Bimbo TV: The Complete Series

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Bimbo TV: The Complete Series Page 5

by Sasha Scott

  Even their nails developed in length, almost doubling, and starting to take on a color matching their painted lips, equally as unremovable as well.

  For the final touches each of them was given some added body modifications. Both were given tramp stamps on their back while Emily also got a rose themed tattoo sleeve down her right arm. Whether it was better or worse than the belly button piercing Madison developed was up in the air. Both would definitely have rather been without tacky gold hoops dangling from their ears however.

  Vicky and Kelly couldn’t help but laugh as they saw what had become of their opponents, and it had only been two rounds. Another sweep and they would win.

  “Now Orange Team, don’t laugh too hard,” Bill reminded them, “because the Blue Team did manage to pick up twenty six points that round which means you two have a forfeit as well.”

  They both had to suffer through the hair changes as well. Brunette Vicky was getting the basic blonde treatment, her dark locks completely fading so she could match Madison’s platinum shine. As for the redhead, Kelly, she was simply getting an added emphasis on red. Rather than being ginger she was becoming a bright, bold, vivid red like someone had been painting a sports car.

  While they would have preferred to avoid any changes at all, every transformation on the show permanent due to special dyes and mind controlling after effects, hair was still the least serious change there was. They could live with it; there was still no reason for them to panic. Plus neither of them looked as ridiculous as Emily did.

  “Now that’s a lot of bimbo hair color,” Bill mocked, “Sadly though we have to take a short commercial break. Don’t go anywhere folks, we’ll be back soon.”

  “Welcome back folks. At the moment Orange Team have a commanding lead and the Blue Team are lagging behind. However victory in this round can change all that in an instant, even quicker than our nanobots can change these contestants. Okay everyone, fingers on buzzers. Tell me something people are sometimes said to be under.”

  A more tricky question but Vicky was still in there quick, “The weather!”

  “Show me weather!” Bill called out, revealing the high scorer on the board. It wasn’t just high either, it was over half. Team Orange were ecstatic while Blue Team were in full panic mode. If Vicky and Kelly managed to sweep the round it was game over.

  “I’m gonna say pressure,” Vicky said, managing to hit another answer. The sweep looked incoming.

  “Underage?” Kelly added, scoring more points. The sweep really looked on. That was when things crumbled a bit.

  “Underappreciated?” Vicky inquired but instead of a nice ding it was an unpleasant buzz and a red cross on the screen. It was bad, their first strike.

  “Under… an umbrella?” Kelly said, not sounding sure herself. She was right not to be because it delivered her and her partner a second strike.

  “Under an umbrella? What the heck were you thinking?”

  “I’m sorry it’s all I could think of. It made sense.”

  “It didn’t make enough sense. We need to win this to get to the final.”

  “Well you answer it then.”

  Vicky huffed. She’d said all that but she didn’t know what to say either. It was a really tricky round and they didn’t want the other side to steal and start to even up the scores.

  “How about… paid? Underpaid?” she finally decided as her answer.

  For the first time in the show dread appeared on the faces of the Orange Team as they got their third strike, handing control to their opponents. All they had to do was answer either of the two missing answers to steal the round.

  “Alright Emily, Madison, I need one answer. If you manage to fill in a blank you will steal all the points from the other side for this round, otherwise Vicky and Kelly will take this round as well.”

  Big pressure on the Blue Team. They were well behind, a steal could trigger a huge comeback for them and they really needed it.

  After much discussion they finally came to a decision, Emily telling Bill, “We’re going to go with… understudy.”

  “Show me understudy!”

  A buzzer. A red cross. Jubilations for the Orange Team and dread for the Blue Team. Vicky and Kelly had gotten away with it.

  “Unlucky Blue Team, that is incorrect. Let’s take a look at the final two answers on the board,” Bill said as he presented the missing answers; influence and spell. “Under the influence and under a spell. It’s so obvious now that they’re up there. Luckily for you the Orange Team have yet to hit that magic two hundred fifty figure but sadly that won’t save you from the forfeits.”

  So the lack of a clean sweep meant no win for Vicky and Kelly just yet but being on the cusp meant their opponents had to suffer through the final forfeits the show offered, the ones that hit their minds.

  Their was nothing to see really as they began to change but the girls still gave a show as they began to squirm and gasp out whimpering moans as they felt their brains tingling all over.

  Those nanobots were ravaging their minds and their bodies. They were pumping their loins and erogenous zones with hormones which would make them more sensitive while, at the same time, making them more horny more often. Then they were passing that information to their mind, strengthening their desires for sex, for cock, for cum; they were being turned into sluts.

