The Originator Wars: Conflict Unending: A Lost Fleet Novel

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The Originator Wars: Conflict Unending: A Lost Fleet Novel Page 29

by Raymond L. Weil

  High Commander Vetrex took a deep breath. What did it matter anyway? The damage to the vortex Control Center was more than his scientists and technicians could repair. “Pull all of our remaining forces back as close to the Control Center as possible. If we are to die in battle, let it be here on the Great Sphere of the Ancients.”


  General Wesley gazed in shock at the damage to the Dyson Sphere. A ragged hole over eighty kilometers across was visible and stars could be seen through the far end. The hole extended right up to the edge of the vortex crater. With a heavy heart, he knew many of his Marines would have died as a result of the damage. “She killed them,” he muttered, shaking his head in anger. He had trained those Marines for months for this mission and now they were dead.

  “She had no choice,” Brace said as he gazed at the latest communications from the Dyson Sphere Control Centers. “She also had permission from the Originator Council to do whatever was necessary to destroy that Eternal fleet. If she hadn’t blown up that section of the Dyson Sphere, we might have lost control of a major portion of the Dyson Sphere to the Eternals. As much as I hate to admit it, she made the right decision.”

  Brace looked over at the tactical display. He was relieved to see the green icon of the Avenger. He didn’t know how he could have returned to the Hub if that ship had failed to make it back.


  Jeremy was sitting in the Command Center still trying to recover from the loss of Commander Malen. There were others on board the ship who had been injured and a few others who had died. He didn’t have a complete list yet though he would shortly. On the viewscreens, the remnants of his fleet were plainly visible. Many of the dreadnaught and battlecruisers were showing heavy damage to their hulls. Most of the ships would have to spend time in the Dyson Sphere’s repair bays before they could make the attempt to return to the Communications and Transport Hub.

  “What are we going to do about that hole in the Dyson Sphere?” asked Kevin as he gazed at a viewscreen showing damage. “Seems to me that it’s an open invitation to the Eternals.”

  “I’ve already sent a message to the Hub. They’re going to contact Admiral Tolsen. He’ll be bringing his fleet here to defend the Dyson Sphere until repairs are made. In the meantime, we’ll place all the defense globes outside at one thousand kilometers. That will force any fleet that jumps in to be in range of the weapons on the Dyson Sphere.”

  Kevin looked concerned. “Will his fleet be enough?”

  “I’m going to leave Rear Admiral Tolsen here as well. We’ll reinforce her fleet with enough enhanced battlecruisers to give her ten thousand warships. We’ll add a few more dreadnaughts as well.”

  This seemed to satisfy Kevin as he went back to studying his sensor console.

  “Jeremy,” said Ariel. “Do you recall the request we received from Major Wilde earlier?”

  Jeremy’s eyes narrowed. “She wanted to know if it was feasible to capture some Eternals for study.” He had forgotten about that with all that was going on.

  “Yes,” replied Ariel as she pointed to a viewscreen showing the area around the vortex crater. “There are thousands of them getting ready to attack the vortex Control Center. Perhaps we should attempt to capture a few.”

  Jeremy leaned back in his command chair, his eyes widening at the thought. The entire reasoning behind capturing the Eternals was to see if the Originator scientists from that large stasis facility Major Wilde discovered could shut down the mechanical nanites inside an Eternal. If they could it might change this war to something winnable.

  “Lieutenant Lantz, get General Wesley on the comm. I’m about to give him an order he’s not going to care for.”


  General Wesley sat down in his command chair a stunned look on his face. “Has everyone gone insane today?” He looked over at Major Caulder. “Fleet Admiral Strong is requesting that I capture some Eternals for him. How the hell am I supposed to do that when I’m completely out of touch with all of our Marine units? I don’t even know if what he’s asking is possible.”

  Brace took a deep breath. “General, we have slightly over two thousand combat robots still inside this Dyson Sphere on guard duty as well as the extra Marines we sent to the Control Centers and the primary computer core. We could use them as a Marine force.”

