Seventh Talon_Dragonrider's Fury

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Seventh Talon_Dragonrider's Fury Page 16

by James Patton

  “You got it. Dragons get Primary Active and Passive skills too, and that seems irrelevant until you realize that Primary abilities change over time. Our passives grow with our affinity towards our core elements. Air is the element of instinct, but people confuse that with fortune telling.”

  “So they- I don’t get it, what does that mean?”

  “A pure Air dragon, a strong one, will eventually develop the ability to sense the correctness of actions. Imagine making a decision, knowing years down the line something bad will happen directly because of your choice. Realize that indecision is also a choice. They don’t know the why, or how, but then usually will know when it's coming to pass.”

  “Remind me to never bond with an Air dragon,” she called out. Midnight was laughing again; she could not hear it, but she felt it.

  “Do not worry on that front, Air dragons like that will never take a rider. They are affected by their rider’s choices too.”

  “Seriously. Worst. Ability. Ever. What about you, what do you do?”

  “Elementally pure dragons are easier to understand. Hybrids like me manifest some bastardization of both elements. They are almost always stronger than they appear, but a dragon may never find out its use. Thereby never growing its strength.”

  “You dodged the question.”

  Midnight sighed. “I do not like my ability, but it is called Reveal Curse. I can see curses, disassemble them, and if it is a spell, I can learn it.”

  “That sounds amazing, why don’t you like it?”

  “Curses are all evil. I have one that will infuse your blood with acid. It won’t kill you, but it is excruciating. Almost every curse keeps the victim alive.”

  “Huh. I guess I have no response for that.” She did not have a verbal response, but she felt herself shudder.

  “Is that what Vasia used against me? A curse?” She muttered to herself.

  “What was that?”

  “Nothing. Just thinking out loud,” she said much too quickly, hoping to cut off the conversation.

  The wind whipped her hair about as she processed everything. They both rode in silence for hours, and she enjoyed watching the dawn. Sunrise over the ocean is indescribable from the saddle of a dragon, and she did not try.

  There was more she wanted to ask but left it alone. She wondered why anyone would ever leave this place. Her reverie was interrupted by pieces of a shattered scale striking her face. That was odd, but she did not know enough about dragon anatomy to know if that was common.

  Pain. Her shoulder burned for several impossibly long seconds. Pain. Like getting stabbed with a red-hot piece of iron.

  Focus came back as her screaming snapped her back to reality. She pressed her hand against the hole in her shoulder and watched silver blood pump through her fingers.


  Chapter 25

  Usurper King

  When kings fight, the world trembles. I am a warrior, but even I wanted nothing to do with the Usurper Wars.

  -from Midnight, Audio Roll 0311

  Midnight turned to look at her as she screamed out, but she did not pay attention to him. She had already spotted her assailant.

  Her hand went out and made a fist before she flared her fingers out and muttered, “Shield.”

  The Elemental Shield formed around her, and her fingers shook in pain causing it to pulse. It took all her focus to keep it up, and it was in place seconds before the next shot pinged off it. A blue bar flashed in the top left of her peripheral vision, and she saw her Feedback had jumped almost to her threshold.

  “Hold on!” Midnight shouted to her as he performed evasive maneuvers. The dragon’s wings curled in ways that a bird could not have done, and it was able to shift through the air. They were still going forward but drifted to the side, like a sailboat.

  Every time they shifted pain blossomed in her shoulder, and her shield threatened to collapse. Blinding the shooter with Sparkles might have worked if she could move that arm. As it was, she could not even hold on to the handles as her body whipped back and forth like a kite’s tail.

  No weapons, no way to cast another spell without dropping the shield, and if Midnight kept up the drifting, her consciousness was not guaranteed. Her only use was to report on what she could see.

  “It is a large red dragon, the guy’s shield is also red, I assume that means his highest Affinity is fire?” Boh had to yell over the wind, and Midnight’s head turned towards her and gave her a strange look. She had no idea what she said that made him risk looking at her.

