The Arab_Israeli Conflict

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The Arab_Israeli Conflict Page 34

by Jonathan Rynhold

  85 Martin Peretz, “The Bomb’s Diameters,” New Republic, December 17, 2001, 46.

  86 “Shepherdstown Blues,” New Republic, January 17, 2000, 9.

  87 Thomas L. Friedman, “Foreign Affairs: Bibi and Gennadi,” New York Times, May 29, 1996, 19.

  88 Thomas Friedman, “Foreign Affairs: Waiting for the Wild Card,” New York Times, May 12, 1996, 13.

  89 Jonathan Frankel, “Netanyahu’s Second Year: Farce and Tragedy,” Dissent, Fall 1997, 16–22.

  90 Richard Cohen, “Time for Some Tough Love,” Washington Post, October 9, 1997, A23; Thomas L. Friedman, “Foreign Affairs: A Dangerous Peace,” New York Times, January 12, 1999, 19

  91 Thomas L. Friedman, “Foreign Affairs: In Defense of Peace,” New York Times, September 24, 1995, 13; Richard Cohen, “Speak Out!” Washington Post, February 24, 1988, A25; Leon Wieseltier, “Gog, Magog, Agog,” New Republic, May 15, 1995, 46.

  92 Richard Cohen, “Wrong About Netanyahu,” Washington Post, January 16, 1997, A21; Thomas L. Friedman, “Foreign Affairs: What Hebron Tells Us,” New York Times, January 15, 1997, 19.

  93 Richard Cohen, “Mrs. Arafat’s Allegations,” Washington Post, November 18, 1999, A41; Richard Cohen, “Arafat: On the Way to a Police State?” Washington Post, January 4, 1996, A25; Thomas L. Friedman, “Foreign Affairs: The Arab Burden,” New York Times, November 20, 1996, 25; Thomas L. Friedman, “Foreign Affairs: The Twilight Zone,” New York Times, June 25, 1995, 15; Thomas L. Friedman, “Foreign Affairs: To Tell the Truth,” New York Times, April 20, 2001, 19.

  94 “Chancing Peace,” Nation, September 27, 1993, 303; Christopher Hitchens, Minority Report (column on the mutual recognition agreement between Israel and the Palestine Liberation Organization), Nation, October 11, 1993, 379; James Zogby, “Palestine, Yes!” Nation, October 25, 1993, 449.

  95 Edward Said, “Arafat’s Deal,” Nation, September 20, 1993, 269–270; Alexander Cockburn, “Beat the Devil,” Nation, October 4, 1993.

  96 Edward Said, “For Palestinian Independence: Rally and Resist,” Nation, February 14, 1994, 190; Edward Said, “The Mirage of Peace,” Nation, October 16, 1995, 413.

  97 “Piecemeal Peace,” Nation, October 16, 1995 407.

  98 “The Wye Accords,” Nation, November 16, 1998, 3.

  99 Richard Cohen, “Don’t Forget Jerusalem,” Washington Post, April 20, 2010, A15.

  100 Thomas L. Friedman, “Foreign Affairs: Arafat’s War,” New York Times, October 13, 2000, 33; David Samuels, “In a Ruined Country: How Yasir Arafat Destroyed Palestine,” Atlantic, September 2005,

  101 Michael Walzer, “The Four Wars of Israel/Palestine,” Dissent, Fall 2002; Dennis Ross, “The Missing Peace Disabused,” New Republic, August 7, 2000, 8; Benny Morris, “The Rejection,” New Republic, April 21, 2003-April 28, 2003, Leon Wieseltier, “After Peace,” New Republic, April 15, 2002, 19; Richard Cohen, “Israel’s Answer to Arafat,” Washington Post, February 8, 2001, A23; Thomas L. Friedman, “Foreign Affairs: The New Mideast Paradigm,” New York Times, March 6, 2001, 21.

  102 Thomas L. Friedman, “Foreign Affairs: Empty Deeds, Ugly Words,” New York Times, May 11, 2001, 35; Richard Cohen, “The Ugly Arab Press,” Washington Post, March 13, 2001, A21; Richard Cohen, “The Pope’s Silence,” Washington Post, May 8, 2001, A23; Thomas L. Friedman, “The Hidden Victims,” New York Times, May 1, 2002, 25.

