Twisted Intentions

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Twisted Intentions Page 9

by Danielle James

  She thought she wanted it too but she seriously wouldn’t be able to handle it. Plus I told Trev I would look out for his daughter, not screw her senseless. As long as I could remember my duty to her I would be fine resisting her advances.

  She was used to winning over men who’d never seen someone like her. Men who gave in to whatever she wanted because she consumed them whole and they couldn’t keep up. But I’d been down the same road with Dana and I knew exactly how to control the fire Camilla had burning inside of her, she just couldn’t know that.

  “Pastor, you need to go home and get some rest. Your big day is on Sunday. We’ve got everything covered here.” Mary chuckled from my office door. I must have seemed enthralled in my work. My hands were clasped together and my brows furrowed in front of my computer monitor. If only Mary knew what the fuck I was really thinking about. She was right though, it was a Friday night and I needed to actually set foot inside of my own home. I’d been at New Grace for at least 24 hours straight. I heeded Mary’s advice and took my tired ass home.

  My only hope was to avoid Cami. Luckily, she’d been spending most nights out. Probably meant she had a steady source of sex coming from somewhere. I just hoped he knew what he was getting himself into with that one.

  All was calm in the Scott household. I heard Christina giggling upstairs with what sounded to be Laurel. I poked my head in her room and sure enough, the two girls were huddled around their phones laughing and eating cookies. “Where’s Cami?” I asked, looking around the room.

  “Who knows Dad?” Chris shrugged.

  “Where’s your mom?” I had a huge fucking bone to pick with my wife and I wanted to make sure she was in the house.

  “In the den,” Chris chirped. I smiled at my precious little girl and gave her my credit card. Her face lit up like a Christmas tree.

  “Okay, you and Laurel go out somewhere tonight. If you can find your sister, take her too. No reason you girls should be cooped up in here on a Friday night.” I winked at them and they both let out squeals of delight. Christina stopped to wrap her arms around my neck before disappearing into her huge closet. Laurel thanked me happily and followed behind Chris.

  The stark contrast between my feelings for Christina and my feelings for Camilla were night and fucking day. I didn’t think about really fucking Camilla until last night though. Before, it had never been a tangible option. I’d only noticed her shape filling out, or how her ass fit in a pair of leggings and shook my head. Now? Now I needed every ounce of logic not to pin her little hot ass down and tame her.

  After I showered and got dressed in something other than a suit, I made sure the girls were gone. No sign of Christina’s car, no sign of her or Laurel in the house so I made my way to the den. Sounds of Yolanda Adams floated through the air and I knew that Dana was in her element. I stopped at the entrance and watched her pouring over outfit choices for the grand opening on Sunday.

  Her clothing overflow was in the den and she went on and on about making sure she had the perfect outfit. She wasn’t bullshitting because it looked like she had every single piece of clothing laid out on the couches, tables, and floor.

  I turned the stereo off and her head jerked in my direction. I wasn’t met with a smile though; it was more of a scowl. “Have you talked to Camilla?” She seethed.

  “Of course I have. You see what happens when you keep shit from people, Dana? Your daughter is confused and hurting right now all because you wanna keep up this perfect image.”

  “Our daughter will be fine as long as that man keeps himself away from her. Can’t we stop him from contacting her? He said he wouldn’t!”

  “He wants to see his child! Do you blame him? He hasn’t seen her since she was one!”

  “Good!” She zigzagged carefully around the clothes and poked her bony finger in my chest. “Trevor is not her father anymore. You are! The sooner everyone accepts that, the better!” Dana’s brown eyes were wide and frantic and I could feel the energy crackling off of her.

  “I am not her father. I love her very much but she needs to know Trev. She needs to know you, Dana. How many times have I pled with you to get Camilla help because she’s dealing with the same demons you dealt with?” I grabbed her hand and lowered her finger with just enough force to remind her who’s stronger. Dana’s eyes flitted to the floor at the mention of Camilla’s problems. She never wanted to talk about them.