  A shot rang out, but she saw no noticeable impact this time, and Boh realized the man’s accuracy was not that great. The shooter had no clue how to lead the target, which made her wonder what kind of Dragonrider operated that way. There was a wave of warmth as a jet of fire shot past them.

  “Look Boh, a fire breather just for you!” Midnight called out, and she could feel the bastard laughing. And she had to respect is calm under fire, this was his norm.

  “Not funny ass, I got a bullet hole in my shoulder.” She called out and then gave in. “Ok, it was a little funny.”

  “Drop the shield. That rider is a moron. He only shot you because we were moving slow. He had the drop on us, and you should be dead. Heal yourself if you can, and watch this.” Midnight called back.

  His pace slowed, and he opened his mouth. Thin inky mist spewed from his mouth, and the wind shear sucked it under the big dragon and out behind them. She could not see it with her ability, so it did not operate like Elemental Magic.

  “Shit!” The shooter screamed. “I can’t see.”

  Midnight had lured them in, but she had not realized how close he let them get. She doubted a better opportunity to cast Transfusion would avail itself.

  As she started to move her hand, and the spell took over. Her fingers moved of their own volition, and with one pattern she saw the magic building. As her fingers shifted into the next mode, she could sense the magic taking shape. Fingers were locked into place, waiting for her to commit to the final step and cast it.

  Flaring her fingers out she felt a popping from within her palm, and a ray of Dark magic flowed from her. It struck the other rider, but she did not hear him scream as her ability started to suck the life from him. The Dark ray was soon sheathed in a beige glow, as the life flowed back into her.

  Gasping, she felt the life infuse her, and it brought on a form of euphoria. More and more life poured into her as the bullet slowly wiggled its way back out, and the wound finally sealed over. She wanted more.

  “Stop!” Midnight broke into her thoughts. “If you keep going you will kill yourself.”

  Her fingers started to close, but it was like she was trying to squeeze a balloon in her hand. The spell fought her. She tried to use her other hand to help, but energy from the beam ripped the flesh from her hand. Luckily, she was still getting healed as the skin reknit back together.

  The fingers of her spell hand finally touched her palm, and the spell broke. The magic all along the ray collapsed and dissipated into nothing.

  “What the hell was that?” She asked, still trying to get her breath.

  “I have no idea where you learned that, but remember all elements have their quirks. Dark is seductive, and Light is euphoric. You have to be prepared for that when you cast a spell.”

  “Are we going to fight?” She asked Midnight and checked her Feedback. The Transfusion spell had pushed her Feedback up to about the 97% mark.

  “No need.” He replied. “Also, do not physically touch a spellcasting at its source. Ever. You can chop off the arm, but don’t touch the hand.”

  A thunderclap nearly blew her eardrums out as a massive gunmetal dragon appeared. Gripping the handles in front of her, she turned to face a new threat.

  The gunmetal dragon’s size made Midnight look insignificant. Its scales did not have the glossy colors that Midnight sported, and they looked like brushed metal. They were no less impressive, just different.

” The dragon from above the roared with such force that the clouds parted around him. “You dare attack my emissary?”

  The Void dragon moved, and she almost missed it. The damn thing was fast, and the other rider was missing the top half of his body. The rifle spun to the sea below, with part of the arm still holding on to it. The legs remained strapped in, and the top half was swallowed whole without even a gulp.

  The red dragon roared, but she was not sure if it was out of fear or defiance. It attacked the gray dragon, and both of them traded blows as they flew past one another.

  It was clear the Void Dragon was toying with the red one because he could have easily ripped it in half. “What is your name?” He growled.

  “Amavaran. I do not fear you, Usurper King.” Amavaran said calmly. “You are a coward, striking at my rider to get to me. You cannot kill me that easily, my rider is a Champion. He will be back, and your little tantrum will be for naught.”

