Magic, New Mexico_A Touch of Death

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Magic, New Mexico_A Touch of Death Page 9

by Immortal Angel

  “Brendan…” She took a deep breath. “You know I’m not safe, right? My powers, they’re gone right now, but what if they come back?”

  “You think being a weird mutant alien shifter doesn’t have its risks?” He tried to sound playful, but his tone was serious.

  She slowed the car at the first red light outside the town. “With how dangerous I am, you should put distance between us when this is done.” He clenched his fists in response. “I know I should…but if you wanted me to remain by your side, I would. In whatever capacity that you wanted me.”

  The light turned green, and she slowly sped up. The car felt strangely silent after their nearly twenty-four hours of constant chatter. At last, she looked at him, her stunning hazel eyes full of emotion. “But you could be free. You grew up with a foster father who is dead, and then you were taken by those alien bastards. Once you are done being my champion, you have the whole world before you.”

  His throat closed. “I never thought that far ahead.” He turned the communications device over in his hand. “I honestly just wanted to survive long enough to send the message. I figured I’d be dead not long after.”

  “But now you’ll send the message and live,” she emphasized.

  It was strange how hollow he felt as he told her the truth. “I don’t have family. I don’t have friends. So, I guess I don’t know what I’ll do.”

  “Well, I do.” Her chin lifted as she spoke. “My head of security needs to retire. I’ll have him train you, and you’ll take over for him. After being my champion, you should want for nothing. If you want to stay, then Darkmore will be your home. Forever.”

  He stared at her for long moments as he mulled it over. Her offer was…kind and generous. But it was obviously not made with romantic intentions. Could he ever live with Alexa without being with her? The idea made him feel like those damn aliens were experimenting on him again. Somewhere in the region of his heart.

  “I’ll think about it.”

  But instead of thinking about her offer, he was thinking about what it would take to convince her that he was safe with her. That if she wanted him, he would be hers in an instant. I’ll find a way. If she’ll accept me for the freak I am, then I’ll do everything in my power to win her over.

  They didn’t talk for the remainder of the trip. Instead, he stared out at a town that looked as different from Magic, New Mexico as he could imagine. The landscape was lush, overflowing with massive trees covered in orange, red, and yellow leaves. There was a strong element of something not quite right. Why didn’t I pick up on that in all the years I lived here?

  And that’s when he realized it. There’s magic everywhere! Humans and magical beings walked side by side on the street. A dwarf scurried along, glaring down at a paper in his hands. Three young fairies who glowed slightly giggled together. And an angry-looking shifter stepped out of a coffee shop, a brief flash of yellow in his eyes as he glared down at his drink.

  “Why are all these creatures out in broad daylight? Aren’t they afraid of being seen? I thought Magic, New Mexico was the only place where they weren’t in constant hiding.”

  Alexa turned to him and laughed. “That’s right. You aren’t human anymore. The glamour doesn’t work on you.”

  He frowned. “What glamour?”

  She laughed. “Mist isn’t like Magic. The humans here don’t know what we are. And it takes a lot of power to keep all the magical beings hidden from them. To live among them without being discovered by them. In most places in the world, creatures like us are hunted to death. But here, the people have relative safety.”

  “So it was like this when I lived here?”

  She grinned. “Of course.”

  “And that’s why this place is so special?”

  Her smile faltered, and her beautiful hazel eyes lost a bit of their shine. “Darkmore was built on ancient lands used to bury the bodies of magical creatures. Bryant and I discovered that the ghosts here carry enough residual magic to use to cast a glamour over the land. There’s no other place like it in the world. Only here can creatures walk about without fear of being discovered. That’s also why Draven wants our lands so badly. He can’t rule from anywhere else—or he could, but the humans would see him coming. And the ghosts…they won’t obey anyone but the head of our coven.”

  Brendan turned back to the buildings. They had an old-time charm, even though many of them looked recently built. But far from being innocent and welcoming, the town had a darker feel to it than Magic, darker than the many places he’d raced through since escaping the alien shifters.

  It had never occurred to him how he would go about surviving in this world where he was a freak, where the government would probably love to get its hands on him. He would have to hide who he was. That was, anywhere but here.

  “This place is important,” she announced softly. “My people deserve to live somewhere safe. But if Draven takes control, it won’t be safe anymore. He’ll try to change it back to a system where vampires ruled entirely. He’ll feed on any creature he wants, kill, and use the other magical beings as little more than slaves. And because these people won’t want to leave Mist, to live somewhere where they have to hide who they are, there will be another civil war. And this time, my brother isn’t around to stop it.”

  She cares about this place, and these people. “Then, we’ll stop him.”

  She smiled. “I wish I felt as confident as you do.”

  “That’s probably because you haven’t seen what I can do when I’m not a battered mess.” He smiled wryly.

  One of her brows rose. “About that. We need to make sure I put that cream they gave us on you every night. I know you feel confident, but Draven is cruel. He doesn’t follow any rules, and he’s powerful. We need you at your best.”

  An image of her rubbing cream on him ran through his mind, and he had to bite back a groan that had nothing to do with him getting well. “Whatever you think is best.”

