Tomorrow's Too Late

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Tomorrow's Too Late Page 26

by Nicole Edwards

He couldn’t do it again.

  DANI HAD TO ADMIT, SHE was a little nervous leaving the safety of Hunter’s house. This was the first time she’d been out on her own since she fled the beachfront condo. Although she was tempted, Dani was not going to turn back now. She was surprised Hunter hadn’t tried to tie her up and lock her in the closet when she insisted she was leaving.

  Oh, she didn’t think for a second that he wouldn’t follow her. Perhaps that was the reason she was being so stubborn about it. Honestly, she just wanted them to believe she needed a couple of hours to herself, to not think about all the shit that had transpired in recent weeks.

  And yes, maybe she was doing this in an effort to get this madman to come after her. She had never believed that Dennis Moroso was after her, which meant someone else was. And it wasn’t like he was making a move while she was locked up in the Kogan compound. If he never made a move, then that meant he would always be there waiting. And Dani would always be waiting, too.

  She was tired of this nonsense. It was time to move on with her life. She had Hunter and Kye, and for the first time in her entire life, Dani felt as though she was moving forward. For heaven’s sake, the three of them were having sex without condoms or birth control. If that didn’t speak of a future, she didn’t know what did.

  As for the Moroso family…

  “They are such assholes,” she mumbled, glancing in the rearview mirror.

  Dani knew more than she was letting on where that was concerned. She had been in contact with Max because she was far too curious to simply let Hunter and Kye handle everything. Her brother—it was still strange to think of him that way—was genuinely concerned about Sabrina Moroso and her intentions. He had told her that Sabrina had always played the victim card when it came to her family. Clearly, she wasn’t a victim. She had murdered her own brother in cold blood. And now she was heading up the very family who had been targeting Dani’s for years.

  However, Max did not believe that Sabrina would go off half-cocked the way Marco and Dennis had. He had assured her that Sabrina would have a plan of attack before she bared her claws. From what Max had learned, she was currently aligning herself with a notorious Russian assassin. Hopefully, Max would be in a better position to defend himself against her. Once Dani could free herself of this crazy asshole who had targeted her for some reason, she would pitch in and help out her family. They could take Sabrina down, of that she had no doubt. Max had told her she had to stay out of it for now, and she was obliging him. Only because she was not willing to risk Hunter or Kye.

  She loved them.

  Her heart swelled just thinking about it.

  A short time later, Dani pulled Kye’s truck into the parking lot of the Galleria mall. She drove up and down a few aisles, paying attention to her surroundings. As far as she could tell, she wasn’t tailed, which was a good thing. Perhaps the guy was merely taking a nap and he had no idea she’d ventured out of the house. It had to be rather boring lately trying to keep tabs on her when she never left the house except to go to the Sniper 1 offices. And in all fairness, that had only been one time.

  Due to the size of Kye’s truck, Dani ended up parking farther out than she would’ve liked, but there were several people in the parking lot, so she quickly exited the vehicle and headed into the giant four-story building. Her eyes scanned her surroundings, searching the shadows and corners where someone might be hiding. Of course, she didn’t think it would be that easy. This guy was smart. Too smart.

  Once inside, she breathed easier. There were people everywhere. Mostly teenagers laughing at one another as they walked around with their Starbucks cups and their cell phones. Dani had never really had those carefree days when she could spend the day at the mall with her friends. She envied the kids, wishing she’d had a normal childhood.

  “Plan of attack,” she said to herself. Although she didn’t have anything specific to buy, she knew she would have to make a few purchases. Otherwise, Hunter and Kye would figure out she had another agenda. Since she might have to do this again in the near future, she knew she had to make it look good.

  Not too hard.

  She was at a mall, after all.

  And shopping was in her blood.

  “SOMEONE BETTER HAVE EYES ON her,” Hunter stated, his voice sounding in Kye’s hearing aid.

  Since the others didn’t know Kye was there, he opted to keep his mouth shut. This wasn’t his assignment and he didn’t want to interfere. He was only here to keep an eye on Dani because she was the woman he loved, and he wasn’t about to leave her safety in anyone else’s hands. Not even Hunter’s.

