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Zach (Torey Hope: The Later Years #3)

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by A. D. Ellis

  Leaning his forehead against hers he spoke gruffly. “Still think kissing isn’t a big deal?”

  With a sexy smile Zoey bit her bottom lip and shook her head as she blushed.

  “No, I think kissing YOU is about the best thing I’ve ever done and I want to do it more.” She pulled his mouth to hers and kissed him with a passion that had him about to bust out of his boxer briefs.

  Quickly pulling back, he slid from the rock and pulled her with him. Settling his back against the weather-roughened surface, he positioned her between his legs and held tightly at her waist.

  “Zoey Belle, you’ve just proven to me that there is no one in this whole world better matched to me than you. But we’ve got a problem we should talk about.”

  Her face fell and he raised her chin to look in his eyes.

  “Pretty girl, there’s nothing we can’t get through together, but we do need to talk about it. It’s sort of the elephant in the room, and it’s not going to go away. At least not for a little bit.”

  She sighed deeply, “My birthday.”

  “Yes, your birthday. You’re seventeen. Even though we’ve known each other our entire lives, and you know I’d never force you into anything, I don’t feel right about it until you’re eighteen.”

  “Zach, I’ve read the Illinois law several times. The age of consent in Illinois is seventeen, so by law I can consent to a physical relationship with you.”

  He tweaked her nose, “I’ve read the law too. More than several times. You’re right, the legal age of consent is seventeen. However, it also states that a person eighteen or older, like me, can’t engage in sexual acts with someone under eighteen if in a position of authority or trust. I know there’s a lot of wiggle room in there, and I know you’re not going to press charges against me, but I’d just feel better about everything if we waited. My age, your age, me being a trusted family member, the closeness of our families even though we’re not technically related, it’s all just too much.”

  He kissed her again softly, “Besides, I don’t think we should fall right into bed. I want to take you out on dates, spend time with you, let ‘Zach and Zoey’ grow from childhood friends to adults. We’ve got plenty of time for more. Let’s get you to your birthday, then we can play it by ear.”

  He knew Zoey wasn’t happy with his words, but he also knew he wasn’t in a hurry. He was back home, Zoey in his arms, family by his side. He didn’t care if time stood still.

  Chapter 6

  Of course, time didn’t stand still.

  His cousin Decker and his new girlfriend, who used to be his twin’s girlfriend, lived through a chaotic few months with a dangerous, creepy stalker issue.

  His cousin Sawyer came out to the whole family, got the crap beat out of him when three homophobic bigots jumped him, and fell in love with Luke, the new martial arts instructor at The Center+.

  Zach enjoyed hanging out with Zoey and her brother, Asher. His youngest cousin was right at that stage where he wanted to do everything the older guys were doing, but didn’t want to appear like he was a tag-along.

  “Hey, are you coming over later to work in the garden with Zoey?” Asher asked, trying to appear nonchalant.

  “Yeah, I told her I’d help her out. You going to be there to help share in the misery?” Zach asked. Zoey loved to garden. She still had the great little plot he’d helped her build in her parents’ backyard where she could often be found on her knees, elbow-deep in the soil. Zach didn’t love gardening, but he knew it made her happy. Plus, she looked adorable in her floppy hat and cute little shorts.

  “Sure, I got nothin’ better to do so I’ll be here.” Asher shrugged.

  Zach, Zoey, and Asher spent many hours tending her garden and working on projects Asher needed to complete for school.

  “You guys want to come over tonight? We’ll get pizza and a movie. Invite Aly too.” Zach really wanted to spend the evening alone with Zoey, but he knew Asher wanted to come over, and his own sister, Aly, would be bent out of shape if she wasn’t invited.


  “Come on, Asher, let’s go get the pizza. The girls can stay here and gossip or whatever it is they like to do when we’re not around.” Zach grabbed his keys and winked at Zoey over Asher’s head as they headed toward the door.

  Once in the car, Zach could tell Asher was nervous about something.

  “What’s up, man? You got something on your mind?” Zach tried to be nonchalant.

