Zach (Torey Hope: The Later Years #3)

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Zach (Torey Hope: The Later Years #3) Page 3

by A. D. Ellis

  Zoey was still just a little girl, he truly had no physical attraction to her at all, but his dreams took him to a time and place where they were both older. In his dreams, he saw Zoey as the knock-out he knew she would be as she grew up. But, he also saw her as his soul mate, his true love, the only one he wanted to spend his time with.

  But then he’d wake up and reality would slap him in the face. He couldn’t pine after his little cousin. He couldn’t expect her to put her life on hold while she waited to grow up enough to make his feelings for her acceptable. No, they’d continue being best friends, and whoever they dated over the years would just have to accept that.


  He hadn’t realized how hard it was going to be. He sat in Zoey’s room, something he’d done basically every day since she was old enough to have a room of her own, and held her as she cried.

  “Zach, it’s just not fair. You’re my best friend and you’re leaving for four years!” Zoey’s tears fell on his shirt, leaving a damp trail on his chest.

  “Zoey Belle, I have to go. You’ve known we’re leaving for at least 2 years now. I’ll be home for holidays. You’ll be so busy with school and friends, you won’t even have time to think about me.”

  He felt torn by his words. He wanted her to be busy with school and friends, but he also felt an ache in his heart knowing she’d probably move on without him.

  “Zach, I’ve never been away from you. In my entire thirteen years I’ve maybe not seen you a couple days here and there. I don’t want to forget about you, I love you.”

  Zoey sniffed her nose and looked up at him with pleading eyes.

  “I know, pretty girl. I’m going to miss you too.”

  Zach held her close and kissed the top of her head.

  “You’re going to think this is stupid, and I feel like a complete dork saying it, but I totally wish we were the same age.” Zoey’s tears had made her nose stuffy.

  Zach thought she sounded adorable. He gave her a questioning look.

  Blushing, Zoey went on, “I guess this past year I’ve started looking at you more like a guy rather than just my best friend. I feel like we were meant to be together, I just don’t understand why there has to be five years between us.”

  She bowed her head, and let her forehead rest on his chest.

  Her muffled words floated to his ears, and he felt them straight to his heart.

  “I love you, Zach. Like my best friend, yes, but more than that. I know you think I’m just a little girl, but you mean more to me than anyone ever could.”

  His heart soared, but the flight was short-lived as it quickly came crashing to the ground. He couldn’t control time, couldn’t make their ages work, at least not right then. He had to go off to school and live his life, just like Zoey needed to live her life in Torey Hope.

  “Listen to me, Zoey Belle. I love you. You’re my favorite girl. No one aside from us would get it right now, our ages are too far apart, they’d have a fit and think terrible things about me being so much older than you. We’re going to live our lives, but our hearts belong to each other. No matter what you go through, no matter what I go through, our hearts will always come back here to Torey Hope, to each other.” Zach pulled her in for a warm hug.

  “What does that mean, Zach?” Zoey’s eyes held a glimmer of hope.

  “It means I love you, and I’ll wait for you.”

  “Right, you’ll go to college and not date other girls?” Zoey snorted. “I know you’ve kissed girls at school.”

  “No, I’ll date and you’ll have boyfriends, too. Yes, I’ve kissed other girls, but none have held my heart the way you do.” Zach rested his chin on top of her head.

  “What if one of those girls you date takes my place as the holder of your heart?” Zoey looked doubtful.

  “Not gonna happen.” Zach pulled back to look in her eyes.

  “Not gonna happen for me either. None of the boys in my class will ever take your place in my heart, Zach. There’s no way. They can’t compete with our friendship and our history.” Zoey spoke with certainty. “But, you’ve never kissed me the way you kiss those girls at school. How do you know I’m worth the wait?”

  He watched uncertainty and doubt flicker in her eyes.

  “Zoey Belle, I’ve known you were worth the wait since the very first moment I laid eyes on you. We just have to wait a little longer than most.” Zach teased her a bit, but inside it was killing him to know she was scared and worried.

