Rebel Lover

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Rebel Lover Page 1

by Lacey Carter Andersen

  The last thing an angel with no memory needs is to have her soul tied to three sexy demons...

  Copyright 2018

  Published by Lacey Carter Andersen

  This work of fiction is intended for mature audiences only. All characters are over the age of eighteen. Names, characters, places, and incidents are either a product of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to any persons, living or dead, business establishments, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

  This book is protected under the copyright laws of the United States of America. Any reproduction or other unauthorized use of the material or artwork herein is prohibited without the express written permission of the author.

  To my children- thank you for being patient with your mama when she’s absorbed in fantasy worlds. You are without a doubt the best thing that has ever happened to me.

  ~ Lacey Carter Andersen

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  Chapter One

  S urcy had been such a fool. She’d given up love, light, and freedom for the most ridiculous thing imaginable—hope. Stupid hope.

  And now she was paying for it in a dark cell far beneath the ground. Trapped within four tiny walls like a casket… in a place no one could hear her screams.

  A human would pray for death. An escape from the dark and the silence. From the cold. From the loneliness.

  But an immortal? There’s no escape for me.

  She squeezed her eyes shut as she desperately tried to swallow down the hollow feeling that radiated throughout her chest. But the feeling remained. It pulsed within her, a reminder of her mistake. Of her failure.

  Touching the spot above her heart, a sharp pain shot through her arm. A gasp slipped from her lips. She dropped her hand, hating how much her body hurt. All the time.

  I’m growing weaker with each day that passes.

  A strange panic uncurled inside of her. Instinctually, she called her soul-blade into her hand, then used her magic to make a light blue fire dance along the sharp edge. Instantly, she winced. The light hurt. It burned her eyes after so long in the dark. But sometimes she needed it to chase away the shadows that seized her heart.

  After several long seconds, the light grew slightly more tolerable. But then, her prison came into focus.

  Her pulse sped up. The filthy walls looked as if they bled. And even though she knew the dark coloring that dripped down was likely moisture and rust, it still turned her stomach.

  She sent her soul-blade away. That was one thing about her prison. The darkness was preferable to the light.

  And yet, if her blade gave off warmth, she would have kept it. Despite how the sight of her prison made her heart race and her stomach turn. Because her damp cell was intolerable.

  Angels had a tendency to run cold, but the chill that lay heavy in the cell was unlike anything she’d experienced in her life. It was the kind of clawing coldness that cut deeply, bone-deep.

  She was pretty sure even her demons would be cold here.

  She shivered, hunching her shoulders even further. But even the stone beneath her sucked the warmth from her body. She pulled her wings closer, but they did nothing to stop the cold.

  How long since she’d felt the warmth of a fire? Of a touch?

  Think of your demons. Of Mark’s smile. Daniel’s laugh. And Tristan’s eyes.

  Think of what it felt like to touch them. To be touched by them.

  To be loved.

  One of her last moments with Mark came to her like a flash of light. Like the scent of warm cookies. Comforting and perfect.

  She smiled in the darkness.

  He was working in the garden with his shirt off when she came around the corner. The sight of him made her steps faltered and her thoughts freeze.

  She licked her lips and stared, taking in every inch of him. Her demon was stunning beneath the sun’s rays, with so much of his flesh exposed to her greedy gaze. Seeing him like this was like a treat she couldn’t help but reach for. Most days Mark dressed in collared shirts and khaki pants, like an engineer or a scientist who spent his days behind a desk. Usually his clothes only added to his sweet sexiness that drove her wild.

  But seeing him like this? In his tight jeans and no shirt? It did things to her. It made her want to touch every inch of him and awaken the wild demon who stretched to life each time he made love to her.

  She snuck slowly up to him and trailed a finger along his spine.

  He looked back at her. Not the least bit startled.

  “What are you up to, sexy?” she said flirtatiously.

  His expression grew serious, and he glanced down at the plant he’d been tending so carefully. “The new starfruit I planted doesn’t seem to be growing well. I think it may need more—“

  She sighed.

  He stopped speaking. “Wait, were you flirting again?”

  Her lips curled into a smile. “You bet.”

  Immediately, he stood, his massive frame towering over her. He dusted his hands on his pants, then reached up and adjusted his glasses. “Does that mean you want to—have sex?”

  She laughed. “Aren’t demons supposed to be smooth? You know, good at seducing women?”

  His gaze grew intense. “What man could be smooth with you? You’re so damned beautiful. Even after all this time, you take my breath away. I still can’t believe I get to touch you.”

  Her breath came out in a rush. “That was pretty damn good.”

  “Good?” he frowned, looking confused.

  “Just shut up,” she whispered, reaching up and pulling him down to kiss her.

  Immediately, his lips became those of a familiar lover. Hard. Experienced. Awakening arousal inside of her that burned brightly. And then…

  She froze. What happened next?

  She stiffened. She had no idea.

  Her memories of her demons faded and grew dimmer with each passing day. She had no idea if it was the darkness or the length of time that robbed her of her most precious memories.

