Sharing Freedom

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Sharing Freedom Page 10

by Harley McRide

  Everyone in the room was silent and Freedom figured she was going to get killed now. No one talked to these men like that and got away with it, especially not one of the women.

  “Back from the dead,” Creed looked at her intently. He didn’t smile or yell, he only nodded. “Now, figure out what you want to do, ‘cause we aren’t going wait forever.”

  Freedom nodded as the men stood and left. She turned to Shady who was laughing. “What the fuck just happened?”

  “You showed them you weren’t a gutless cunt,” Shady said. “They put you on notice, either leave, or fuck one of them.”

  There were only two men she wanted like that and they were currently screwing someone else.

  Chapter Eleven

  Freedom looked around the room. It was Friday night, the first time they had a party while she was here. She had no idea what to expect but she was ready to see if it was something she could actually do. Shady had told her what to expect, and even told her not to freak or be judgmental. She just had to keep an open mind, and understand that everything was the way it would be if she decided to stay. No one would change just because she had nowhere to go.

  She looked down at the clothes Shady loaned her. They weren’t her normal clothes. The rich brown leather pants hugged her hips like a glove and the matching top was corset with black ties in the back. The outfit was something she would have worn to work at the strip club, not out to a party. When Shady had worn the outfit, it had showed her Warrior Bitch tattoo on her breast. Freedom looked down and even though her breasts looked perky in the top, it was lacking.

  She stared at the boots she was supposed to wear. They were high heeled and she was certain she would fall on her ass. That would be embarrassing. With a sigh she sat down, suck it up, she thought. She needed to give this a shot.

  Shady said they would go downstairs for the first few hours, then they would move back to their floor if they didn’t see anyone that interested them. The guys would come up if they wanted her. Shady wasn’t sure she was ready for a hookup tonight, so she told everyone hands off unless invited specifically. Creed had followed up with a warning at a meeting. It made her feel a little better about the situation though. She had been worried.

  Now the time had come for her actually to make a showing. She looked in the mirror and smiled at the way she looked, she did look hot, she thought. Her hair cascading down her shoulders, curling by itself, and her make-up a little heavier than normal, but it made her eyes look smoky. With the outfit, she looked like a completely different person.

  She slowly walked out into the main area and smiled at the guys that were sitting on the sectionals already drinking. Creed and Fork looked up and stared at her outfit; she almost turned around and went back to her room when they stared at her chest for too long.

  “Damn, Free,” Numbers said slowly, dragging the words out as he walked toward her. He grabbed her around the waist and turned her, holding out her arms with his as he looked at her. “You are one hot piece. The guys are gonna be tripping over themselves to get your attention.”

  She grinned and blushed, and said, “Thanks.”

  As she turned, he slapped her on the ass and she jumped and laughed. They were treating her like Shady, she thought until she saw the look on Easy’s and Poke’s faces. They were frowning and staring at each and then her. She had no clue to what she had done wrong but they were pissed about something.

  Creed nodded to her in approval and winked while Fork just stared at her. His look unnerved her and she shifted from foot to foot and finally said, “Uh, where is Shady?”

  Rock snorted from the bar and said, “Downstairs laying claim already to men she wants to possibly fuck tonight. Everyone knows Shady gets first pick of the guys.”

  Freedom frowned and then nodded. “Well, I will go and find her.”

  “Sit down, Free,” Easy snapped at her. “Shady is doing what she does, and doesn’t need any help from you to figure out who she is gonna put in her bed tonight.”

  Freedom felt her cheeks grow hot and looked at Creed who was just staring intently at Easy and Poke. No, she wasn’t going there, she thought and raised her head up. “Fuck off, Easy.”

  The room was silent and then Creed snorted and shook his head. “Yep, I think we need to get used to another Bitch being up here.”

  Freedom shook her head and walked down the stairs in search of Shady. Damn them, she wasn’t going to be told what to do every second of every day anymore. She was a grownup woman. She had choices.


  Creed stared at his friends who were watching Freedom leave and he leaned back. “That the way it is?”

  Poke looked at their leader with a guarded look and Easy just glared. “Don’t know what you are talking about,” Easy finally said.

  “Yeah, you do, and either you do something about it, or someone else will. She is too hot to be alone in bed. Someone is gonna fill that spot, and I would guess once they do, you are gonna have to pry them out of her pussy,” Creed snarled.

  “Good for her,” Poke shrugged.

  Fork laughed loudly and looked at Creed. “Cool, you don’t wanna piece of that, leaves more for the rest of us.”

  Easy growled, “She ain’t gonna decide tonight.”

  “You think,” Numbers said, joining the conversation with a laugh. “I, for one, am gonna try to convince her that tonight is the perfect night. Magnum and I have already been talking about it, we think we would be the best to initiate her into the club.”

  Poke and Easy looked at each other. Easy looked at the others with a stony expression. “Whatever.”

  “Right.” Creed nodded and stood. “Keep telling yourself that.”


  Everyone had left the floor but Poke and Easy. They sat in silence and drank their beers. Each lost in their own thoughts. That was the way it was with them. When they had a problem, they had to think, and then they talked it out.