  103 Walter Laqueur, “A Failure of Intelligence,” Atlantic, March 2002, 127–130.

  104 Thomas L. Friedman, “Foreign Affairs: It’s Freedom, Stupid,” New York Times, October 9, 2001, 25.

  105 Richard Cohen, “Stop Using Children,” Washington Post, March 30, 2004, A19; James Bennet, “Beyond Belief,” Atlantic, March 2009, 12; Thomas L. Friedman, “On the Eve of Madness,” New York Times, July 28, 2006, 29.

  106 Richard Cohen, “Truth Massacred,” Washington Post, August 6, 2002, A15.

  107 Leonard Fein, “Reflections of a Sometime Israel Lobbyist,” Dissent, Spring 2008; Michael Walzer, “The Four Wars of Israel/Palestine,” Dissent, Fall 2002; Leon Wieseltier, “The Children of Qana,” New Republic, August 14, 2006–August 21, 2006, 38; “How Bad Was Jenin?” Atlantic, July–August 2003, 38.

  108 Richard Cohen, “Palestinian State of Nature,” Washington Post, September 13, 2005, A27; Thomas L. Friedman, “Foreign Affairs: The New Mideast Paradigm,” New York Times, March 6, 2001, 21.

  109 “It Happened Here,” New Republic, September 24, 2001, 10; Dennis Ross, “Squeeze Play,” New Republic, April 23, 2007, 18; Richard Cohen, “Extremists Don’t Give an Inch,” Washington Post, September 20, 2001, A35; Thomas L. Friedman, “Foreign Affairs: World War III,” New York Times, September 13, 2001, 27.

  110 Thomas L. Friedman, “The Intifada Is Over,” New York Times, December 5, 2001, 29.

  111 Richard Cohen, “Two Brands of Terror,” Washington Post, August 21, 2003, A23.

  112 Richard Cohen, “Build a Fence,” Washington Post, April 16, 2002, A19; Thomas L. Friedman, “The Wailing Wall?” New York Times, September 7, 2003, 13; Abigail Cutler. “Security Fences,” Atlantic, March 2005, 40.

  113 Richard Cohen, “Time to Take Control,” Washington Post, August 16, 2001, A25; Richard Cohen, “Arafat’s Alibi,” Washington Post, May 9, 2002, A31; Thomas L. Friedman, “A Foul Wind,” New York Times, March 10, 2002, 19.

  114 Leon Wieseltier, “After Peace,” New Republic, April 15, 2002, 19; Richard Cohen, “A ‘Traitor’ for Peace,” Washington Post, December 9, 2003 A27; Thomas L. Friedman, “An Intriguing Signal from the Saudi Crown Prince,” New York Times, February 17, 2002, 11.

  115 “Exit Strategy,” New Republic, May 3, 2004, 7; Leon Wieseltier, “Unsettled,” New Republic, January 23, 2006, 34; Thomas L. Friedman, “A Hole in the Heart,” New York Times, October 28, 2004, 29.

  116 Thomas L. Friedman, “Arabs, It’s Your Move,” New York Times, February 12, 2004, 37.

  117 Michael Walzer, “Israel at 60 Essay,” Americans for Peace Now, May 6, 2008; Richard Cohen, “From Algiers to Jerusalem.” Washington Post, April 2, 2002, A15; Richard Cohen, “Following the Sharon Way,” Washington Post, January 10, 2006, A15.

  118 Michael Walzer “War Fair,” New Republic, July 31, 2006, 15; Richard Cohen, “A Conflict Hamas Caused,” Washington Post, January 6, 2009, A13; Thomas L. Friedman, “The Kidnapping of Democracy,” New York Times, July 14, 2006, 19; Jeffrey Goldberg, “Unforgiven,” Atlantic, May 2008, 32–51; Jeffrey Goldberg, “Nizar Rayyan of Hamas on God’s Hatred of Jews,” Atlantic, January 2, 2009; Richard Cohen, “Mideast Echoes Of 1938,” Washington Post, August 22, 2006, A15.