  General Wesley frowned. “They would need a trained combat officer to lead them and all we have are inside that war zone. The target would have to be the vortex Control Center. That’s where we know the Eternals are heading. We have no idea what type of resistance they will face. For all we know everyone we sent into that sector is dead.”

  Brace shook his head. “Not all combat officers are inside. I’ll volunteer to lead them.”

  Wesley’s eyes focused intently on Brace. “Are you certain? This mission will be highly dangerous. We have no idea what the conditions are like inside the combat zone or if any of our Marine units still survive. You may be entirely on your own. It will be days before more reinforcements get here.”

  “If Fleet Admiral Strong wants those Eternals, I’ll get them.”

  Wesley closed his eyes and then opened them and nodded. “The mission’s yours. I’ll see what I can do about rounding up some more Marines. Some of our shuttle pilots have combat experience. We might be able to get a platoon or two from them.”

  Brace nodded. He needed to speak to a few Originator AIs. There were only a couple of ways he was going to be able to get to the Control Center before the Eternals.


  Four hours later Brace was clad in an Originator designed battlesuit and was leading a full company of Marines and eighteen hundred combat robots toward one of the entrances that Marines had used earlier to gain entry to the inside of the Dyson Sphere. Walking beside him was Sergeant Ashley Bryant and Aaliss. Aaliss had volunteered to come with the Marines as she was familiar with what the Fleet Admiral wanted. She was also carrying one of the Originator’s gold command keys.

  “I’ve worked in one of the vortex Control Centers at the Communications and Transport Hub,” she confided in Brace. “There are several small equipment tunnels that run parallel to some of the main corridors. If we can access one of them it will take us nearly to the Control Center.”

  “Will the combat robots fit?” asked Brace. This mission would fail without them.

  “Barely,” replied Aaliss, glancing over at the massive robots. “We’ll have to walk in single file.”

  “At least it’s a plan,” replied Brace. “Let’s do it.” Brace didn’t even dwell on what Angela would be saying if she knew the danger he was about to put himself in. That command job on the new super exploration dreadnaught was sounding better all the time.


  Captain Werner took a long deep breath. For hours they had been fighting, pushing back the Simulins and their Conqueror Drones meter by meter down the corridors leading to the vortex Control Center. The corridors behind them were littered with the dead and the torn up bodies of combat robots and Conqueror Drones.

  “What’s our status?” asked Captain Werner, stopping to take a small sip of water from the canteen he was carrying.

  “Not good,” replied Sergeant Hitch, sounding out of breath. “Between our company and Captain Johnston’s we have thirty-eight who can still fight. We have seventeen wounded who are being helped by the combat robots. As far as the combat robots go, we’re down to seventy-eight. Ammunition is becoming scarce also. We’re nearly out of explosive rounds as well as armor piercing rounds for our assault rifles. We’re still okay with our energy rifles and the combat robots are down to about twenty percent on their ammo.”

  “Damn,” said Werner, feeling worried. “I don’t know if that’s going to be enough.”

  “One more corridor,” Sergeant Stroud said as he walked up to them. “We have one more long corridor before we reach the vortex Control Center. Captain Johnston sent a couple of combat robots ahead to scout it out. Neither came back. There are at least three mas
sive barricades that are blocking the corridor. It’s also full of wall to wall Conqueror Drones.”

  Captain Werner looked at the two sergeants. “Well we came here to take that Control Center back from the Simulins. Any suggestions?” In this situation Werner was open to ideas.

  “Head on charge with the combat robots,” said Sergeant Hitch. “It’s the only way. They still have enough explosive rounds and power for their energy weapons. They just might be able to make it. We leave our wounded here under the protection of two or three combat robots. Everyone else goes.”

  Werner looked over at Sergeant Stroud who nodded. “I agree,” he said.

  Werner looked down at his assault rifle. He had one and a half magazines of armor piercing rounds left. “Let’s do it,” he ordered as he began walking toward the junction where the next corridor began.