  Several minutes passed before Easy blew out a deep breath and leaned back against the cushions. The good part was that when they talked it was simple, no fights, no arguing, just the facts. And when they made a decision, they didn’t change their minds.

  “Fuck,” he said slowly.

  “Yes we are,” Poke agreed.

  “You want her?” Easy asked, already knowing the answer.

  “Yep,” Poke replied.

  “She is different. Don't think she has what it takes to be her,” Easy said.

  “Yep,” Poke replied.

  “She needs to know the score. Just 'cause we want her now, don't mean we will want her tomorrow,” Easy said slowly.

  “Yep,” Poke said and took a drink from his beer.

  “Don’t think she likes us too much either,” Easy said and looked at his friend. They had already talked about Freedom and what they had said to her. Both men had been feeling each other out, for some reason they were holding out with her, and not quite ready admit it to themselves. They had shared hundreds of times, but this woman seemed to be different, neither could explain it and nor did they want to.

  “Yep,” Poke agreed.

  “Man, we are gonna have to be nice and shit. That crap is not me, sooner she learns that the better,” Easy grumbled.

  “Yep,” Poke said.

  “Well, I am leaving that shit to you. Just make sure she knows the score, no one is putting a leash on my dick,” Easy said and stood.

  Poke laughed and looked up at his friend and said, “Yep.”

  “Glad we got that straight. Now, you go and do whatever it is you do,” Easy said and walked to the stairs. “Party is started.”

  “Yep,” Poke sighed and stood to follow.


  Freedom hit the bottom floor and looked around. Not too bad, she thought. Everyone was drinking and laughing. There were people playing pool, and people watching television, the music was blaring.

  She spotted Shady leaning against a wall watching the pool game. Freedom grabbed a beer form
the bar and walked over slowly. Taking in everything as she went. There were women she had never seen, and men who looked familiar but weren’t members or even Prospects. They had to be the hanger-ons, the ones who wanted to become Prospects but hadn’t been voted in.

  She learned one thing early on, the club voted on everything it did, who joined, who moved in, what they did. They all made the decisions. She thought it was pretty cool that way. The only thing she worried about was what they said about her. Shady didn’t know, she had been surprised when Freedom had been placed on the top floor.

  “Hey,” Freedom said to Shady who was staring intently at something or someone.

  “Free,” Shady smiled and then looked at her. “Wow, you look fuckable.”

  “Thanks,” Freedom laughed.

  “Hey, it’s a compliment.” Shady shrugged. Freedom looked at her friend who was wearing short jean shorts, a black tank top with Warriors Bitch written across it with the logo on the front. She noticed before only the Bitches had the tank tops. She wore ankle boots that looked hot, and her long black hair hung straight. She was gorgeous. “Party just started, it won’t heat up for another hour or so.”

  Freedom nodded and saw Creed and Fork come down the stairs and go to the bar. They grabbed a beer and then looked around the room. Nike was sitting on one of the sectionals and they walked to her, picked her up, and then sat down with her sprawled across their laps. No one said a word.

  As she drank, she noticed a lot of the guys did that. They never said a word to the girls, they just walked over, picked them up, and put them where they wanted them. Shady was one of the only ones it hadn’t happened to. She watched her friend as she looked over everyone at the party. As it started to fill up, her interest became more intent on Kink and Switch, the two guys that were working behind the bar kinda.

  The music turned to one of her favorite songs and she moved slowly to the beat. Her hips swaying a little. A few of the guys came up to talk to her and Shady about silly stuff. She was enjoying herself, and getting to know the guys a bit better.

  After an hour or so, she began to see what Shady meant about heating up. Freedom grabbed another beer and looked around. At first she didn’t notice because they had been by the pool table, but they moved and sat down on one of the sectionals to talk to Raven and Shark, they were telling them stories about crashing bikes when they were young and raced.

  Freedom saw Candy out of the corner of her eye. She had seen her come in, and knew from the look of her she was ready to party, the skanky outfit that barely held in her boobs, and the fuck me heels made a lot of the Prospects take notice. Rock and Magnum sat down and Rock snapped his fingers. In a second, Candy was wrapped around him with her hands all over.

  Sandy and Vicki were both sitting at the section across from them. Fluke had Sandy on his lap her legs spread wide facing away from him and was pushing his fingers into her while Vicki had her hand between his legs pumping his cock. It was the first penis she had seen, although the lights were dim, her eyes widened at its length. She watched in amazement as Fluke moved quickly and kissed Vicki as she held his shaft while he pushed Sandy onto it. What freaked her out was that Vicki didn’t let go of him, instead she shifted her hand so one of her fingers was sliding up Sandy’s slit as she fucked Fluke. Fluke leaned his head back and Vicki grabbed Sandy’s head and kissed her, shit, Freedom thought, and turned her head. Too much.

  Freedom shifted her thoughts back to Shady who was listening but staring at Kink closely. She picked up her beer, took a drink, and felt someone sit next to her. She looked and saw Poke and Easy had joined them, she frowned and turned a little when Trick and Treat came over. Trick sat down on Easy’s lap and shoved her breasts in his face.

