Magic, New Mexico_A Touch of Death

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Magic, New Mexico_A Touch of Death Page 6

by Immortal Angel

  The fairy pouted, but got into the back, slamming the door behind her.

  God, was I that annoying when I was young?

  When she got in the car, Alexa gunned the engine. “Just tell me where to go.”

  Brendan stared at the map. “To the right. It’s in the middle of nowhere, probably a half hour from here.”

  Sabrina leaned forward and put one of her elbows on the backs of each of the bucket seats. “Good, that’ll give us time to get to know each other better.”

  “Sit back and hook your seatbelt,” Alexa ordered. “I don’t want your glitter all over my white leather seats.”

  She looked over her shoulder to make sure the girl had followed directions, then glanced sideways at Brendan before looking ahead.

  For the first time, his lips had turned upward into a slight grin.

  Alexa sighed.

  Can this day get any worse?

  He crossed his arms over his chest, and she could feel his eyes on her. “I can’t actually remember seeing you frustrated when we were younger.”

  “That’s because I usually killed people who irritated me this badly.” The second the words left her mouth, she felt sick. “I mean, I didn’t hang out with people who bothered me this much.”

  To her surprise, he reached out and squeezed her knee. “I knew what you meant.”

  She felt her tension ease at his touch. First Topper hugs me, and then this. It was ridiculous how much it meant to her to have someone in her life that wasn’t afraid of her.

  He pulled his hand away, but the spot he touched stayed warm.

  Maybe today won’t be so bad after all.

  Chapter Six

  As they traveled, Brendan became more and more agitated. All day he’d sensed that they were being watched, but he could see nothing to justify his concerns. There wasn’t even the lightest scent of the alien pack.

  He drummed his fingers on his knee wishing he could shift. His primal urge to run as hard as his body would allow was like an itch he couldn’t scratch. His injuries were healing at a rapid pace, his broken arm only sore rather than excruciating. And he no longer bled, but every wound still felt too tight. Sitting in a car was the last place he should be, both for the good of his body and his anxious thoughts.

  After all these years of experimentation, and months of running from them, I’m being paranoid.

  Or perhaps I’m just on edge…being so close to Alexa and knowing she’s not mine. He pushed the thought aside. No, it’s the damn aliens.

  Logically, he just doubted that Alexa had scared the aliens off so easily, even with her touch of death power. Without the communications device the shifters would never make it home, and to them, being on Earth was a never-ending prison sentence.

  He smirked. The pack of aliens had been prisoners of the Star Rangers, an interplanetary police force that stopped criminals from hurting people on less advanced planets. They’d managed to break free of prison, steal a vessel, and take off thinking they could hide out on a primitive planet until their big bad boss could pick them up.

  At least that’s what I gathered from what I overhead.

  Brendan thought he’d broken the only communications device. But when he’d overheard that they were trying to retrieve the same type of device from another crashed ship, he’d realized he couldn’t just save himself and turn his back on the rest of humanity. He was one of the few who knew what they could do. Personally.

  No, as much as I want to be finished with those damn aliens, I need to do this first.

  “Uh,” the fairy said, her more serious voice instantly drawing his attention. “It’s that way.” She pointed to a random direction off the road.

  His heart pounded and his palms grew sweaty. This is it. We’re getting closer.

  Alexa slowed the car and started to turn.

  His gaze swung to her before he could stop it. He remembered when the only thing he thought he knew of vampires was that they couldn’t go out in the light and that they were bloodsucking monsters. Yet, here she sat, the sunlight streaming over her, as calm and beautiful as ever.

  When she’d joined him outside that morning, he’d nearly forgotten to breathe. The dress she wore clung to every curve of her incredible body, dipping low in the front. He’d had the overwhelming desire to slide his hands into the front of her dress and cup her full breasts, to roll her nipples until she groaned.

  And the skirt of her dress? It was slit so damn high up the side that he could see the lace of her panties. Actually, all he could see was lace. Maybe it’s a G-string.

