An Extraordinary Few

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An Extraordinary Few Page 19

by Pam Eaton

  As I take off at a mad dash down the drive, Gregory comes rushing out the front door screaming my name. He’s too late.

  Within seconds I’ve run all the way to the two men. They stop their conversation as soon as I appear. A fleeting look of surprise crosses the face of the man on the right. He quickly wipes all emotion away and then straightens to his full height of at least six and half feet. His large arms cross over his huge chest, which is clad in a white dress shirt, and his black brows rise as if daring me to speak.

  The man on the left lets out a menacing chuckle. He licks his pinched lips and rakes his hand through his greasy blond hair. Gross.

  “Well, beautiful, you made things a lot easier for us,” the sleazy blond says. His lips curl into an evil smirk as his eyes rake over me from head to toe.

  A repulsed shiver rocks my body.

  “Shut it, Thompson,” the other man, who’s completely brooding, snaps. He turns toward me. “Now, let’s save some time. Just get in the car, princess, and we’ll explain everything.”

  Did he just call me princess? I freaking hate when anyone calls me that. And does he really think I’m just going to get into that car with them?


  But there’s something I need to know before I take off. “Have you guys been following me?”

  “I guess this isn’t going to be easy,” brooding guy mutters. “Yes, we’ve been following you. Our boss has really wanted to meet you since your mother died. You don’t have to work for Smith.”

  I take a step back. They know too much. How do they know all of this? “Who are you working for?” I ask in a whisper.

  “We’re just like you, Becca. Now come with us and you’ll learn more about our people, and become stronger than you can here,” Broody states.

  This is like a bad Lifetime movie. Do people actually fall for this? I’m not getting in that car. They may be like me, but seriously, the blond guy, Thompson, creeps me out. Who in their right mind would go anywhere with these guys?

  “I’m not getting in that car,” I state firmly.

  The night at the bar flashes in my mind quickly. This time, I can fight back.

  Thompson rubs his hands together and his eyes light with a sadistic glee. He turns to his partner. “This is why you brought me, Henderson. Let me at her.”


  Henderson slowly nods, and all the bravado I built up fades away on the breeze. I won’t even try to transport, because I know it won’t happen. I’m way too scared— I’ll just flicker. Plus, no one can know; I can’t let them see. What have I gotten myself into? I turn to run, but my body is completely immobile. Nothing even twitches; only my eyes move. My breath starts coming in heavy pants.

  Henderson curls his lip in an annoyed sneer. “That would be Thompson’s power. You aren’t going anywhere,” he snaps.

  I try to scream out, but my mouth stays frozen and I can only manage muffled screams. What am I going to do? They’re going to take me. Gregory and Ania will never find me. I don’t even get a chance to fight back.

  A car comes screeching behind me and two doors slam. I can’t turn to see who it is, but I can almost feel Gregory’s presence. He better have Ania with him, and I hope she kicks the crap out of these guys.

  Henderson mutters a curse. Then the weirdest thing I’ve ever seen happens, but I’ve seen it before. That night at the track at school. One minute Henderson is standing there, but in the blink of an eye, there are five Hendersons. Still incredibly creepy.

  Ania’s laughter washes over me in a soothing balm. This will be easy for her. I hear her advance from behind, but as soon as she’s beside me, Gregory’s voice roars, “Ania wait—!”

  His plea is cut short as suddenly my body is free and Ania is frozen in place.

  Everyone stills. An eerie silence descends. The five Hendersons run for us. “Try to free Ania!” Gregory screams at me as he ducks one guy and throws a punch at another.

  How am I supposed to do that? I look at Thompson. Maybe if I distract him it’ll free her. I make a run for him, but he’s ready for me.

  I kick out at his legs, but he dodges to the left. I regain my footing and fake a punch to the right and then follow with a left jab. I score a hit to his jaw, but he comes back with a swift punch to my stomach. I double over, gasping for breath. His fist swings, connecting with my kidney. I stagger away and he kicks out with his leg, but I duck away at the last second. Staying crouched, I sweep my leg at his ankles, taking him by surprise. As he stumbles, I stand up, swinging my fist at his jaw. It connects, and pain radiates up my arm from the impact. Thompson drops to his knees and I swing once more for his temple, knocking him out cold. Before he even hits the ground, Ania rushes past me.