  Just on the other side of town, they turned onto a short, paved road crowded by large trees. Outside the city, a mist slowly rose up. And within a short drive, it lay heavy on the ground.

  His eyes narrowed as he gazed at the mist more carefully. “Are those…ghosts?”

  She smiled. “You bet.”

  He shook his head. Being a part of this paranormal world was going to take some getting used to.

  After a short drive, they came to a massive set of black iron gates. On each door was a huge cursive D.

  She unrolled her window as she came to a guard post on one side.

  A vampire dressed in a black uniform took one step out of the tiny building, and his eyes widened. “Lady Darkmore!”

  He stepped back inside, and seconds later, the towering gates opened.

  They continued on a straight path lined by well-trimmed trees and sculpted bushes. Even the flowers seemed to be in their proper places. Halfway down the road, the trees stopped. In front of them were acres and acres of short, bright green grass that stretched out until reaching a white castle.

  She drove her Bentley down the road and came to a stop on the circular drive. “Time to face the music,” she mumbled to herself, then cut the engine.

  They both got out of the car.

  A second later, a butler in a crisp uniform stepped out of the left towering whitewashed front door.

  “Henry, assemble the staff,” Alexa ordered, grabbing a knee-length white jacket from the trunk of the car and buttoning it over her wrinkled clothing. For the first time, he saw the woman who would lead these people.

  Staff in black-and-white uniforms poured out of the two enormous front doors, lining up along the sidewalk just in front of her car. More staff came from the back of the house. Within moments, thirty people waited, standing rigid.

  She let her gaze run over all of them before speaking. “My brother, the great Bryant Darkmore, will be forever missed. No one can replace him, and yet, I am the last remaining Darkmore. You have served my brother well ove
r your lifetime, as did your ancestors before you, and I know that you will serve me well too.”

  Several nods of assent greeted her pronouncement.

  “You should also know that in good times or in bad, we will stick together. I will protect you, just as my family before me.” Her hands formed into fists. “But as much as I want them to be, these times are not safe. We should be prepared for anything in the days to come. I want you to be on high alert. If you see anything suspicious, report it to Halloway at once.”

  The butler spoke with some hesitation. “Is there something we should be concerned with?”

  She answered as if she’d practiced many times. “Everything will be revealed in due time. Until then, be alert, but not afraid. There is no reason for anyone on my staff to ever be afraid.”

  At this, the servants stood straighter.

  Her back rigid, Alexa started up the small staircase leading to the door. Two men scrambled to open the door before she reached it. At the top of the stairs, she paused and the bottom of her jacket swirled as she turned back to look at him. “Coming?”

  He hurried after her, barely making it inside the huge doors before the staff rushed in after him.

  She turned back to them, and he felt like he was in another world as they swarmed her, welcoming her home, awaiting orders. She gave them instructions. Where to put her suitcases. Where to setup Brendan’s room. When dinner should be prepared. For a tailor to take Brendan’s measurements and bring him clothes immediately. For security to be increased around the city and around her home. And, finally, arranging a time for her to meet with the head of security, Halloway, privately. Through it all she was calm, patient, reassuring.

  When all the orders were given, she turned and motioned for him to follow her down a quiet hall. She stopped at a simple door, glancing behind him. “We will be having refreshments in our office. Please come get me when everything has been taken care of.”

  He realized that an older vampire with auburn hair had followed them. The man gave an easy smile, nodded, and hurried away.

  Then, Alexa looked back at him. “Shall we?”

  He followed her into the office, but his steps felt heavy. It was one thing to know Alexa was rich, powerful, and well beyond his reach. It was another thing to see it firsthand.

  After I‘ve fought for her, I can’t remain. These people would never accept me as their leader. And I…I have no knowledge of these things. I would only bring her down.

  In the plush office, with its roaring fire and walls of books, they discussed the days to come. They tried to use the communications device too. He turned it on, created a message, and streamed it out into space. The device confirmed what he already knew. There were no ships close enough to receive the message.

  He turned it off, not wanting to waste the battery. Three days until the eclipse, then the message can be sent, and this can be done, once and for all.

  It was hard to still have the task hanging over him, but nothing was harder than having Alexa so close, but not being able to touch her.

  That was its own kind of torture.

  Chapter Ten

  Alexa stared at the invitation on her vanity.

  Dear Lady Darkmore,

  Your presence is requested at the residence of Lord Draven Cerberus for a celebration of the life of Bryant Darkmore. This evening promptly at nine o’clock.

  My Deepest Regards,

  Lord Cerberus

  She crumpled the invitation in her hand, breathing hard, overwhelmed with emotion. That pathetic weasel would challenge me tonight—my first night back.

  There was no other reason for such an event. But if he thought that he would find her unprepared, he would soon learn how truly wrong he was.

  He will ask me to select a day for our battle. I must fight for enough time for Brendan to heal.

  Her narrowed gaze moved up to her reflection in the mirror. Her dark hair had been pulled up into a simple, elegant bun. The shoulderless gown was made of a dark red lace the color of blood, and clung to every curve of her body like a web.

  It was simple, but striking. No one in the room would dare to argue that she wasn’t a Darkmore, through and through.