  He shifted uncomfortably. If I laid her back on a bed, it would take nothing at all to bury myself inside her.

  He knew from the way her nipples hardened when the air-conditioning hit them that she wasn’t wearing a bra. And the top of the dress had a wide neck. Very wide. Wide enough to slip down without taking it off…Pulling the map down, he pressed it over his obvious erection. How can I possibly concentrate on my mission with her around driving me crazy?

  That’s why I decided not to look at her!

  The car suddenly started to shake as they left the small patch of smooth dirt and continued on into the vast desert. But he was more than grateful for the distraction.

  “Ma’am, you don’t want to do that—”

  Do what?

  “Don’t call me ‘ma’am’,” Alexa interrupted. “We’re almost the same age.”

  “You mean you’re almost the same age as my mom,” Sabrina huffed.

  Alexa’s hands tightened on the steering wheel. “No, you just act half our age. You’d better watch it or—”

  Brendan interrupted, “Why didn’t you want us to turn off the road? You said to go this way.”

  If there was actual danger, and not just his paranoia, he’d never risk putting two innocent people in danger. His hands closed into fists. He needed to get this device, and he needed their help, but he wouldn’t risk their lives to do it. What had the fairy sensed that he hadn’t?

  Sabrina huffed. “Because, am I the only one who realizes we’re in a Bentley? I mean, these things have got to be what, a hundred thousand dollars?”

  Oh. That.

  Alexa smirked. “It costs more with the options, but, no matter.”

  “You sure?” the fairy emphasized. “Because we could just get out and walk…”

  She shrugged. “It’s just a car.”

  Things had never mattered to Alexa as much as people. Anytime someone in their classes needed something, whether it was money for lunch or something bigger, they quickly received it. She was never obvious about it, but he always knew she was responsible. And now, the more time he spent with Alexa, the more he realized she hadn’t changed a bit in all these years.

  And he liked that. Too much. But my feelings mean nothing, because rich and powerful vampires simply don’t end up with someone damaged like me.

  Once I’m finished being her champion, she’ll probably send me on my way.

  “If you don’t care what you drive, then why have a flashy car like this?” the fairy asked, cocking her head to one side in a haughty fashion.

  Alexa flashed her a smile that was all teeth, and two very sharp-looking canines. “Because I can.”

  For the first time in longer than he could remember, he smiled. Typical Alexa. She was always so damn good at putting on a show.

  “Do you even need a car? Can’t you just…you know, change into a cute, fuzzy bat and fly around?” Sabrina asked, a challenge in her words.

  A bat? Can she really do that?

  Alexa smirked. “Nope. I have relatives that can, but no vampires from Mist have that ability.”

  Sabrina’s cocky attitude deflated. “Oh.”

  It might have been awkward except suddenly the fairy reached across them to point in one direction. Over the next few minutes, Sabrina was constantly pointing in one direction or another, putting Alexa’s vampire reflexes to the test. Alexa swerved around trees, shrubs, cacti, and boulders with ease.<
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  At first, all he could think of was how the bouncing vehicle brought to life his still-healing injuries. His stomach felt hollow as he clenched his teeth down on hiss after hiss of pain. He needed to focus on something else. Anything else.

  And then he glanced at Alexa, and his pain faded away.

  Her full breasts bounced enticingly the entire way. He told himself he wouldn’t stare. But he did. Wolf or alien, it doesn’t matter, I’m still a man. And if the fairy girl hadn’t been in the back, he wasn’t sure he could have controlled himself. Her breasts were begging to be fondled, her nipples pleading to be teased. His hands twitched with the need to touch her.

  “Are we getting closer?” Alexa reached across him and placed a hand on his thigh. “Do you want to double-check the map?”

  Are you kidding me? He was breathing hard, unable to answer. Are you aware that your hand is inches from my straining manhood? Because if it goes any closer, I’m going to forget about the fairy in the back.

