The Legacy of the Assassin

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The Legacy of the Assassin Page 7

by Tony Bertot

  Under her orders, three women who were similar in height, weight and overall appearance to Felicia, were hired and brought to the hospital. At approximately 10:00 a.m. the three women, all dressed alike, were surrounded by bodyguards, police and undercover agents as they were hustled separately into the limousines. There was no way to know which one was the real Felicia Giordano as they were quickly spirited away before reporters and the curious gave chase.

  All three limos headed for New Jersey using different routes. Escorted by police, with sirens blaring, they each made their way through the streets of Manhattan. The officials who managed the city of New York were quite pleased to bid her goodbye, as the New York City police escorts stopped at the different entry points to New Jersey. Each reported she had successfully left the city. A sigh of relief came over all involved as the last car reported her exit.

  By 11:00 a.m., the crowds in front of the hospital had dissipated and, finally, after more than six months of having to deal with double screening, shouting reporters and crowds of the curious, it went back to its normal routine.

  At approximately 8:20 p.m., Felicia Giordano, disguised as an old woman, walked out the side entrance of the hospital, to a parked car manned by Leo's sons and disappeared into the night. No one had noticed that when she, the three women, Leo and several of her men entered the elevator to leave, only the three women and the men exited the elevator on the lobby floor. Felicia had changed into a nurse's outfit and exited on another floor. There, two more of her men whisked her away to a waiting room where she once again changed. This time her disguise as an old woman protected her identity until late that day.

  Felicia would never know how her plan had saved her life. Theo Gresco watched from a building some two blocks away through a sniper’s scope. Suspecting that the three limos were a decoy, he scanned the surrounding entrances to see if he could spot his mark and finish his contractual agreement. Theo knew he could have easily gotten two of the three women, maybe even the third one if he was lucky. However, the fact that at least two of those women were innocent bothered him, and it was not in him to execute the innocent.

  "This one is yours, Felicia. I am sure this opportunity will present itself again in the very near future. I guarantee that," Theo thought to himself.


  The media outside the Giordano estate in New Jersey excitedly stood their ground, snapping pictures as limousines with dark, tinted windows entered through heavily guarded gates. Accompanying the onlookers and media were members of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, as well as scores of local police.

  Though no one knew if Miss Giordano had actually arrived, someone who looked like her was seen entering the house. Everyone assumed she was there, since all three of the limousines had arrived from the hospital. The fact of the matter was the limousines were simply a ruse to keep everyone at bay. This proved to be an effective diversion for keeping all of the interested parties, including any would be assassins, from knowing her whereabouts.

  Unknown to all of the onlookers, Miss Felicia Giordano and her top lieutenants were on a private plane heading to Chicago to have a surprise meeting with Luis Ruiziano.

  A Warrant is Issued

  New York City/OTCF Headquarters

  John Connolly stared at Sheila Cooper and Sam Williams as they made their report after returning from the Wisconsin Penitentiary.

  "So based on what you two have found, we now have a bona-fide killer out on the streets. Well, we have no choice but to issue a warrant for the arrest of Nick Costello," John said.

  "Captain, it's been over twenty years and we only have the word of a convicted felon to go on. And if I may add, a felon who has nothing to lose and may have given us false information to better his own situation," Sam responded.

  "Nonetheless, we can't take any chances. We need to bring this guy in to at least question him and get his true identity resolved, once and for all," Connolly said in a concerned voice. "Sheila, what's the story on Tyler Santiago?" he asked.

  "Sir, he called but refused to come in. Mr. Santiago stated he was very busy at the time, but would voluntarily come in a couple of days," she responded.

  "Really?" the captain remarked. "So we sit around and wait until Mr. Santiago decides he will talk to us? Do I have it right, Ms. Cooper?" the captain asked her.

  "Um… No sir, I didn't mean for it to come across that way," Agent Cooper responded.

  "Well, I don't have time to pussyfoot around. I am issuing a warrant for both Nick Costello and Tyler Santiago. I need to know the whereabouts of both these men prior to going before a judge for the warrants. Therefore, you two need to provide me with that information. Find out where they are," the captain ordered.