  Ignoring the fact that she just saw a man get bit in half, her mind processed other details. Like the red dragon’s voice, which was higher pitched and sounded like it belonged to a professor. Did dragons receive a formal education?

  “You are a fool, Amavaran. I do not care about your rider. You broke my laws and attacked my emissary. You should be more concerned about what I do to you.”

  Amavaran did not hesitate, and she tensed as she saw the red elemental magic coalescing into the red dragon’s body. The spell started forming, and she grew concerned.

  “Watch out!” She called with a sinking feeling in her stomach.

  “Stay calm little one, and learn.” Midnight said thrusting his wings to keep them steady and in place. His talon pointed at the jet of flame that blasted forth in the shape of a comet. It popped her ears as it broke the sound barrier, but the resulting impact left her confused.

  The heat of the spell washed over her, and she found it hard to breathe, like trying to run on a mountaintop. The air was thin and dry. The heat also distorted her vision, and she could not see the results. She did feel a rush of cold air which counteracted the heat.

  Red scales were raining down to the ocean below and in the midst of it, Amavaran was tumbling out of the sky. The red dragon’s wings flared out, and it caught itself from falling further. Using its momentum, it flipped itself in mid-air to reorient itself.

  Another spell was forming, but she could not classify it. It did not look like any of the spells she had seen so far.

  “What is that?” She asked Midnight, who was maintaining his altitude with powerful thrusts of his wings but was otherwise remaining still.

  “What is what?” Midnight replied still watching the confrontation.

  “That.” Boh pointed towards Amavaran. “It looks like a large soap bubble with rainbow-like colors flashing through it.”

  Midnight’s head whipped around to stare at her, and his eyes narrowed as she felt him appraise her. It only took a second, and then she felt and heard him roar. An unusual pressure filled the air around her, and she saw the blue magic forming as he cast something.

  The bubble around Amavaran rippled and then collapsed. Whatever it had been casting was interrupted, and the Void dragon swooped down from on high. Amavaran had little chance as its right wing was torn off.

  Guilt was weighing on her as she watched Amavaran lose her ability to fly. Saddened by her part in it, and also angry that they had attacked her. The situation left her confused because she was positive this conflict was not about her. It was too politically oriented for her to understand.

  Her goggles were still on and hid her unexpected tears. Amavaran was a beautiful dragon, and she knew this would only end one way.

  This world was amazing and terrifying. The dragons were more beautiful than she expected they would be, and much more fierce than anticipated. She was starting to feel like a pawn once more and bit back her pain. She funneled all her emotions into her anger because she already knew firsthand how harsh and unforgiving this place was.

  The king dragon caught Amavaran by the throat before the red dragon could fall into the ocean below. He carried the limp form up to where Midnight and her watched.

  The gunmetal dragon craned his face so he could bring it eye level with her. It was similar to how Midnight had appraised her in the Trial, but she felt like he was going much deeper.

  She felt intimidated and violated at the same time, but she was not about to piss off the largest dragon she had seen yet. But as arrogant as he was, she could disdainfully appraise him with matching arrogance. His scales were not the color of gunmetal as she had first thought. Like Midnight’s scales, they had differing patterns, and each scale looked like smoke. It gave the dragon an air of mystery.

  “A female Dragonrider?” The king asked.

  “I did warn her, but she has more fire in her than Amavaran. It turns out she is a Seer too.”

  “Impossible.” The gray dragon said. “Yet intriguing. Speak elf, can you see our magic?”

  “I see Elemental Magic.” She told him, but as she said that, she saw elemental magic getting pulled into the Void dragon’s claw. “Are you seriously testing me, I thought the Trials were over?”

  “Impossible.” He repeated himself. “Who else knows this?”

  “Just us. Maybe.” Midnight said looking at her nervously, his wings moving gently up and down. “I am taking her to Haase personally.”

  “Speak girl, who else knows.” Atagon demanded.

