by Steven Bynum
Did they take the service elevator or the stairs. Jacob wondered.
“Oh my God, Trevor! Are you ok? Did you get shot?” Misty was checking him over for wounds.
“I’m ok. I’m ok. I wasn’t hit. Every shot missed me. So you can stop worrying and calm down. We’re just about at our destination. Let’s focus.” Trevor was doing his best to calm her down. The gunfire and bullets whizzing by had really rattled her.
“Oh God. I thought you were dead for sure. Who the Hell was that?” Misty asked. She shook her hands to relieve build up tension.
“That would be Jacob. I recognized his voice when he yelled at me.”
“How the Hell did he survive? How the Hell did he find us?” Misty was looking at Trevor all confused.
“I don’t know, my dear. We’ll ponder those questions at another time.”
Trevor raised his pistol in preparation. Misty followed his lead. The elevator stopped at their destination and the doors slid open.
Misty fully expected Jacob to somehow be there ready to fill them full of holes. She was quite relieved to see it was just her imagination getting the best of her. She took in a deep breath and released it, following Trevor out of the elevator.
“Great. No more flickering lights. I’m was so sick of spooky ass flickering lights.” Misty grumbled.
“I understand, my dear. I know you are tired, upset, and pissed off. I am too.” Trevor placed a hand on her face. “However, we need to get the filtration system up and running. Not to mention. We need to kill Jacob. It appears he’s going to follow us wherever we go. I, for one, do not feel like going anywhere else at the moment.”
“I can’t believe he’s still after us. There’s something wrong with that man.” Misty looked over at the service elevator and stairs then back at Trevor.
“I know. I didn’t realize at the time. If I’d known how dangerous he was, I would have kept him strapped down. I’m sorry.” Trevor shook his head.
“It’s not your fault. Not your fault at all.” Misty consoled him.
“Yes it is. I was the one that first spoke with him. I was the one that brought him to Fort Detrick. If it wasn’t for me …”
“If it wasn’t for you, we’d still be in positive pressure suits right now. It’s because of you we now have a chance.” Misty hugged Trevor and kissed him a long passionate kiss. He reciprocated.
Trevor pulled away from her.
“Ok.” Trevor cleared his throat. “You stay here while I go get filtration system fixed up and running for this section of the complex.”
“No. I don’t want to stay here. I’m going with you, Trevor.” Misty began protesting the plan.
“Please Misty. You stay here. I want you safe. Be ready to get the Hell out of here if things go sour like earlier. Not to mention you have to watch the service elevator and stairs. If the elevator moves you yell for me. Ok? Please, do this for me, Misty.”
“I don’t like it, but ok, I will.” Misty stepped back and turned away from him.
Trevor stared at her back for a long moment, then turned and walked away. The layout of this area was very similar to the area they had just left. It was convenient that they took the service elevator. The filtration system shouldn’t be too far away. He hoped to get everything running properly before Jacob showed up again.
Misty watched him walk away. Tears swelled up in her eyes. Trevor was all that she had left in the world now. Everything she had known, everything she had cared about was gone. She would never see her family or friends again. She would never live without fear. Suffering would be her constant companion. There would be no reason for her to keep on living if he was dead and gone. She would take her own life. It was something she would never dare mention to him lest he worry about her more than he did now. It would be her own secret.
“Come back to me my love. I’m not ready to die just yet.” Misty whispered after him.
Jacob applied pressure to the wound on his side. He had been unable to stop the bleeding. The burning pain was unending. The wound needed disinfected, stitched up, and he really wanted some painkillers. His pursuit of Dr. Atkinson and Nurse Bennings would have to wait a while. I need to go find some medical supplies right now.
Jacob twirled his crowbar once and walked to the main elevator.
Once inside the elevator, Jacob leaned back against the wall. He took a deep breath and pain shot through him. He pulled his hand away from the wound and looked at it. His hand was covered with blood. Shaking his head, he reapplied pressure.
I need to stitch this wound up before I bleed to death.
