internal warning crystallized.

  I knew he’d be the type to treat women like cuts of meat at the supermarket.

  Somehow, I’d always attracted those kinds of men. Even worse, I had a history of not realizing it until far too late. My heart was perpetually bruised over it and I wouldn’t let myself fall into that trap yet again.

  “Some of us are good for more than just what our bodies can do. Now, if you’re done doing nothing to help fix my car, do you mind going away so I can call a tow truck or mechanic and figure this out?”

  I turned my back on him, heart pumping faster from the bold rejection. Looking down at my phone, I pulled up Google to search for a mechanic. James’ shadow stretched beside mine, but I was determined not to acknowledge his presence any longer.

  He made it difficult when he reached over my shoulder and snagged the phone from my hand.

  “Hey! That’s mine!”

  I lunged for it, but he held it high overhead, out of my reach. I fell short, my hands landing instead on his muscled chest. The hard, warm flesh felt great under my hands, and it took longer to gather myself and remove them than it should have.

  His eyes held mine, crinkled as if in amusement.

  “I can’t let you call a random guy who will just come and take advantage of you.”

  “You’re a random guy, and…”

  “And you think I’d take advantage of you?” His words were low and throaty, finishing the thought.

  My failed attempt at the phone brought us only inches apart. Being this close to him made me feel small and vulnerable. His lips pulled wide into a knowing smirk that inspired a tug between my legs.

  “What exactly do you expect me to do about this, if you won’t let me call a professional?” I asked, pointing at the car.

  His smirk turned into a grin. “I never said I couldn’t fix it. I just won’t do it for free.”

  “Are you serious?” I asked. “Why the hell didn’t you say that before?”

  “I was just making conversation,” he said. “Wanted to see why you were in such a rush.”

  “James, stop messing around,” I said, using his name for the first time. “How much money do you want to fix my car?”

  He shook his head. “I don’t want your money. I want to take you on a date.”

  “A date?”

  I hadn’t been on a date in ages. And I didn’t want to start again with this entitled jerk.

  “I don’t think that’s a good idea. Just tell me how much you want for fixing the car, and if it’s reasonable, then you’ve got a deal.”

  He folded his arms across his chest, forearm muscles bulging, veins snaking underneath the skin. “It’s a simple arrangement. I’m not asking for much here.”

  I bit my lip. James was just my type—that was the problem. His raw magnetism pulled at me, and if I were younger and in my college days I would have already agreed. Unfortunately, my body’s urges always got me into trouble around these kinds of men.

  But I couldn’t afford to arrive late to work. If he could fix the car quickly enough for me to get there on time, it would be worth it.

  “Fine. One date. But only if I get to work on time. If you take an hour and I’m still late, I won’t go out with you.”

  “That’s not a problem.” A grin betrayed his cockiness. “Shouldn’t take more than a few minutes.”


  ~ James ~

  The disbelief in Kat’s eyes was obvious. She thought I was pretending to know what I was talking about.

  She still doesn’t know how to read a bluff.

  It had been years since I’d looked her in the eyes, and both of us had changed so much. Her adolescent prettiness had matured into full-blown beauty, a Hollywood glamour that shouldn’t even be possible in real life. I’d always known she would be stunning when she grew up.

  And she couldn’t have dreamed that I would look like this.

  I turned away to fiddle underneath the hood, touching random components to make it look like I was doing something. Turning to block my hands from her sight, I pulled out her phone. I’d distracted her so she would forget I had it.

  It took only moments to send a text and delete all evidence. I slipped it back into my pocket.

  “So, you’re director of marketing and PR at a startup? That’s an impressive position for someone your age—twenty-six?”

  “Twenty-five. It’s been a dream come true, getting this position so young, but I’m worrying I’m in over my head.” Something in her voice caught my attention, and I looked back to catch her biting a nail.

  She still does that when she’s stressed out.

  I went back to messing around, disconnecting and reconnecting things just to have something to do. “How did you get the position, then? If you’re so young and inexperienced, I mean.”

  “I probably shouldn’t have,” she admitted. It was just like Kat to be more honest and open with a stranger than she should. “I met the CEO at a mixer downtown one night, and I’m pretty sure he only offered the position to get in my pants.”

  “Will you let him?” I dropped the question casually, despite clenching my jaw at the thought of her boss exploiting her.

  “Hell, no! I’m not that girl, not that I’d expect you to believe that.”

  I straightened and turned. It was a quick movement, so I caught her eyes flicking up from where they’d been glued to my ass.

  “You’re the type of girl to go on a date to get your car fixed.”

  Kat narrowed her eyes. “You didn’t give me much choice.”

  “There’s always a choice.”

  I gave her body another long, lingering examination just to see her conflicted expression once my gaze returned to her face, as though she was caught between flattered and objectified. Her body had filled out as she grew up, too. The skinny legs and arms of the girl I’d once known had
grown into lithe, elegant limbs that could make a grown man drool.

  But I don’t drool. Not anymore.

  Women drooled after me. That was my life now. And Kat would be one of them before too long.

  Kat cleared her throat, her face still red at my blatant objectification of her body. “Don’t expect this to go anywhere—I don’t have time for dating. My professional life is the only thing that matters right now. Besides, you’re the wrong type for me.”

  Ha. Does she expect me to believe that?

  She couldn’t have told a bigger lie. I became who I was because of her.

  “Wrong type? Or exactly your type? You think I’ll jerk you around and mess with your mind while you hang around because I can give you the best sex of your life.”

  “Wh—no…” The flush was back with a vengeance as Kat stammered. I let a lazy smile occupy my mouth as she tried to compose herself. “Shouldn’t you be fixing my car?”

  “Oh, I finished the first minute I looked at it, I just wanted more time to talk with you.”

  “You’re the worst!” she said. “I could have been halfway to work, you dick!”

  She stomped around the vehicle to the driver’s door while I shut the hood. The door slammed hard enough that the windshield rattled.

  Still impetuous.

  The engine thrummed to life as smoothly as the day it was assembled.

  “Woo!” Kat grinned, her anger at me momentarily on hold. “You did it!”

  I leaned down and rested my forearms on the window. “I did. Going to thank me?”

  She rolled her eyes. “Thank you, James. I’m grateful for the help.”

  “Do I get a kiss now?”

  She slapped my arm. “Don’t push it, mister.”

  I winked and handed her my phone. “I’ll just take your number, then.”

  She took it and punched in ten digits before thrusting it back at me. “There. Text me later and we’ll go on your stupid date. Now get out of the window, I still need to hoof it to get to work on time.”


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