  “He doesn’t need to check the map,” the fairy answered, sounding annoyed. “We’re almost there.”

  He already knew there was no point in looking at the map. The communications device was close, but the location was so vague that the map couldn’t help any further. That’s why they needed the fairy in the first place.

  But then he saw something familiar…

  “There!” he shouted, pointing.

  Alexa slammed on her brakes.

  To one side, a saguaro cactus that looked like a man giving a thumbs-up stood proud and tall. “I remember that cactus from their map.”

  The fairy nodded. “I sense we’re close. It wouldn’t hurt to get out here.”

  Alexa cut the engine, and they all piled out.

  The fairy took the map, looked at the device again, and closed her eyes. For a long time, they stood without moving. The air was hot and dry. The bright sunlight reflected off the desert floor, glimmering like a mirage in the distance.

  “This way,” she said.

  Then, she looked back at Brendan. “It would help if you could take my arm. It’s hard to focus on where my feet are when I’m trying to feel for the lost item.”

  Brendan scrambled over and took her arm.

  Alexa followed behind them at a slower space. Her expression was guarded.

  They walked for twenty long minutes before Sabrina suddenly stopped.

  “There’s something here…but it doesn’t feel right.”

  Brendan scanned the desert. It was just an endless landscape of dirt, and the squat, brown and pale green plants that stubbornly grew.

  “It looks the same,” he said, his frustration growing.

  Sabrina shook her head. “There’s something.” She raised her hand and then pointed straight in front of them. “There, but it’s hidden.”

  “Under the dirt?” We really should have brought shovels.

  “No, it’s concealed by something…not magic, but something else. Luckily, I’ve got something perfect for this situation.”

  Reaching into the folds of her shimmery dress, she pulled out a bottle filled with dust the color of blood. “This should do it.”

  She popped off the top. “My friend, a witch with an interest in experimenting, has been making this stuff for me for years.”

  “Since you were in diapers?” Alexa said, the corner of her mouth twitching.

  “I’ll have you know I’m twenty-six,” Sabrina responded, jerking her chin up.

  Alexa’s eyes widened. “There’s no chance we’re almost the same age!”

  Sabrina smiled and patted his arm. “Some women just hide their age better.”

  He stared at them, utterly confused. Why are we wasting time talking about this nonsense? “Is the item I’m looking for here?”

  Sabrina’s smile grew as she looked back at the tube of powder in her hands. “Just watch this.”

  With practiced movements, she sprinkled a little in her hand. Then, locking eyes with him, she spoke a few soft words that he couldn’t quite catch. Her lips curled, and then she blew.

  The red grains lifted off her hand slowly, rising and spinning as if they were smoke curling up from a fire. With each second that passed, they seemed to multiply, spinning faster and faster. Wind began to tug at him. His clothes flapped. The swirling red formed into a small tornado.

  What the hell is this? The magic likely wasn’t dangerous, but he wasn’t taking any chances. He went to Alexa, pulling her to his side.

  She wrapped her arms around his neck in return. And suddenly, her smaller body was pressed against his.

  He forgot about the tornado. Forgot about everything except the feel of her in his arms. The wind tore around them and he closed his eyes, pressing his face against her hair, shielding her face in the crook of his arm and chest. Nothing was more important than holding her against him. The knowledge that she was seeking comfort from him.

  When the wind began to die down, he looked up from where he’d pressed his face into her hair. He coughed, the dust in the air heavy. The air too clouded to see. But then, the dust dropped like a curtain, and the air was instantly clear once more.

  I’ll never get used to magic.

  Her lips brushed his throat, and her grip loosened as her hands slid down his chest. He inhaled sharply, unsure if her touch was intentional. Unsure if she knew the havoc she was playing on his body.

  His arousal grew. His hands tightened on her hips.“Alexa?”

  Does she feel something between us too? Or am I crazy?

  “Wow!” Sabrina cried.