  119 Thomas L. Friedman, “The Morning after the Morning After,” New York Times, August 11, 2006, 15; Dennis Ross, “Roll Back,” New Republic, July 31, 2006, 17.

  120 Walzer, “War Fair”; Wieseltier, “The Children of Qana.”

  121 Richard Cohen, “Mideast Echoes of 1938,” Washington Post, August 22, 2006, A15

  122 Friedman, “The Gridlock Gang.”

  123 Thomas L. Friedman, “Not So Smart,” New York Times, July 19, 2006, 21. Thomas L. Friedman, “The Mideast’s Ground Zero,” New York Times, January 7, 2009, 27

  124 Michael Walzer, “Response to Jerome Slater: The Lebanon War,” Dissent, Winter 2007; Martin Peretz, “Who Lost Gaza?” New Republic, July 2, 2007, 3; Cohen, “A Conflict Hamas Caused”; Thomas L. Friedman, “Let Hamas Sink or Swim on Its Own,” New York Times, February 17, 2006, 23.

  125 Richard Cohen, “Hamas’s Bloody Hands,” Washington Post, April 21, 2009, A23; Thomas L. Friedman, “Time for Radical Pragmatism,” New York Times, June 4, 2008, 25.

  126 Thomas L. Friedman, “Beyond The Banks,” New York Times, February 8, 2009, 10; Thomas L. Friedman, “Green Shoots In Palestine II,” New York Times, August 9, 2009, 8; Jeffrey Goldberg and Hussein Ibish, “Good News From The Middle East (Really),” New York Times, January 25, 2011.

  127 Richard Cohen, “Whose Israel Shall It Be?�
�� Washington Post, February 24, 2009, A13; Jeffrey Goldberg, “The Lieberman Disaster,” Atlantic, March 17, 2009.

  128 Thomas L. Friedman, “Reality Check,” New York Times, December 12, 2010, 8; Jeffrey Goldberg. “How Iran Could Save The Middle East,” Atlantic, July–August 2009, 66–68.

  129 Leon Wieseltier, “At the Window,” New Republic, March 27, 2009, 48; Richard Cohen, “Conscience Hits a Wall in the West Bank,” Washington Post, April 13, 2010, A17.

  130 Benjamin Schwarz, “Will Israel Live to 100?” Atlantic, May 2005, 29–30, 32; Jeffrey Goldberg, “Goldblog vs. Peter Beinart, Part I,” Atlantic, May 18, 2010.

  131 Robert Jensen, “Occupation Blues (Book Review),” Nation, January 6, 2003; Edward Said, “The End Of Oslo,” Nation, October 30, 2000; “Bitter Facts in the Mideast,” Nation, November 6, 2000; Christopher Hitchens, “National Security?” Nation, December 31, 2001; Neve Gordon, “Israel: Into the Abyss,” Nation, September 17, 2001; Naomi Klein “Israel: Boycott, Divest, Sanction”; Judith Butler, “You Will Not Be Alone,” The Nation, April 13, 2010.

  132 Alexander Cockburn, “Sharon or Arafat: Which Is the Sponsor of Terror?” Nation, December 24, 2001; Richard Falk, “Ending the Death Dance,” Nation, April 29, 2002; “Sharon’s Bulldozers,” Nation, May 6, 2002.

  133 Meredith Tax, “Not in Our Name,” Nation, June 4, 2001, p.7; “Reaping The Whirlwind,” Nation, December 24, 2001.

  134 Editors, “In Fact … with Friends Like These…,” Nation, November 21, 2005.

  135 Roane Carey and Adam Shatz, “Pastrami and Champagne,” Nation, May 10, 2004; Richard Falk, “Gaza Illusions,” Nation, August 25, 2005.

  136 “Lawless in Gaza,” Nation, July 14, 2006.

  137 “Too High a Price,” Nation, July 14, 2006.