  “Camilla is fine. Just a little rambunctious.” She said quietly.

  “She is not fine. She has the same pressure in her head as you. She cries and begs for the pain to stop, Dana. It’s fucking heartbreaking!” I saw flashes of Cami on my office floor looking as if she wanted to pass out from the pain in her head and it hit me right in my heart. Tears welled in Dana’s eyes but she refused to let them fall.

  “Camilla needs Jesus more than ever then. That’s what helped me, right Manny?”

  “No, Dana! That’s not what helped you.” Had she really forgotten everything? Was my pastor act that good? Dana really felt pushed into the arms of Jesus when it was I, singlehandedly that put her on the right path. It was time to remove the veil she’d built.

  I stood in front of her petite frame, swallowing her up with all 6’3 of me. Her eyes peered up at me and I grabbed her shoulders as if I could shake sense into the woman.

  “Dana, she doesn’t need Jesus. She needs therapy. You don’t remember how I had to tame you before you would even consider talking to a psychologist or taking medicine?” She refused to look me in the eye. “You don’t remember how many nights I had to pin you to the floor and fuck you until you behaved?” I traced her neck with my finger and she let out a breath. Her body sagged against me heavy with memories.

  “Stop Manny don’t talk like that. I haven’t been like that in decades and I want to keep it that way.”

  “Don’t you want Camilla to be able to put this behind her too?”

  “She’d be fine if she would just give herself to God. I was plagued with demons and only God could help me.”

  “God and therapy, Dana.”

  “Right. But nowhere in that equation does Trevor fit.”

  “He’s a part of her, and she needs to know him. You need to tell her how you two are one in the same.” Dana shook her head adamantly and backed away from me. No matter how I tried, she refused to admit that it wasn’t God at all that had saved her. I pushed her ass in the right direction so she could get better now here she was almost denying it had ever happened. I finally understood all of Camilla’s frustrations with her mother. It was like talking to a doll with a pull string that repeated the same phrases over and over. Dana had reprogrammed herself after all these years.

  I felt so helpless talking to her. Had I really created this fucking puppet standing in front of me? “You’ve gotta snap out of this shit, Dana. Your daughter needs your support. Not church.” She recoiled like I was turning into the devil.

  “What? Look, I don’t know what’s gotten into you, but church helps it all. God helps it all Manny. You of all people know that. No matter how much therapy the girl gets, she’s still gonna be broken if she doesn’t give herself to God. That’s what you helped me see.” I ran my hands over my face and groaned in frustration.

  “You think Camilla is broken?”

  “Of course she is! She’s broken just like I was broken. And I don’t wanna deal with it until she gets right with the Lord.” She trembled with frustration and anger flashed in her eyes. There was nothing left for me to say to my wife. There was no getting through to her at all even a blind person could see that shit. “Are you done trying to get me to see eye to eye with that child?” She snapped. “I’m trying to get ready for Sunday. Seems I’m the only one taking this seriously.”

  “It’s my damn opening, Dana. Spare me the bullshit.”

  “What has gotten into you, Manny? Do you want to pray together?” She asked. “Maybe we could pray for Jesus to heal Camilla.” I shook my head and left her standing there in the
middle of all the fancy clothes I paid for. She didn’t bother to chase after me, to tell me she was just bullshitting. No, she turned her Yolanda Adams back up and acted as if I’d never been in there.

  I went into my study and poured myself a glass of whiskey because I needed it bad. Four drinks later and I was feeling looser. I wasn’t concentrating as hard on how stupid my wife seemed to be. I let my eyes close for a moment, trying to wash away all the events over the past 24 hours.

  “Emmanuel are you okay?” I wasn’t sure how long I’d closed my eyes for, but when I opened them Camilla was standing in front of me with her arms folded and concern painting her face. The liquor still had me in its hold.


  I had to get the hell away from her ass.

  Chapter Eighteen


  I left Xavier’s to get some air and put some space between us so I could think. I didn’t necessarily want to go back home either but I damn sure wasn’t calling Brian up, so home it was.