  “You could kiss me now.” Her voice was barely a whisper.

  “I could. But I won’t.” Zach spoke with finality.

  As much as he loved her, the timing was all wrong. He was leaving for college, she was starting junior high. His love for her surpassed physical desires; she was his forever girl.

  “We just have to hold tight to the journey ahead of us. I’ll write my story while you write your own, and one day our stories will meet up again. When the timing is better, when we know who we are, when what we share can be accepted rather than frowned upon, then we can be together. But, until then, you’re forever my favorite girl.”

  Zach had kissed her head and left with promises to text, and video chat, and call.

  The next day he and his cousins drove off towards the next four years of their life. His future was bright, his heart was excited, and he felt ready for the next step. Except, a piece of his heart lay broken at the feet of his sweet Zoey Belle and wept for what they would miss for the next four years.

  Chapter 4

  “Zoey’s phone, talk to me.” A cocky sounding, very much male voice answered when Zach attempted to call Zoey for the fourth time that day. He’d tried before and after his 8:00 a.m. class, at lunch, and now on his way out of his last class of the day. Zoey had called the day before, and he felt bad that he’d not heard the phone ringing from the shower.

  “Who is this? Why do you have Zoey’s phone?” Zach demanded.

  “Who’s this? Why are you calling Zoey’s phone? Dude, you sound like some old guy. What a perv, calling a cute teenage girl’s phone.”

  The cocky little asshole on the other end of the phone had no way of knowing it, but he was damn lucky a great distance separated them or he would have been laid flat.

  “This is her best friend, Zach. Can I talk to Zoey, please?” He attempted to remain calm, but he didn’t like the little punk answering Zoey’s phone.

  “Hey, Zoey, some old guy named Zach is on the phone. Do you want to talk to him?” The voice was muffled, but Zach knew it was meant to piss him off even more.

  After some rustling, he heard her sweet voice and all anger faded away.

  “Zach! I’m so glad you called! How’s school? Are the classes hard? Do you miss me?” Her words rambled out in a rush.

  “Zoey Belle, it’s so good to hear your voice.” He closed his eyes as he spoke, savoring the calm that came over him when she spoke.

  “So, is your junior year going just as well as last year did?”

  Zach could hear her moving around, then her voice was muffled as she spoke to whoever was with her.

  “Hey, I’m going to be talking to Zach. Go ahead and get started on the problems and we can go over them when I’m done.”

  “Okay, so tell me about your classes.” The smiled he knew was on her face could be heard in her words.

  After talking for about ten minutes about his classes and the activities she and Aly had been taking part in, Zoey abruptly changed the subject.

  “Are you dating anyone?” She whispered.


  He thought it best to keep the answer simple. Yes, he’d gone out with a few girls since the semester started. And, yes, he’d occasionally kept his door closed and locked when said girls accompanied him back to the place he shared with his cousins. But, did these girls make his heart happy like Zoey? No. So, the less she knew, the better. At least that’s what he told himself. In reality it was probably more accurate to say he didn’t want to hurt her feelings o
r make her doubt him.

  “What about you? Are you dating? Who was the little shit who answered your phone? Gotta tell you, Zo, he sounds like an asshole.”

  Zoey’s giggles rang through the line, and he couldn’t help but smile.

  “That’s Jason, he’s my lab partner.”

  “Is that all he is?”

  “Yes, that’s all. We work on labs. He’s also in some of my other classes. He’s asked me out a few times, but so far I’ve only spent time with him in a big group. Don’t worry, he’s not you.” She whispered the words, and his heart soared.

  “Let me talk to him.”

  “What? No, Zach, there’s no reason for that.” Zoey protested.

  “Zoey Belle, put him on the phone.” Zach spoke in a way that left no room for argument.

  After some muffled voices and rustling, the cocky voice returned. “Jason here, what can I do ya for?”

  Zach rolled his eyes and pictured what a douche the kid had to be.

  “Hiya, Johnathan.” Zach smirked at the intentional misuse of the kid’s name.