  “The Darkmores are like a simple, well-made blade. No one could look at us without knowing we’re dangerous.” She spoke her father’s words, her canines lengthening in the mirror.

  Yes, Brendan was her champion because of her lack of magic, but she would not allow such a thing to cripple her. She would not let a single person know how vulnerable she felt.

  Someone knocked at her door.

  She gathered her long skirt in her hand and stood on her one-of-a-kind shoes, a deep gold that complemented the gown perfectly. Taking two steps forward, she smoothed her skirt, sliding her shaking hands along the tight bodice. “Come in.”

  Brendan entered, and she forgot to breathe.

  God, no man should be able to look so hot.

  He wore a tux that looked like a second skin. It clung to his wide shoulders and buttoned perfectly at his trim waist. She had seen many men in tuxes over the years, but none had fit the man like this one fit Brendan. Every part of him screamed male.

  Her gaze rose to his face. He’d left his scruffy beard, although he’d trimmed it to be less scruffy. Which she liked. Too much. His hair had been cut too, a little long on top and short on the sides. It was styled perfectly, emphasizing the cut of his jaw and drawing attention to eyes so blue they were breathtaking.

  “You look incredible,” he said.

  She swallowed hard, her heart racing. “You too.”

  He seemed unsure, hovering in her doorway. And so, she took his elbow rather than waiting for him to hold it out for her. She could lead him through the customs of the night. “There’s nothing for you to be nervous about, you know. We both know the challenge will be given. This is all a dance. Politics.”And politics she could handle.

  He made a noncommittal noise and led her down the stairs and out to the waiting car.

  “A Lexus limousine?” Brendan turned to her, his brows raised.

  She shrugged. “I never even noticed.”

  The driver opened the door for her, and she slid in, conscious of his eyes on her. Immediately, she closed the screen between them and the driver, and turned to Brendan, placing a hand on his knee.“I didn’t get to ask this before, but are you all right with going back onto Draven’s lands? I know that’s where they held you.” What must it be like for him to go back to the place where he was tortured, experimented on by those alien shifters? Suddenly she stilled. Are my lands worth this?

  Brendan tensed. “I don’t think any of the Shadow Keepers will be here tonight.”

  “Yes, but, I feel like you’ve been through enough, trying to get the communicator to save the humans. And now I’m sacrificing your safety for the safety of my people.” She studied her hands. “It doesn’t feel right.”

  He gave a sad chuckle. “The good of the many versus the good of the one, right?”

  That’s how I’ve always felt. Suddenly, she saw Brendan in a new light. Perhaps we are more alike than I could have thought. “You seem nervous.”

  His knee jerked beneath her touch. “Perhaps a bit.”

  She smiled. “You know you don’t actually have to fight tonight.”

  His eyes widened. “I know that. It’s just…I spent the afternoon talking to Halloway and your security detail. They’ll be everywhere, but Halloway made it very clear that my priority is to act as your escort. To watch for anything that could harm you. That, I can do.” He took a deep breath. “But I’ve never been to something like this before, and with vampires no less. I’m going to screw up and embarrass you somehow. I know it,” he admitted.

  She squeezed his knee. “Brendan, look at me.”

  Hesitantly, he looked at her.

  “There’s nothing you can do to embarrass me. The people who love my family won’t care what rules of etiquette you break. And the assholes who are waiting for us t
o screw up, well, who cares what they think?”

  One corner of his mouth lifted. “You truly are incredible.”

  She leaned back, looking out the window. “Yes, I’m one of a kind, all right.” More like the last of my kind. But I will not let him defeat me.

  They turned to the right and entered Draven Cerebrus’s territory. The headlights bounced along the road and reflected off the darkened trees around her. In the shadows, she knew, her vampire security detail was racing to take their places according to whatever plan Halloway had determined. But even though her senses seemed to be stretching out all around her, her gaze swung back to Brendan and remained.

  “No,” he said, reading her mind. “I’m fine. It’s just…I was hiking in these woods when they caught me. And for years, they only let me see the sun when they ‘practiced’ with me out here. When they hunted me. When they taught me to shift. It’s…strange to be back.”

  Those sick bastards. “Don’t worry about them, because if I see them again, I’m going to kill them.”

  Brendan laughed. “Wouldn’t that be nice.”

  “No,” she said. “I mean it. Part of being a supernatural creature is using your strength to protect the weak. If I see those things again, their blood will run.” Her teeth ground together as she tried to gain a hold on the rush of anger that came at the thought of Brendan being hurt.

  “I’m not weak,” he said, softly.

  She turned to him, noting each conflicting emotion as it raced across his face. He thinks I’m doubting him as a man.“You’re not weak…I didn’t mean that. I just want them to pay for what they did to you, and I want to make sure they never hurt another innocent again.”

  Her words were met with silence, and then, after a moment he spoke slowly. “Did you have anything to do with my foster father going missing?”

  She stiffened, shocked by the question. Unsure of her response. Will he hate me for what I did? Fear me? She clenched her hands. It didn’t matter how he might react, he deserved to know the truth. To fully understand what she was. “I killed him. That night I picked you up in my car. And I did it slowly. Painfully.”


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