Bane (Memphis #1)

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Bane (Memphis #1) Page 9

by D H Sidebottom

  My lungs were rattling with the inability to breathe and I stood up. “I’ll forward the necessary.”

  He smiled then, that cold fucking smile that had haunted my dreams for so many years. “I knew you’d see sense. Do you need back-up?”


  I didn’t hear his final words as I closed the door behind me. A chill swept over me when I pulled out my phone, and taking a deep breath I forced air into my lungs, and for the very last time resurrected Ghost.



  I threw my phone to the side after hitting her voicemail for the eighteenth time. “God damn it, little legs,” I hissed under my breath.

  Knox and Grace stared at me, their expressions wary but firm. “Mate, I dunno what…” Grace winced, the dilemma on her face making me shake my head.

  “She swore she’d never let that bastard define who she was.” My heart felt heavy and I swallowed to shift the ache that had grown inside me since her words had annihilated me. “She was always so gentle, so in control.”

  Knox shook his head and sighed. “Well, whatever. It changes everything. You gonna make it official?”

  “No!” I snapped, a little too quickly. “Not yet. I need to talk to her first.”

  We all knew of the infamous Dean assassin, the one who had slipped the Memphis net time and time again. ‘Ghost’ we’d named ‘him’ because he was fucking invisible, evaporating into thin air many times. No one ever gave a name, or even a hint at who it was. And now I knew why. Because no one fucking knew.

  “Bane,” Grace cut into my thoughts. “You have me for four weeks then I have to get back to Kade. What do you need me to do?”

  “Go back to Sparrow Towers. I need to bring Esther back in but that’s a no go for the foreseeable.” I narrowed my eyes in thought. “See if you can get close to Esther’s friend… McKayla, find out what she knows.”

  She nodded, making a quick exit. “On it.”

  Knox stood watching me, every one of his thoughts trained on me through his stare. “And me?”

  “Don’t, Knox.”

  Closing his eyes, he sighed. “You can’t allow her to interfere, Bane. We’ve been after this for two, nearly three, years. You’re really willing to go rogue for an old piece of ass?”

  I growled, turning on him. “Esther was never a piece of ass!”

  He held up his hands and stepped back. “She’s a friend, I get that. But that doesn’t change this job. It can’t. Do you want me to lead?”

  “No,” I answered although I knew he should. “You’re right.”

  I hadn’t seen Esther for fourteen years. She was no longer my friend and my loyalty didn’t lie with her anymore. We were both different people, changed by the horrors that had formed our lives.

  My phone buzzed and Knox left me to it as I picked it up. My heart quickened with the message.

  Esther: You know where I am.

  Me: Shit, is it still there?

  Esther: It is. Two hours, Rik.

  Closing my eyes, I mentally braced myself, pulling air into my lungs and forcing my heart rate to calm.

  Then, snatching up my keys, I made my way back to my past.


  I couldn’t hold in the grin when I stepped into the old caravan and found Esther sat in the old but still intact bubble-gum pink, blow-up chair. “Jesus Christ.”

  She grinned back, bouncing up and down. “Still has it.”

  I laughed, taking the worn chair that sat to one side of the tiny six-foot square van. It had been mine and Esther’s escape when life got us down, an old and decrepit van left idle in an empty field by some unknown traveller. The yellowing paper still held all our many scribblings, Esther’s perfect stickmen in the middle of my more elaborate drawings. The corner of the space was still littered with Esther’s girly magazines and my food wrappers, a few of my old cigarette stubs amazingly still embedded into the cheap veneer drop-down table.

  “Look what I found.” She grinned, reaching towards me.

  I took the CD from her, flipping it in my fingers. ‘Little Legs’ was scrawled in my handwriting over it and a smile touched my lips. “How I wish for that old CD player right now.”

  Esther nodded. “I know every single word of Ben E King’s, Stand by me, but all I ever hear is your voice.” There was a sadness in her tone that made me look up at her.