  “I don’t know, man. It’s just something I’ve been thinking about, but I don’t want to cause problems.” Asher blushed.

  “Well, we can keep it just between the two of us if you’d rather. But, you can tell me what’s on your mind. In fact, I want you to know that you can always tell or ask me things. The only time I may have to break confidentiality is if you’re involved in something dangerous.” Zach knew he could get himself stuck right in the middle of some teen/parent issues, but he also wanted Asher to know he had a friend he could talk to.

  “It’s just that…I mean…,” Asher stuttered around a bit before blurting out, “You like my sister! And I’m having a real hard time getting my head around it.”

  Zach had often wondered what Asher’s take on their relationship was, so he wasn’t too caught off guard at the kid’s outburst.

  “I do like your sister, very much. Just like I like all of my family. But, I’m not going to try to pad my answer around you, you’re too smart for that. First, I need you to know something. Do you know that your mom, dad, you, and Zoey are in no way blood-related to my mom, dad, Aly, and me?” Zach figured the cousin thing was weighing on Asher the most.

  Asher wrinkled his brow as he thought over the information Zach had just presented.

  “What do you mean we’re not related? I’ve known everyone in our family as grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins my whole life.” Asher obviously doubted Zach.

  Pulling over to the side of the road, Zach popped the glove compartment and pulled out a napkin and a pen. He drew a very crude family tree and began labeling it. He knew seeing it doodled out in his notebooks for years had helped him to understand there was no blood relation.

  When he finished he handed it to Asher and let the kid do some deducing on his own.

  “So, Zoey and I are like second cousins to Decker, Sawyer, Abby, Megan, and Kendrick. But there’s no relation between us and you and Aly? Wow, I guess I’d never really thought about it, but you’re right.”

  Asher sat back against the seat and sighed in relief.

  “So, you’re good with me liking your sister now?” Zach was hopeful.

  “I don’t know, the guys at school have been giving me a rough time about my kissing cousins, but now that I know we’re not officially related maybe I can shut them up.” Asher shrugged.

  “Well, if that doesn’t shut them up, you and I can just happen by the ball courts sometime and be sure they all have a complete understanding of the matter. Not that it’s really any of their business, but I know what it’s like to have guys messing with you.” Zach glanced at Asher, and noticed the teen wasn’t completely relaxed.

  “What else is on your mind?” Zach eased the truck back onto the road as he spoke.

  “I don’t know, I guess I just wonder what happens if you and Zoey don’t work out. I mean, she’s my sister, so I sort of have to stick by her side, right? But, does that mean I lose you as a friend?” Asher mumbled in embarrassment.

  Zach’s heart swelled with pride and love for the kid. He’d missed a lot of Asher’s growing up years, but he appeared to have turned into a good kid.

  “Well, first, I’m glad to hear you say you’d stick by Zoey’s side like any good brother should do. Even when Aly is being a pain in the ass, I love her and stand by her. Although, as I’m standing there, I have to be honest that a lot of the times I’m wanting to kick her ass too.” Zach chuckled.

  “I hear ya, man. Not so much about my sister, but your sister truly is a bit of a pain. No offe
nse.” Asher added quickly.

  “None taken, you speak the truth.”

  They pulled into the pizza place. Zach handed Asher some money and told him to go pick up the order. Knowing how he used to think it was cool to be trusted to do the same when he was younger he hoped the young man would too.

  As they pulled back onto the road, Zach picked up the conversation where they’d ended it earlier.

  “On the topic of me and Zoey not working out, I have to tell you I don’t think that will be an issue. I’ve loved that girl since the moment she was born. I know it’s hard to understand, and Zoey and I can’t even completely explain our connection, but I’ve known she’s the girl for me since before I knew about boy/girl relationships.”

  He took a deep breath, not wanting to think about a time when he and Zoey weren’t together.

  “But, if something ever happened to split us up, I need you to know a couple things. One, I would never give up on Zoey without a damn hard fight. Two, even if she didn’t want to be with me, I would always be here for you. Even though it’s not blood-related, we’re family and we stick together through thick and thin.”

