Burn for Me (Edanholme Book 1)

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Burn for Me (Edanholme Book 1) Page 9

by Catherine Fitzpatrick

  Leaning over the edge of the sun lounger, Cat caught Drusal wiping a tear from his cheek.

  So an invincible warrior lived in isolation, all because he had bartered his soul to Grandmother

  to keep his dignity intact. “Dammit…”

  Shifting to sit on the edge of the lounger, she sank her head into her hands, fingers tightening

  on throbbing temples. “Is there anything left worth saving?”

  Her voice was nearly as harsh as his, a desperate questioning of the faith required to help a

  brethren who held him in contempt.

  “If but one of my brothers is in need, I cannot in conscience leave them to live in an eternity

  of filth and degradation.” Lifting his face to hers Drusal glowed with the truth of his oath, the

  blinding waves of luminescence hurt her eyes.

  “Ok…” Holding up a hand to still the storm in an opalescent gaze, Cat reached out to him.

  Tentatively he clasped at proffered fingers to swing back to sit within inches of her knees.

  “Do you offer your help Iscatya?” Hope flared in a tentative smile.

  “Yes, for what little good it will do.” Her faith in the powers she held, was rocked at the total

  loss of decency in her Grandmother’s soul. Goodness should prevail…

  For the life in her Cat couldn’t see how.

  Drusal’s stomach rumbled like the thunder storm in the distance. They both laughed shakily

  at the sound of a Hound’s hunger. The afternoon had disappeared while Cat had been held

  spellbound by all the murky chaos that had been revealed.

  “Good grief man, are you always this hungry?” Picking up her I-phone, she tapped out the

  number of her favourite Chinese restaurant. Cooking another meal was the last thought on

  her mind. Lord Vardon was a mine of information she was determined to delve into.

  “Bathroom break before dinner is delivered.” Ordering a long list of dishes she left Drusal to

  peruse his navel under stormy skies.

  Meal scattered across the deck, Drusal examined each dish before tasting the food on offer.

  Armed with garbage bags and a bottle of merlot, Cat cleared a space to drop down next to

  him. Pouring a glass of wine she pushed it into his hand with a sly smile. She had no idea if

  alcohol affected the Sidhe in the same way it affected humans, but she wanted him relaxed

  enough to answer her questions without reserve. The sight of white teeth tearing into spare

  ribs gave her a vivid picture of the hound of his alter ego.

  Preparing crispy duck pancakes with hoisin sauce and shredded cucumber, Cat offered him

  the rolled delicacy. Drusal devoured it in two bites whilst eyeing the duck carcass. A musical

  laugh brought opalescent eyes back to Cat’s face. “Slow down man, we have all night.”

  She gurgled contentedly, taking a sip of wine. A sheepish grin stretched his mouth wide as

  he emulated her in an experimental drink of wine.

  “This fruit is of the vine, is it not?” Licking at his lips he took a deep draught.

  “Yep, red wine…” Cat smiled round the rim of her glass.

  “I have a liking for this wine.” He finished the glass, throwing back his head to swallow

  the last drop. Emerald eyes followed the movement of his throat as he swallowed. Phew...

  He was hot. Cat decided not to drink her wine. A lack of inhibition would be too dangerous

  in Drusal’s company. He seemed unfazed by the alcohol he’d consumed. Mores the pity…

  Watching a massive male eat egg fried rice with his fingers, without dropping a single grain

  was entertainment in itself. Cat wriggled in place, building up the confidence to push for

  more knowledge. Drusal, in the short time he had known the witch, recognised the signs of

  an insatiable curiosity in the way her body moved, the emerald flickers in tilted eyes.

  His enjoyment of a novel meal could be sustained, as he fed that curiosity.

  “Ask what you wish Iscatya, I will answer as best I can…” Picking at the remains of the duck

  carcass, his mood felt decidedly mellow, in total contrast to the earlier antagonism he felt

  at her hesitation to commit to him. “You may not like the path my questioning will lead…”

  Biting at her lip Cat buried any apprehension deep at the back of mind.