Jacob pressed the button that would take him back to the offices. He placed the crowbar back through his belt and leaned up against the elevator walls with his left arm. Just for a moment a feeling of light-headedness came over him. The feeling quickly subsided and he straightened back up as the elevator doors opened at his destination.
Jacob took a seat at the first desk he came across. He pulled out the layout papers he had stuffed in his pocket earlier. Blood was smeared across them, but they were still legible. Surely there is a medical section somewhere in this facility.
“There it is, ole buddy.” He pulled the crowbar from his belt because it was sticking him in the side a bit. “Medical is just over from this lab section. Looks like there is some kind of transport that’ll take us right there.” Jacob stood up and shoved the papers back into his pocket. “Come on. Let’s hurry up. My side is hurting something fierce.”
Jacob gazed through the windowed door of the transport tunnel. The tunnel was mostly dark with sporadic lighting flickering on and off in far apart sections. He was not looking forward to taking one step inside the tunnel, but he felt a dire need to get to the medical section.
“I can do this. Hell, I’ve killed so many deaders now and in fairly large numbers at times I might add.” Jacob twirled the crowbar several times. “Hell, there may not even be any deaders out there.”
With his flashlight in his left hand and pistol in his right, he opened the door. Air flowed into the corridor with the release of pressure. It smelled putrid, causing him to gag and spit. The trip through the tunnel was not going to be a good one. It was already starting off badly.
Clomp … clomp … Jacob’s steps echoed down the tunnel. Every step he made caused him to cringe. Figures, these damn boots are so loud and I don’t feel like trying to sneak. If there were zombies in the tunnel, they, without a doubt, heard his footsteps. At this point, Jacob didn’t care. The pain was becoming worse.
Jacob trudged toward the first section of flickering lights. He moved the flashlight all around. There were zombies in the tunnel. The stench was a sure sign. It would only be a matter of time before his footsteps lured them to him.
Luck seemed to be turning its back on Jacob. Halfway to the first section, he tripped over something and fell hard, shattering the lens and bulb of the flashlight. He was able to hold on to the pistol as he lay there in the darkness.
For a long time, Jacob remained there on the floor. He was having trouble willing his body to move. He was feeling so tired. Perhaps the loss of blood was taking its toll on him, but he was certainly starting to consider giving up. Why do I keep going? There’s nothing left. Jacob let his eyes close. He would just go to sleep and not wake up.
Jacob’s plan did not work. Whether a dream or a bump on the head, he was not sure, but he thought he heard his wife shouting to him. His eyes popped open and he looked around for her. He couldn’t see her, but the voice was surely hers, “Get up, Jacob! Get up! Run!” He responded to the urgency in her voice the way he always had. Jacob jumped up and ran to the flickering lights.
Back against the wall, Jacob took deep breaths. With each breath, pain shot through his side. Pistol in his right hand, he brought out the second pistol with his left hand and pointed both toward the darkness. He could not see them, but he heard the moans coming closer and closer. The
voice of his wife, even if it was imagined, was correct to warn him.
A zombie stumbled into view from the left. Its arms were outstretched and mouth was open showing its teeth. Jacob’s practiced and steady hand allowed him to put a bullet through its head. The zombie dropped, just as another appeared from the right. Another shot was placed easily between its eyes dropping that one to the ground as well.
For every zombie he dropped, another would appear in its place. A horde had come for Jacob. He was quickly becoming unsure if he would make it out of this battle alive. He had been in desperate situations before, but this time, it was much worse than it had ever been.
Shot after shot, Jacob fired into the zombie horde. He was trying to keep count of how many bullets he had fired, but as fast as he was shooting, he was close to losing count. Fuck it. I still have my ole buddy with me. With that thought, he unleashed a barrage of bullets on any zombie he could see. Magazines empty, he dropped the pistols and grabbed the crowbar from his belt.
“Come on you deader bastards! Come and get it!” Jacob twirled the crowbar once before slamming it into the head of the nearest zombie. Its head popped open and brains flew backwards through the air.
