Twisted Intentions

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Twisted Intentions Page 15

by Danielle James

  “Chris, no. Just let him be. He’s a grown man you can’t just get in his business like that.”

  “He’s my father and he has some bitch all up in our house.”

  “He’s going through a lot right now though,” I tried to reason she wasn’t hearing it though. Before I could talk any sense into her, she was out the room, pounding on Pastor Scott’s door. I groaned and stood in her doorway, watching.

  After another round of knocking, a freshly showered Pastor Scott opened the door in a t-shirt and sweatpants. A small flutter rippled through me seeing his muscular frame in something other than dress clothes.

  Was I losing my mind? He was a good-looking man but I had to get a damn grip. He looked so different though. My hormones had been raging ever since Chris and I hooked up. That’s enough Laurel. Damn!

  I heard Christina asking him question after question, and he looked beyond annoyed. I rolled my eyes at how fiery she was and I was getting ready to close her door…but something caught my eye.

  Even though Pastor Scott was standing right in front of Chris, blocking her view, I could see a much larger sliver of the inside of the bedroom from my angle. What I saw nearly made my heart stop. It was a quick flash, but it was all I needed.

  A swoop of sandy brown hair bent down, swiped something from the floor then a flash of hair again and the figure disappeared. Pastor Scott shifted his position blocking my view when Christina tried to see from another angle, and I couldn’t see anything anymore. My heart pounded so loud I could hear it thumping in my ears.

  I kept seeing sandy brown hair in my mind. Sandy brown hair brushed up into a high ponytail in class. Silky sandy brown hair flowing over her shoulders at her birthday parties. Shiny, sandy brown hair all wet from playing in the pool during summer break. I’d been seeing that hair most of my life. There was no mistaking it.

  Camilla was fucking her father.

  Chapter Twenty-Eight


  The first time I got a text from Laurel, I wanted to respond but Emmanuel had me tied up…literally. I’d glanced over at my phone and saw her name flash across the screen but the next moment I was being fucked so good I’d forgotten all about it.

  Emmanuel was a fucking beast, just like he’d warned. There was no bravado, just truth. When he called, I came over and over again. So far it had only been twice but I knew in the deepest parts of me that I would always come when he called. It was so strange how I could feel so much warmth with Xavier and so much darkness with Emmanuel. I needed both.

  I loved Xavier’s arrogance and control and I loved Emmanuel’s strength and power. They both completed different parts of my very broken self. I didn’t know how, but I had to find a way to balance both of them.


  I looked down at my phone and saw my dad’s face pop up. A smile crossed my face.

  Dad: Wanna hang out with your old man today?

  Me: Of course!

  Dad: Are you at the house?

  Me: No…

  I glanced over my shoulder at Emmanuel who was writing fervently on his iPad, preparing for a sermon.

  Me: New Grace…

  Dad: Cool. I’ll come scoop you up in an hour. Be ready.

  Me: K.

  A happy feeling rushed through me. I couldn’t wait to spend time with my dad. Over the past week, he’d been busy trying to make arrangements to stay in Florida for good and we hadn’t spent much time together. Between Xavier and Emmanuel, I was plenty occupied though.

  I sat in Emmanuel’s lap and he put his iPad down. “You hungry?” He asked me. His lips brushed against my collarbone.

  “No…I’m gonna hang out with dad today so I’m sure I’ll eat.”

  “Okay.” He went back to his work. He’d kept his promise so far there was no romance, no kisses, and cuddles. He called me when he couldn’t get thoughts of me out of his head. When the thought of me made his dick so hard that he needed to fuck me. It excited me to no end to know that I turned him on. To know that the taste of my pussy made him horny. Shit, thinking of him turned me on too.

  Every time.

  I rubbed his shoulder and started licking his earlobe. He grunted and put his iPad down. “What are you doing? You know I’m trying to work.”

  “I know but…you look so good.” I whispered in his ear. And he did… He’d just gotten a fresh haircut and he was wearing a denim shirt and a pair of khaki pants. I was ready to fuck. He hated when I disturbed him from work and I never cared. If he could pull rank when he wanted, then I wanted the same. His jaw clenched and he looked up at me.