  “My displeasure would stop you…?” Drusal raised his eyebrows in wry questioning.

  “No… I’m just giving you fair warning.” Her mouth relaxed into a smile that held his gaze,

  a smile that held tenderness and offered untold warmth.

  “Ask Princessin…” Drusal felt his heart contract in his chest, this female was captivating

  when she smiled at him with wariness in her eyes.

  “I want to know more about the mating process….?” She gasped on breath, at the sudden

  wash of hot desire that rippled over her skin. “Stop it Drusal, I meant the different stages

  of connection, not the basic idea of bonding. I’m well aware of what it means to mate.”

  Rubbing at the goose flesh covering her arms, Cat glared at him.

  “Sorry…” He murmured, voice honey sweet and cloying. “My mistake Iscatya...”

  Running a finger across his lip, he licked at the sticky sweetness left behind by barbecued

  spare ribs, eyes glowing amber, as the hound scented arousal in the female.

  “There are stages in the bonding process?” Coldness had replaced tenderness, in an emerald

  gaze that pinned him down.

  “Aye… Any adult can mate in a joining of bodies. A basic bonding of consensual sexual desires,

  that can be dissolved at need, if the partnership does not fulfil the promise.” Cat’s eyebrows

  arched in surprise. “A quickie divorce… I never expected that.”

  Ignoring the interruption Drusal moved on to the next stage. “Bonding is the second step,

  when elements are exchanged, when life essence mingles in a union that is sacred and not so

  easily put aside.” Shifting restlessly he kept his eyes lowered, the last stage was the one he

  craved above all else. He knew Cat would distance him, if she had any inkling as to his true

  desire to take her as a mated female.

  “A marked mating is the final stage of complete bonding. Once marked, the male is inviolate,

  his body belongs irrevocably to the female who grants him the mark.”

  Cat sighed, a brush of icy breath weaving through the tangled curls at his shoulders.

  “Only a Royal female is capable of marking her mate?” She suddenly understood with perfect

  clarity, why he had evaded Istirina’s bed and why he wanted to be her mate.

  “You want me to mate mark you, to free you from Grandmothers clutches?” Drusal nodded,

  hands reaching for Cat before she followed the train of thought to its distasteful end.

  “That’s pretty cold blooded, considering you would be stuck with a mate you detest for the

  rest of a very long life.” Emerald eyes flew wide, remembering how Istirina had dispatched

  her mate to his doom.

  “If I die, only then will you be completely free….” Jumping to her feet Cat backed into the

  kitchen, putting as much distance as she could between her and a disreputable Hound.

  Drusal eased to his feet wary of the lash of Iscatya’s anger.

  “I would rather die a thousand times than raise a hand in violence to you.” With the fingers

  of right hand to head then heart he bowed low, hoping to dissolve the animosity in her gaze.

  “Good…” She snarled back. “Because the threat of extinction works both ways…”

  Aye, she was a true warrior at heart, a wort
hy partner for the Hound. Drusal grinned at a

  clever summation of the mating ritual. They, in all probability would kill each other before

  ever submitting to the full ties of marked mating.

  “I leave you to savour the taste of my death Iscatya…” Turning away he left her to simmer

  in a fit of righteous anger. Surprisingly, Cat wasn’t angry or afraid. She knew all that the

  Lord Vardon had planned. His intent to have her as marked mate overrode any distaste for

  a presumed Sidhe hybrid female. To free his brethren he would submit to a form of slavery

  any free thinking male would abhor.

  Bagging the remains of a meal spread across the deck she applauded his plan. If they could

  convince Queen Grandmother of the connection, Drusal’s presence at Court would be safe

  from recriminations. Unwanted lust held at bay while a way was found to extract his brothers.