No time to recover, the next zombie reached for Jacob. Jacob came up with the crowbar, catching it under the chin. The zombie flew backwards and landed with a thud on its back. It began standing back up in a matter of seconds. Jacob stuck it in the top of the head with the end of the crowbar.
Jacob pulled the crowbar from the zombie’s head, spun, and hit yet another zombie in the side of the head. The zombie twisted and fell to the floor. Its brain seeped out as its body convulsed for a moment before going limp.
The zombie assault was relentless. Jacob wasn’t sure if he was going to survive the battle this time. Maybe if he wasn’t wounded, he would be enjoying himself a bit more. This time, he was trying to stay alive and keep from passing out. The more he fought, the more dizzy he was becoming. The gore and bodies now covering the floor weren’t helping his footing either.
Jacob hit another zombie in the head with what seemed like all the strength he had left. Tired and exhausted, his legs went to rubber and he fell. He managed to stand just as a zombie grabbed him from behind and bit him on the shoulder. Jacob screamed in pain and fear as his flesh was torn away.
Adrenaline kicked in again and Jacob shoved the crowbar backwards into the zombie’s stomach. The zombie hardly reacted, but gave a slight pause allowing Jacob to free himself. Jacob jerked the crowbar free and swung it, hitting the zombie in the Achilles’ Heel, which caused the zombie to fall. Jacob came down with the double clawed end of the crowbar, smashing the zombie’s face into fragments of gore, flesh, and bone.
Jacob grabbed his shoulder and suppressed the urge to yell out in pain. He took one step, dropped down on one knee, and tried to catch his breath. It seemed like very inch of his body hurt at the moment. There was no time to waste. More zombies would attack him if he didn’t take action. Standing up, he trotted toward the next area with flickering lights.
It was only a short distance, but it felt like a mile. Jacob immediately propped up against the wall when he arrived at the next area. Breathing heavy, he spit bile from his mouth to keep from vomiting.
“How much further? I don’t know. I don’t know.” Jacob spoke to the air between breaths.
Jacob readied the crowbar, expecting more zombies to attack at any moment. He was surprised and thankful that none came. Was that all of them inside this tunnel? Jacob wondered and hoped it was true.
Jacob gathered his strength and moved onward. No wonder a tram was needed to traverse this tunnel. Too bad it’s not working. I sure could have used it. Trudging on, he let his mind wander. Thoughts of his wife and daughter flickered in his mind. How he wished he was with them now. Why do I continue on? Why do I let myself suffer in a ruined world? When will my mission be over, so that I can move on to something better?
Jacob used the crowbar as a cane. Steadily, he moved toward the flickering lights that he assumed to be the end of the tunnel. The more he thought of his family, the more pissed off he became. He began to remember the mission he had set out on after they died. Determined, his pace quickened as he began ignoring the pain.
Moans began echoing when he reached the halfway mark. Immediately, he dashed to the nearest light source. Zombies cannot see in the dark, but their sense of smell and hearing are enhanced. Jacob knew it would only be a matter of time before this group zeroed in on him. He needed to be able to see them in order to have a fighting chance.
Jacob positioned himself with his back to the wall. No zombie would get behind him this time if he could help it.
The first zombie appeared in less than two minutes. Jacob was ready for this new altercation. He quickly moved forward and shoved the crowbar thru the zombie’s eye socket and kicked the zombie backwards as he jerked the crowbar free.
Jacob immediately backed up to the wall again and prepared for the next zombie to attack.
Not one, but three zombies came out of the darkness. Jacob easily stepped over and dispatched the first zombie, but had to spin and dodge as the second zombie lunged at him. The third zombie managed to grab hold of Jacob’s shirt. Jacob slammed the crowbar into the zombie’s face, knocking it back. Jacob then hooked the zombie by the neck with one claw of the crowbar and slung it across the floor.
Jacob twisted and swung the crowbar like a baseball bat. The blow caught the second zombie in the head, sending a large chunk of flesh, bone, and brain through the air.