  Silence curled around us and the shimmer of pain in Esther’s eyes made my throat squeeze.

  “So,” she whispered. “Memphis, huh?”

  I looked to the floor and sighed. “Yeah.” Then directing my eyes back to her, I reflected her sorrow. “Ghost, huh?”

  She nodded slowly. “I often wondered what life had dealt you. I could never believe it would be this.”

  Leaning forwards, I propped my elbows on my knees. “What happened, little legs? You hated him, you despised everything he stood for.”

  An agony in her gaze shone so clear it nearly blinded me, her grief stabbing at my heart and causing me to physically flinch. “You happened, Rik.”

  “I don’t understand?”

  “You grounded me. You kept me safe, and sane. You were the only one who loved me for who I was. And then, suddenly, you were gone. The walls you constructed around me crumbled, the love you gave me vanished. I was alone, and for the first time in my life, I felt alone. And there was nothing to fill that void inside me. Only him. Only anger. And hatred, and god damn pain!”

  “Shit, babe.”

  She shook her head, moving back from me when I reached for her. Her short legs were encased in black leather jeans and I slid my gaze up them, my dick appreciating the swift view of absolute perfection.

  “Don’t,” she hissed, tucking her ankles back. “You know what we’re both here for.”

  I chuckled, and leaned back. “Whoever thought we’d come to this? To you following Daddy’s orders without giving me a chance?”

  “A chance at what?” she scoffed. “You lied to me, you used me.”

  I stilled, staring at her in puzzlement. “What? I haven’t lied to you.”

  Her eyes grew wide. “Are you kidding me? You’re Memphis, I’m a Dean, there’s only one thing you want from me now.” She looked down at herself. “And it isn’t my fucking legs!”

  I smirked. “They’ll do. I often wondered how far around my head they would go.”

  Her mouth fell open and she glared at me. “Don’t! Fuck. Don’t you even care that one of us won’t walk out of here?”

  I shrugged, enjoying the banter once again. It had been so long and my gut bubbled with excitement. “That’s fine, I wouldn’t imagine you’ll be able to walk much after, anyway.”

  Her wide eyes narrowed then, and I could practically see her contemplating my statement. Her breath caught and for a second she appeared flustered, but shaking her head, she growled. “I have an order to kill you, you do know that?”

  “I gathered.”

  “And what? You don’t care, or you don’t think I’m capable?”

  “None of the above,” I answered honestly. “More… I have a proposition for you.”

  “I’m not going to fuck you, Rik!”

  I couldn’t hold in the bark of laughter, her fierce scowl only adding to my amusement. “Fuck, you haven’t changed a bit.”

  Within seconds of the words leaving my mouth, her legs were hooked around my thighs and she had a knife wedged into my jugular, her sheer force pressing me back into the chair. “I think you’ll find I have.”

  “Fuck me!” I snarled, both amazed and seriously turned-on by her fire. “Now I know why they call you Ghost, because they never see you coming.”

  “Don’t push me, Rik.”

  Subduing my need to flip her over and rip her out of all that leather, I inhaled and gritted my teeth. “I want you on my team, Esther.”

  She froze, the disorientation in her eyes nearly making me chuckle. Luckily, realising it was the wrong thing to do, I swallowed it back.


  “I want you in Memphis.”

  “Are you crazy?”

  She moved back, sliding slowly off my lap. I fisted my hands to stop myself from dragging her back.

  “Probably. Yes.”

  “I’m a Dean. I’m the very thing Memphis is out there to stop! And if you think the secretary of defence will overlook me joining the team, then you’re a fool, Rik Bane.”

  Clicking my tongue, I tipped my head to the side. “You see, that’s where you’re wrong, babe.” I was surprised when she allowed me to take her hand and tug her back onto my knee. “Memphis is me. I decide which contract we take on. We are separate from any government bullshit subsidiary. I make the rules.”

  Her breath caught and the soft sound, so close, with the feel of her sweet cunt pressed against my lap, had me forcing images of dead squirrels into my head to soften my cock.

