Burn for Me (Edanholme Book 1)

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Burn for Me (Edanholme Book 1) Page 3

by Catherine Fitzpatrick

  not well enough to recognise the signs of an entrapping spell. Between them, her other-

  worldly Guardians had missed the fact she was being subdued purposely, placing the blame

  of latent development on her constant interaction with human colleagues. Go figure….

  Of the Sidhe, but not infallible...

  The BMW had been guarded against any form of spell, a mask of invisibility to any eye but

  that of human. It had worked so far… Her new home was also protected, an intangible barrier

  built to discourage the threat of abduction. Cat had learnt how to use the spell with ease.

  It was simply a matter of bringing her will to bear, using all of the elements to construct a

  shield of pure energy. The force-field was permeable only to Cat, or specific invitation.

  Magic had become her plaything. She was petrified at the thought of unravelling the layers

  of a chaotic mind that held endless power. The promise of Sidhe magic that could easily

  level mountains or tear the world apart with a flick of a finger.

  Her pace remained steady and even. When bare feet touched the earth it resonated with her

  heartbeat, welcoming a child of earth and sky back to the cradle of an elemental birth. It was

  a heady mixture of excitement and fear to feel so connected to the Mother of all.

  Cat’s progress pushed the boundaries of the shield steadily out from the manicured lawns,

  into the surrounding woodland, over the small stream that meandered steadily to fill a small

  pool of crystal clear water. Dropping to her haunches Cat dipped her hand in the water, mind

  entranced by the glittering droplets running through her fingers. Apart from the fact she was

  being hounded, no make that hunted by a gorgeous man who couldn’t give a damn whether

  she wanted him or not, she felt incredibly free.

  Alex had been promoted to practice manager for the duration of a leave of absence, which at

  this moment was indefinite. Cat had spun a tale of Phillipe’s infidelity; that they had parted

  badly and she needed space to put her life back together. It was so near the awful truth she

  felt no guilt at becoming a silent partner in the optical practice for the time being.

  Phillipe’s success as a businessman could fund a lavish lifestyle, or keep her independent for

  the foreseeable future. All his assets were held in her name. She’d never thought to ask why…

  Her fingers made swirling eddies in the clear pool, trailing back and forth in a lazily distracted

  motion. A glint of gold flashed in her peripheral vision, breaking Cat free of her reverie.

  Leaning further over the edge of the pool her reflection swam unsteadily until the eddies

  finally stilled. A startled gasp left her lips, lips that were subtly different in a mirror image.

  The face was the same, at least the shape was, features more refined in detail. Clear, tilted

  emerald eyes were held wide in wonder. A writhing mass of deep red hair, the colour of a

  full bodied burgundy interwoven with gleaming strands of pure gold, framed a pensive face.

  Biting at her bottom lip the image copied her. It was no mirage or a mermaid waiting

  patiently to pull a bemused idiot to a watery grave. This must be her true self beneath the

  glamour imposed on her at birth, to disguise her among human children. Sinking her hand

  fully under water the image dispersed in rippling waves. The shock didn’t end there.

  Her skin changed its hue becoming more translucent, sparkling with pinpoint lights of silver

  and gold fire. In built body glitter…. Cool.

  A startled laugh shocked her, until she realised the laugh had come from her throat. It was

  extremely disturbing to finally realise the face she had lived with for twenty five years was

  a Sidhe disguise, a form of glamour employed to make her sink unnoticed in a world where

  beauty was idolised. Did this insignificant pool hold the means to discover your true self?

  Cat shook her head, weird didn’t even come close.

  She’d spent her days learning to suppress temper tantrums and mood swings, seeing a true

  vision of herself reflected in a pool of water triggered an uprush of anxiety. The Lord Vardon

  would find her alter image more acceptable as a mate. Hells, bloody bells….

  Seething rage rushed through her veins, why did she care if he found her more acceptable

  in another form. The mating thing was ludicrous. Wishful thinking, destined to crash and

  burn, as far as she was concerned. Another man, creature in her life was so not going to

  happen. Murderous thoughts flashed through her mind. Inadvertently killing someone

  because they pissed you off, was a serious faux pas to the Sidhe. You can kill if need be in

  battle, but not accidentally or wantonly. Grandfather Jarl had explained it simply and gently.

  A shockingly handsome face alive with fierce green eyes, had held not a hint of mirth as he

  tried to outline Sidhe dynamics to a bemused Cat, he was quietly and deadly serious.

  She had laughed assuming he was joking. Nope, not a joke…

  There were countless rules she had to learn, number one being total self-control. Jarl had

  never openly criticised her for the torture of Phillpe with the threat of immolation. He had

  courteously informed her, that turning another being into an incandescent candle, even a

  bloody vampire, would be frowned upon at Court. That she never intended becoming a part

  of the Court was no excuse for bad manners in a Princess of the Sidhe.

  Easing back to her feet, toes sinking into the sweet grasses that surrounded a tranquil pool,

  Cat resumed her run, intent on securing as much land as possible free from incursions by

  unwanted guests. Settling into a jog that taxed her muscles just under the burn, she brushed

  her hand along the shield, feeling a steady tingle drift over her fingertips.

