Bimbo TV: The Complete Series

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Bimbo TV: The Complete Series Page 1

by Sasha Scott

  Bimbo TV

  The Complete Series

  By Sasha Scott

  Copyright © 2017 Sasha Scott

  All Rights Reserved

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner.

  All characters depicted are 18 years old or older. For adults only.

  You can check out all of my other stories and keep up to date with all my new releases at my Amazon author’s page!

  Sasha Scott at


  Who Likes Being A Bimbo?

  Wheel of Bimbo

  Bimbo Battle

  The Price of Bimbos

  What is a Bimbo?

  America’s Got Bimbos

  Other Books You May Be Interested In

  Who Likes Being A Bimbo?

  Thanks to the success of BNC’s number one rated show, Who Wants To Be A Bimbo?, suddenly bimbos were big business. All of a sudden is was suddenly cool to be a bimbo. It was a craze sweeping the nation. America had bimbo fever.

  With the sales of fake lashes, high heels and anything pink and sparkly through the roof, everybody tried to capitalize on the bimbo trend anyway they could and that included the world of television.

  Because Who Wants To Be A Bimbo? had been such a smash hit and a rating getter, a brand new network started up looking to get itself a piece of the juicy business. That television channel was simply called Bimbo TV.

  Looking to capitalize on the bimbo mood in society by broadcasting its own bimbofication based quiz shows, Bimbo TV took classic quiz show formulas and gave them a fresh twist to appeal to a brand new generation.

  However some shows weren’t quite as original as others. That was why when Bimbo TV broadcasted its first all new game show some people couldn’t help but feel they’d seen something similar somewhere else.

  Introducing the new cult phenomenon, Who Likes Being A Bimbo?

  Broadcaster note. Any similarities to any other bimbofication gameshows is completely coincidental.

  The studio lit up bright as the cameras came back to filming the newest episode of Bimbo TV’s first, completely original, game show, Who Likes Being A Bimbo?

  A packed audience whooped and cheered as the lights illuminated the gaudy pink stage. Up out of the darkness, dressed smart as always, was the show’s host who strolled into the spotlight to start things off.

  “Please put your hands together for your host, Bill Manning!”

  More applause from the crowd as the dapper host calmed things down before pushing on with the pitch.

  “Hello ladies and gentlemen and welcome to Who Likes Being A Bimbo? The show where brains and beauty collide across the backdrop of a life changing grand prize. We all know how it works. Our lucky, or possibly unlucky, contestant has to carefully navigate their way through seven tricky questions, putting their mind and body on the line, all for a chance at reaching our final round with their brains still in tact for a chance at walking around with a one hundred thousand dollars cash prize! Now let’s meet tonight’s contestant.”

  The spotlight shifted to the entrance way and lit up show’s contestant as she made her way to the stage. She was a good looking, slim, brunette tucked into a tight fitting, sexy, red dress. Just the kind of pretty girl they loved having on the show.

  “Please put your hands together for this week’s contestant, Taylor from Los Angeles, California.”

  More cheers from the sellout crowd as Taylor made her way onto the stage and into the contestant's booth, the brunette taking her seat on the stool inside the small, open, compartment.

  “Hello Taylor! Excited to join us?”

  “Very excited! I can’t wait to get playing!”

  “So the people in my ear are telling me you’re twenty five and work as a waitress.”

  “Yep! I work at a place overlooking Venice Beach.”

  “Just when I was thinking your customers couldn’t be getting a better view. Now tell me Taylor, if you manage to walk away with our grand prize today, what would you spend it on.”

  “If I win I’m going to go on a trip all around the world!”

  “Well I wish you luck Taylor, you’re certainly going to need it if you want to avoid our bimbo changes. Remember every wrong answer means a new bimbo transformation. Now are you ready to begin?”

  “I’m ready!”

  “Okay! Let’s play Who Likes Being A Bimbo!”

  The studio lights dimmed again and illuminated Taylor and Taylor alone who was waiting in that bimbofication booth, hoping at no point it would be closing around her. When the booth went shut the bimbofication would begin.

  There was one sure fire way to prevent that from happening and that was to answer every question correctly. It had been done before but it wasn’t easy. Who Likes Being A Bimbo? only had one type of question, tricky ones.

  “Alright,” Bill began, moving into the real meat of the quiz, “Question one. What chambers in a human heart collect blood from an atrium? Is it A, Barnacles? Is it B, Clavicles? Or is it C, Ventricles?”

  Taylor had been hoping for something she knew. Instead she got a question about the human heart and blood collecting. Already she was nibbling her bottom lip nervously.

  “Oh boy…”

  “Not what you wanted to hear?”