  The sound of claws tapping on slate tiles, brought her head round, a huge white furred wolf

  trotted towards her, amber eyes glowing fiercely in a head of lupine grace.

  “Drusal…?” Her whisper held awe. He was even more magnificent in animal form.

  Ears twitching at the sound of her voice, the animal sashayed closer to settle on his haunches

  at her feet, a long tongue rasped roughly over tender skin from ankle to thigh in a deliciously

  satisfied stroke. “Yukk…. That does not win you any brownie points mister.”

  Reaching down she stroked his muzzle, letting a huge wolf nuzzle at the palm of her hand.

  “Apology accepted…” A nuzzle from the wolf was safer ground than a kiss from enticing lips.

  Rubbing a cold nose to her leg, the wolf launched himself out the patio doors in a flash of

  white fur and awesome speed.

  Glass of wine in one hand kindle in the other, Cat stretched out on the lounger. The air had

  cleared of storms, literally and figuratively. The truth was out. Settling in for a long wait, she

  picked up the story of Jane Eyre and Mr Rochester, a timeless classic of love and betrayal.

  One that always reduced her to tears when Jane heard Edward Rochester call out to her in

  desperation over miles of moorland. Eyes suddenly heavy, Cat yawned, the kindle falling

  from unwieldy fingers she fell into a deep sleep of mental exhaustion, wine left untouched.

  Drusal loped around the perimeter of the shields, senses on high alert for signs of tampering.

  Satisfied that Iscatya was safe within her stronghold he pounded back to the house ready to

  get down on one knee and vow allegiance to his female. Easing up on his approach he felt

  the soft breathing that denoted sleep, saw a pale hand draped over the edge of the lounger.

  Shifting to stand over a defenceless female, bare skinned in the balmy breeze, he knelt to

  take the precious bundle of Royalty in a gentle embrace.

  Stirring slightly, Iscatya buried into his chest with a wistful sigh. Carrying a burden that felt

  feather-light to the warrior, he closed doors and windows with his mind before trans-locating

  directly to the bedroom. Laying Cat fully clothed on the bed, Drusal pulled on sweat pants

  and t-shirt before easing down at her side. The morrow would bring with it more questions,

  of this he was certain. For now, they both had need of the regeneration of blessed sleep.

  Placing long fingers over a tiny fist, the warrior felt the pull of attraction he had fought to

  avoid for centuries. The attraction of blood to blood could not, would not be denied.


  Cat woke feeling fully rested for the first time in days. Turning her head on the pillow she

  found Drusal sprawled face down, a warm hand resting on her stomach. A smile tugged at

  the corners of her mouth. For all his menace the Dark Hound had put her to bed and stayed

  to watch over her. Slipping from the bed she tiptoed to the bathroom to take a shower,

  sneaking a peek over her shoulder at the sleeping male. Maybe they had a truce, a fragile

  one at best, but definitely better than a drawn out fight for survival.

  Drusal had felt her leave the bed even as he slept, opening sleep misted eyes, he imagined

  water cascading over the lithe curves of the witch’s body, wanting to follow that trail with

  his lips, his tongue. A throbbing arousal brought him wide awake. Groaning out loud, he

  rolled off the bed striding painfully to plant his fists on the wide windowsill. He had to leave

  soon, or he would take what his body desired without thought to the consequences. That

  desire was centred on a female of questionable descent, one who held him in contempt.

  Breathing deeply, his heart beat erratically as Cat came back into the room in a misty cloud

  of perfumed air. “Drusal are you alright?” Her concern nearly undid his resolve.

  Straightening up he turned to face Iscatya, words of farewell on his lips.

  “You’re leaving…?” Aye… She was quick to discern his moods.

  “It is time…” He nodded agreement. “The Queen will not wait forever.” He indicated to the

  barrier surrounding the house and grounds.