  When he looked at Asher he caught the glint of tears in the boy’s eyes. As they pulled into the driveway and the truck came to a stop, Zach held a fist out.

  “We’re cool, no matter what. You got me?”

  Asher nodded, swallowing thickly, and bumped his fist against Zach’s. “I got you.”


  Loud voices greeted them when they entered the front door.

  “And I’m telling you, I’m sick and tired of having to defend what Zach and I have! I love him, he loves me. Even if we were blood-related, which you’ve known for years we’re not, I’d still love him. I don’t get why you’re so against us being happy together. I thought we were best friends!” Zoey’s voice was raised to a level Zach hadn’t heard it in several years.

  He and Asher skirted the room where the girls were having their heated discussion, and proceeded to the kitchen.

  “Let’s get this all set up, let them yell themselves out, then continue our night.” Zach winked at Asher as they began getting ice in glasses.

  “Yeah, best friends, what a joke! The only reason you were ever willing to hang out with me, from the time we were little bitty until this exact moment right here, is because of Zach! I’m best friend by default, and I always have been. When Zach isn’t home, I’m good enough for you. But when he comes home, you drop me like a hot potato and go running to him. The only reason I’m invited here tonight is so my feelings wouldn’t be hurt.” Aly stopped yelling to catch a breath.

  When she continued, it was in a softer, hurt-laced voice. “Admit it, you wouldn’t have invited me tonight if you weren’t worried about hurting my feelings, would you?”

  Aly and Zoey stood facing each other, both breathing a bit heavier from their yelling match. Their heads whipped to the door of the room when Zach and Asher appeared in the doorway.

  “Hey ladies, the pizza is ready. Let’s eat, then maybe we can talk some things out?” Zach hoped his suggestion would be taken. If the girls started yelling again, he wasn’t sure what the next step would be.

  They ate an awkward dinner of pizza, chips, apple slices, and soda. Zach had thrown in the apple slices as good measure so any of the parents could rest assured they were getting healthy food.

  Zach and Asher attempted to keep the conversation going, but the girls weren’t talking much.

  When the last bit of pizza was finished and the meal was cleaned up, Zach leaned against the sink. Arms crossed over his chest, he chewed the inside of his cheek as he contemplated the girls.

  “Okay, so how are we going to do this? We can all talk together, or separately, but we are going to talk because I’m home for good and we’re not going to have this tension hanging in the air all the time.”

  Zach was usually a pretty easy going guy, but he didn’t like what his sister was doing. However, he couldn’t let on that he was irritated with his sister or all hell would break loose.

  Zach watched as Asher signaled he was going to go play video games for a while, and suddenly felt jealous of the kid for getting out of the conversation.

  “Oh, yeah, let’s let Zach and Zoey gang up on me. You two have been excluding me basically since birth, I really don’t want to do this right now.” Aly blustered as she fought tears.

  “Well, you know what? That’s just too dang bad, Aly. We are going to do this and we’re going to do this now. And we’ll keep doing this until you get over whatever this is.” Zoey spoke adamantly.

  Walking to the living room, Zach noticed that Zoey smartly chose to sit in a chair away from him.

  “Okay, Aly, first I need to say a couple things. One, I’m your brother and I love you. I’ll never stop loving you. Two, you know I’ve loved Zoey since the day she was born, this isn’t like a shocking new development. Three, I will continue to love Zoey and make a life with her whether you’re on our side or not, but I’d much rather have you with us.”

  Zach said his piece and then looked to Zoey while Aly attempted to hide her emotions over what her brother had said.

  “Aly, we have been friends since before we could even sit up. Our moms have pictures to prove it. Yes, I love Zach and I plan to spend the rest of my life with him, but that doesn’t mean I don’t love you too. You’re not just filler, you’re my best girlfriend. No matter how great he is, Zach and I aren’t going to giggle over chocolate and magazine quizzes, or get manicures and pedicures while sipping lattes, or hit the mall for mega clearance sales. I choose to spend my time with you doing those things because I enjoy my time with you. But, I gotta be honest, Al, right now I’m not enjoying you much at all.” Zoey finished her words softly.

