Burn for Me (Edanholme Book 1)

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Burn for Me (Edanholme Book 1) Page 17

by Catherine Fitzpatrick

  the pit of her stomach.

  “You have tasted me Fur ball. Feel free to do it again.” Lifting her mouth to his lips Cat ran

  her tongue over the firm contours in invitation to take all. With a groan both vocal and mental,

  Drusal took her mouth in a kiss as deep and demanding as she could ever hope for. Consigning

  any doubt she had of his sincerity to make love to a hybrid Sidhe to the far corners of her mind,

  Cat moulded to his body. Where her skin touched his, the air came alive with static electricity,

  tingling all the way to her toes. With a gasp of astonishment, Drusal broke from the kiss.

  “What did you do to me? Every nerve in my body is on fire, I feel as though I could set the

  ether alight with the energy running through my veins.”

  “Welcome to my world Lord Vardon… Since the day you woke up my dormant heritage,

  I have lived with fire in my veins. It’s my dominant element, one I have misused.”

  Jarl’s temperate chastisement at the torture she had inflicted on Phillipe came to mind.

  “I’ve learnt to control it, as will you.” Her smile was radiant. The tongues of blue flame

  flickering over her hair made him laugh out loud.

  “I will have to learn fast or we will be incinerated in the heat of our bonding.” Running his

  fingers over the thin straps of her dress Drusal smiled, revealing gleaming white teeth.

  “I have a liking for this garment, I would hate to see it burn…” Leaning down he whispered

  kisses over her collar bone, Cat shuddered in response.

  “Show me how to remove it without damage?” One long finger hooked under the soft cotton,

  he explored the swell of her breast in a teasing line to the top button fastening the dress in

  place. Slipping her fingers under his, Cat slid the button free. Shyness stilled her hand over

  the next button in line, she fought back the fear that her naked body would not meet the

  demanding standards of a Sidhe male.

  “I feel your hesitation Iscatya.” Soft lips threaded over the bruising on her neck to nuzzle

  the delicate skin below her ear. “Let me have the pleasure of disrobing my mate.”

  Shivering as his breath tickled her ear, Cat sensed him make short work of the remaining

  buttons. She wore no underwear, once the dress was gone every inch of a human body

  would be starkly revealed. Her anxiety ramped up a notch as the straps were inched from

  her shoulders. The dress dropped in folds around her ankles, exposing a figure toned and

  sleekly proportioned. Small firm breasts, pink tipped with nipples hardened painfully, waiting

  for his touch, enhanced the slimness of waist and the smooth flat plane of her stomach.

  Drusal groaned into her neck, running both hands over her breasts, he traced the contours

  of her ribs drawing Cat to him, he hooked her legs around his waist. Hanging onto his neck

  Cat hid a blush of embarrassment in a mass of copper curls. The desire in her mind was

  tinged with dread that he would find her skills as a lover sadly lacking. Phillipe had been her

  only experience of the male of any species. Most of the time she had been drugged by

  vampire thrall, unaware of all she had been doing. She was no virgin, but to all intents and

  purposes, here and now she was as innocent as a child bride of bygone eras.

  Picking on the fear leaking from a mind wrought with conflicting emotions, Drusal stroked

  the sinuous curve of her back. I will not hurt you Cat…

  Laying a soft balm of love against the solid walls building in her head, he knelt to settle her

  gently on the edge of the bed. Anxiety had cramped the muscles in her neck into a tight ball

  of stress, the legs locked around his back twitched in response to a soothing mind caress.

  Taking hold of her wrists, Drusal untangled stiffened arms from his shoulders placing both

  their hands in her lap. Head bent, Cat refused to meet the condemnation in opalescent eyes

  at the sudden freezing of her body after she had offered it to him.

  “Cat look at me…” Then softness of his whisper brought her head up sharply.

  “I feel your distress.” Lifting one hand he dropped a kiss on the palm.

  “I am no vampire. I can no longer cloud your senses with glamour.” Stroking her wrist with

  a thumb, Drusal knelt at her feet, eyes free of the wolf.

  “I only wish to become one with a female who is as beautiful and desirable as any I have

  seen. I know you doubt my appreciation of the human form.” Firm lips twisted in a smile

  derisory of previous exclamations of disgust. Cupping her face with one hand, Drusal bowed

  his head in regret at the hurt inflicted on a female who had seen beyond the bitterness at

  the loss of all he held dear.

  Cat was so tense she could scream at the pain building in her head. Her heart craved the

  bonding of their bodies, but the act of carrying out the consummation was beyond her


  “Turn over Iscatya…” Drusal whispered gently.

  “Why…?” Deeply suspicious, and wary of a male physically stronger than her Cat curled in

  on herself, long hair wrapped round her in a shimmering cloak.

  “I wish only to massage away the tension in your muscles.” Long fingers kneaded her neck

  in a soothing caress of earth essence.

  “I have done this before, it helped to relieve the pain you suffer.” Drusal wanted nothing

  more than to sheath himself in the warmth of his mate, empathy and compassion, newly

  acquired sentiments, helped him to keep tight control over the urges of his wolf.