  Realizing that the captain was not in a good mood, both Sheila and Sam got up and walked out of the office without saying a word.

  "Sam, I'm going back to see Tyler's old chief and partner. Maybe they can tell me where he is," Sheila said.

  "Ok. I will try to track down where Mr. Costello might have headed. I presume he is probably in Chicago. He should be easy to track. I'll let you know if I find out anything and you do the same," Sam told her.

  "Sounds like a plan. We'll chat tonight," said Sheila as she reached into her desk and pulled out her gun, holstering it under her jacket as she headed for the door.

  Sheila's thoughts were on Tyler. She was determined to try to persuade him to come in without a warrant. It would be in his best interest.

  Thirty minutes later, she was at the 25th precinct sitting in front of Chief of Police, John O'Malley. "Chief, I need to contact Mr. Santiago. Our captain wants to issue a warrant for his arrest and I don't think that would be in his best interest," Sheila told O'Malley.

  "Miss Cooper, I don't know where Tyler is and if I did, I don't know if I would necessarily tell you. What do you want with him anyway? Why can't you just leave him alone?" the chief pleaded.

  "Chief, you obviously don't know. We have reason to believe that the man Tyler shot, the same man that killed the judge, is Tyler's father," Sheila said.

  The news caught O'Malley off guard.

  "What! What are you saying? That is the most ridiculous thing I ever heard. Where do you people come up with these things?" John O'Malley responded.

  "You think I want to believe it? You think I want to see anything happen to Tyler? If it wasn't for Tyler, I might very well be dead right now," Sheila said almost shouting. The chief stared at her for a few seconds and could see the concern in her eyes.

  "Ok. Ok what do you want me to do?" asked O'Malley.

  "Is there any way to contact him?" Sheila asked in a calmer voice.

  The chief stood up, walked over, and opened the door."Russo, get in here!" he shouted out.

  A second later Detective Eric Russo, Tyler's ex-partner, was in his office.

  "Where is your ex-partner? And don't give me this bullshit that you don't know," the chief asked him.

  "I don't know. Really, I don't know," Eric responded.

  Sheila turned to Eric and told him what was going on. Told him about the assassin being related to Tyler and that a warrant was going to be issued for his arrest.

  "Oh, my God! You have to be kidding me. How can that be? He shot at Tyler more than once. Crap, Tyler shot and killed him," Eric said aloud.

  "Well it's true he shot. However, we never found the body and we think the guy survived," Sheila said.

  After a few seconds, Eric spoke up. "Chief, he called me a few days ago. He wanted me to find out about a guy who lives in California, this lawyer. Wait, I think I still have the name," Eric said as he got up and raced over to his desk. He shuffled some stuff around, finally retrieved a piece of paper and returned to the chief’s office, closing the door behind him.

  "The guy is some sort of lawyer-slash-accountant. Goes by the name of David Spencer and lives in Daly City, California," Eric said.

  Eric handed the paper containing all the information on Mr. Spencer to the chief who in turn h
anded it over to Sheila.

  "What's the connection to Tyler?" Sheila asked.

  "Don't know, Tyler didn't elaborate," Eric responded.

  "Do you know where he is?" the chief asked Eric.

  "No, Chief, Tyler wouldn't say," Eric answered.

  Sheila thanked both the chief and Eric, and assured them she would do all she could to bring Tyler in safely, and hopefully without a warrant.

  Returning to her office, she immediately went into the FBI database to try to find out what they had on David Spencer. Not finding anything, she decided to call him.

  "Hello," Sheila heard a voice on the other end say.

  "Hello. Is this David Spencer?" Sheila asked.

  "Yes, who's calling?" David countered.

  "I am Agent Sheila Cooper with the FBI and I would like to ask you a couple of questions," Sheila informed him.

  "What kind of questions?" David responded, a little apprehensive.

  "Do you know a Mr. Tyler Santiago?" Sheila asked him.

  There was a short hesitation.