  “So you just like getting in trouble, huh?” His fingers tightened around my arm and I swallowed back a lump. I never knew when I would piss him off or make him horny. It was a part of the excitement.


  “You know I could make you cum all over yourself without even fucking you, right?” He raised a thick eyebrow at me and I blushed. He was right. He could just tell me to have an orgasm and I would. He had so much control over my body it was insanity.

  I thought about Xavier in contrast. He controlled my body too but not as well as Emmanuel. Xavier controlled my feelings unlike anyone though. Emmanuel had nothing on the way Xavier could make me happy…or angry in one moment. I wanted to be around Xavier even when we weren’t fucking. Just thinking about him made me miss his face. Emmanuel brought me back to focus though.

  “What’s wrong?” He asked curiously. I shook my head and tried to look normal. He sighed and then let out a laugh.

  “Go call your boyfriend Cami.”

  “He’s not my boyfriend!” I squealed and sounded like a teenager.

  “Alright. Call Xavier and when you’re done pining away come get this dick.” I bit my bottom lip and scurried over to my phone. Once again, Emmanuel knew the cues my body gave. He knew my expressions, my body language…everything! Xavier answered on the first ring. It made my stomach tighten.

  “Hey, stranger,” he smiled into the phone.

  “Hi!” I chirped. I clearly was too excited. Emmanuel even raised an eyebrow at me.

  “You must miss me. Either that or you feel bad for acting like a jealous asshole.”

  “Oh my god, Xavier. I apologized.” I whined and laughed at the same time. Hearing his deep voice made me tingle all over.

  “I need more of those apologies by the way.” His voice smirked. Sometimes his arrogance was sexy and sometimes it got on my damn nerves. “You busy today?” He asked.

  “After I hang out with my dad, I’m free.”

  “Pastor dad or Dominican dad?” He asked.

  “Emmanuel is not my father,” I grumbled into the phone.

  “Okay, sorry. So it must be Dominican dad.”

  “Yes, my real father.”

  “Alright, call me when you’re done. You can apologize some more.” I wanted to frown, but I laughed instead.

  “Goodbye, Xavier. Try not to fuck anyone before I get there.”

  “Can’t make you any promises.”

  “Don’t play, Xavier.”

  “You with the hickey giver right now?” He quipped. I bit my lip and looked at Emmanuel, who was ignoring the fuck out of me and working on his sermon. “Uh huh…that’s what I thought. No strings Camilla. Okay?”

  “Okay.” I pouted.

  “You gonna say it?” He asked.

  “Say what?” I furrowed my brows and poked my lips out.

  “You’re not gonna tell me you love me?” He could barely get the sentence out without laughing.

  “Fuck you, Xavier. How’s that?”

  “Later, Camilla. I’ll fuck you later.” I hung up and felt much better. Xavier just had my feelings on a string. He could do what he wanted with them and it was out of my control.

  “Are you done?” Emmanuel asked, still looking at his sermon.

  “Yeah. He’s not my boyfriend, by the way. You can stop calling him that.”

  “Okay. You sound smitten though.”


  “As long as you bring me my pussy when I tell you to, you can be smitten Cami.” A superficial flare of anger grabbed me.

  “It’s my pussy. I’ve had it since before I knew you if I recall.” I could tell as soon as the words left my mouth that I was in trouble. He towered over me in a second. He wrapped my ponytail around his fist and stared into my eyes. I was trembling because I had no idea what he was going to do. He didn’t spank me. He didn’t choke me.

  He held me there by my hair and leaned in to whisper in my ear.

  “Your mouth is still reckless.” I squirmed but he tightened his hold. My pussy was becoming more swollen with every second. “I’m gonna have to fix that.” He nipped my ear and I gasped. “I know your pussy is wet.” He told me. “Tell me how wet it is, Camilla.”

  “It’s so wet,” I moaned.