  Cat had to concede to the magic of his touch. Flipping over, she buried her face in the soft

  down of the duvet. Whatever happened next, she was a willing partner to the easing of

  the painful tension of a situation she had lost control of. Drusal settled over the slight

  figure watching as she burrowed into the false security of billowing bedding. Using the

  pads of both thumbs he worked on the tight muscle crowding the top of Cat’s spine,

  gently he eased the pressure that promised to take her into a night filled with searing pain.

  A soft sigh told him his mate was responding to his touch. Running his hands over the

  indentation of her spine, he bent to lay soft kisses in the wake of calming hands. Moving

  between her legs, Drusal nestled closer to the female who held his heart in a solid cage of


  Tension oozed from Cat’s body, overtaken by erotic caresses teeming over the skin on her

  back that had her sagging into the bed like a wet lettuce, craving for more. Teethe grazed

  her from shoulder to thigh in a wave of sensual enticement. The throbbing in the base of

  her belly reached out to feed the compulsion to take on all the need of a male who had

  shown an amazing amount of restraint in soothing the fear in her hind brain.

  Arching back she came in contact with a hard arousal, ready to take Cat as a wolf in the wild.

  Alert to every nuance of her body, Drusal entered her slowly, an inch at a time. The aching

  need to bury himself deep and swift, blocked as he gently eased her wider to take his girth,

  teeth gripping his lip to dispel the instinct of a rampant male to pump his seed in mindless


  The sensations cascading through Cat’s body had her muscles quivering. Her limbs were

  boneless with the tremors assailing her at the smooth entry of her mate, she wanted all of

  him, now. A wild cry of frustration left her lips, husky with need.

sp; One arm slid between her breasts, supporting both their weight as her body sheathed the

  full length of a throbbing arousal to the hilt.

  Reaching round, Cat drew his head to her shoulder to whisper all of the repressed longing

  in a perfect ear. “Make me yours, my love…”

  A soft moan left her lips at his instant compliance. Caressing the folds hidden in the most

  sensitive places of a female body with magic fingers, Drusal deepened the impact of each

  thrust, drowning in the body that encased him, teased him with tightening of muscles that

  drew a groan from his throat.

  Her back skin to skin with his chest Cat sank deeper onto a melding of body, heart and soul,

  hair drifting round them in a dance of flickering flame. She gasped out loud as crashing

  waves of pleasure built to a peak that threatened to explode from her skin.

  “Burn with me…” Cat breathed out a moan of total union of the elements that made her

  who she was. Golden flames rolled along the arm holding her tightly against the breast of

  a male she had given all her essence to in forming a bond stronger, more resilient, than he

  had ever known.

  “Iscatya… I burn…” A flash of fear held him still, suddenly aware his flesh was alight.

  “Ride it with me, give in to your senses. I am you, you are me…” Reaching a hand to stroke

  along his spine Cat reinforced the mate mark with all the intensity of a woman at the peak

  of orgasm. Drusal’s final thrust pushed them both over the edge into a spine locking shudder

  of release.

  Sinking back onto the billowing duvet, Cat welcomed the weight of a satiated male pushing

  her into folds of downy softness. Skin tingling with the aftershocks of a binding that seared

  her to the core, the fear of losing a mate who could take her above and beyond the

  limitations of a single body sparked a thrill of fear in a soul wounded by her grandmother’s

  hatred. Were Drusal’s intentions as honest as she had thought, or had she given him the

  means to trap her spirit for grandmother to tear apart?

  Cat…? The single syllable of her pet name reverberated in her skull.

  “I sense the fibre of your thoughts.” Drusal eased onto his side dragging Cat fully onto the bed.

  “I would no more betray you to the Queen than I would take my own life after all we have

  just shared.” Pulling her into the curve of his side, he ran his fingers into a wealth of red

  brown hair, luxuriating in the tactile nature of every single strand.

  “I am yours, you are mine. I do not share….” Gleaming white teeth were revealed in a snarl

  of ownership.

  Relief at a fierce denial healed the doubts in a heart attached irrevocably to the Queen’s

  Dark Hound. “You were sneaky Lord Vardon...” Laying her head over the rapid beat of his

  heart, Cat sighed, soaking up the simple pleasure of strong arms enclosing her in a

  protective cage.

  “Stealth was necessary to relax your body. I did what I had to do to give my mate what

  she most desired, My Lady Vardon.” Honeyed tones claimed her as his.

  Lifting her head, Cat rested her chin on a mighty chest. Drusal was all hers, she was free

  to touch him whenever she wished. A thrill of anticipation fuelled the need to feel his

  strength inside her again.

  “I seem to have accumulated many names since you woke me from thrall.” Running her

  hands up the lean muscle of his waist, she watched his pupils dilate to inky black pools

  of desire. “Princessin, Escatya Edan-Fire, Lady Vardon….”

  Brushing the tips of her nails over the bunched muscle of his biceps she dipped her head

  to lay a kiss on satiny skin. Drusal shuddered at the tentative touch of her lips.

  “I like the sound of Lady Vardon…” A mental wash of gratitude, suffused with a tidal wave

  of passion gave Cat the confidence to seduce her man. Coming to her knees she straddled

  his torso licking at a nipple until it puckered enough for her to suckle on the hardened flesh.