  138 Robert Schneer, “Gaza Clouds Obama’s Prospects,” Nation, December 31, 2008; Roane Carey, “Misreading Gaza,” Nation, January 7, 2009; Richard Falk, “Israel’s War Crimes,” Nation, December 29, 2008; “Toward Peace in Gaza,” Nation, January 7, 2009.

  139 Sasha Polakow-Suransky, “Who Killed Camp David?” American Prospect, October 2004, 44; Avishai Margalit, “The Middle East: Snakes and Ladders,” New York Review of Books, May 17, 2001; Flore de Preneuf, “Clock Running Out on Clinton’s Mideast Legacy,” Salon, January 3, 2001; Ben Barber, “Dragged Back into the Fight,” Salon, April 19, 2001; Henry Siegman, “Partners for War,” New York Review of Books, January 16, 2003; John Judis, “Bush Doesn’t Want to Push Peace,” American Prospect, March 11, 2002, 10.

  140 Amos Elon, “Israelis and Palestinians: What Went Wrong?” New York Review of Books, December 19, 2002; Gary Kamiya, “How Yasser Arafat will go down in history,” Salon, November 11, 2004; Gershom Gorenberg, “Spontaneous Fission,” American Prospect, June 17, 2002, 15; Henry Siegman, “Israel: The Threat from Within,” New York Review of Books, February 26, 2004.

  141 Robert Malley and Hussein Agha, “Camp David: The Tragedy of Errors,” New York Review of Books, August 9, 2001.

  142 Aaron David Miller, The Much Too Promised Land: American Elusive Search for Arab-Israeli Peace (New York: Bantam Books, 2008).

  143 Flore de Preneuf and Daryl Lindsey, “I Hope He Will Be Better Than His Father,” Salon, January 4, 2001; Flore de Preneuf, “Israel’s Apartheid,” Salon, November 3, 2000; Michael Adams, “The Fraud of American ‘Peacemaking,’” Salon, January 4, 2001.

  144 Flore de Preneuf, “The Children’s War,” Salon, October 17, 2000.

  145 Flore de Preneuf, “Palestinian Rioters Hail Bin Laden,” Salon, October 8, 2001; Flore de Preneuf, “Rejoicing in the Streets of Jenin,” Salon, September 11, 2001.

  146 Suzy Hansen, “Why Terrorism works,” Salon, September 12, 2002; Asla Aydintasbas, “Saving Arafat, Again,” Salon, April 16, 2002; Mark Follman, “After Arafat,” Salon, November 11, 2004; Flore de Preneuf, “Living with Terrorism,” Salon, September 13, 2001.

  147 Michelle Goldberg, “Intolerance on the Left,” Salon, February 12, 2003; Dennis Fox, “The Shame of the Pro-Palestinian Left,” Salon, May 14, 2002.

  148 Gershom Gorenberg, “Road Map to Grand Apartheid?” American Prospect, July–August, 2003, 15; John Judis, “The Road to Aqaba,” American Prospect, July–August 2003, 12; Henry Siegman, “Sharon’s Phony War,” New York Review of Books, December 18, 2003.

  149 Paul Starr, “Peace by Other Means,” American Prospect, May 6, 2002, 2; Anthony Lewis, “Is There a Solution?” New York Review of Books, April 25, 2002; Ferry Biedermann, “Exiling Peace,” Salon, April 4, 2002; Gary Kamiya, “Last Exit before Armageddon,” Salon, March 31, 2002; Paul Wachter, “Amid Chaos, an Olive Branch,” Salon, March 28, 2002.

  150 For example, see Aluf Benn, “The End of the Affair,” Salon, August 18, 2005.

  151 Tony Judt, “Israel: The Alternative,” New York Review of Books, October 23, 2003.

  152 Julie Flint, “The Fallout from Qana,” Salon, July 31, 2006; Mitch Prothero, “The ‘Hiding among Civilians’ Myth,” Salon, July 28, 2006; Juan Cole, “Israel’s Maximal Option,” Salon, July 19, 2006.

