Only You

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Only You Page 1

by Ancelli




  Kindle Version

  Copyright © Ancelli 2015

  All Rights Reserved

  Cover Design by Taria Reed

  Editor Danielle Harden

  No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in retrieval system, copied in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise transmitted without written permission from the publisher.

  This book is a work of fiction and any resemblance to persons, living or dead, or places, events or locales is purely coincidental. The characters are productions of the author’s imagination and used fictitiously. This is an explicit and erotic novel intended for the enjoyment of adult readers only.


  To all of the wonderful readers who supported me from the start, thank you.

  Together we can prevent child abuse


  Larissa Edwards sat by herself in the fancy restaurant, sipping from a glass of red wine. Patrons sitting nearby shot glances her way, and when she returned their gazes, they would quickly look away. Was it because she was alone on Valentine’s Day, or was it the chocolate color of her skin? Her date had chosen the expensive restaurant and then didn’t show, but that wasn’t going to stop her from enjoying the evening. Larissa didn’t have a problem eating alone. She’d been by herself her entire life, starting with being an only child. She glanced toward the front of the restaurant and a few people were still waiting to be seated, even the man and kid she’d passed by earlier. They’d been waiting for a long time. Larissa turned her attention back to her situation at hand.

  A successful human resources consultant, she was responsible for assisting clients with strategically integrating the HR hiring and management process. That’s how she met Jarvis, consulting for the company he worked for a few weeks ago. Jarvis was one of the managers she met with to discuss her findings regarding their hiring process, what she thought could improve, and what was actually working. She should’ve known better though. He was too good to be true; he called every night, moving her with smooth, provocative words. He called her a half an hour ago and told her he couldn’t make it, because he was still at work. How stupid could he be? Larissa called his office and the secretary informed her that he was gone for the day. Everything he said was a bunch of lies.

  She stopped believing in love a long time ago. Every time she invested in a relationship her heart took a beating. Larissa stared at the red and white balloons floating above. With red, white, and pink roses in the middle of each table, this place could make a single person depressed, thankfully she didn’t consider herself the usual single woman. She actually didn’t mind being by herself, she’d come to the conclusion that she would grow old alone. All of her relationships ended before they even started, like with Jarvis. They’d only seen each other for a couple of weeks, and now it was done. One thing she couldn’t stand was a deceitful man.

  “Excuse me,” a man’s deep husky voice interrupted her thoughts.

  When she glanced up, her breath caught in her throat. A set of grey eyes stared back at her through thick lashes. He had full lips, and the five o’clock shadow against his tanned skin made him look sexy. He was tall with broad-shoulders, and damn she could see his abs through the white t-shirt he was wearing, and exposing the bulging biceps in his arms. Larissa could also see the imprint of his dick through his blue sweats; she could feel her eyebrow rise on its own at its detection. He raked his fingers through his shaggy black hair, as he held a little boy with his other hand. The little blond boy stared at the basket filled with bread on the table.

  “Yes,” she placed her flute of champagne down on the table.

  “I’m sorry to bother you, but can my son and I sit with you?” He stared at her. “He loves the bread here.”

  Larissa wasn’t in the mood to chitchat with a stranger. “I’m waiting for someone.” He wasn’t dressed the part, and other patrons glared at him, whispering among themselves. She assumed it was the attire he was wearing.

  “Lady, I’ve been here for over an hour,” he placed the toddler in the chair next to her. “Your date isn’t coming,” he pushed in the kid’s chair, and sat in front of her. “He stood you up, get over it.”

  Larissa gave the asshole a dirty stare. Who did he think he was? She raised her hand, trying to get the waiter’s attention, hoping he would get kicked out.

  “Yummy,” the little boy pointed at the basket of bread on the middle of the table. “Please.” He batted his big, beautiful grey/bluish eyes at her.

  “Yes, ma’am.” The waiter strode up, glaring at her uninvited guest up and down.