  “You? You’re the Memphis commander?”

  A grin was all she needed.

  She blew out a long huff of air, the sweet scent of her perfume torturing every one of my senses. “But… Surely the government have some say in what…”


  “At all?”


  “Well, shit.”

  Once again she climbed off me, and I let her go, knowing she needed some distance - Knowing I needed the space before I couldn’t stop myself from taking her in a place that meant much more to us both than sex. “But I thought…”

  “You thought what?”

  “That you… you were using me to get to my father.” Her eyes narrowed. “Or are you?”

  Shaking my head, I cleared my throat. “No. This has nothing to do with William Dean.”

  “Then what is it to do with?”

  “Sparrow,” I answered bluntly. “You have a mole, Esther. A bad one.”

  She dropped heavily onto the inflatable chair and I bit my lip to stop the loud laugh when she bounced off to the side and collided with the wall, her forehead thudding on the thin tin keeping the shack together.

  “Fuck!” She giggled, clasping at her brow. Then came the silly grunt I had so fucking missed. Her bright eyes found mine and we were both laughing so hard that she held onto her side to stop the cramp.

  “There’s a fucking YouTube moment,” she howled as tears streamed down her face. There was only Esther Dean that could have me aching with sadness one moment, and in the next, rolling around with laughter.

  “Jesus bloody Christ,” I snorted. “I’ve changed my mind; you’ll get my team killed!”

  Taking a deep breath and wiping her tears, she righted the chair and gingerly sat down, her giggle still making me chuckle. “Oh dear,” she sniffed, attempting to curb her laughter. “Right, sorry.”

  Shaking my head, I grinned at her. “Fuck, you’re so beautiful.”

  Any hilarity that was left evaporated so quickly the air clawed at my throat. She gazed at me, her eyes soft and sparkling as my words hung heavy between us.

  “At least think about it,” I snapped, shifting quickly to prevent the need to grab her by her throat and kiss her until we both got lost in one another.

  I didn’t wait for her reply, and I jolted when the caravan door slammed shut behind me.




  It was dark when I pulled up outside my house but I could still see his silhouette on my doorstep, his knees drawn up to his chest as his eyes searched for me within the confines of my car.

  “God damn it.”

  As I climbed out, I rolled my eyes when Frank climbed out of his own car. He was parked directly in front of me, however, his smile was a comfort. “You okay with this idiot?”

  I looked towards Camron who had stood up, his gaze watching both me and Frank warily. “Yeah. What the hell are you doing here?” I asked, turning back to him.

  He shrugged. “It’s my job.”

  “What? But surely Rik knows I don’t need a shadow now.”

  Lifting his hands, he shook his head. “Just do as I’m told, sugar.”

  “Mmm,” I mumbled, turning my back on him and attempting to find some energy from somewhere to deal with Camron.

  “Milly,” Camron spoke quietly. It seemed strange now, my pseudonym. It had only been a few days since I’d heard it, yet after everything that had happened it felt like a lifetime.

  “What do you want, Camron?”

  “Who’s he?”

  I stared at him until he shrugged and followed me up the path.

  “Look, Camron, I’m tired. I’m not in the mood. Just tell me what you want.”

  He stood hovering on my porch, waiting for me to open the door so he could follow me inside. No such luck.

  “I just came to say sorry about Geoffrey.”

  I reared back slightly and screwed up my face. “Seriously? It’s taken you seven weeks to come and offer your condolences.”

  “Can we go inside?” He shot Frank a quick troubled glance as he stood smoking a cigarette against his car, the chill in the air intensifying each long stream of smoke he blew out. “It’s bloody freezing.”

  Too tired to argue, I groaned and unlocked the door. I held out my hand sardonically when Camron pushed past me and flicked on the hallway light. “Don’t mind me,” I cursed under my breath as I followed him in and slipped out of my jacket.