  “I would play upon her desire for me, rather than watch an army march through those woods

  in search of us both.” He had courted disaster by ignoring the summons to return to Withins

  Underhill. Perhaps if he offered his body in exchange for his brothers, maybe then Iscatya

  would be safe from deadly reprisal. Distracting the Queen would gain time for the warriors

  to remove this female to safer ground. “No…” Face white with fear for him, Cat stumbled

  towards Drusal. “Stay here… Together we can find a way to help your brothers.”

  It was no longer simply a wish to help his brethren. It had become a battle to save the life

  of Istirina’s Heir. Drusal had no illusions where the Queen was concerned. Once she had

  the female in her hands, torture and death would surely follow.

  Cat read the withdrawal in opalescent eyes, her heart stopped at the realisation of her fears.

  She had pushed him away, destroyed any hope he had left. “I am begging you…”

  His finger on her lips stilled the sentence. “Hush…” Drusal crooned, cupping her face in a

  cage of tenderness. “May I kiss thee in farewell?” Desire flashed amber in his eyes.

  The molten honey of a breathless request melted the bones in Cat’s body. She knew if he

  kissed her, every fibre of her being would beg for more. Pathetically grateful that he had

  asked her permission, she nodded agreement, unable to utter a word her throat was so

  tight in the painful grip of despair. A fleeting touch of a firm mouth pressed to hers was

  sweet, her heart thudded as the pressure increased, his tongue licking at the fullness of her

  lower lip. Without conscious thought, opening up to a kiss that delved soul deep, her palms

  ran over the slim curve of his waist to travel up tensed muscles to clutch at Drusal’s wide

  shoulders. Drawing closer, moulding her body to his, Cat came in contact with the hard

  evidence of his arousal. With a moan she rubbed against him. In the next heartbeat he was

  gone from her arms in a shimmer of green light. Falling to floor on her backside, Cat was

  shocked awake from an erotic daze. Well damn it, she thought hotly, he can translocate

  just like Jarl.

  Cat spent the rest of day feeling lonely and totally freaked out. Once every hour she sent

  out a wisp of thought to Drusal, begging him to come back. Nothing, not even a whisper

  answered her except for one breathless moment, when she caugh
t the echo of her name.

  Wishful thinking you moron… Cat berated an over active libido for that one.

  Her skin tingled. The fire in her belly teased her at the memory of a hard arousal crushing

  into her stomach. She wasn’t immune to the magnetism of the Sidhe male, another minute

  and she would have dragged him into bed. Shame tinged her face with a blush.

  That’s why he left you idiot, so you couldn’t contaminate his perfect body. Self-castigation

  failed to dampen the need for Drusal at her side, his strength made her feel safe in a world

  that conspired to bring about her downfall. Cat needed something prosaic to bring her back

  to a grounded state. Laptop in hand she curled up on the big bed, inhaling Drusal’s lingering

  scent of sweet grass and wild flowers. With a humph of disappointment that she was alone,

  angry at herself for wishing Fur ball was curled up at her side, she immersed herself in a

  mind-bendingly boring topic of interactive learning. Full concentration on the peer discussion

  in progress kept her distracted well into the evening. The pressure of the last twenty four

  hours took its toll on a battered psyche. Logging off Cat pushed the laptop to one side, curling

  up in a ball, to fall into a fretful doze.

  She woke to the clamour of battle waging outside her window, howling voices screamed into

  the moonless night. Night terrors had afflicted her as a child, this was just another nightmare.

  Shaking her head Cat snuggled deeper under the duvet ignoring the noise that rattled in her

  head. Had the denizens of the Dark dimensions finally found her?

  “Princessin, Princessin, come out to play…” A guttural roar smote her ears and battered at

  a sleep-clouded mind. “Princessin, we have a gift for you…”

  Sliding from the bed, Cat crept to the window on bare feet, still dressed in shorts and t-shirt.

  The shield blocking the entrance to the driveway appeared alive with electrical arcs, as metal

  weapons beat relentlessly upon it in discordant rhythm. The faintest of thoughts seeped into


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