  Although, he would admit he trusted Hunter. He knew the man would not let anything happen to Dani if he could help it. Unfortunately, no one knew who they were dealing with or what he was capable of. He could easily grab her while she was in a dressing room and no one would be the wiser. Not until it was too late.

  “I’ve got her,” Conner confirmed. “We’re on level one. She just went into the dressing room at Victoria’s Secret.”

  For fuck’s sake. That was probably more information than any of these agents needed.

  “She buyin’ somethin’ for your eyes only, Hunter?” Trace asked.

  “Fuck off,” Hunter retorted. “Mind your own damn business.”

  “I’m just sayin’. If she’s gettin’ lingerie, I think it’s safe to say you’re gettin’ lucky tonight, brother.”

  Kye grinned to himself. If they only knew.

  “Then again, he does have another house guest,” Decker noted. “Probably not getting a lot of action with Kye being the third wheel.”

  Okay, that earned a full-blown laugh, which caused a few people to glance his way. He smiled and kept walking, keeping his head down. He’d grabbed a ball cap at the first store he’d come to. Since Dani would likely recognize him if she saw him, he needed to do his best to keep that from happening.

  “So, does that mean the two of you are back together?”

  “Trace, if you don’t shut the fuck up…” Hunter didn’t finish his sentence, but they all knew what he was going to say.

  Trace’s laughter echoed in his ear.

  Kye paused at the railing that overlooked the ice rink on the bottom level. He took up a casual position, leaning over, watching the area on the first level where Conner had confirmed they were. He caught sight of Conner almost immediately, but he didn’t think Dani would’ve noticed him. He was pacing the floor with his phone to his ear, glasses on his face, and a John Deere hat on his head. The disguise was decent. Not foolproof but decent.

  While Kye pretended to be texting on his phone, he scanned the area, both above and below him. He wasn’t particularly fond of this mall—not when it came to surveillance—due to the sheer size. With three levels of shopping, plus the bottom-floor rink, there was far too much to observe.

  So far, he didn’t see anyone suspicious, unless a group of boys scoping out another group of girls counted. There were people everywhere. Groups of kids, some families, a few women carrying their haul, and of course, all the people down on the ice. All appeared normal. No crazy assholes lurking, waiting to grab Dani when she was least expecting it.

  Didn’t mean they weren’t there.

  But if they were, Kye fully intended to find them before they found Dani.

  “Excuse me,” a voice said from behind him.

  Kye casually turned and cocked an eyebrow, noticing the man standing behind him. Thanks to his training, his brain instantly processed the stranger. Average height, average build. Brown hair, brown eyes. Small gap between his two front teeth. He looked harmless.

  The man smiled. “I’m sorry to bother you.” He motioned his head toward two little boys sitting on a bench. “We were looking for the play place that’s supposed to be here. Do you happen to know where it is?”

  Kye shook his head. “I’m sorry, I don’t.” He nodded down to the ice rink. “Maybe down there?”

  “No, we already checked there. Damn it,”
he muttered softly, then offered an embarrassed smile. “It’s just… Well, do you have kids?”

  Kye instantly thought of Dani and a smile formed. “No, I don’t.” Not yet, anyway.

  The man chuckled. “Well, one day when you do, I hope they don’t beg and plead the way mine do. My wife’s about to go out of her mind. She slipped away to the restroom just to get a break from them.” He glanced around helplessly. “I promised I’d find it before she came back.”

  “Well, I’m sure it’s around here somewhere,” Kye said, feeling bad for the guy. The kids did appear a little rambunctious. He pointed toward the far wall. “There’s a directory over there. Maybe that’ll help.”

  The man peered over at the kids again, then frowned. “I hate to ask, but would you do me a favor? Could you possibly dart over there and find out where it’s at? I don’t want to leave them, and if I try to corral them over there, it probably won’t be pretty. It took five minutes just to convince them to sit down.”