  “Yeah, I don’t even know what an atrium is. I mean I don’t think it’s barnacles unless there is more to them than just those things on a boat… but still I don’t know between the other two.”

  “Well just remember, every question is multiple choice. You always have a one in three chance of getting it right, one in two if you can eliminate one answer.”

  If she didn’t think it was barnacle that meant it was a straight flip of a coin. She was going to have to guess but she at least only had a fifty percent chance of failing.

  “I’m going B.”

  “You’re saying Clavicles. Sadly that is incorrect. The correct answer was actually C, Ventricles.”

  Oh shit, it was a problem already. For the first time in the show the bimbo alarm sounded, and the pink alarm over the booth flashed. That signalled the booth was closing, that a curtain was covering up the contestant within, and that she was about to be transformed.

  “Unlucky Taylor couldn’t make it past question one,” Bill continued onwards, “which means for the first time today our bimbofication machine works its magic. Now let’s draw back the curtain to see what has happened to our contestant.”

  Even Taylor had no idea what was going on, she hadn’t noticed anything and it was too dark to see in the closed booth. However once she came back into the light she quickly noticed what had happened. Her brunette hair had gone blonde!

  “What? No way,” she gasped, running her now platinum locks through her fingers, “I thought it was just staged or something. I didn’t know it was really real!”

  “As real as it can be,” responded Bill in an exchange which would never make the edit, “but look on the bright side, blonde hair is one of the most simple changes you could have gotten. As long as you don’t slip up again it’ll be a small price to pay for such a huge amount of money.”

  It was true the show did offer a mouth watering amount of cash. Not as much as another show with a similar theme but still a considerable amount, especially for an easier show.

  However that cash amount wouldn’t mean anything to Taylor if she didn’t go on to win it all.

  Nervously she nibbled on her bottom lip, “Fine, let’s get on with it.”

  “What a good sport. Now dim the lights, it’s time for question two. Taylor, in which city is Mount Sinai? Is it A, Alex
andria? Is it B, Port Said? Or is it C, Saint Katherine?”

  From bad to worse. She’d never heard of an atrium but she’d never heard of Mount Sinai either!

  “Ah… I…”

  “You don’t know?”

  “Yes I don’t know. What are these questions?”

  “We may take away brains here but we expect you to bring one to start with if you want any chance at winning our cash prize.”

  Suddenly the show seemed a lot harder than when she watched at home. Then again she didn’t have her smartphone to just double check her answers, or to catch the ones she knew ‘really’. Very quickly things were going wrong.

  Taylor debated which way to go but sadly she had no idea. There was only one she thought she’d possibly heard of before. She had to go ahead with that one.

  “I’m going with Alexandria.”

  “You’re saying A, Alexandria. Well I can confirm that is… incorrect. The correct answer was actually Saint Katherine, unlucky Taylor.”

  “No…” she whined to herself as the alarm sounded and the booth closed around her again. What was going to happen this time?

  Unlike change number one, Taylor didn’t have to wait to see what had happened. She could feel it happening, even in the dark. There was a straining on her front, her dress was suddenly growing very tight and it was making her squirm.

  She lifted her hands up and felt across her chest where she should have had some fairly large C cup breasts. Instead she found a pair of giant, swollen, soft, titties. Change number two was her bust!

  The lifting curtain only helped her see what she had felt. Her breasts had gotten huge and they were sunken and swelling out of her tight red dress.

  “Would you look at the size of those folks? Taylor has gotten herself some new tits and they’re almost bigger than her head!”

  She folded her arms and tried to cover them up, “Not funny.”

  “They may not be funny but they sure are sexy, right folks?” the crowd cheering with loud applause in agreement. Her tits were suddenly smoking. “Two questions down and already two wrong. Some people may ask whether you’re throwing this on purpose for the changes.”

  “I’m not!”

  “Well then make sure you prove them wrong with question three! How many keys does a modern piano have? Is it A, 86? Is it B, 87? Or is it C, 88?”

  Now she just felt like they were being unfair. The numbers were practically the same. At least if it was eighty something, forty and a hundred she could have tried to have a reasonable guess. Add to that the fact she’d already faced two changes, the second of which had been a huge makeover. She couldn’t escape from how big her breasts had gotten. What would a third change be like!?

  “Not a piano player?” Bill tried to ask, for a bit of air filling small talk, but the death stare she shot back screamed don’t even speak to me right now.

  It was awful. She was going to be guessing again. Didn’t pianos have a black key between every pair of white keys? Then surely it must be odd? It had to be odd!

  “I’m going for B,” she exclaimed, suddenly filled with confidence.

  “Are you sure?”