  I just hope I’m not losing the human parts of myself.

  Stiffening, her hands clenched into fists. The idea tore through her like claws, and her fears were left bleeding like open wounds. Alone in the dark she had no way to calm the terror that such an idea brought.

  To lose that side of myself would be worse than suffering an eternal-death.

  Her demons had awakened in her a thirst for life. Their love made her enjoy the taste of food once more. The smell of a flower. The beauty of a sunset. Their tenderness had eroded her hard angel exterior until it crumbled, opening her heart to sadness, pleasure, and happiness once more.

  I won’t go back to the way I was!

  But what if I am? She could feel the walls growing thicker around her. Whispering that she would never be free again.

  Damn it, how much longer can I endure this! Has Caine simply forgotten me?

  She stiffened at just the thought of The Judge’s name. It blanketed her anger with fear. Caine was the most powerful being in existence. He determined where people went when they died, and he decided when a person lost the right to an afterlife. An eternal death—the worst fate of all.

  He also terrified her.

  Children feared the dark because they didn’t know what it concealed. Caine was the dark. No one saw him. No one touched him. But his powers had touched all of them, tearing inside of their minds to pull out whatever he wanted.

  And yet, he’s The Judge. The only one who can change this broken system, and the onl
y one who can order my freedom.

  For so long she wondered what Caine had planned for her, but recently she had started worrying that he’d forgotten about her altogether. Time had no meaning for her without the sun's progression, but it had to have been months since he’d ordered her imprisonment.

  Since then, no one had spoken to her. Or even opened the cell door. Trays of food slipped beneath the door had provided her with sustenance and nothing more.

  Why did I believe he would treat me fairly? My demons were right to tell me to stay away from the fortress.

  And yet, she didn’t regret her choice. She’d had to try! She simply couldn’t live with herself if she hadn’t.

  The demon-realm was overflowing with innocents. The angel-realm was more a group of thugs than warriors. Unlike her demons, she didn’t want a new system for the afterlife. She’d hoped to fix the current broken one instead.

  But how can I fix it if Caine won’t grant me an audience?

  A slight creaking made her freeze. It was a familiar noise. One she looked forward to each day. My tray should be coming soon. She uncurled her wings and stood on stiff limbs, waiting for the food that would soon slide beneath the door.

  Instead, she heard the distinct sound of a key scraping the lock. A key! It can’t finally be happening! Her heart raced, and she held herself tense, waiting for what would happen next.

  The door opened and Surcy squinted against the light. An angel blocked the entrance, a dark shadow with dim torchlight behind him.

  What does he want? Will he free me?

  Or is this something else altogether?

  And if he doesn’t let me leave, should I try to escape? Should I—

  “Come with me,” he growled.

  Freedom! The word blossomed within her chest, breathing life into her soul. Without another second’s hesitation, she shuffled out of the cell, holding up one hand to shade her eyes from the torches.

  In the hall, the angel closed the cell door and led her up the stairs that would take her out of the dungeons. Surcy’s stiff legs struggled with the steps, but she pushed herself forward toward the light, desperate for fresh air.

  At the top, the angel turned, and she realized who had released her. Frink. Her skin tingled as complicated emotions filled her. Seeing someone else after so long alone in the darkness was incredible, but she would have rather seen anyone but him.

  He preyed on weakness. He thrived on suffering. She’d have to hide every uncertain feeling within her and radiate confidence, or else she might not survive him. And she hadn’t come this far just to let one coward stop her.

  She cleared her throat. “Didn’t I kill you recently?”

  His brilliant green eyes flashed with rage. “If it were my choice, I would return the favor.”

  And if the rumors were true, he’d make it a slow and painful death.

  She forced a grin. “But it isn’t your choice. That must be driving you crazy…”

  Frink snarled and grabbed her forearm, dragging her down the hall with rapid, angry steps. She struggled to keep up with him, but at the end of the hall, he opened a door and gestured for her to go inside.

  Surcy froze. “This isn’t the throne room.”

  His anger rolled off of him in waves. “No kidding.”

  It was just another windowless room, although it was a larger one, with a blazing fireplace, a bed, and a bath. But it wasn’t her path to freedom.

  I won’t be put off any longer. I need to see a Caine. I need to fight for the people who are depending on me.

  And return to my demons, one way or another.

  She took a deep breath. “I’m not going in there. Take me to Caine. Now.”

  Frink grabbed her by the throat and forced her back against the doorframe. Instantly, her airway was cut off. She struggled against him, clawing at his fingers, but he only squeezed her throat harder. Her vision darkened.

  His words came sharp and angry. “You’ll do as I say, one way or another.”

  A tear slid down her cheek. Being suffocated won’t kill me, but it sure as hell will hurt.

  And after I wake up from this, no doubt I’ll be imprisoned again.

  It’s hopeless.

  Chapter Two

  “Y ou think Caine wants to see you like this?” Frink said, tossing her back.