  Kye glanced down at the first level, noticing Conner was still in the same place, his eyes focused on the store Dani was in. For now, she was safe.

  “Of course,” he said, standing to his full height. “Give me two seconds.”

  “Thank you so much.”

  Kye hurried over to the sign, skimmed it briefly to find something that sounded like a play place. With four levels, he could see how the man couldn’t find it. He had no idea what the name would be, but—

  “Unless you want a bullet in your back right now, I suggest you turn and walk toward the exit. No grand gestures.”

  Kye straightened when he felt something hard pressing into his back. Instinct had him pushing the side of his watch to engage his mic, hoping the guy didn’t notice.

  “So, no play place today, huh?”

  “Not for me, no,” the man said, sounding pleased. “I’m not sure about those kids. If I had to guess, their parents are planning something fun. But it worked, didn’t it?”

  “Who are you?” Kye asked, dropping his hands as he moved in the direction the man said, toward the exit doors.

  “I think you remember me,” the man stated. “We had a little tussle at the condo on the beach.”

  Oh, yeah. Kye remembered him. Too bad he hadn’t gotten a good look at his face that night. If he had, he wouldn’t be in this position.

  “What’s your name?” he probed, wanting to keep the guy talking.

  “It doesn’t matter. Not to you, anyway. You won’t be alive long enough to really get to know me.” He chuckled. “But don’t worry. I’ll make sure to tell Ms. Davidson all the gory details of your death.”

  Son of a bitch.

  “WHO’S ON OUR FREQUENCY?” CONNER asked, confusion ringing in his tone.

  “Fuck,” Hunter bit out as he ran toward the building. He’d been staking out the parking lot, keeping an eye on Kye’s truck to ensure Dani didn’t leave without them noticing. “It’s Kye. Someone have eyes on him?”

  “What the fuck is he doing here?” Conner blasted.

  “Find him, Con! Anyone see him?”

  A resounding no came back to him.


  “Interesting that you parked out this way,” Kye said calmly, obviously talking to whomever he was with. “Everyone knows Macy’s is nowhere near the play place.”

  Play place? What the hell was he talking about? Then it hit him. Kye was giving them clues.

  “He’s leaving through Macy’s!” Hunter yelled. “I need someone on that side!”

  His heart pounded in his chest as he ran through the mall, dodging shoppers and those damn kiosks. When Hunter hit the escalator, he bolted up the steps three at a time. As he reached the second level, he saw Trace running full out.

  “Conner, you stay on Dani!” he shouted as his feet carried him toward the exit doors.


  The second he stepped outside, the sun blinded him. It took several seconds for his eyes to adjust, seconds he didn’t have. When everything came into focus, Hunter scanned the lot, seeking one man and one man only.

  “Kye, where are you?” he asked, not knowing whether or not the man he loved would answer him or not.

  “Keep walking, or I’ll shoot you right here.”


  Hunter’s eyes darted through the parking lot as he tried to find Kye.

  “Dani, go back inside,” Kye said, his voice eerily calm.

  No. No, no, no.

  The asshole had both of them.

  Hunter frantically searched the lot. “Trace, eyes?”

  “Negative,” his brother said. “I don’t see any of them.”

  “Get me more eyes out here!” Hunter yelled into his com.

  “I’m coming around from the north,” Decker informed them.

  “I’m on the south,” Jake noted.

  “Casper, you’re our eyes in the sky,” Hunter said to his father. “See anything?”

  “Negative. But I’m moving around to that side.”

  Hunter heard someone say something, but he couldn’t make it out. He assumed it was Dani, but she was too far away from Kye for him to hear her.

  “That piece-of-shit Ford is yours?” Kye said with a strained chuckle. “Granted, I do like the new-model Mustangs. Of course, white’s not really my color. Dani, you need to walk away.”

  White Ford Mustang. Great. A needle in a haystack.

  “I see them,” Trace said, his voice low. “Third row to your left, Hunter. Far back of the lot. Kye’s got a red ball cap on. Dani’s armed. She’s got him lined up in her sights.”