  “Y-yes!” she assured to mainly herself. Was there really black keys between every white pair? It all seemed so clear seconds ago...

  “Well Taylor, I can reveal… that you’re about to hear the bimbo alarm again! The answer was 88!”

  The show was going from bad to worse for Taylor as she was isolated back into the bimbofication booth and injected with the next change. She could feel this one as well, a tingling on her skin. This time it wasn’t affecting her chest, it was all over her lips!

  She rubbed her fingers over her mouth and felt the way they were swelling from both sides. It was like someone was injecting her with filler but there was nobody there and nothing touching her lips but her own fingers, yet still they were swelling.

  Taylor knew that the growth was a big one but she couldn’t truly see how big until the curtain came up and showed off her newly developed duck face.

  Her lips were so thick and full that they seemed constantly pouted. She had to consciously keep her lips parted just to stop them from smothering up together.

  “Wow what a stunning pair of lips!”

  “I didn’t want this!” she whined. She was lucky that her speech wasn’t affected by how big those pillows had gotten.

  “Well if you don’t want it you just need to start answering correctly. You have four more chances to avoid the changes before we reach our grand prize but first we need to go to a quick commercial break. Be back in five.”

  “Welcome back folks to Who Likes Being A Bimbo? We’re joined by Taylor who is currently three incorrect answers through her run and hoping to turn things around in our second part of the show. How are you feeling Taylor?”


  “Terrific. Now let’s move on with the show. Question number four, who directed the 2001 re-make of the films ‘Oceans 11’? Was it A, Robert Rodriguez? Was it B, Steven Soderbergh? Or was it C, Tony Gilroy?”

  It wasn’t like Taylor hadn’t seen the Oceans films, in fact she enjoyed them when she saw them, but that didn’t mean she knew who made them. She knew who starred in them but made them? No.

  She didn’t think it’d be Steven Soderbergh, he seemed a bit too high profile for that which left her with the other two. She couldn’t help but notice as well that so far every answer had been C. Had they been hoping she wouldn’t notice? Surely it was worth the punt? Or was it? Yes? No? Well she had to do something!

  “I’m going with C!”

  “Oh, you sound confident.”

  “Not at all, but surely my luck will have to turn around eventually, right?”

  “Well not this time,” he cheerfully announced, to her dread, “The correct answer was actually B, Steven Soderbergh.”

  Really? She thought she’d have heard if the movie was made by Steven Spiel… oh no, she wasn’t even thinking of the right person and it was too late for her to realize her mistake, the booth was closing around her.

  Taylor was waiting to feel her body tingle again but there was no electric rush across her flesh. What she did feel though was a breeze. Suddenly everything felt a lot cooler all across her body and she couldn’t work out why. Had somebody put on the air con?

  All was revealed when the curtain came up and the lights returned. That sexy red dress was finished. In its place was some whorish pink slutwear.

  Bright pink platform heels, fishnet stockings and a tight fitting miniskirt exposing a bright red thong. Those tits contained in a pink mesh coating with a micro black bikini top below. Taylor couldn’t get it into her head how the machine had made her breasts bloat and her tits inflate, nanobots or something she’d been told, but the clothing seemed to have no explanation.

  “What… how is this possible?” Taylor gasped as she looked around to try and find any sort of answer which wasn’t there, her body practically on full display.

  “Everything is possible in the bimbo booth Taylor, including some top quality wardrobe changes. What do we think everyone?”

  Taylor was met with loud wolf whistles and whooping cheers. The men certainly loved her new outfit but she didn’t. Little was left to the imagination.

  “Can I have a towel or something?”

  “So you can hide that beauty? I think now. I think we should move onto question five instead. What is the largest island in the Mediterranean Sea? Is it A, Cyprus? Is it B, Majorca? Or is it C, Sicily?”

  Suddenly things were flipped from Taylor having never heard of any of them. She’d heard of all the islands, she just didn’t know how big they were. Plus she was finding it hard to concentrate when she couldn’t stop thinking about everyone ogling her almost naked body.

  “Ever been to any of these islands?” Bill asked the squirming contestant who wasn’t giving anything back, “Come on Taylor you know how it works, a bit of small talk to fill the show.”

  “...I went to Cypru
s once…”

  “There you go! Now do you think that’s the biggest island in that sea.”

  “I don’t know… maybe? But if I’m wrong again…”

  “Then you’re gonna hear the bimbo alarm again but it’s question five now. Odds say you should have one right by now, two by next time. Maybe it’s time for your luck to change?”

  Yeah he was right. She had a one in three chance which meant after question six pure guessing meant at least two right answers. It was time for a turn around!

  “Alright then, Cyprus!”


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