  I spin around and suck in a breath when I see his battered face. A trickle of blood flows from his lips. His left eye is already swelling, along with his jaw line. He’s clutching his right side. The five Hendersons surround him, but Ania comes barreling through like an enraged bull. In a flash of fists and feet, only one Henderson is left. But he’s out cold on the ground.

  I finally release the breath I’ve been holding.

  Gregory takes his cell from his pocket and tosses it to Ania. “Call headquarters. We need this situation neutralized. Becca, go to the car and get the rope out of the trunk. There should be a briefcase in there as well.”

  Rope? Seriously? “Now, Becca!” Gregory roars.

  I rush for the car and pop the trunk. I grab the rope, some duct tape, and the black briefcase. When I turn back, Gregory’s slumped on the ground with his fists clenched tight. I run for him. “Are you okay?” I ask him.

  One of his eyes is already swollen shut and his bottom lip is huge. He shifts toward me and then sucks in a sharp breath. His good eye focuses on mine. “I will be…eventually. Becca, what were you thinking?”

  I bite my lip and hang my head. “That’s the car that was at my grandparents’ and then followed me to the FBI. I didn’t think…I just wanted to know if it was them. I just wanted to do something for myself.” My voice drops to whisper. “I just wanted to feel safe.”

  Gregory’s face softens and he runs his fingers across my hand on the ground next to his. “They could have taken you—” his voice cracks. “They could have taken you away from me—us.” I watch him take a deep breath, and then he looks me straight in the eye. “I’ll always keep you safe.”

  My eyes shoot up to his. I only thought about myself. I didn’t think about him or Ania or Tony. Gregory’s always thinking about me, protecting me, and now instead of lecturing me, he’s being kind. Some days I feel like I don’t deserve him. “I’m sorry,” I whisper.

  He grips my hand and gives me a tender smile. He nods his head and motions toward the briefcase. “I need you to open that up. Inside is a syringe and bottle. Fill the syringe up to five milliliters. Each man needs a dose.”

  I cringe at his directions. “Why? What am I giving them?”

  “It’s just a medicine to keep them unconscious. Can’t have them waking up and using their powers.”

  I nod my head and open up the briefcase. I’ve never even handled a needle before. Gregory guides me through giving each man an injection, and soon Ania joins us.

  “What’s the plan?” Gregory asks Ania.

  I look around, just now noticing that Tony’s not here. “Wait, where’s Tony?” I ask.

  “He’s back at the house. Not very happy about it, but we needed him to stay away in case something went wrong,” Gregory says. He shifts and his face scrunches in pain.

  Ania takes the rope from the ground and begins to tie the men’s arms and legs behind their backs. “Well, we need to get both of these guys and their car back up to the cabin. A clean-up crew is coming to take care of them.” Ania answers.

  “What do you mean ‘take care of them’? They’re not going to kill them, are they?” I ask, somewhat horrified at the thought. Yes, they were going to take me, but they weren’t going to
kill me—I hope.

  Gregory places a comforting hand on my shoulder. “No, they’ll arrest them and take them back to Project Lightning. They’ll decide what to do with them. We don’t usually kill our own people, Becca. There are only a few of us left now.”

  Ania takes a deep breath, bringing our attention back to her. “There’s more. We need to get packed and ready to move. Mr. Smith wants us leaving for Japan tonight. With people knowing where Becca is and the importance of this mission, we need to move now. There’s a chance our location was leaked.”

  My mouth drops open. We’re actually doing it. I don’t think I’m ready.


  The plane ride to Japan is taking forever. It doesn’t help that my body is still stiff from the brawl yesterday. We set out early this morning, but this leg of the journey is the worst. I would have thought we would be flying in a private government jet, but apparently not. Next to me is a rather robust American businessman who snores like a foghorn. His poor wife must relish the times he goes on business trips, because that has to be the only time she gets good sleep.

  Ania’s across the aisle from me, so I start poking her.