  I’d never seen Emmanuel drunk in my entire life; he was always poised and pulled together. Yet, there he was leaned back in his leather chair with his eyes closed and a half empty bottle of liquor on the table beside him. His glass had been long emptied of its contents. He looked so damn good in a simple black t-shirt and gray pair of sweatpants. It took everything in me not to pull his dick out and put my mouth on it. I showed restraint though. He told me we couldn’t fuck and I wanted to oblige but…damn he looked good.

  I woke him up without touching him because if I put my hands on his body I was gonna try to fuck him. Especially with him being inebriated. “Shit…” He grumbled and ran a palm over his face. He was drunk as shit though, there was no shaking it off. “How long have you been home?” He asked me.

  “I just walked in like five minutes ago, found you in here drunk and now here we are.” I made it a point to sit across the room and it seemed to make him relax a little.

  “Are you okay?” I studied his face and tried not to think about putting my pussy on it.

  “Not really. I tried talking to Dana about everything. About helping you and giving you support right now but all she wanted to talk about was…”

  “Sending me to the Lord?” I chuckled dryly.

  “Yeah. I guess you know her better than I do.”

  “Unfortunately. I had to be around her all the time when you were at work. I got the speeches about me broken and evil and how she didn’t know where I came from.”

  “Really? Why didn’t you tell me?” His brows lowered on his forehead.

  “Tell you? Pastor Scott? So you could agree with her and tag team exorcise me?” I was laughing, but it was bitter. Emmanuel shook his head and grunted. His eyes were low and hooded from the liquor and it was hard to fight my impulses. Xavier’s face popped into my head and made it a little easier.

  “I’m sorry you felt like that, Cami. I’m sorry I wasn’t there for you.”

  “Whatever,” I shrugged. “I’m used to it now.”

  “That’s not something you should get used to though.”

  “You’re right, Emmanuel.” The air in the room grew thick and I could tell we both were trying to think of anything besides each other. Or maybe that was just me. Damn, he looked good in those sweatpants. My eyes kept trying to see the outline of his dick but he did well to shift himself so I couldn’t.

  “Stop, Cami.” He warned. I’d been caught looking but I couldn’t help it. The way his mocha skin sparkled under the dimmed lights of the study made me flush with lust. I knew vulgarities and throwing myself at him wouldn’t work though. He was different; he was in control of himself.

  The sound of the study door creaking open broke my concentration, especially once I noticed Dana standing there. Her icy glare fixed on me and she huffed. “I’m going to bed, Manny. Are you coming?”

  “No. You go ahead.”

  “Are you gonna tell me why you kept my real father from me all this time, Dana?” I spat, standing to my feet. Emmanuel’s eyes darted over to me; they were wide and filled with warning. I ignored it.

  “Your father is right there,” she snapped.

  “No, that’s your husband.” I tilted my chin in his direction. Dana zeroed in on my bruised neck and her chest began to rise and fall rapidly. I couldn’t help the smirk on my face, knowing her husband put the bruise there. Seemed like Dana knew too judging by the way she looked at Emmanuel.

  “Are you sure about that?” She hissed, never straying from Emmanuel’s gaze. They engaged in a stare off for minutes until he finally told her to go. She stomped off like a toddler who’d been punished.

  “Did you tell her that you bit me?” I asked. My mouth turned up into a smile.

  “No, I didn’t. You’re not going to either.” His teeth clenched angrily.

  “Fuck her. She couldn’t tell me who my real father was, why should I spare her feelings?” My heart started pumping and I felt the pressure mounting. “She needs to know what it feels like to have someone betray her. Who the fuck does she think she is? Why does she get to control my life?” I felt like punching something. Mainly Dana.

  Seeing her set me off every single time. I began pacing back and forth, shouting obscenities that I hoped she heard, even though I knew she couldn’t hear shit upstairs in her bedroom. I was worked up but I was trying to keep a grip on it. I noticed Emmanuel watching me closely to see if he needed to intervene. I wanted to push past my stupid mood swings and just be a normal angry person for once. “Take a deep breath,” Emmanuel said slowly after my tirade.