  “No. You do not get to ask that.” Midnight interrupted still turned towards her, and she saw him frown as he looked down at Amavaran. The Void dragon also saw his gaze.

  Amavaran was staring at all of them intently.

  “Whatever happened to Boh happened in the Trial, you cannot command her to speak of it.” Midnight told the king.

  “Very well. Boh, I apologize. Amavaran, daughter, forgive me.” The talon around Amavaran’s neck tightened.

  Amavaran struggled, but the red dragon realized the danger much too late. Scales cracked and broke as the dragon’s razor-like talons cut through the red dragon’s throat.

  One of the scales landed in her lap, and without thinking about it, she pocketed it along with Midnight’s scale. Her eyes never looked away from the scene playing out before her. Amavaran’s last scream nearly broke her heart.

  The red dragon’s body tumbled away to the ocean below. An equally large beast came out of the water and wrapped around the dragon pulling it below the surface.


  Chapter 26

  Dragon Politics

  Death is a mercy. The world devours the weak.

  -from Vasia the Dark Queen

  “Wyverns.” The Usurper King hissed, before casually tossing the head he still held aside. She watched mesmerized as the head plunged into the ocean below.

  You have acquired Amavaran’s Tear

  Quest: Gone with the Wind

  - Details: Give Amaranth’s scale to her Matriarch, and tell them the tale of her fall.

  - Objective 1: Discover who Amaranth’s Matriarch is.

  - Rewards: Unknown

  Alternate Completion

  - Objective 1: Give the scale to a Monarch and tell the tale.

  - Rewards: 100 Vees

  “Take her to Minot by way of the coastal town of Valoh. Rest in the port city of Minot, for a few days. Do not bring her to Haase yet. Find me once you have her settled in Minot.”

  “Yes, my king.” Midnight said.

  “And Midnight— keep silent.” She could feel the implied threat.

  She had a hard time trying to process everything that had just happened and decided to remain silent until she understood what the hell was going on.

  “I apologize, young one. I am Atagon, King of the Spire. It is rare that dragons oppose me, and dragon politics are not something I wish to concern you with. I do have a favor to ask.”

  “I’m listening.”

  “Say nothing of your ability. I will not interfere with a Champion, but y
oung dragons are very rash and foolish. All of them rising to power, believing that one day they will best me. I maintain peace by making sure that does not happen.”

  “So you are saying you killed that dragon for the greater good?”

  “Exactly. You may not believe me, but I seek to prevent senseless killing. I have no issues with my people speaking out against me, and I will not try to curb their speech. However, I cannot afford to let them believe I am weak, or that I show mercy. If I do that, they will all take their shot at me, and then war breaks out once more.”

  She thought about his words, and they felt sincere. There was something he was not saying, and she was smart enough to realize he would not tell her.

  “I will keep it hidden until I cannot. Just as I did to save you, I will not back away from a fight out of fear someone will find out. And I will not lie to friends.”

  Midnight laughed, and the Void dragon joined him.

  “You are right— she does have fire,” the Void dragon told Midnight. “I will accept those terms. Show me your book, the one titled Elemental Shielding Mastery. For understanding and trusting me I grant you knowledge.”

  The book appeared in her hand when she thought about it. It started to glow hotly in her hand before cooling down. The wording on the cover shifted, and under the title, she could see that the edition changed.

  Elemental Shielding Mastery has updated to a newer version.

  “Good luck. I have a feeling we will meet again,” the king said as magic surrounded him and she saw him sucked into an elemental vortex.

  “How does he disappear like that?”

  “A Void ability, his Primary. I think he called it a Gravity Well. Some things just work differently for him,” Midnight explained. “A quick lesson on dragon etiquette, it is not polite to ask about Primary abilities. Just as it was not polite for me to share yours.”

  Gravity Well – This spell is noted in your skills book. However, you know next to nothing about the ability. As you find out more, the information will update.


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