  “Rebecca Hunter, I’m going to kill you if you keep me awake this entire trip.”

  I point to the man next to me and then pretend to be pulling a noose tight around my neck. She laughs. “I feel like I have a slumbering bear next to me. Wanna switch places with me?”

  The snoring isn’t the only reason I want to change seats. On the other side of her is a sleeping Gregory, and I would do anything to sleep on his shoulder. But of course, she knows me too well. “No way. You stay over there with your bear and I’ll stay here playing chaperone.” She lowers her voice to a whisper. “Where’s Tony?”

  “He’s all the way in the back, near the bathrooms. Maybe I’ll just go back there and see if there’s an empty seat.”

  I get a disapproving look from her. She may be right, but I’m dying sitting here. This has to be the longest flight in history. And nothing will wake this man. No matter how much I shift in my seat or how loud I cough, he just keeps snoring. I’m a little jealous of him. I want nothing more than to pass out, but my nerves are on edge about this mission. It doesn’t help that every time I close my eyes lately, I have horrific nightmares. “How much longer do we have on this flight?”

  She opens her eyes and sighs. “A couple of hours at least. If you really can’t sleep then go see if Tony is awake and chat with him. I’m going to sleep.”

  I make my way to the back of the plane and find Tony staring out the window. He’s got the whole row to himself. “See anything interesting out there?”

  He perks up at the sound of my voice. “Nothing special. It’s pretty dark. Couldn’t sleep?”

  I plop right down next to him. “No, I have a buzz saw sitting next to me and he’s dead to the world.”

  “If you want, you can lie down back here.”

  “Tempting offer, but then you’d have to deal with the slumbering bear.”

  He lifts up the arm rests and pats his knee. “Use me as your pillow. I don’t snore.”

  I curl up on the seats and put my head in his lap. He strokes my hair and I begin to relax. Sleep comes swiftly.

  I’m lying in a lush green field with the warm sun beating down on me. In the distance I hear a voice, and then I see her approaching. I’m not quite sure if what I’m seeing is real. “Mom?”

  She sits down next to me in the grass. “You’re more beautiful than I could ever imagine. You look so much like your father.”

  My breath catches. It’s her. “Isn’t this a dream?”

  She smiles and it makes my heart sink. “It’s a dream of sorts, but I’m real.”

  I close my eyes and open them to find her still there in the grass. “Last time I checked, you’re dead. I watched them lower your body into the ground.”

  She grabs my hand. “Haven’t you learned? Anything is possible. Stretch your imagination. Maybe I’m just a part of your subconscious. I don’t have a lot of time, though, so let’s get to the point.”

  I stare at her blankly; this is too strange.

  “I’m just here to tell you to continue trusting Ania. She promised me that she would always look out for you. More importantly, your dreams are essential. Stop fighting and fleeing them. Try figuring them out. Don’t run from them, run to them.”

  “Figure them out? They aren’t dreams. They’re terrifying nightmares.”

  She strokes my hand. “They’re still your dreams, and you can control them. Unless you want to fear going to sleep every night, figure them out. You’re going to be landing soon, but maybe I’ll be able to visit you again.” She hugs me, stands up, and walks back over the hill.

  I lift my eyelids and stare into nothing. Tony’s still stroking my hair, but the way that he’s looking at me makes my guilt surge. He isn’t looking at me with lust in his eyes, but something so much more. I’m such a horrible person.

  “I’m glad you were able to get some sleep.”

  I give him a small smile. “Yeah, I actually had a dream about my mom. It’s been years since I’ve dreamt about her.”

  I sit up. It doesn’t feel right lying in his lap anymore. “I’m going to go back to my seat before we land—don’t want Ania worrying.”

  He doesn’t reply, just smiles as I get up and walk away.

  Ania’s still asleep, but Gregory isn’t. I only catch his eye for a brief second, but I won’t hold his stare. Nothing bad happened back there, but this whole situation leaves me feeling…wrong.

  I can feel him still staring at me and finally work up the nerve to look at him. He gives me a loving smile. My stomach twists. I shake my head and look back down at my feet. Not only do we have to worry about staying alive, but what kind of future can we have together? What have you gotten yourself into, Becca?