  “Let me see.” He shoved his huge hand between my thighs and inside of my wet panties. The sound my pussy lips made when he parted them sent a shiver down my spine. I was fucking drenched. I wanted him to fuck me so bad. He pulled his hands from between my legs and made me suck my own juices from his fingers. Each time his slid one in my mouth, my pussy clenched. By the time I got to his thumb, I was starting to shake. Emmanuel already knew I was on the edge of an orgasm because he had this smug grin on his face. After I cleaned his fingers, his slid his hand up my shirt and pinched my nipple. A warbled moan escaped me involuntarily and my knees buckled.

  I came.

  “Now…whose pussy is it, again?”

  “Yours.” He let me go and I fought to catch my breath.

  “Stop playing games with me, Camilla.”

  “I wasn’t trying to…” I stammered.

  “Now you’re gonna have to deal with that all day. You’re on punishment.” He told me. Words I hadn’t heard since I was 16.

  “Punishment?” I frowned.

  “No fucking.”

  “You’re not gonna fuck me after all that?” Heat rose to the surface of my cheeks.

  “No.” He sat down behind his desk again and started working on his sermon. I was pissed. He knew it too.

  “By the time I actually do fuck you, you’re going to beg for it. Then I’ll think about it.”

  “You’re an asshole.” I blurted. He just winked at me and went back to work.


  Laurel: Hey Cami…can we talk, alone?

  It was Laurel. I scrambled to respond.

  Me: Sure. I’m at New Grace wanna meet up here?

  Laurel: No. Let’s just go for a drive. I’ll pick you up.

  Me: I gotta go with my dad. Just meet me at New Grace for a few minutes.

  Laurel: …K

  I hurried out of Emmanuel’s office and he didn’t even ask where I was going.

  Shit, I thought I had a grip on not caring about things. Clearly, he was more experienced. Asshole.

  Laurel seemed more tightly wound than usual. She kept gripping the steering wheel and darting her eyes around, looking everywhere but at me. I put my hand on hers and smiled. “You okay? If you’re not ready to talk to me, you don’t have to.” She gave me a soft smile in return and took a deep breath.

  “Camilla, if I asked you a very personal question would you tell me the truth? Even if you didn’t want to?” I started getting nervous, wondering what the hell she was talking about. She was reaching out to me though and I missed her friendship. I could tell her the truth if she asked. It probably was just shit about Xavier anyway. Hesitantly, I nodded my head. Laurel sucked in a breath and looked me dead in my eyes. “Are you…are you fucking Pastor Scott?”

  My mouth went dry and hung open. No words would come out. My mind was racing a million miles a minute trying to figure out how the fuck she pieced it together. She wasn’t anywhere around when Emmanuel and I fucked around. We’d had sex twice at the house and nearly once in his office but Laurel wasn’t there. “Camilla…” Laurel called quietly. I closed my mouth and looked at her with a blank expression. “Just tell me the truth, please.” She begged. All I could do was nod my head.

  “I knew it.” She whispered. “Why? He’s your dad!”

  “He is not my father, Laurel. He lived in my house while I was growing up, but he was not there for me. He was not my father. I was left to fend for myself against my delusional ass mother and the dark shit growing and festering in my head. Emmanuel was somewhere building his fucking empire. Not playing daddy to me. He never disciplined me. He cared but he never gave me that fatherly love. So please miss me with the daddy bullshit. You didn’t have to grow up in that house.” My outburst shocked both Laurel and I.

  “I’m sorry…I just don’t get it. How can you look at him sexually?”

  “You practically grew up with Christina but you let her put her face in your pussy.” I spat angrily. I knew my words cut into her heart. Tears welled up in her eyes and I instantly felt bad. “I’m sorry…” I sighed and rubbed my cheek with my palm. “It’s complicated Laurel. You’re too innocent to even begin to understand.”

  “Stop telling me what I can and can’t understand! I’m not stupid. If you want us to be friends then you need to start telling me stuff, Camilla! I don’t care how twisted it is. I’m your best friend! I love you no matter what fucked up shit happens in your head or outside of it.” We were both crying at that point. Ugly, emotional tears.

  “Okay. I’m sorry.” I sniffled after a long embrace.

  “Stop thinking you’re all by yourself. You have people who care about you. I care. Chris cares.” I thought about my little sister and stiffened. If Laurel knew about me and Emmanuel then… “She doesn’t know.” Laurel said softly as if she were reading my thoughts. A sigh of relief nearly collapsed me.