  A smile of satisfaction tugged at a generous mouth, she was alone but not lonely. Jarl came

  by most days, mainly to make sure she was eating, secondly to teach her the lore of the Sidhe

  realm. His knowledge of the etiquette of the Court was endless, leaving Cat more determined

  to never step over that particular threshold.

  The long summer days were tranquil. The trauma of Phillipe’s betrayal and the nagging fear that

  her delinquent grandmother would make an unannounced appearance were stashed away in

  a private place at the back of her mind. The threat of discovery paled compared to the wonders

  of Mother Earth. She had seldom taken the time to truly look at a flower.

  Every wild flower was a jewel of creation, a masterful sculpture of colour, texture and scent.

  Cat gathered up a vivid spray of poppies, wild verbena and foxgloves to brighten the bland

  masculinity of the spacious home she had claimed by default. Lifting her head from a fragrant

  mass, Cat noticed for the first time a puppy dogging her steps. Making a game of the run she

  increased her pace before turning sharply and back-tracking. The little animal gave chase,

  tongue hanging from the side of his jaw in a canine version of a grin. He was such a cute little

  thing, Golden Labrador or Retriever, she wasn’t sure which. Cat missed playtime with Udg.

  She hadn’t considered keeping a pet, but the fur ball tracing her steps with evident enjoyment

  held out the promise of innocent fun.

  Dropping to the grass, laying the precious bundle of flowers to one side, she lay on her stomach

  to watch the puppy’s antics on the far side of the shield. He mimicked her by dropping
to his

  belly, head resting on outstretched paws. Panting raggedly, one ear flicked as he tilted his head

  to one side crawling closer to the barrier of enigmatic forces.

  “Oh you little sweetheart… Do you want to come in and play?” The question was uttered in the

  merest whisper, enticing the little fur ball nearer.

  Cocking his head to one side, intelligent amber eyes peered back at her.

  “You do?” Her smile was wide, revealing even white teeth in a flashing grin. Lifting a finger

  slowly so not to frighten him with sudden movements, Cat sliced a hole In the fabric of the

  shield with a swirl of her hand, just big enough for him to wriggle through. Once the little body

  was on her side of the boundary she plugged the gap quickly. Inching forward the puppy kept

  low to the ground in a submissive gesture.

  Rolling over to sit cross legged on the lawn she lifted him into her lap, receiving an ecstatic

  face wash from a rough tongue as a reward. Running her fingers through silky fur, Cat stroked

  him gently. Offering her other hand to snuffle, she tickled underneath his jaw. Eyes closed,

  the little head sank into her palm breathing out a woof of contentment.

  Her smile was radiant as she hugged the warm body to her breast. He reminded her of a

  smaller version of Jarl’s wolf persona and he smelt delicious, a mixture of sweet grasses and

  flowers that clung to silky fur. With an indulgent chuckle she popped him back on his feet.

  The puppy’s paws were monstrous, nearly as big around as his head.

  “Fur ball you are going to be a humongous dog one day.” Cat laughed a musical trill as he

  sniffed at her long legs. She must appear like a giant to him. Being nearly six foot tall had

  been a serious impediment when most of the men who had lusted after her were much

  shorter. That was one of the things that had attracted her to Phillipe, he was actually taller

  than her. A frown marred her brow. She wasn’t the one who had been attracted. She was

  the one who had been used by a vampire who lusted after her blood.

  Different thing entirely….

  Shaking off the gloomy realisation that she had never been truly loved by any man, gripping

  the wild flowers in one hand, Cat trotted back to the house, the puppy nipping playfully at

  her heels.

  “Ok Fur ball, I need a shower…” Her tone was despondent. She was wanted by another man.

  Not for herself, just because Queen Grandmother willed it so. Dropping the flowers on the

  hall table she scooped the puppy into a comfortable hug.

  “You’d better come with me. Then we have to find a way to get you back home.” Dropping

  a kiss on a silky head she carried the wriggling mass upstairs to the master bedroom.

  Planting him in the middle of a king size bed Cat headed for the bathroom tugging off her

  t-shirt. A miserable whine followed her. Turning her head she found him squirming across

  the pale yellow duvet, reluctant to be parted from a warm body.

  Well at least the dog loves me… She chuckled at the devotion in amber eyes.

  “No Fur ball stay, I won’t be long.” She chuckled again as he yawned at her.

  “So much for being besotted, you just wanted somewhere comfy to sleep.” Stripping off the

  rest of her clothes, Cat stepped into the huge claw foot bath. The spray from the overhead

  shower didn’t quite reach the rolled rim. The massive bathtub was an indulgence she would

  be loath to part with, it was deep enough to float away the aches and pains of a stressful day.

  Pulling on silk pyjama shorts and matching vest of palest green she towel dried a long tangle

  of hair, pulling a brush ruthlessly through snarled strands.

  A tingle of apprehension ran down her spine, a strong sense of imminent danger lifted the

  soft downy hair along her arms. Something waited in the bedroom, a menace she couldn’t

  determine. If Phillipe was back for more, she was more than ready to play nasty again, bad

  manners or not.