  Her heart melted, staring into the little boy’s irises. How could she have this sweet boy kicked out she wondered and handed him a roll.

  “Thank you!” He seized the bread and took a big bite.

  “You’re welcome,” she smiled at the toddler, and at the young man waiting to see what she needed.

  “Is there a problem?” The waiter watched her. “Is this man with you?”

  He glared up at the waiter.

  “Another menu, please.” Larissa rolled her eyes at the man in front of her as he picked up her menu. He acted like she wasn’t sitting there.

  “Sir, we have a dress code.” The waiter mentioned.

  “If you show me where it’s posted, then I will excuse myself,” he glared back at the young man.

  The waiter didn’t respond to this jib. “Do you need a children’s menu, too?”

  “Yes,” he answered, and then turned his attention to her. “My name is Shane,” he extended his hand, and she just stared at his rough palm. “I promise, I don’t have any diseases.”

  She shook his hand, “Shane, it isn’t a pleasure meeting you.”

  He squeezed her fingers, gazing at her lips. She pulled back her hand. “We’re having dinner together, so it would be nice to know your name.”

  “Who says I’m staying?” Larissa picked up the cloth napkin off her lap, pushing her seat back; she grabbed her purse off the empty chair. “You invited yourself to my table.”

  “Look, I really didn’t mean to impose, but this is my weekend with my son, and all he wanted was some damn bread from this overpriced restaurant,” he pushed his chair back too. “Since this seems to be a fucking problem, we’ll leave.” He stood.

  Larissa’s mouth dropped open, how rude.

  “Come on, buddy,” Shane tried to grab his son.

  “Please…” His son cried, looking at her. “I hungry…”

  She stared at the crying little boy.

  “Stay.” Larissa voiced. She knew she would regret this decision, but all he wanted to do was please his son. “Stay,” she eased her chair in, placing her purse on the seat of the adjacent chair.

  He stared at her; damn the man was made of solid muscle, not overbearing, but good lord. “Thank you,” he mumbled and sat back down.

  “I’m Larissa, and what’s your name?” she grinned watching the boy.

  “Gray…son,” he mumbled around his food.

  “Larissa,” Shane moved closer. “That’s different.”

  “I’m unique,” she proclaimed as the waiter came by with two more menus, and additional glasses of water.

  “Do you need more time?” The waiter said and narrowed his eyes at Shane, giving him a dirty look.

  “You just brought the freaking menus,” Shane looked over the kid’s menu. “Buddy, do you want chicken tenders?”

  “Yes!” Grayson replied excitedly.

  Larissa didn’t like the way the waiter was tapping his foot. “Are you in a hurry?” She asked, and watched the young man’s cheeks turn a hue of deep red.

  “No, ma’am.”

stared at the man, then at Larissa, and he gave her a lopsided grin. “I already like you.”

  They ordered their food. The people at the next table openly peered at them.

  Shane stared back. “Do you have a problem?”

  The couple dining across from them rapidly turned away.

  Shane watched her. “They might have a problem with how I’m dressed, but I don’t give a damn. There’s no dress code posted at the door.”

  “I think it’s a combination of the both of us, not just you.” Larissa smiled, “They have a problem with me too.”

  “Why?” Grayson asked.

  “Because I’m a little different from everybody else in here,” she took a sip of her drink.

  “Not true.” Grayson looked around the room.

  Kids were so innocent; he didn’t see what everyone in that restaurant did. Larissa was the only African-American there, but that didn’t bother her either. She loved being different.

  “Well… guess what?” Shane leaned forward, touching her knuckles. “I like different.”

  That simple touch caused her to shiver, and goose bumps crept up her arm. She slowly pulled her hand from his.

  “I don’t know why people make such a fuss about Valentine’s Day.” He stared at the roses on their table. “It’s just another fuc-” he stopped himself watching his son. “It’s just another day.”