  “It’s Jason and I’m busy, what do you need?” Irritated, the kid huffed.

  “Listen, Jason, Zoey Belle is my very favorite girl. If you do a single thing to hurt her, I will have to drive all the way back to Torey Hope and kick your ass. So, let’s make it easier on everyone involved. Stay away from Zoey. Do your lab work, but nothing else. No touches, no kisses, no dates. Got it?” Zach felt a tightness in his chest as he spoke.

  He knew it was unfair to sabotage something between the two if Zoey really liked the guy, but there was no way she could like a little piece of shit as arrogant and cocky as this Jason came across on the phone.

  “Well, Zach, it was good talking to you. I’ll take your suggestions under consideration, but I’ve got to tell you, my gut is saying you’re pretty much shit out of luck. I mean, you’re there, so far away. I’m here, with her, every day.” Jason spoke snidely.

  “Come to think of it, I’m going to end the suspense and let you know now. I’m going to have to pass on your offer.”

  The asshole continued in a sly whisper, “There will be plenty of touches, kisses, and dates if I have my way. In fact, just watching that fine little ass from across the room, I’m pretty sure there will be plenty of touching as this study session goes on.”

  “You little fucker!” Zach saw red.

  “Zach, what’s wrong?” Zoey was back on the line and oblivious to what the two had just talked about.

  “Nothing, Zoey Belle.” Taking a deep breath he attempted to calm himself. “Listen, Zo, I really don’t like that kid. He’s rude and cocky. Do your lab work alone or with someone else. Please? For me?”

  Zach felt like a complete idiot asking, but he had a bad feeling about Jason.

  Talking in a soft whisper, Zoey smiled through the phone. “Yeah, okay, Zach. We’ve got a couple more weeks of this lab and then we’ll be assigned new partners. I’ll be sure to switch then, okay?”

  “Okay. Listen, I don’t want to sound like a complete jerk, but I don’t trust that guy. Don’t be alone with him if you can keep from it.” Zach’s worry was evident.

  “Hey, what did you call me about yesterday?” Attempting to change the subject to something less annoying, Zach inquired even though he was pretty sure he already knew what was coming.

  “Oh! I almost forgot! I called to tell you that I’m getting my license this weekend!! Next time you come home I can drive you around town.” She giggled as she spoke.

  “That’s great, Zo. I’m proud of you.” Zach glanced at his watch and realized he needed to meet up with his cousins. “Listen, pretty girl, I’ve got to head out. I’ll talk to you tonight or tomorrow, okay? Text me anytime.”

  “Okay. Thanks for calling.” Her disappointment was clear. “I love you, Zach.”

  “And I love you. Still my forever girl, right?” He tried to be jovial, but knowing she was sad broke his heart. Two more years. Just two more years then they could spend more time together. Of course, then they’d have the issue of Zoey going off to college, and the separation would begin all over again.

  “Of course I’m still your forever girl.” The tears made her voice catch before she disconnected the call.

  As Zach walked to meet the guys for dinner he made a call to his Uncle Kyle. He wanted to be sure Jason wasn’t spending too much time with his girl. Kyle needed to know the kid was a complete douche.


  “I can’t believe you guys came home!” Zoey ran out to the truck with huge hugs for her cousins and Zach. “You guys are so sweet, Grandma Cindy and Grandpa John will be so touched that you came home to celebrate their anniversary. Everyone is going to be so surprised! Thanks for trusting me to keep it a secret.”

  “You guys head on in, I’m going to steal Zoey for a few minutes.” Zach nodded at the other guys.

  “Sure thing, more food for me. You know there’s always something good to eat, even when they don’t know we’re coming.” Kendrick rubbed his stomach dramatically. “And, Zach, if it only takes a minute, you’re doing it wrong.” He winked before bounding up the stairs in search of food.

  Sawyer and Decker just shook their heads and followed him inside.

  “Where are you stealing me away to?” Zoey giggled.