  She hit the ground and immediately began gasping in air. The darkness receded, and slowly her panic eased too. Unconsciously, she touched her throat, and flinched as her fingers grazed her skin.

  How dare he! If her demons were there, the angel would’ve been pummeled into a pile of flesh. They didn’t tolerate anyone hurting her. But unfortunately for Frink, she didn’t tolerate it either.

  Turning to glare up at him, she unsteadily struggled back to her feet. “If he doesn’t want his prisoners stinking and dirty, maybe he shouldn’t toss them into cells and forget about them!”

  He punched her square in the face.

  She hit the stone floor, and lay for a second too shocked to move. Before her imprisonment she would’ve easily avoided the blow. It frightened her how weak she’d become.

  Don’t think about it too much. Just focus on getting up.

  She looked up at him, rubbing her stinging cheek and trying to sit up. “Ass!”

  “Just the kind of language I would expect from a demon-whore.”

  If he hadn’t awoken her temper, she might’ve been smart and shut up. But instead, she struggled to her shaking legs and smirked. “Harsh words from an angel with a reputation for having sex with humans ‘just to feel alive.’”

  He swung, but this time she ducked, missing the blow just barely. “Take your damned bath!”

  A bath? She glanced at the tub in the middle of the room. That sounds incredible, but I can’t lose my focus.

  “And afterwards I’ll see Caine?”

  He flashed her a smile that was all teeth. “I guarantee it.”

  That’s strangely not reassuring.

  She turned away from him, trying to hide her nervousness. Whatever was going to happen, she couldn’t hope to actually fight it. Not in Caine’s fortress. Not with hundreds of angels filling the halls, rooms, and skies. But she could at least face her enemies without months’ worth of filth coating her flesh.

  Crossing the room, she paused as she glanced at the steaming water and then back at Frink. The angel had already turned his back. He likes his women human. Lucky for me.

  She quickly shed her filthy garments, folded her wings tightly against her back, and climbed into the water. She groaned as the heat sank into her skin and warmed her body. It felt so good. So incredibly good.

  She sank beneath the waters, scrubbing her stiff hair, and then moving on to gently wash her black feathers, which were covered in grime. By the time she came back up, the water was cloudy. Picking up the soap at the edge of the tub, she cleaned every inch of her body until she felt better than she had in months. Until the sweet scent of lavender seemed to hang over the entire room.

  That’s much better.

  Now to pump Frink for info…

  “So,” she began, her gaze going to where he stood, staring angrily at the wall. “Is Caine going to kill me and send me to the demon-realm?”

  Frink didn’t answer.

  “Wrong, huh? Well, what, he'll command me to serve him again?" Still no answer.

  Here goes nothing.

  She sighed. “Maybe he’ll be reasonable. I have a lot to tell him. If he would just listen, everything could change for the better. Things can't keep going the way they are. Something has to give."

  He glanced at her for the first time since she’d undressed. “You can’t possibly be stupid enough to think he’ll listen to a word you say.” After a second, he laughed. “You actually do! You think he’ll care that things aren’t fair. You think he’ll want to change.” He shook his head. “You are so freakin' naïve!"

  He’s wrong. I have to believe a being made to be The Judge of all of mankind still has some goo
dness in him.

  Time to find out, one way or another.

  Taking a deep breath, she stood, grabbed a towel and climbed out of the tub. Drying quickly, she donned the simple white gown stretched out on the bed for her. Turning back to the angel, she gave a sharp nod.

  “Lead on!”

  His nostrils flared in unspoken rage, but he turned and opened the door.

  Time seemed to slow.

  Her feet brushed the stone floor as she followed him, her heart pounding. In her mind, she ran through every possible scenario, but nothing she imagined ended with her alive and returning to her demons.

  She tried to appear calm and confident, but she was pretty sure she failed. The urge to flee built inside her like a sickness. Her logical mind screamed that her fear was ridiculous, that this was what she’d been waiting for, but her heart refused to listen. It raced so hard it filled her ears, so fast her head felt light.

  Come on, Surcy, hold it together. Being brave doesn’t mean you aren’t scared, it means you do it anyway. The old words echoed in her mind. Where have I heard them before? She couldn’t recall, but they kept her moving forward.

  Frink led her to the throne room, where The Realm Creator was located. She took a few steps forward before Frink closed the door, leaving her inside to face Caine alone.

  I’m finally here.

  To face The Judge.

  Today I could change the world, or be wiped from it forever.

  With sweat sliding down her back, she scanned the massive room carved of gray stone. Waiting to be acknowledged. The ceiling rose so high above them that she could scarcely see the top. She remembered that a hole above them allowed the angels to fly into the room, but she couldn't sense any fresh air coming from above. Instead, something oily and thick hung over the room laced with a scent she’d never noticed before.

  Perhaps because the last time I was here I was nothing more than a mindless soldier. Curling black magic cloaked the back half of the room. She’d never seen through the magic, but she knew the man and his throne were concealed within the darkness. Any confidence she had melted away as she sensed him watching her from the darkness.


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