  “Yes it is,” she found herself smiling. “It’s so overrated.”

  His gaze held hers, and Larissa’s heart started racing. What the hell was wrong with her? He wasn’t her type; he was arrogant and rude.

  “Why are you alone?” He took a sip of his water.

  “None of your business,” she picked up another piece of bread, and handed it to Grayson.

  “Thank you.” Grayson said gleefully, stuffing the bread in his mouth.

  “I was trying to make it my business,” he flirted, making her mouth curve into a big smile.

  She giggled. “I don’t have a problem eating alone.”

  He gazed at her, making her look around before returning his stare. Shane was still looking at her, making her feel uncomfortable.

  The waiter came back with their food, placing the items in front of them. “Is there anything else I can get you?”

  “No, thank you,” she answered. The waiter excused himself. “Need help?” Larissa asked and pushed Grayson’s plate closer to him.

  “Yes,” he grabbed a French fry. “Cut please.” He pointed at the chicken tenders.

  She raised her eyebrow, not knowing what he meant.

  Shane chuckled, “He likes his tenders in pieces,” he picked up a knife and cut the three tenders into small pieces. “Do you have kids?”

  “No,” she twisted her mouth. “Maybe one day.”

  “It’s the best feeling in the world,” he messed his son’s hair with his fingers. “But make sure you pick the right person to have a child with.”

  Larissa picked up her fork, and started eating. She stared at his ring finger, noticing that he wasn’t married. “Why are you alone on Valentine’s?” she boldly asked, wondering to herself if he was he a single dad.

  “I’m not alone, I have the best Valentine’s date right here,” he watched his son eat. “Right, buddy?”

  “Yes,” he giggled. “Rissa,” he stared at her. “My Valen…tin…”

  She couldn’t help but fall in love with Grayson. “You can be my Valentine.”

  “Daddy too,” he dipped a French fry in the ketchup.

  Shane winked at his son. “I would love that. What do you say, Larissa, would you be our Valentine?” He grabbed a red rose out of the vase and handed it to her.

  This night was turning out better than she thought. She took the rose out of his hand, and smelled it. “Yes…” she gazed back at him. “I would love that.”


  Shane wasn’t going to admit it to Larissa, but he’d been watching her since she entered the restaurant. He didn’t have a reservation, the hostess didn’t want to put him on the waiting list, and he knew it was because of the clothing he was wearing. He’d just taken a shower at the gym, when Liza called him to pick up their son. He was going to leave the damn restaurant, but Grayson wanted his favorite kids meal and bread. This was his first weekend with his son in a long time, so he intended to give his son what he wanted. After getting into it with the hostess, they finally wrote his name on the damn waiting list. They had to wait for over an hour to be seated.

  The courts gave him visitation rights every other weekend, holidays and summers. The mother of his child played too many games. Every time she didn’t get what she wanted she would keep their son from him. Liza took him back to court, but this time he won. He got to see his son, and there was nothing she could do about it.

  He came into the restaurant for his son, but now he was smitten with Larissa. Damn the woman was gorgeous; he couldn’t stop staring at her bow shaped lips. They were perfect, and looked so kissable. Her complexion reminded him of a cup of hot cocoa on a winter night. Her almond shaped eyes sparkled every time she looked at his son. Shane had never introduced his little boy to any woman he was dating. He smiled, tonight that would change, because Larissa was going to be his. He liked her wit, and attitude.

  Shane continued staring at her lips.

  Larissa wiped her mouth with her napkin. “What?”

  “You have kissable lips,” he said without a care in the world. “I hope one day soon, I might be able to taste them.”

  Larissa gasped, and then bit her bottom lip.

  “That’s making it worse,” Shane fixed his growing erection, moving in his seat. “I hope you don’t mind me being so forward. You’re beautiful.”

  Grayson giggled. “Pretty Rissa, Daddy like you.”

  Larissa stared at his son and then back at him. “Do you do this a lot?” she raised a brow. “Use your son?”