  It took a few minutes to get everyone organized and then the combat robots charged around the corner into the corridor firing explosive rounds and their energy cannons. Captain Werner waited a few moments and then followed with the surviving Marines. Instantly he was enveloped in carnage. The corridor was full of smoke. Pieces of Conqueror Drones lay everywhere and even Simulin body parts. It was gruesome and only just beginning. He fired his assault rifle at a Simulin he saw peeking over the nearest barricade seeing him instantly drop from sight.

  A loud scream drew Werner’s attention. A Conqueror Drone held a Marine in its pinchers pulling him apart. A combat robot leaped forward planting its fist in the center of the carapace of the drone causing it to collapse to the floor and dropping the Marine who lay unmoving. Werner knew with a sick feeling in his gut the Marine was dead. They continued to advance slowly down the corridor. An energy beam struck Werner a glancing blow to the shoulder. His shoulder felt numb but the armor had protected him. It was deeply singed but still intact.

  Closer and closer they came to the entrance to the vortex Control Center. Looking around Werner doubted that no more than a dozen combat robots still survived. His Marines were down to less than twenty. Suddenly the hatch to the Control Center slammed shut. Moments later the fighting in the corridor came to a stop. Looking around, Captain Werner saw ten combat robots still standing and only eighteen Marines. Looking at his HUD, he saw that the icon representing Sergeant Hitch was glowing red. He let out a deep breath. Hitch was someone he had come to depend on; he had also become a close friend.

  Sergeant Stroud came walking up. “Captain Johnston didn’t make it. How are we going to get that hatch open?”

  Rakell came forward. He had been back with the wounded. Reaching into his pocket, he took out the small gold globe that was the command key. “This will open the hatch. The question is what’s waiting for us on the other side?”

  Captain Werner let out a deep sigh. “We don’t have what’s needed to take the Control Center. If we open the hatch and rush in we’ll be wiped out.”

  “So, what do we do?” asked Sergeant Stroud. “Did we come all of this way for nothing?”

  Werner looked up and down the long corridor. Let’s set up two barricades in the center of the corridor and wait. We have to hope another Marine unit makes it to us before more Simulins or Conqueror Drones show up.”

  Sergeant Stroud nodded and immediately began giving orders to the combat robots. The Marines were too worn out be of much help. The wounded were brought forward and after the barricades were set up, everyone took positions waiting for any signs of approaching trouble. They had come so far only to learn they didn’t have the forces to finish the mission.


  For nearly two hours they waited and then a commotion at the far end of the corridor near the junction drew their attention.

  “This is it,” said Sergeant Stroud as he checked his assault rifle. “I only have half a magazine left, what about you?”

  Captain Werner looked down and quickly checked his rifle. “Eight rounds and that’s it.”

  Stroud nodded and aimed his rifle down the corridor.

  The noise grew louder and suddenly a metal form appeared around the corner.

  “Hold your fire!” yelled Werner excitedly. “It’s a combat robot!” Moments later dozens more followed the first.


  Major Caulder was surprised to find Marines waiting for them in the corridor leading to the vortex Control Center. After exiting the maintenance tunnel, they had been going down corridors showing evidence of recent heavy fighting and only encountering light resistance. They had found the remains of Marines as well as combat robots strewn throughout the corridors.

  Walking up to the first barricade Major Caulder recognized Captain Werner and then he saw Rakell standing beside him.

  “I’m not surprised you made it this far,” said Brace, reaching over the barricade and shaking Werner’s armor covered hand. Captain Werner had been trained by Major Wilde and been responsible for ousting the Simulins out of several other vortex Control Centers in other galaxies. “What’s the situation?”

  Captain Werner quickly explained what had happened to them and what he thought was still inside the Control Center.

  Brace nodded. “I have enough combat robots to take the Control Center. Once that’s done we have another mission. He quickly told Werner of Jeremy’s orders.

  Captain Werner turned pale at hearing they needed to capture some Eternals. “How are we going to do that?” he asked.

  “Let’s take the Control Center first, and then we’ll see about the next part of the mission,’ said Brace. “Any suggestions on what we should do?” In this instance Brace was willing to listen to Werner as he had the experience.