  “I’m fine.” I lied. My head was throbbing and my pussy was too. I wanted to run out of the study so I didn’t put Emmanuel in an awkward position again. He handed me water and I drank it like my throat was on fire.

  His biggest mistake came when he rubbed my back. He realized his error when we locked eyes. He lifted his large hand and balled it into a loose fist. “I…uh…I’m sorry.”

  “We could both pay her ass back for being such a bitch, Emmanuel.” He actually looked as if he was contemplating it but logic crashed back in and he shook his head.

  “Dammit, why are you so in control?” I whined.

  “I’ve been around your entire life, none of your little antics get through to me.” He was lying his ass off, rather his sweatpants were lying. I pressed my body against him, feeling his hard muscles and hard dick. “Didn’t we discuss this, Camilla?”

  “So?” My hands quickly moved into his sweat pants and gripped his erection before he could pull away, and he did try. He couldn’t get too far with his dick in my hand though. A growl escaped through his teeth and it sent chills up my spine. I wanted to feel that intoxicating feeling from the other night in his office.

  “Stop it, little girl.”

  “No.” I lowered to my knees and tugged at his drawstrings. His dick popped out like a big jack-in-the-box. God, it was beautiful. He smelled like expensive cologne and soap and I wanted to put my mouth on him so bad.

  Emmanuel quickly snatched his pants up while I was in awe of his dick, and tied them back up locking my jack-in-the-box away. He yanked me up by my hair and slammed me into the wall with a loud thud, pinning me with one hand around my wrists. The action knocked my heart into my throat. “What the fuck did I tell you, Camilla?”

  “Emmanuel…” I whined, pleading with my tear-filled eyes.

  “This is not a fucking game!”

  “You want me too. Stop lying to yourself,” I was practically sobbing while he held me in place. His strong hands gripped at my wrists causing pricks of pain up and down my arms. The pain felt so good though. In order to stop me from wiggling around, he pressed against me so there was no more space between us.

  “I don’t want you. I want to fuck you. My dick wants to fuck you. That’s it.”

  I’m sure that would’ve hurt some other girl’s feelings but it just excited me. The excitement began to replace the anger and I felt the pressure let up a bit in my head. My pussy was stil
l throbbing though. It didn’t help that Emmanuel’s dick was pushing against it hard.

  “Then fuck me.” I snapped, frustrated. I wiggled under him and he pushed into me harder, making it so that I couldn’t move.


  “My pussy is so wet…”

  “I don’t care.”

  "My arms hurt, Emmanuel.” I twisted my wrists around in his grip, but he didn’t let up.

  “Good. You like pain, right?” Well, he had a point. I did like the way he had me pinned to the wall. It made me feel so small. I nodded my head quickly.

  “You know I like it,” I bucked against him, but he held me in place. His eyes traced the purple-blue bruise he left on my neck. “Bite me again,” I moaned in his ear. He let my arms go and picked me up. I wrapped my legs around his frame and let out a scream when his teeth sank into my flesh. Pain exploded across my skin but he soothed it with his full lips. Sucking my shoulder and kissing it. I grabbed his face and forced him to look at me. “We are not fucking.” He told me.

  “Yes, we are.” I pulled his bottom lip into my mouth and he slipped his tongue inside to mingle with mine. He pulled away from the kiss and set me on my feet.

  “You know we can’t.”

  “I don’t know shit other than your dick is hard and you want to put it inside of me.” I slipped my hand under his shirt and let my fingers dance across his chiseled muscles. He closed his eyes and tried to focus. He was trying to stop the fucking inevitable though.

  I was going to fuck him. I needed to. It was pulling at me like a magnet.

  “Tell me you wanna fuck me,” I purred against his face. He traced the outline of my neck and swallowed.

  “You already know, Camilla.” He slid his hand down my back until it rested on my ass.


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