  How the fuck had Dani beat them out there? No way was she in that store as they’d thought.

  Hunter jogged in the direction Trace advised and he saw them. The innocuous man was holding a gun to Kye’s head while Dani stood a few feet away, gun pointed directly at the two of them.

  “What are the chances you’ll hit me and not him?” the man taunted. “Or does it even matter? You can take both of us out at the same time, right?”

  Hunter was close enough to see them when Dani spoke.

  “Trust me,” she said, “I won’t miss. And if you think I’m the only one with a gun aimed at you, you’re mistaken.”

  “Oh, I know about Sniper 1 Security. I know about the other agents. The real question is whether anyone can get the shot off before I kill him. Your chances aren’t looking good, Ms. Davidson. Or shall I call you Ms. Adorite?”

  “Why are you doing this?” Dani asked, obviously trying to keep him talking.

  The madman chuckled eerily. “Because your father killed my sister.”

  Son of a bitch. Hunter walked slowly as he spoke into the mic. “Claire, what do you have on the little girl’s brother? Scott Butler. I’d bet money this is him.”

  “I’m pulling up the information now,” she said. “I didn’t think we were concerned with him since his current residence is in Hawaii.”

  Oh, they were interested.

  Dani’s words were steady when she addressed the gunman. “My father? Who? Samuel?”

  That question seemed to surprise the man. “Nick Adorite.”

  “He’s not my father,” Dani stated firmly. “Samuel is.”

  God, Hunter knew she hated to admit that. Hell, he hated hearing it.

  “What?” the gunman asked. “Never mind. It doesn’t matter. You’re an Adorite. All the more reason to kill you all.”

  “Okay, fine. You’re right. It doesn’t matter,” she said calmly. “You said Nick killed your sister. Tell me about her,” Dani probed.

  The man’s laugh was filled with rage. “The bastard raped her, then killed her and you want to know about her?”

  From where he stood, Hunter noticed Dani frowning. She was realizing something didn’t add up. It was the same conclusion Hunter had come to.

  “Nick was a coward,” she said defensively, “not a rapist. Or a killer.”

  “Shows what you know,” Scott barked, his anger increasing. “My sister w
as eleven years old. Eleven fucking years old when that bastard got his hands on her.”

  Oh, hell.

  “What was her name?” Dani asked. “Your sister?”

  “Lisa. Lisa Butler. Does that name ring a bell?”

  “No.” Dani didn’t falter, she held her gun up, aimed at the man holding Kye.

  She was shifting and moving as the gunman did. He obviously knew not to hold his position, likely wanting to throw off anyone who had sights on him. No matter where he moved, he kept Kye in front of him, his gun aimed up at Kye’s head. Due to the significant difference in their height, the man had to peer at Dani around Kye’s shoulder.

  “Not surprising,” Scott snarled. “Lisa was nothing to you. Your father killed her.”

  “Trace, you got a shot?” Hunter asked.

  “Negative. Dani’s in my way.”

  “Casper?” Hunter asked.

  “As soon as he stands still, I’ve got him,” his father confirmed. “Say the word.”

  “Kye, turn your head to the left if you can hear me,” Hunter instructed.

  Kye slightly shifted his head to the left.

  “I need you to drop when I give the signal. Got it?”

  Kye glanced to the left once more.

  “Casper, when you’ve got the shot, take it,” Hunter stated, inching closer to the three people standing in the parking lot.


  As though waiting for the shot to ring out, everything went quiet. No chatter, no birds. Nothing to disrupt the violent pounding of Hunter’s heart as he counted down the seconds, waiting for that shot that would turn his world to rights.

  Hunter watched as Scott Butler held the people he loved at gunpoint. It took everything in him to keep the beast at bay. He wanted to unload his clip, to watch the fucker as he fell to the ground and bled out before them.

  “Hunter,” Claire said, her voice feeding into his ear. “It appears Scott Butler has been MIA for a while now. I was able to track one of his credit cards. It places him in Dani’s direct path for most of the past year.”

  “When did this happen?” Dani asked Scott. “When did your sister die?”


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