  “She can’t know. Ever. If there’s anyone I will protect from my fucked up life it’s her.” I said seriously. Laurel nodded in agreement.

  “I could never tell her something like that.” Silence fell over us and all there was were breaths. “How did you end up having sex with him?” Laurel asked.

  “I had an episode. Pain and sex are the only things that effectively pull me out of it or else I’ll just pass out from the pain. It’s horrible. I kissed him when I found out he wasn’t my father but he told me no. He saw how much pain I was in and he…bit my neck and it hurt so good.” I rubbed the now healed spot on my neck and felt the throb between my legs. “He knew what I needed because my mother went through the same thing. After that I needed him. I tried to get him every chance I had but he kept telling me no.”

  “What made him say yes?” She quizzed.

  “ Last Sunday I got into it with Dana again at the pool house and I hadn’t had an episode in a while but that set me off. The pain was so bad I knew I was going to pass out. I couldn’t stand it. Emmanuel carried me upstairs and tried to get me to focus but it hurt so bad.” I swallowed remembering the pain that stabbed through my head. “I asked him to make me feel better and he did.”

  “He couldn’t stand to see you in pain…” Laurel spoke, but it was more like she was speaking to herself. Not me. She was piecing everything together on her own. “And you’re still seeing Xavier?”


  “Does he know?”

  “Hell no. He knows I’m fucking someone else, but he still thinks it’s Brian.” It hit me that Laurel didn’t know about Brian either. She looked at me for answers and I groaned. I had been a shitty friend.

  “Um…I was fucking Mr. Lomax too.” I cringed. Laurel inhaled sharply and drummed her fingers on the steering wheel.

  “Anything else you wanna tell me, Camilla?”

  “No. Just…Brian, Xavier and Emmanuel.” I nodded surely.

  “Are you and Xavier…together?”

  “Honestly, I don’t know. He’s not my boyfriend though.” I said almost automatically.

  “Does he make you happy?” She asked. A smile blossomed across my lips and I nodded. “You love him!” She gasped. A frown replaced my smile. She was crazy.

>   “No, Laurel. You asked if he made me happy.”

  “I’ve never seen you smile like that though Camilla. Never.”

  “I smile all the damn time.” I waved my hand and sucked my teeth.

  “Not like that.” She looked at me. “Does Emmanuel know you love Xavier?”

  “First of all, I don’t love him. Second, Emmanuel and I have an arrangement. We’re not in it for the feelings.”

  “What does that even mean?” Laurel asked confused. I tried to think of a Laurel-friendly way to explain it. Then I realized I was treating her like she was stupid again.

  “We both just want sex. I can’t explain it. It’s…lust. I like how he controls me. I love how he controls me. He’s like a monster when we fuck and it just…it makes me feel calm but excited at the same time. If he calls I come.”

  “What about Xavier though? I know you two have had sex. It’s not as good as Pastor…I can’t even call him Pastor anymore. It’s not as good with Emmanuel?”

  “Xavier is…” Butterflies took flight in my stomach. “He’s amazing. It’s just different. He fucks me and I feel things I’ve never felt. I cry. I never want him to let me go.” I look out of the window and feel the warmth crashing into me. “He makes me feel whole. When we have sex it’s not like how it is with Emmanuel. I’m not scared I’m just me. He likes me just like that.” I smiled again. Maybe Laurel was right. The thought horrified me.

  Love? Love.


  “Shut up Laurel. Don’t.” I shut my eyes and rubbed my temples in circular motions. When I opened my eyes I saw my dad’s car pull into a nearby parking space at New Grace. “Look, my dad is here. I gotta go. Can we talk later on? I’m going to see Xavier later but we can hang out before then if you’re not busy.”

  “Yeah…we still have things to talk about,” she told me.

  Chapter Twenty-Nine

  My dad insisted on going in to say hi to Emmanuel and I insisted on standing in the corner somewhere hoping my lust wouldn’t come seeping from my pores. “How’s Dana?” Dad asked him.


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