  153 Sidney Blumenthal, “Israel’s Debacle, Courtesy of Bush,” Salon, August 17, 2006; Glenn Greenwald, “Neoconservatives Can’t Dig Their Way out of This Hole,” Salon, August 7, 2006; Laura Rozen, “Bush’s Diplomacy Allergy,” Salon, July 25, 2006; Tim Grieve, “The Lessons That Haven’t Been Learned,” Salon, July 19, 2006; Mitchell Prothero, “Lebanon Pays for Hezbollah’s Sins,” Salon, July 14, 2006; Gary Kamiya, “Leave the Muslim World Alone,” Salon, July 17, 2007; Glenn Greenwald, “Krauthammer’s Plan to Deny Palestinians Gas and Electricity,” Salon, June 22, 2007.

  154 Kathleen Haley, “We Need to Talk to Them,” Salon, February 25, 2006; Cobban, “Who Is the Real Hamas?”; Juan Cole, “How Do You Like Your Democracy Now, Mr. Bush?” Salon, January 27, 2006; Gary Kamiya, “Bush’s Delusions Die in Gaza,” Salon, January 29, 2008; Levy and Atallah, “A Path to Peace”; Henry Siegman, “Hamas: The Last Chance for Peace?”; Brzezinski et al., “Failure Risks Devastating Consequences,” Richard Cohen, “Eyeless in Gaza,” New York Review of Books, February 12, 2009.

  155 Gary Kamiya, “The Israel Rules,” Salon, January 6, 2009.

  156 John Judis, “Some Mideast Realism, Please,” American Prospect, January 13, 2003, 8; Robert Dreyfuss, “Tinker, Banker, Neocon, Spy,” American Prospect, November 18, 2002, 28; John Judis, “Two Steps Backward,” American Prospect, August 12, 2002, 10; Michael Lind, “From Fantasy to Fiasco,” American Prospect, April 2008, 37; Michael Massing, “Deal Breakers,” American Prospect, March 11, 2002, 18; Daniel Levy, “Is It Good for the Jews?” American Prospect, July–August 2006, 33; Laura Rozen and Jason Vest, “Cloak and Swagger,” American Prospect, November 2004, 21; Max Blumenthal, “Born-Again for Sharon,” Salon, November 1, 2004; Jason Boyett, “Apocalypse Soon,” Salon, August 7, 2006; Michelle Goldberg, “Antichrist Politics,” Salon, May 24, 2002; Juan Cole, “The New McCarthyism,” Salon, April 22, 2005; Gary Kamiya, “Can American Jews Unplug the Israel Lobby?” Salon, March 20, 2007; Glenn Greenwald, “Exploiting Religious Divisions for Political Gain,” Salon, August 8, 2006; Glenn Greenwald, “New Poll Reveals How Unrepresentative Neocon Jewish Groups Are,” Salon, December 12, 2007; Glenn Greenwald, “Some Hateful, Radical Ministers – White Evangelicals – Are Acceptable,” Salon, February 28, 2008.

  157 Peter Beinart, “The Failure of the American Jewish Establishment,” New York Review of Books, June 10. 2010.

  158 John Judis, “The Real Foreign-Policy Debate,” American Prospect, May 6, 2002, 10; Bruce Ackerman and Todd Gitlin, “We Answer to the Name of Liberals,” American Prospect, November 2006, 24.

  159 “The American Public: Opinions and Values in a 51%–48% Nation,” Pew Research Center for the People and the Press, January 20, 2005,

  160 “Beyond Red vs. Blue: Political Typology,” Pew Research Center for the People and the Press, May 4, 2011,
-pdf/Beyond-Red-vs-Blue-The-Political-Typology.pdf; “Beyond Red vs. Blue,” Pew Research Center for the People and the Press, May 10, 2005,; Pew Research Center, spreadsheet, 2005 poll.

  161 “Independents Take Center Stage in Obama Era: Trends in Political Values and Core Attitudes: 1987–2009,” Pew Research Center for the People and the Press, May 21, 2009,

  162 Constrained Internationalism: Adapting to New Realities: Results of a 2010 National Survey of American Public Opinion (Chicago: Chicago Council on Global Affairs, 2010), 78,


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