  "Um… I don't recall," David answered.

  "Mr. Spencer, we are looking for Mr. Santiago, and if you know his whereabouts it would be in your best interest to tell me where he is," Sheila said.

  "I do know a Mr. Tyler Santiago. But I don't know where he is at this time, and that's the truth," David responded.

  "When did you last see Mr. Santiago?" Sheila asked.

  "I don't remember," he answered, sounding a little annoyed.

  "Ok. You listen up. Either you start cooperating, or I will have agents knocking at your office, and at your home, with warrants for your arrest for hampering a federal investigation. Do you understand?" Sheila now said in a raised voice.

  Again, there was silence at the other end.

  "I met with Mr. Tyler Santiago a couple of weeks ago," finally came the response.

  "There in California?" Sheila asked.

  "Yes," answered David.

  "Mr. Spencer, I have reviewed your files and it's simply a matter of time before you will want and need the help of the FBI. I don't forget favors and would really be very appreciative if you would give me any or all information on the whereabouts of Mr. Tyler Santiago. Have I made myself clear?" Sheila asked.

  Again, there was a hesitation at the other end.

  "What is it you want to know, Miss Cooper?" David asked her.

  From David Spencer, Sheila was able to find out exactly where Tyler was staying. David Spencer was also kind enough to elaborate, in detail, his connection with Tyler.

  "Holy crap, Tyler. What the hell did you get into?" thought Sheila.

  Hooking up with Sam later that day, Sheila told him everything.

  "I am going to fly out to California and confront him."

  "Are you nuts? You can't do that! The captain will have a cow," Sam warned her.

  Sheila stared at Sam and nodded. "You're right." She picked up the phone. "I am going to call the captain and tell him everything. I am going to ask him to let me go and get Tyler," Sheila said.

  "What?" Sam stared at her as he watched her dial Captain John Connolly's number.

  "Hello, Captain," Sheila said into the phone.

  "Yes, Agent Cooper. What can I do for you?" the captain said somewhat groggily, having been awakened from a nap.

  Sheila told him everything she learned and asked permission to go and get Tyler.

  The captain hesitated before responding with, "Miss Cooper, I trust your instincts. Take Sam with you and don't screw this up."

  Sam watched as Sheila put down the phone, turned to him with a smile on her face and said, "It's a go and you get to babysit me." Sam smiled back at her.

  "I sure hope we won't regret this," Sam said."We better be back before Thanksgiving, because my ole lady is going to kick my ass," he told her.

  "Don't worry. I'll tell her it was all your idea," Sheila said laughing.

  "What… What?" Sam said turning toward her.

  "Kidding, really just kidding," Sheila responded as they grabbed their briefcases, armed themselves and headed for the door.

  Nick Costello/Tyler Santiago


  At approximately 6:05 p.m., there was a knock at apartment 3A, currently occupied by Nick Costello. Nick peered through the peephole and was not surprised to see Miss Denise Lazzaro staring back at him.

  "Who is it?" Nick asked through the door.

  "It's me, Denise. Who else would it be?" she answered a little irritated.

  "Oh. Ok, be right there," Nick responded.

  Occasionally peering out at her and watching her begin to fidget, Nick waited about two minutes before opening the door.

  Denise stood there with a big smile on her face as Nick smiled back.

  "Denise, what brings you to my door?" he asked her.

  "I'm here to escort you to my uncle's apartment," she replied.

  "I see. Well then, shall we go?" Nick said as he closed the door behind him, now standing very close to her.

  "Uh… Yes… Let's go." Denise could barely answer as her stomach did a flip.

  They descended the steps to the next floor and went right in. The kitchen was to the right and filled with several women. To the left was the living room where several men were seated watching television. Mr. Randazzo was in the entryway leading to the back of the apartment when Nick and Denise entered.

  Nick walked over to him and nodded. "Hello, Mr. Randazzo," he said stretching out his hand.

  Benito Randazzo looked up at him and stared.

  "Who in the hell are you?" he demanded.