  Around those changes, around those modifications to their minds to turn them slutty, a mist was developing. An unnatural fog which was engulfing their brains and making thinking hard.

  It wasn’t some sort of temporary weather front, some clouds which would blow over, it was a mind melting mist which was turning them into dummies.

  Certain parts of their brain was freed from the fog, however. Certain portions were lifted up into the clear so those girls could rely on them. Sure math was buried, and science, and history and a lot of common sense, but shoes and fashion and shopping and looking pretty? Those parts of their brains would still be easier to contact; everything a good bimbo needed to be a ditzy bimbo.

  “That looked like quite a hit,” Bill commented as those freshly groomed bimbos slowly came down from their mind melting high, “How are you feeling ladies?”

  “Like… a bit dizzy and stuff?”

  “Yeah yeah, it feels like my head just went poof!”

  “Delightful,” he chuckled, “but we shouldn’t let this take away from what a crucial part of the game we’ve reached. If Vicky and Kelly win this round they will win the game so fingers on buzzers everyone. If you were wearing a swimsuit, name a place you might not be allowed.”

  Both Emily and Madison were well off the pace as the Orange Team got in there again, Kelly saying, “Church.”

  “Show me church!”

  Ding! It was up there, but it wasn’t the top answer, only coming in second place which meant the Blue Team could finally control the board.

  “Emily, Madison, over to you.”

  The two looked pretty blank as they looked between each other and other to Bill, Emily asking, “Like, what?”

  Sadly for them the buzzer sounded and Bill winced. “Oh I’m sorry you’re out of time. Control goes to the Orange Team.”

  There were a lot of smug feelings on one side of the room. They knew with their opponents mind melted to such a level that the victory was already in the bag.

  “Well then we’ll play Bill,” announced Vicky, “How about at a restaraunt?”

  Ding, another correct answer and it was the top one on the board.

  “School!” Kelly cheered, also scoring on the board.

  “Library!” Vicky continued but that just delivered their first strike.

  “Ah… erm… a bar?”

  Kelly managed to dig her team out which meant they only had one more left to answer. One more answer and they would win with minimal changes suffered.

  “Is museum there?” Vicky asked which delivered strike two.

  “Oh no, only one left to go. What do we do Vick?”

lm it down, those morons won’t be able to steal from us.”

  “Really? Because I do have an answer in mind.”

  “Really? What?” Vicky asked, Kelly whispering it into her ear, “Not bad. Let’s go with that.”

  “Looking for the in-laws house.”

  They wanted that final push over the finish line but it was actually strike number three.

  “Unlucky ladies, you failed to clear the board which means your winning coronation will have to wait. Emily, Madison, you two have one chance to steal. Get this answer or you lose the game.”

  The issue, the one which had filled the Orange Team with confidence, was that the pair didn’t really look like they had much idea what was going on.

  “Like what do we do?” Madison asked.

  “You just need to name a place you might not be allowed if you were wearing a swimsuit.”

  “Like the mall?”

  “OMG I love the mall!”

  “Me too!”

  “I guess you’re saying mall…” he muttered as the two were too busy bouncing around, giggling, to pay attention, “...and that’s one hundred percent correct!”


  Vicky squawked but it didn’t matter, somehow they had lost the round. Maybe through dumb luck, very dumb luck, Emily and Madison had managed to steal the points.

  “Well done Blue Team, that correct answer gifts you one hundred points and puts you back in the game. Orange Team, you know what that means.”

  A full one hundred points for the Blue Team meant that suddenly Vicky and Kelly were the ones worrying. After all that meant they had four forfeits to face and they couldn’t do a thing to stop them!

  They’d already seen the changes happen to their opponents which meant they knew what was coming but it was still hard to prepare for their entire bodies tingling as they began to swell and bulge all over.

  Their lips, their behinds and their chests, these were the areas that they could feel their bodies ache and expand. Together their lips were swelling up in thickness, their buttocks were growing round and fat and their tits were inflating.

  Kelly was starting from a cute pair of A cups which meant she was going from almost flatness into bustyness, her breasts forming and swelling up through the cup sizes to a large D cup. However Vicky was already very busty, she was starting from a D cup which meant she had a way to go.

  She squawked as her chest expanded quickly and soared to heights that eclipsed the rest of the competition. She tried to hide them behind her arms but it was impossible to stop the swelling as the softness bulged around her grip. They just seemed to keep growing and growing.

  “How big are they going to get?” she complained, her chest growing a lot more than the other side’s did, and even what her teammate received.