  High Commander Vetrex waited inside the vortex Control Center behind a final barricade his soldiers and the Conqueror Drones had erected. At any moment he expected the hatch to open and the enemy to appear. He still had thousands of Conqueror Drones scattered throughout the corridors in this section of the Great Sphere. Many were engaged in combat with the strange aliens. Others were engaged against Human forces. All had one goal in mind. Reaching the vortex Control Center.

  Suddenly the door swung open and combat robots began swarming inside. Energy beams and explosive rounds began going off everywhere. In mere moments the combat robots overwhelmed the defending Conqueror Drones and killed most of the heavily armed Simulins. Second Commander Trador fell as a combat robot caved in his head with his armored fist. Looking around High Commander Vetrex realized he was alone. Then he did something he had never considered before. He raised his hands and surrendered.


  Major Caulder entered the vortex Control Center and stared at something he had never expected to see. A Simulin in the uniform of a High Commander holding his hands up. Shaking his head, he wondered what Jeremy would to with him. As far as he knew they had never captured a Simulin before.

  “Sergeant Bryant, assign four guards to watch over our prisoner. I want him alive so our intelligence people can question him.”

  “Yes, sir,’ Bryant replied as she strode off to carry out the order.

  “I have communication with General Wesley,” reported Rakell. Rakell had inserted the gold command key into the Control Center’s main computer. Fortunately the communication console in the center was still functioning.

  Brace quickly reported what the current situation was.

  “We have more Marines and combat robots coming from the Hub,” Wesley said. “You’re going to have to stay where you’re at for a few days. If the opportunity presents itself, you are to carry out your secondary mission.”

  “Understood,” replied Brace.

  A few minutes later Brace took stock of their situation. He had over sixteen hundred functional combat robots and nearly one hundred Marines. He quickly rebuilt some of the Simulins’ barricades in the outside corridors and assigned combat robots and a squad of Marines to each one. After inspecting the defenses, Brace was satisfied they had done everything they could. Now they just had to wait.

  Hours passed and
surprisingly two other Marine units managed to reach the Control Center swelling Braces forces to nearly two thousand four hundred combat robots and one hundred and sixty Marines. What really pleased Brace was what the last group of Marines had brought with them. Eleven wounded Eternals! With the aid of Rakell and Aaliss, he ordered them to be treated for their wounds and bound. He also placed a heavy guard on them including combat robots. Now all he needed to do was wait for the reinforcements to arrive.


  Six days later General Wesley watched from his command shuttle as Major Caulder emerged from a hatch to stand once more on the surface of the Dyson Sphere. Reinforcements from the Hub had arrived and several thousand Marines backed by over fifteen thousand combat robots had descended into the corridors surrounding the vortex crater to clean out the last of the Simulins and the Eternals. Other combat robots were enroute from other Dyson Spheres to ensure they had the forces necessary.

  What really pleased General Wesley was that they had twenty-nine Eternal captives. Most had been wounded and were captured when they were overrun by Marines and combat robots. The Simulin High Commander would be staying in the Dyson Sphere under heavy guard. Security would be asking him a lot of questions. So far he had been very cooperative.

  General Wesley strongly suspected it would take several weeks to finish sweeping this section of the Dyson sphere for Simulins and Eternals. He planed on staying until the battle was over. With a deep sigh, he knew that many of his Marines had given their lives in the battle. A few more would probably meet their end in combat in the coming days. Overall, General Wesley was proud of his Marines. They had accomplished their missions. The vortex Control Center was now in their hands and they had captured the needed Eternals.


  Jeremy watched as thousands of Originator warships appeared from the massive intergalactic vortex created by one of the vortex Control Centers. It was Admiral Tolsen’s fleet and now Jeremy could relax. With Tolsen’s fleet and the reinforcements pouring in from the Hub and the other Dyson Spheres he no longer feared another Eternal attack. Construction ships were also arriving to begin the repair work to the Dyson Sphere. Even though the damage looked severe, Aaliss had assured him a year from now it would be totally repaired.


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