  His head snapped up, the moment broken as he remembered where he was and what they were after. There, not twenty feet in front of them, was a spaceship. An actual spaceship! It was the size of a car, but half the height, and a glossy white. Everything about it screamed that it was alien, from the sleekness of the metal to the strange glint from the glass dome over the top. His gaze ran from one perfectly intact side to the front that was slightly crumpled in.

  This must be where the communications device is hidden.

  Alexa slipped from his grip and hesitantly moved forward, running her hands over the shining surface. “It’s…amazing. So smooth. And still cool, as if the sun wasn’t shining on it.”

  “Was it hidden by magic?” he asked.

  Sabrina shook her head. “I think it was some kind of security system on the ship.”

  He nodded. Makes sense.

  That prickling on the back of his neck started again. He inhaled slowly. He scented dust, a few small animals, but no alien shifters. Then why do I feel so restless?

  “Let’s just get it and get out,” he said curtly.

  Both women looked up at him sharply, but after a second, Alexa nodded. “Probably a good idea.”

  He ran his hand along the outside of the ship, looking for the entrance. There had to be a button, something to open it. But he felt nothing.

  The fairy laid her hand on his.

  He stiffened, but she tugged his hand over to one spot.

  “Right here.”

  A blue ring of light formed where his hand touched, and slowly the glass-like lid slid back. Inside, there was a small compartment, big enough for one large person, and a dashboard.

  For one brief moment, he stared in amazement. This was an actual craft that someone had flown in space! What happened to the alien who had flown it? And was this alien the same awful species who had tortured him, or something entirely different?

  “Whoa,” the fairy breathed, bringing him back to reality.

  Right. The communications device.

  Focusing, he let his gaze slide over every inch of the ship. Did I come all this way for nothing? Panic started to set in. And then he saw it, tucked against the seat. Holding his breath, he reached in and pulled it free. As his arm slid past the dashboard, a dozen tiny lights flashed on. It works. After all this time?

  Damn alien technology.

  He looked away from the strange ship to the thing he’d risked his li
fe to find. The device fit perfectly in his hand, a smooth orb with a speaker, a small screen, a dial, and a couple buttons. Using this, I’ll finally be able to stop anyone else from being tortured the way I was. I’ll finally be able to sleep at night.

  But first, I need to get us out of here. To somewhere safe.

  “Got it, time to go.”

  As he turned, he caught it, the slightly reptilian scent of the alien shifters. His stomach turned and a cold sweat washed over his body. “Damn. They’re here…”

  “Who?” the fairy asked, frowning.

  But Alexa answered before he could. “Shifters. Dangerous ones.”

  The color drained from the fairy’s face. “What do they want?”

  He clenched the device harder in his hand. “This. And they probably want us dead, as well.” But maybe between the three of us, we can do something. “Sabrina, what kind of magic do you have? Can you help us?”

  The fairy backed away from them, shaking her head. “Sorry, I’m out. This…this wasn’t what I signed on for.”

  Alexa looked down her nose at the fairy angrily. “You’re not going anywhere by yourself. We’re in the middle of the desert. Where do you think you’re going to go? We all need to make it back to the car.”

  The scent of them was everywhere. Too close. “We won’t make it there in time,” he said.

  Sabrina put the bottle with the red dust back in the pocket of her dress and then pulled out another one with blue dust. Her eyes were wide as she glanced at the desert around her.

  A howl vibrated through the air.

  He stiffened and moved closer to Alexa, widening his stance and preparing for battle.

  “Sorry, guys,” Sabrina whispered.

  He glanced back at her and witnessed her tossing the blue dust over her head. Instantly, she vanished.

  There goes any chance we had. Now what?

  “Where the hell did she go?” Alex’s hands curled into fists. “And why didn’t she take us with her?”

  Brendan shook his head. It didn’t matter. What mattered was protecting Alexa. If they started running, out in the open like this, they couldn’t possibly survive against the alien shifters. But what choice did they have?

  His gaze landed on the ship, and a desperate plan started to form. “We need to get in the ship.”


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