  Eventually they did slow to a stop as she was struggling to contain those massive melons which had popped from her clothing thanks to the pressure. She couldn’t comprehend how big they’d managed to get as they’d only stopped once reaching a H cup.

  Just like the Blue Team, Vicky and Kelly were left with huge busts, fat pouted lips and even wide hips supporting meaty behinds but their forfeit wasn’t exactly done. They were still going to be receiving some outfits to go with their new bodies.

  Kelly’s green dress split into a mesh coating that only partially covered her upper half, exposing the yellow, star shaped, pastes she suddenly had covering her thick nipples while the shorts she’d been hiding below her clothing to protect her modesty, just in case, sunk down into the tightest, booty hugging, camel toe showing, black Lycra shorts possible. Of course her heels decided to grow a lot, lot, taller too, just to round things off.

  While Kelly looked trashy she was still more covered than Vicky. Apart from the standard heel growth their outfit changes were completely different. Vicky’s dress simply shrunk down around her body and turned itself into a tight fitting corset which squeezed her middle but exposed everything above and below. It even made her giants tits stand out more.

  “Why am I wearing something like this?” Kelly complained.

  “You? What about me? Look what I’m wearing!” Vicky squealed, her outfit offering no modesty at all.

  “You know this show is getting kinda feisty,” Bill said, “but we’re starting to run short on time which is why I’m making this next round double points. Winner takes all.”

  “Right we can still do this,” Vicky rallied as they knew they still had the advantage. They’d controlled the whole game and had just suffered one setback thanks to a lucky question. All they had to do was get in there first and they could win the whole thing without further bimbofication.

  “Okay, fingers on buzzers. Name something a teenage girl might save her money to buy.”

  Within less than a second the buzzer was pressed but it wasn’t from the Orange Team, it was the Blue Team!

  “Like clothes?” Emily blurted out, the board revealing itself with clothes as the top answer.

  “No way…” was the mumble from the other side. Of all the topics to get when faced with a team of bimbos.

  “That’s the top answer Blue Team. You now have control of the board. If you win this round you move onto the final.”

  Suddenly it was all nerves for Vicky and Kelly. This was a category which pretty much played into the hands of a couple of bimbos. Surely though they wouldn’t be able to sweep the whole round?

  “Like I’d want a car!” Madison announced, the board revealing that as the next best answer.

  “And I’d want some shoes,” Emily said, that also being up there.

  “Like some makeup too,” Madison continued. The third answer on the board.

  “Jewelry too!”

  “Oh, oh, like a new phone!”

  Ding ding ding. The Orange Team stared on in shock and horror. It had almost flashed by too fast to fully comprehend. With ease, with speed, Emily and Madison just went through the entire board without missing a beat. Despite being on the ropes for almost the entire show they had stolen victory right at the final hurdle.

  “Congratulations Emily and Madison, you are moving on to the final. Commiserations Vicky and Kelly. Today you were simply the second best.”


  It was game over for the Orange Team. They had lost the game and they were about to go full bimbo in body and mind. The makeup began to apply itself to their faces as their libidos rocketed and their minds melted away.

  Their moans filled up the arena as those bimbofying nanobots painted them up like cheap hookers and plundered their minds, sapping away their intellect and leaving a lustful bimbo landscape behind.

  The way they trembled and squealed as their brains were drained away was just like how Emily and Madison reacted, however they didn’t have the consolation of being able to move onto the final.

  With the Orange Team being turned into ditzes as well Bill turned back to the camera.

  “Okay everyone, Emily and Madison have managed to prove they are the better team and are now going to be moving to our final. Do they have what it takes to win our grand prize? Come back in five and find out.”

  “Welcome folks to our final round. We all know how this works. We have a fantastic grand prize waiting for both Emily and Madison if they can manage to secure victory tonight. The two of them will take turns answer my five quick fire questions. If together they can score over two hundred points they will be tonight’s grand prize winners. Answering first it’s Madison.”

  The bubbly blonde came skipping onto the stage, her curvy body bouncing around in her tight fitting sling bikini, finally showing the audience everything she had became.

  “Like hiya!”

  “Hey Madison. Okay you know the rules. You have twenty seconds to give me your best answers. If you can’t think of an answer you can pass. Are you ready?”

  “Like yeah I am!”

  “Okay your time starts as soon as I finish reading the first question. Name something kids want to be when they
grow up.”

  “A houswife!”

  “Name something you sit on.”

  “My boyfriend’s lap?”

  “Name something you do with snow.”

  “Make a snowman!”

  “Name something you blow.”


  “Name a contact sport.”


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