The third zombie had not returned, but a fourth came out of the darkness limping toward him. “Pfft.” Jacob mouthed. He walked over and buried the crowbar into the zombie’s forehead.
Jacob jerked the crowbar free sending blood splattering across the floor. The third zombie had finally returned. Its arms reached for Jacob. With an experienced thrust, Jacob sent the crowbar up thru the zombie’s chin and out the top of its head.
Jacob twirled the crowbar over and over as he waited for more zombies to attack him. He waited for several minutes before deciding no more were out there in the darkness. Almost depressed that the battle was already over, Jacob took in a deep breath and released it.
“Well ole buddy. I guess it’s for the best. There’s still plenty of those deader bastards out there when we want another fight.” Jacob twirled the crowbar one more time then settled down to rest.
Jacob came down from his battle high and the weakness returned in full force. Unable to hold himself up, he collapsed and closed his eyes. He heard a little girl laughing. People were talking. Cash registers were dinging. Mary took his arm in hers and leaned her head against his shoulder. Sheila was enjoying herself as she played with stuffed animals. They were at the Mall on their regular outing to spend time with each other. It had become a family tradition. He was happy to be with his family. Everything began to fade and change. Walls crumbled. People dropped dead before his eyes. They rose up again as zombies and snarled at him. He ran, desperate to find his wife and daughter. He found them. They transformed into zombies before his eyes and caught on fire. They screamed long and loud.
Jacob snapped awake and gasped for air. Eventually, he found his breath and looked around. He wiped blood and sweat from his face as he stood up. He forced himself to continue onward toward the end of the tunnel.
Trevor finished the last repair on the filtration unit and the system was up and running smoothly. It didn’t take long before an actual difference could be recognized in the air. Misty will be very pleased, he thought to himself, which brought a smile to his face. He would never admit it to her face, but it meant a lot to him when she was proud of his achievements.
Trevor turned to head back to her location when he heard Misty shouting his name. She sounded desperate, almost in a panic. Without any further thought, he dashed as fast as he could. Perhaps a little too fast, as he slammed into a piece of machinery. His shoulder hurt, but the pain did not
register. There was only one thought on his mind. Get to Misty. Make sure she is safe.
Trevor rounded a corner and nearly ran smack head-on into Misty. She screamed at the top of her lungs and raised her pistol toward him. Trevor grabbed her arm before she could fire.
“What the Hell are you doing?” Trevor shouted, nearly scared shitless himself.
“I thought…you’ve been gone so long, I thought something happened to you!” Misty was noticeably trembling. She broke down crying and buried her head into his chest.
Trevor held her with his left arm. He kept the pistol ready with his right hand just in case. “Shh, it’s ok. I’m right here. Everything is just fine. It took a little longer than I expected. I’m sorry you got scared.”
Misty quickly began to calm down as he held her. Her whole body would shake every twenty seconds or so, but eventually she became completely relaxed and feeling foolish.
“I don’t know what I was thinking.” Misty giggled. “I am so foolish. Just a foolish little girl.” She looked into Trevor’s eyes and smiled.
“No, no, you are not foolish. With all that has happened, it is an understandable reaction. Don’t say that about yourself. Okay?”
“Okay.” Misty stared into his eyes a bit longer then kissed him passionately. Trevor returned the kiss with his own desire.
“What’s next my love?” Misty kissed him again and caressed his face.
“Well…” Trevor cleared his throat before he could continue speaking. “I think we should find a place to get some much needed sleep. It’s been a long day, don’t you think?”
“Trevor. It’s been a long year. We hardly spent any time together. Hell, we’ve spent more time together due to this zombie apocalypse than we ever have.”
“I know my dear and I am so sorry. It’s just so much was going on. Duty…”
“Duty.” Misty interrupted. “Look what duty got everyone.”
Trevor didn’t have a response. She was right and he knew it. If more had disobeyed orders and listened to him, perhaps more would still be alive. Their sense of duty had been their downfall. “Are you ready to go find a place t rest my dear?”