  "It's me, Nick Costello. You knew me when I was a kid. I'm Theo's friend," Nick responded.

  "Nick!" Nick heard someone say from behind him. It was Ana Randazzo wheeling herself up to him, practically pushing Denise aside.

  Nick turned to greet her. "Hi, Mrs. Randazzo," he said putting his hand out to her. Instead of taking his hand, Ana reached up with both arms and Nick bent down to meet her hug.

  "How are you, Nick?" Ana asked him.

  During all this Calito, who was one of the men watching TV, stood up and was now facing them. "Nick walked into the shop this morning," he told everyone.

  Just then, there was a knock at the door. One of the women walked over and opened it.

  "Hi, I'm Dianna," she was heard introducing herself to someone. "You must be Tyler," she continued as Tyler entered the apartment.

  All turned to see Tyler as he made his way toward Denise; the only person he knew.

  "Hi," Tyler said as he nodded to everyone.

  Benito Randazzo nodded to Tyler and then turned to look at Nick. "I don't remember you," he told Nick.

  "Well then let me introduce myself. I am Nick Costello, and you once gave me some juice and a sandwich. You also gave me a place to stay when I was on leave from the service with Theo Gresco," Nick told him.

  Denise, standing between Nick and Tyler, suddenly urged them to go into the dining room so they could all sit down.

  The dining room consisted of a long table that could easily sit twelve people; five on both sides and two at each end. Denise sat down next to Nick, as Benito sat at the head of the table furthest from the door. Tyler sat down opposite Nick and Denise, next to Benito. As others began to filter into the room and sit down, they each introduced themselves to either Nick or Tyler.

  Sonia, Calito's wife, gave Nick a hug."How have you been, Nick?" she asked him.

  "Fine, thank you," Nick responded.

  She then walked over to Tyler, and hugging him said, “Last time I saw you, I was able to pick you up and carry you around. You were a handful," Sonia chided Tyler playfully as she sat down between him and Calito. Then Dianna walked in carrying a bowl of mashed potatoes.

  "This is my sister, Dianna," Denise said.

  "Hi, everyone," Dianna greeted the guests.

  Then Maria Carmine walked in with a plate of sliced ham, placed it on the table and took a seat next to Calito, opposite Carlo

  "Where's Carmine," Benito asked. Davino Carmine, Benito’s cousin, preferred being called Carmine; a habit he picked up from the service, where everyone refers to you by your last name.

  "He's down at the shop doing inventory," responded his wife, Maria.

  Before everyone settled down to eat, Ana rolled her chair to the other end of the table. On her left sat Carlos, Dianna's husband, and Maria Carmine sat on her right. She reached for their hands, as they in turn grasped the hand of the person next to them until the loop was complete, ending with Benito. A short prayer later, the feast began.

  Other members of the family who were not sitting at the table would come in, fill their plates and return either to the living room, or to a back room to eat their meal. This was normal for the Randazzos, having a house full at suppertime.

  It was almost ten minutes before everyone settled down. Benito opened the conversation with, “Nick. Yes, I now remember you. How have you been? Where have you been?"

  "Was overseas," Nick had decided to stick to his lie.

  Except for the young man sitting opposite him, he knew almost everyone else at the table. Looking at Tyler he ventured, "I'm sorry, but I didn't get your name."

  "My name is Tyler Santiago," Tyler responded.

  "Hi, my name is Nick Costello," Nick nodded.

  "Nick, this is Theo's son," Sonia said.

  "What… What?" Nick replied, caught off guard. "You're Theo's kid?"

  "That's what I've been told," Tyler remarked.

  "Holy crap!" Nick was dumbfounded.

  "Did you know my um… Dad?" Tyler asked Nick.

  "Yeah, I knew him," Nick answered.

  Tyler stared at Nick for a few seconds. It was obvious Nick knew his father. However, something else was bothering Tyler. The name Nick Costello rang a bell but he could not place where he had heard it before.

  Benito was quiet. In his mind, something did not click and he had learned long ago that it was best to keep quiet until it was clear on what he wanted to say.


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