  “I’ve been through a lot of shit lately, to even see my son. I would never use him to conquer a woman.” He clenched his jaw, and then chuckled. “Grayson has great taste in women though, he takes after me.”

  She didn’t say anything.

  “I like you, Larissa, and would love to take you out on a date,” Shane watched as the couple next to them stood, and left. “What do you say?”

  “Please, Rissa,” Grayson placed his hands together in the praying position.

  “I have to think about that,” Larissa chuckled.

  Shane handed her his cellphone, “Can I have your number in the mean time?”

  Her lips curled up into a smile he was getting addicted to. She took his phone, input her contact information, and gave it back. “Shane, just like you I like different.”

  He played with his phone and her cell rung. She cocked her head. “Now you have my number.” Shane placed the phone on the table. “Just making sure you gave me the correct number,” The waiter came by with the bill, and gave it to him.

  “Excuse me,” she called out. “It’s separate bills.”

  Shane gave the young man his card, “Don’t mind her.”

  “You didn’t have to.”

  “This just became our first date,” Shane wiped Grayson’s mouth with his napkin. “Finished?”

  “Yes, Daddy.”

  “This night turned out better than I thought,” Larissa lifted her glass up. “To Valentine’s Day.”

  Shane grabbed his glass of water and clicked her flute. “To many more nights like this.”

  Chapter One

  Over a year later

  “Larissa, I’m not going to repeat myself.” Shane growled, leaning against his black Camaro with his bulging, strong arms crossed over his muscular chest. “Get in the car, we need to talk.” His deep husky voice made her core tingle with passion. Shane made her heart beat double time whenever he was around her, even when she was angry with him, and that was the case now.

  “No!” Larissa smirked watching Shane get angry. She knew he was the jealous type, but she was only speak
ing with her coworker. She was amused seeing her man all hot and bothered. Damn, he looked stunning in a short sleeved, button-down shirt and washed-out jeans. The white shirt brought out his grey irises. “Go home, Shane,” she waved her hand at him. “I’m not your possession. We’ll talk later,” She continued her conversation with her co-worker.

  She was speaking to Billy about the task they had due in the upcoming weeks. Bill and Shane had a few words before at a work function. Shane didn’t tell her what the confrontation was about. Bill watched her through blue irises. He wasn’t bad on the eyes, so she could see why Shane would feel threatened, but he wasn’t her type. Shane was the only man she had eyes for, but he needed to learn a lesson.

  She’d walked out on Shane last night as he talked to the mother of his son. Larissa didn’t have a problem with the woman, however Liza had an issue with her being black. That didn’t bother her either, she’d learned to deal with the stares and whispers from family and friends. Larissa didn’t appreciate the way he was being secretive when he spoke to Liza. Why couldn’t he talk openly with his ex when she was around? He said it’s out of respect to her, but she wasn’t buying that shit. Liza wanted Shane back, she could see it in the way the woman gazed at him. Larissa knew he wasn’t cheating, however she didn’t like to feel left out. Why did she get involved with a man with baggage, she often wondered, but she knew it was because she loved him and his little boy Grayson. Liza needed to learn her place in Shane’s life. Larissa was now his girlfriend, not her.

  “Get in the car now!” He hollered, staring at her. The people standing in front of the building stared.

  “Larissa,” Billy gently touched her arm. “Do you want me to call the po-”

  She didn’t see Shane move, before she knew it, he had Billy pinned up against the wall in a chokehold. “I told you to stay away from my woman.”

  “Shane!” She yelled, and moved forward grabbing his bicep with her hands, trying to pull him off. He didn’t budge. “Billy didn’t do anything wrong,” Larissa continued trying to get her boyfriend from hurting her coworker. Shane finally released him, and Billy grabbed his throat, gasping for air. “Are you crazy?” She glared at Shane and then at Billy. “Are you okay?”


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