  “Well, join the crowd, because I’m not enjoying you much at all right now either. I love you, Zoey. And I love my brother. Maybe I am sad we aren’t truly cousins? I don’t know. But, I get so tired of watching you run off to spend time together. I get it, you have this fabulous relationship that no one, not even you, can really explain. But, as an outsider forced to look in, it just sucks.”

  Aly stood and grabbed her bag. “I want us to work through this, but I think emotions are just too high right now. I’ll see you guys later.”

  When Aly was gone, Zoey curled up on Zach’s lap.

  “I think she’s always been jealous, but I don’t know how to fix it. I wish she could see that I can be friends with both of the most important people in my life, I don’t have to pick one over another.” Zoey sighed deeply.

  “I know. I think maybe we just have to give her some time. Maybe make some special plans to spend time with just her?” Zach suggested.

  “Part of me thinks that’s a good idea, but part of me thinks it just feeds into her immature whiney behavior. I love her, I truly do, but sometimes she makes me so mad.” Zoey stopped and looked at him sheepishly. “Sorry, I know it’s hard to hear that about your own sister.”

  “No sorry needed. I’ll tell you just like I told Asher: you are only speaking the truth.” Zach kissed the top of her head and wondered where this thing with the girls would go.

  Chapter 7

  Zach wandered into his sister’s room. It had been about a week since her argument with Zoey, and he knew both girls were missing each other.

  “Hey, Aly, what’s up?” He plopped onto her bed.

  “Nothing. What’s up with you?” Aly put her e-reader down and looked at her brother.

  “Just thought I’d pop in and see how you’re doing.” Zach hedged a bit, trying to gauge her mood.

  “Also thought I’d mention that I know a certain sweet girl is also home today, not doing much, and would probably be up for a visit from her best friend.”

  “Well then, you better get on over there.” Aly snapped.

  “Dang it, Al, you know darn well I’m talking about you going to see Zoey. You two are about as different as two people can be, but you love each other. I
hate to see you fight and throw away a friendship.”

  “Zach, it’s just really hard. I’m so glad to have you home, but now it’s like I’ve become the third wheel all over again. And this time it’s worse than before you left because Zoey is old enough to be with you, she’s not having to wait, and I’m feeling extremely jealous of what you two have.” Aly’s eyes welled with tears.

  “Aly, you don’t need to think of it as losing your friend. I plan to keep Zoey by my side from here on out, you’re gaining a sister more than losing a friend. You’ve always known we were joined at the hip, I really hope you can be happy for us.” Zach stood to leave. “Text her and let her know you’d like a quiet evening with her. I’ll stay away for tonight.”

  As her brother left the room, Aly noticed her dad in the hallway.

  “What are you doing lurking out there, Daddy?”

  Nicky stopped in the doorway, “I’m not lurking, I was just waiting for Zach to leave.” He came in and hugged her close.

  Sitting next to her on the bed, Nicky was quiet for a moment.

  “I know you and Zoey had a fight. I don’t like to think of any of my family mad at each other.” Nicky’s brow furrowed.

  “We’re not so much mad at each other, we are just having a hard time adjusting to Zach being back home.”

  “I think you’re the one having the hard time. I know you’ve gotten used to having Zoey all to yourself for four years, and now you’re having to learn to share her with Zach all over again. You’re sort of like a baby with a toy, and you don’t want to share your toy.” Nicky wasn’t trying to hurt his daughter, he was just speaking his mind as usual.

  “Gee, thanks, Daddy.”

  “But, you’re not a baby anymore. Babies don’t understand that it’s more fun to play together. You’re almost an adult, you should know that you can still have Zoey as a friend even though she’s old enough to be with Zach now.” Nicky paused. “You should really get used to the idea of sharing your friend before you lose her.”


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