  Shady rolled her eyes. “Treat, where were you guys during setup?”

  Freedom knew the Bitches were supposed to help get the party ready. The food and everything that was going to be laid out soon was in the kitchen already, she had helped make it earlier, which got her out of serving.

  Treat shrugged, “We went shopping, Trick needed something from Victoria’s.”

  “So you are gonna serve?” Shady said sarcastically.

  “Sure,” Treat laughed and Trick turned and looked at Shady and shook her head.

  “I am gonna be busy with my men.” Trick laughed and ran a hand down Easy’s chest and then leaned over and kissed Poke deeply.

  “Bitch, don’t make me tell you again,” Shady said lowly. Treat looked at her friend and frowned. She had obviously not known what Trick was planning.

  “No worries, Shade,” Treat said quickly. “We got it.”

  Shady raised an eyebrow at Trick who just laughed and whispered something in Easy’s ear, circled it with her tongue, and then kissed him and stood. “Be right back.”

  Poke and Easy didn’t touch the woman, but they also didn’t push her away. Freedom just sat silently as she took it in. Excusing herself, she stood and walked to the bathroom. While on the way there, she saw Candy had moved from Rock’s lap to the floor. Her head between the man’s legs bobbing, and Freedom knew she was giving him a blowjob, right there in front of everyone. Rock had his hand wrapped in her hair and was holding her firm.

  Creed had pulled Nike’s tank top up to her shoulders and was tonguing her breast while Fork had his hands in her pants. Nike was moaning loudly, but Fork was talking to the guy next to him like he didn’t care. Creed reached up and wrapped his hands in her hair and pulled her down to his mouth, claiming her like she had never seen before.

  Damn, she thought as she neared the bathroom, how was she going to make it through the night? She knew about sex, had messed around with a few guys but never gone the whole way. Feeling the wetness between her legs, she knew she found the sights arousing, but holy shit, she had never seen the actual act. It was like Debbie Does Everyone at this party.

  Freedom opened the bathroom door and Trick and Treat were standing there arguing. They fell silent when she walked in. She saw the look of hatred in Trick’s eyes and was shocked. She had never done anything to the woman to get that look. Treat looked sad and apologetic as she shut herself in the stall. She heard whispering and arguing, but couldn’t make out the words, and when she came out of the stall, they were gone.

  As she made her way back to the area where she was sitting, she noticed a few things. Trick and a few of the others who hadn’t helped earlier were setting the food out and calling to people to come and get it. She hadn’t eaten much and the beers were starting to get to her, she needed something. Candy had moved from Rock to Magnum and was now giving him a blowjob. Shady had finally gotten Kink’s attention and he was now sitting under her talking to Poke and Easy who were on either side of her.

  She paused and then turned, going to the food and picking up a plate. She needed to do something to distract herself, eating seemed the best option. As she stood and waited, she felt someone come up behind her and she stiffened when they brushed closely to her. She felt a man’s body press up against her back and she turned to yell at whoever it was and felt an arm snake around her waist.

  “Hey, babe, you hungry?” Poke said in her ear and she shivered and then stepped forward, intending on stepping out of his hold. But the man had other ideas, he stepped with her.

  “Why are you touching me?” Freedom asked angrily. Her emotions were all over the map and she wasn’t sure she could deal with this.

  “Because I can,” Poke whispered in her ear and she could have sworn he licked her ear.

  Freedom stood still and tried to think, Shady told her no one was supposed to touch her. What was going on? Stepping forward, hoping to break the embrace but he followed. When she got close to the table Poke grabbed her plate from her hand, and then with one arm still wrapped around her he held it out to Trick and the others to fill. She watched as Trick first smiled at Poke then saw who he had a hold of and then glared at her.

  “What can I get you, Poke?” she said with a hard tone.

eedom needs to eat, fill it up, will ya,” Poke said dismissively, leaned down, and put his head in her neck again and just waited.

  Freedom stood silently, knowing that Trick would probably slap her silly if she could. Easy strode up to them and gently took Freedom from Poke and said, “Grab the plate, Poke, I got her.”

  “Got me?” Freedom argued and looked back as Poke stepped forward and began putting more food on the plate than she could ever eat.

  Chapter Twelve

  Easy led her back up to the third level. Freedom noticed as she passed that Shady wasn’t sitting on the sectional anymore, she wondered where her friend had gone. The party had gotten loud, she thought as they hit the second floor. The noise wasn’t so bad up here, but then there were other noises coming from the rooms.

  She noticed all of the doors were open, and people were obviously having sex, with others watching since there were men standing in the hallways, staring into the rooms intently. One guy was rubbing himself through his pants, and Freedom just turned and followed Easy as he pulled her hand.

  When they got to the third level the music was muted, however she did notice that the stereo was filtered upstairs but at a much lower level. When they entered the main room she didn’t think anyone was up there so she followed Easy as they made their way to the couches. When they sat down, she looked at Easy who was staring at her intently. He scared the shit out of her, even though she was attracted to him.


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