  Finally, the captain gets on the loudspeaker, telling us to prepare for our impending landing. That’s what I need to do right now: prepare myself for things to come. I might not make it out alive. I might not fulfill this mission. Even if I do, Mr. Smith will be waiting for me with questions regarding Gregory and Tony. This is a no-win situation for me. Calm down, Becca. The last thing you need is to flicker out of the seat and get everyone around you suspicious. I breathe in and out, relaxing myself. Ania catches my arm. “I’m okay, just a little anxious, that’s all.”

  She doesn’t buy that explanation, but I can’t say anything else without worrying Gregory or exposing us to anyone watching.

  As the plane plunges down toward the landing strip, my heart drops into my stomach. I don’t feel ready. I don’t feel qualified for what we’re going to do. The plane’s tires strike the tarmac, bringing me back to life. We’ll be spending the night in Japan and then moving to mainland Asia, but they still won’t tell me exactly where we’re going.

  The hotel we’re staying in is nothing fancy, but it’s nice to be back in some sort of civilization. Living in that cabin for weeks on end made me miss things like people watching. Japan is amazing. I just wish that I could have the opportunity to enjoy it. My bed is such a welcoming sight—until the knock at the door. Ania answers it while I stay sprawled out on the bed. It’s Gregory. I don’t need to see him because I feel him and smell his own natural spicy scent. “Can I have a moment alone with Becca?”

  Ania makes an irritated noise and grabs the ice bucket. “Sure, I’ll just go down the hall and get us some ice.”

  She pauses. “How are you feeling?” she asks him.

  He gives her a tight smile. “I’ll be fine,” he says, and then I hear the door close.

  I don’t bother moving from the bed. I’m too tired and I’d rather just fall asleep. He gingerly takes the spot next to me on the bed, getting as close as he can. His warmth seeps into me. “I might not get another chance to talk to you alone until after this mission. Are you ready?” He watches me and I can almost guarantee he knows how I’m feeling right now.

keep my eyes fixated on the ceiling, blinking back tears. “I just…I don’t…I’m scared.”

  He interlocks his fingers with mine. “You’ve worked hard. Just remember to keep calm and you’ll be able to do this.”

  I know he’s right, but I’m still afraid about the mission and what could happen afterwards.

  “Becca, all we have right now is this moment, and I don’t know what tomorrow will bring. So I want you to know that I’m falling in love with you, and we can figure out the details later.”

  My throat tightens. I don’t want to cry, but I know he’s right. And I’m so afraid to say those three little words back to him. I loved my mom and she left, and my father died before I had a chance to know him. I can’t predict what’s going to happen. If I can’t tell him, I need to try to show him. I kiss him, over and over again, until Ania clears her throat, interrupting us.

  “You two need to make sure you don’t compromise anything about this mission.” She rubs her face in frustration. “I suggest that once you walk out that door, Gregory, you go back to just being her mentor until this is over with.”

  He agrees, and I walk him to the door. He kisses me out of sight of Ania and then whispers into my ear. “I do love you, and we’ll figure all this out.”

  I smile in reply and as our hands unlink, my heart drops because it feels too much like a final goodbye.

  When I turn back around, Ania stands there biting her bottom lip.

  “What is it?” I ask.

  She sighs. “You might want to slow down, kid.”

  I stay silent, waiting because I know more is coming.

  “Emotions are already running high right now. It’s expected, especially with these types of missions. When we finish this, take a breather, because I think the two of you are in over your heads.”

  I laugh, but it’s more a tortured sound than anything else, because I know she’s right.

  We talk for hours about love, boys, and how Ania wishes she had waited until she was married to be with a man. She loves her daughter and wishes she could be with her more, but she continually stresses the importance of waiting. Whether I like it or not, this is where I really missed out on having my mom. I never talked about guys with my grandma; I think it made her too uneasy. And my grandpa would only tell me that he would kill any guy who touched me. Meeting Ania has been such a blessing for me. “You know, you’re like the big sister that I always wanted, but never got to have,” I tell her.


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