  Camron’s eyes widened to saucers when he took in my attire. I was still wearing my ‘work’ clothes, the tight leather making my legs feel suffocated, and the tight black t-shirt not leaving much to the imagination. It was my favourite top to wear. The small swell of my breasts (thanks to the enhancer bra) always gave me an advantage, my adversary unable to resist that quick little glance, a glance that gave me a head start over them while they weren’t paying attention. Idiots.

  “Fancy dress,” I mumbled as I moved past him into the kitchen. “Drink?”


  He dropped into one of the kitchen chairs and I turned, curling my lip at how he appeared so comfortable.

  We were both silent as I made coffee, and planting his mug in front of him none too delicately, Camron winced and looked up at me. “I guess you’re still angry.”

  I shook my head. “Not at all. I’ve told you, I’m tired…”

  “And you’re always cranky when you’re tired,” he finished for me.

  My phone rang and I looked around, confused for a moment when I couldn’t find it. Camron nodded towards my boobs and I nodded, slipping the phone from my bra.

  “What the fuck is he doing there?”

  For a long moment I couldn’t speak for the hostility in Rik’s voice. Clearing my throat, I spoke as steadily as possible. “Excuse me?”

  “Camron Mathers, what the fuck is he doing in your house, Esther?”

  “Wow,” I uttered, completely stunned by Rik’s attitude. “He’s currently stood on my kitchen table, naked, swinging his dick around while I try to catch it with my teeth.”

  Camron gawped at me when I stabbed at my phone and slung it down on to the table.

  I sighed, quietly counting down from ten, and got up to flick the kettle back on. “And there we go,” I chuckled when a knock came to the front door. “Come in, Frank,” I shouted.

  He had the decency to look sheepish when he walked into the kitchen and I handed him a steaming mug. “Sorry, sugar.”

  “Don’t worry about it.” I looked over to Camron. “Frank, this is Camron, my ex. Camron, this is Frank, my… friend.”

  “What the hell?” Camron hissed. “I was hoping for a bit of privacy, Mil.”

  “Story of my life,” I mumbled. Then, shaking my head and giving him a smile, I gave him my full attention. “Pretend Frank isn’t here.”

  Frank nodded, but there was a glint of amusement in his eyes. He wasn’t exactly small, and he stood towering over Camron like a possessive brother, or a bear. “I’m invisible,” Frank smirked, knowing no matter how hard he tried he would never
blend into the background.

  Camron grimaced, looking uncomfortable. I sighed contentedly, enjoying his awkwardness more than I should.

  Frank stood fiddling with his phone while Camron took a hefty gulp of his coffee. “I, uhh,” he mumbled, training his gaze on me as he attempted to ignore Frank. “I just wondered, if umm, well, we could give it another go.”

  We both looked to Frank when he snorted. He shrugged at me. “Boss ‘aint gonna like that.”

  “Then I’ve a good mind to accept his offer,” I countered with a glare.

  “Excuse me,” Camron grumbled. “This is supposed to be a private conversation between me and Milly.”

  Frank hid his grin and held out his hand. “Sorry, continue.”

  Biting into my lip, I concentrated on Camron.

  “Well,” he continued, swallowing hard. “There was nothing really going on with Lisa. Ya’ know, it was just sex....”

  Frank barked out a loud laugh, his brows elevated as he stared at Camron. “Seriously? You’re gonna give her the ‘it was just sex’ line?”

  I turned back to Camron, awaiting his answer. He appeared flustered, his brow damp with beads of sweat. Looking at him now, I wondered what the hell I had ever seen in him. He was okay in bed, he liked it rough, or so I had thought, but he was a coward, and that wasn’t something I’d have ever seen myself falling for. Except, I hadn’t fallen for him, not really.

  “I’m just trying to be honest here,” Camron growled. “I didn’t care for her, not like I did… do you, Milly.”

  “You cared for me? So I should take it as a sign of love and adoration that you screwed my best friend?” He lowered his eyes. “How is my ‘best friend’ anyway?”

  He sighed. “Please, Mil. I miss you.”

  “You miss me? Well that’s nice, I suppose.”


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