  It felt so good to be back home, even if just for a couple days, and have her by his side.

  “Well, I hate that I missed your birthday, and I thought I’d drag you away to give you your present.” He’d been thinking of this moment the entire drive home. Was it too soon? Was it wrong? No, he wasn’t planning anything outrageous, he just couldn’t stand to wait any longer.

  When they reached the garage, Zach ushered her inside. Not the most romantic place, but he knew the dinner would be starting soon, and he didn’t want people to come searching.

  “So, Zo, I’ve been thinking it over. There’s still too much of an age difference for anything serious, but I can’t stand the thought of you having your first kiss with anyone else. I’m actually surprised it’s not happened yet.” He stood behind her, content to hold her in his arms and talk quietly in her ear.

  “I guess I’ve had a couple opportunities, but I think I’ve been holding out hoping my first kiss would be you. I mean, you’ve been there through most of my milestones, so it felt right that you be there for that too.” She turned, wrapping her arms around his neck. “So, what’s my belated birthday present?” Her voice held the hint of a hidden smile.

  “Since I was there for all the firsts like first steps, writing your name, tying your shoes, and riding a bike, I agree that it’s only appropriate that I be here for this momentous occasion.” He winked at her, and tipped her chin up.

  He was obviously a total glutton for punishment. Kissing her lightly on the lips, and pulling away without taking it any further took everything in him. How could a single brush of lips punch him in the gut so forcefully? This little impromptu birthday gift had just reminded him of how long they had until he could kiss her the way he really wanted, but it also cemented the fact that she was the only girl he’d ever truly long for, ever truly love.

  “Happy belated birthday, pretty girl.” He landed one last tiny peck on her mouth.

  With her eyes still closed, she smiled, “Best birthday gift. Ever. Thank you.”

  The rest of the weekend went by in a blur of family togetherness. All too soon it was time for the guys to make the long trek back to school.

  Leaving Zoey was never easy, and this time was no different. Yet, it was different. In some ways it was if he’d staked his claim, made a promise, verified their eventual future. On the other hand, that kiss just made it even harder to say goodbye, and face the seemingly endless days until they could be together for real.


  “Hey, give me just a minute, I need to get this.” Zach rolled from his position between the pretty blonde’s legs so he could answer the phone. Normally he wouldn’t have interrupted wha
t promised to be some pretty decent sex for a phone call, but it was Zoey’s ringtone and he tried to always answer when she called.

  The blonde immediately decided to vie for his attention by playing dirty. Before he had even gotten a single word out, she was on her knees taking him in her mouth.

  “Oh, fuck.” His breath hissed out just as he slid his finger across the screen to accept the call.

  “What? Zach, what’s wrong?” Zoey’s voice pulled him from his foggy state of horniness.

  “Nothing, nothing’s wrong. I wasn’t talking to you, pretty girl.” Zach attempted to collect his thoughts and calm his libido at the same time.

  “Pretty girl? You’re in bed with me and taking calls from other girls?” The head between his legs popped up and pretty much shrieked the question.

  “Zach? What’s going on? Are you with girl?” Zoey’s hurt blared through the phone.

  As he watched the blonde pull her clothes back on and huff out the door, he tried to lie, but nothing came to him quickly enough.

  “Not now, I mean, she left, I mean, no, I’m not with anyone.” He sighed heavily.

  He was in his senior year and the last semester of school promised to be challenging yet fun. He’d kept the edge off with a few girls over the years, but had never really committed to any of them for longer than a week or two at most. He definitely wasn’t a total whore like his cousin Kendrick, but an occasional no-strings-attached romp took place now and then. Although, if he was being honest with himself, those romps more-often-than-not were decent blowjobs and nothing more. He just couldn’t get around the fact he felt like he was betraying Zoey, and the girls usually caught on pretty quickly that he wasn’t exactly emotionally available. He was so ready to be back home in Torey Hope, with Zoey.

  “What’s up, Zoey Belle? How’s school?” Zach tried to sooth her hurt by getting her to talk.


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