  The deep throated growl issuing from Drusal’s straining throat made her day. Aware of the

  life pulsing against her stomach, she moved to the other nipple latching onto him with little

  nips of her teeth. My turn My Lord… Cat sent the thought with a wicked mental chuckle.

  Using one hand to angle her body to encompass the might of her lover, she settled over

  him, teasing at his nipple with gentle strokes of her tongue. The thrill of a throbbing arousal

  sliding home brought a moan bubbling up from her throat.

  Strong hands latched onto her waist holding her in place. Arching back, Cat felt him sink

  deeper, piercing her body to the hilt as he bucked beneath her.

  Skin glowing gold and green in a clash of elements, her hair writhed in rhythm with every

  movement of his hips. Running palms up her back, Drusal drew Cat to his mouth in a kiss

  tasting of vanilla and spiced wine. Locked together they rode a surge of wild electricity,

  culminating in a burst of energy that lit up the room for endless seconds taking them both

  to another plane of existence where body, mind and soul merged as one and cried out in

  unison. Every atom of Cat’s being seemed to blow apart, as shudders of delicious torment

  raced out from the core of intimate contact. The throbbing pulse of the male sheathed

  deep within her released in one final earth shattering explosion, pushing Cat further into

  a maelstrom of sensual ecstasy. She stopped breathing, her mind numbed by the visceral

  intensity of a second, more potent orgasm.

  Falling limply across Drusal’s chest, Cat now understood why he had tried so hard to seduce

  her, if this was the consequence of Sidhe coupling. His heartbeat was fast and erratic under

  her ear. The chaos of his mind matched hers.

  She felt all of his amazement, the drugged euphoria of post mating lassitude. Sliding to curl

  up at his side she sensed more than felt his hand reach out grasp at her waist. She wasn’t in

  any fit state to go anywhere, not tonight. Her body wouldn’t obey the slightest command.

  Drusal lay on his back keeping tight hold of the mate he had longed for.

  He had no expectation of ever experiencing a complete interaction of elements that melded

  him to his mate, overwhelming the darkness lodged in his soul. His body was relaxed, the

  monumental release of his seed had robbed him of thought or reason in a dance of pleasure

  more intense than any of the ghosts of his youth.

  Fur ball..? The hesitant question brushed aside his meanderings in the past.

  Can you think coherently yet? This question was more vibrantly acerbic in its nature.

  A rumbling chuckle answered her. “Aye my mate, but just…”

  “Was that supposed to happen?” Cat sighed happily wrapping her leg over his thigh.

  “I mean the light show, the electricity, the out of body mingling of our minds?”

  Putting into words a force that had consumed them both in a vortex of sensual pleasures,

  bringing them together as one single entity at the peak of their coupling, left her struggling

  to find an adequate description of a mind bending experience. “Is that normal…?”

  Fighting to keep awake, Cat waited for any response.

  “In truth, I know not… The experience is new to me.” Leaning over he kissed her tenderly.

  “I would gladly repeat it.” His grin was wide, revealing even white teeth.

  “Not tonight Fur ball or I won’t be able to walk for a we
ek.” She chuckled at his single

  minded intent.

  “Sleep Lady Vardon, I will be here when you wake.” The wicked promise touched her hair

  with a whisper of breath.

  “You better be. I have a big day planned for us…” Any questions he had would have to wait,

  Cat snuggled into his side lost to sleep.

  Tucking the complicated female, who had taken hold of his heart in both her tiny hands, into

  the curve of his side, Drusal gave up the fight to stay awake, ruminating on what devilment

  she had in store for him on the morrow.

  He knew with certainty he would be averse to the plans. He was hers to rule, it did not

  mean he would go willingly where she led. Their life together would be a battle, Iscatya

  was strong willed and devious, though her heart was pure.

  A smile stretched his lips at the torment she had inflicted on his body. Any battle was worth

  being mated to a witch who could freely give the gift of her essence in a display of wanton

  desire. He drifted to sleep counting his blessings for the first time in hundreds of years.

  Waking to a bed empty of his mate, Drusal panicked, sending out a blast of thought that

  brought a strangled scream from the bathroom. “Ouch Fur ball, I’m taking a shower.”

  Falling back on the bed, he caressed her mind with a soothing balm of earth magic.

  “That won’t save you from retribution, idiot…”

  Not a good way to start the day with his mate, his thoughts drifted to her. Opening the

  bathroom door, Cat grinned at him. Dressed in denim shorts and tight fitting lemon t-shirt

  every curve of her body was on display.

  “Don’t even think about it…” Linked to every layer of his mind, she absorbed the lust he

  threw at her, tossing it back tenfold. “We can spend all day in bed, once we are all safe…”

  Opening the wardrobe, she inspected the remaining clothes that would fit Drusal’s bulk.

  Tossing another pair of jeans, a plain white t-shirt and a pair of toe post sandals onto the

  bed, Cat indicated to the bathroom.

  “I’m going fishing, or rather trapping… Today we are invited to a picnic with my human


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