  Armed only with a hair brush and damp towel Cat eased the door open. Stifling a scream

  she sank back against the door frame, astounded by the assault on her senses, tingling from

  head to toe at the visual feast laid out for her delectation. Drusal, the Lord Vardon lay

  sprawled across the bed stark naked, hands linked behind his head, skin reflecting the late

  evening sun with a subtle green glow. The tilt of one knee saved her from blushing, just...

  Muscles rippled beneath lustrous skin, lean and sculptured into a form that was mouth-

  wateringly desirable. The smirk that lifted the corners of his oh so kissable mouth was

  maddeningly triumphant. Human or Sidhe, he exuded undeniable lust. The pheromones

  in the air were tangible.

  To her disgust Cat felt her body respond automatically, the near painful tightening of her

  lower belly had her biting the inside of her lip to fight the pull of pearlescent eyes. Limbs

  trembling with the intensity of a raging impulse to kiss every inch of the body on offer, she

  remembered the disdain on his face when he woke her from PhIllipe’s mind numbing spell.

  This thing on her bed was repulsed by her humanity, what he was flaunting so unashamedly,

  was a lie. A calculated display of physical perfection, ready to tempt an unwary female to

  come and taste a deliciously sensual male, in a hedonistic orgy of lust.

  Ice water ran through her veins, an unconscious employment of air and water elements,

  effectively dousing the glamour he was employing to weaken her defences. Cat was no

  longer a meal to be savoured without prior consent. If he thought for one minute she would

  consider succumbing to a beautiful body, draped on silk sheets, a Sidhe warrior was in for a

  very rude awakening.

  Stepping briskly towards the bed with a throaty chuckle, she threw the bath sheet artfully

  across his loins, to cover the part of his body any woman in her right mind would be aching

  for. “Very clever Fur ball, using a pathetic little puppy act to find a way past my shields.”

  Ok… So, it had worked. A ruse she wouldn’t fall for again. Plumping down at the foot of

  the bed a picture of complete indifference, Cat began to pull the brush through hair, as if

  finding a naked man in her bed was an every-day occurrence.

  Curling his lower torso round the towel, Drusal propped himself up on one elbow.

  “Does it not trouble you to see me like this?” His voice was a mellow bass, with honey rich

  undertones that resonated in her mind in familiar waves of erotic enticement. A beautifully

  modulated sound, distinctly piqued by her attitude of been there, done that. No thank you…

  A wicked smile twitched her lips envisioning all the perfect Sidhe ladies panting for a chance

  to sample what he had to offer. Her dreams had been invaded by awesome scenes of a

  stunning world, she was just beginning to wrap her head around.

  “I’ve seen naked men before. All the bits seem to be where they should be. Your anatomy

  is as human as the next man.” She swung the hair brush in her fingers noting the grimace

  of distaste on luscious lips, as she referred to him as human. Cat knew where this encounter

  was leading, it might be entertaining, but not the real deal. She was going to fight tooth

  and nail to maintain her solo status. Once bitten, forever shy…

  “Let’s cut the crap shall we… You don’t find me the least bit attractive. Fae can’t lie, they

  can twist t
he truth, but you cannot tell an outright lie.” Watching his face intently she saw the

  chagrin in opalescent eyes for a fleeting second.

  “Why did you find it necessary to sneak into my home? Simple question, I expect an equally

  simple answer.” Facing off with a powerful Sidhe Warrior wasn’t on her list of things to do,

  ever. Cat’s heart was beating faster and faster, the pulse in her throat pounded an erratic

  concerto, threatening to choke off her oxygen supply. Escaping from this nightmare unscathed

  emotionally or physically was a lost cause, if she didn’t use the control Jarl had tried to teach

  her. Queen Grandmother would win without the effort of lifting a finger, if she lost this fight.

  “The Queen declared to the whole Court that I am to be your bonded Mate.” Each word was

  bitten out in a venomous snarl, wide shoulders tensing at the indignity he had suffered at the

  Queen’s command. This pale excuse of humanity was to be his new mistress. To be obeyed

  without question, every whim would be his to fulfil for eternity. Exchanging one life of joyless

  servitude for another offered him no solace. The mere thought of being leashed to a being

  with the same tastes for painful domination as his liege lady brought a bitter rage to life.

  Destruction of the innocence he saw in cool hazel eyes, brought some measure of comfort to

  a tormented soul. Returning a lost princess to the Royal Court a broken creature, would

  serve to alleviate some of the debasement and horror inflicted upon him and his brethren

  on a daily basis.

  “And….” Cat pressed him for a full answer to her question, a tiny frown creased her brow as

  she seriously contemplated setting the bed on fire.

  Drusal was astounded by her composure. The spell he had used should have her writhing

  beneath his hips, ready and willing to be taken, to be mastered by a male.

  He could feel nothing from her, no sign of hot passion or desire. A true female as embodied

  by his Queen, would have him tied to the bed by now, fulfilling her pleasures.


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