Zach (Torey Hope: The Later Years #3)

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Zach (Torey Hope: The Later Years #3) Page 6

by A. D. Ellis

  Nicky started to get up, but Aly stopped him.

  “Daddy, are you okay with Zach and Zoey being a couple?” Aly cocked her head.

  “Yes, I’m okay with it. I don’t think real cousins should be in a relationship like that, but they aren’t really related. I don’t really know why those two have always been so close, but I know you can’t help who you love. I don’t think Zach could find anyone better for him. And, aside from you and your mom, I’m not sure there’s any more special girl than Zoey.” Nicky leaned in and kissed his daughter’s head.

  “I think you should go spend an evening with your friend.” Nicky winked and headed down the hall.

  Aly grabbed her phone and contemplated sending Zoey a text. In the end, she just grabbed a bag and headed over to the Martin home. She’d been going over there for sleepovers her entire life, she knew she’d be welcomed. Well, at least she hoped she would.

  When she arrived, Zoey’s father, Kyle, met her at the door.

  “Aly, good to see you. What brings you by?” Kyle ushered her into the kitchen.

  Aly had to smile at the man. He’d always marched to the beat of a different drummer, yet was one of the most down-to-earth, soft-hearted men she’d ever met. On this day, his hair was dyed multi-colors and swept all to one side of his head. She admired the newest tattoo on his arm.

  “I didn’t know you’d gotten new ink. I swear, I can’t wait until I turn eighteen so I can have you do my first tattoo.” Aly smiled as Kyle rolled his eyes.

  “Well, you get permission from your parents, I need to know Nicky won’t hold it against me. Then we’ll get something set up.”

  Aly’s eyes were drawn to the backyard where she saw her best friend digging in her garden.

  Kyle noticed where Aly had looked. “She’s missing you. She’s a stubborn one and won’t admit it, but she doesn’t like not having you around.”

  “Well, I think we’re probably both a little bit too stubborn for our own good.” Aly sighed.

  “She’ll probably be out there for a bit longer. Would you like to hear a story?” Kyle offered.

  “A story? Well, I’m not exactly a child anymore, but sure I’ll listen to your story.” Aly smirked.

  “This isn’t a children’s story, Aly. This is a very real-life story with a powerful lesson. I’m telling it to you in hopes of saving you some of the heartache I went through.” Kyle handed Aly a bottle of water, and then settled against the sink to tell his tale.

  “I was in love with a girl named Isabelle. I called her Izzy B. She was a rebel, just like me. We fell in love from the first moment we met as children. We grew up together, forever in love. I married that girl, my Izzy. We were happy, we were best friends. And then, for reasons I will never understand, she was ripped from my life and I sank into a darkness I thought I’d never be able to fight my way through.”

  Kyle paused to take a drink.

  Aly knew Kyle was married before Josie, but she’d never heard the details. Her heart hurt for his loss.

  “But, I moved to Torey Hope to live with Jeremiah and Audrey, and I met Josie. I was in so much pain. I never wanted to forget Izzy or move on from her. I thought if I ever let myself love someone else it was like I was giving up on the first girl I ever loved, the girl I pledged my heart to. But, over time, thanks to the love and support of friends and family and Izzy herself, I realized I could love in many different capacities. I can love my parents, my friends, and my children in different, but equal, ways. Just like I can love Josie without forgetting Izzy.” Kyle gazed out the window and watched his daughter work in her garden.

  “That girl out there is my heart and soul. Yes, she’s stubborn. But she’s also capable of loving several people in several separate but equal ways. She’s got a big heart and plenty of love to go around. Just because she’s in love with that brother of yours doesn’t mean she can’t love you too. Let her show you; let her love you; don’t fight it. She’s got it in her to love you both, no worries.” Kyle pulled a teary Aly into a hug.

  “Kyle, are you okay with Zoey being with my brother?”

  “Aly, I’m as okay with it as a father can be. Do I want to think about the intimate details of your brother and my baby girl? Hell no. But, do I know that Zach would lay down his life for that girl just the same as I would? Yes, I know that with all of my heart. I have never understood their connection to each other, but there’s no denying they have something special. If I had to pick a man to love my daughter, I could think of no one better suited for the job than Zach.”

  They shared one last hug as Zoey cleaned up her tools in the garden and washed her hands.

  When she entered the kitchen and found Aly talking to her dad, she smiled warily.

  “Hey, girl. What’s up?”

  “Not much, just thought I’d come over and hang out. If you’re not busy?” Aly offered timidly.

  “Nah, I’m all yours. Let me shower and then we can plan the evening.” Walking to her father, Zoey kissed his cheek and asked a silent question with her eyes.

  “Hey there, Zoey Belle. You and Aly have fun tonight, huh? Let’s just not have a repeat of the drinking episode. Unless you both are feeling the need to pull bathroom duty at The Center+ again?” Kyle winked at the girls.

  Leaning in to kiss his daughter’s cheek, he whispered, “I just reminded her that people can love more than one at a time, you just need to prove it to her.”

  The girls spent their evening talking, giggling, and eating junk. But there was a tension between them, an elephant in the room.

  Zoey didn’t bring up the subject of Zach and neither did Aly. She wanted the night to be just them; they could always discuss the argument and their feelings later. But the thing about putting tough conversations off until later is that life sometimes gets in the way.

  Chapter 8

  “There’s my favorite girl.” Zach walked into the studio at The Center+ to find Zoey straightening things up after her last pilates class. He glanced around to be sure no one was watching them, then pulled her into his arms and shuffled them around the corner into the dressing room. His mouth brushed hers lightly as his arms tightened around her.

  “Do you know how many years I’ve dreamed of being able to take you in my arms and kiss you? Now that I can, I don’t think I’ll ever be able to stop.” He caught her giggle with his kiss and pulled her close.

  Zoey ran her hands through his hair and smiled, her eyes bright, “That’s good, because I don’t think I ever want you to stop.” She pulled his head down so his lips could meet hers again. The kiss started sweet, but quickly reached a fevered pitch. Zoey groaned as his tongue slipped past her lips. He let his hands travel under her form-fitting shirt, sparks flying when skin met skin.

  Knowing he should stop, knowing he couldn’t let the kiss go any further, Zach let his lips linger for a few moments longer and willed the evidence of his desire to stop nudging Zoey’s abdomen.

  Before he could think of anything to calm himself down, Zoey reached down and palmed him in her tiny hand.

  Biting her lip and turning emerald eyes up to meet his, she whispered, “I may not have any practice with what to do when I finally get my hands on you, but I sure am looking forward to learning.”

  The little imp had brought him roaring back to life, and he growled before taking her mouth with his again. Rocking his erection against her hand, he ground out against her ear, “And I can’t wait to give you lessons, but based on what you’ve got me feeling right now, I think you’ll be a very quick learner.” His head dipped to taste her mouth again, but their moment was shattered.

  “Shit! What the fuckin’ fuck?! My eyes, my eyes!” Kendrick came around the corner to find them hidden away. After his little outburst, he held his hands over his eyes and pretended to be blind. “Quick, someone get the bleach, my eyes must be bleached if I’m ever to regain my sight.” He continued walking into walls and bouncing off of them as he spoke.

  “Haha, fucker. Yeah, you ca
ught us, knock that shit off.” Zach punched his cousin in the arm. “I don’t know why you’re acting so surprised, you’ve been on me for months about what was going on with me and Zoey.”

  Pretending to peek from behind his hands, Kendrick winced when he saw Zach still held Zoey in his arms. “Giving you shit about something and actually seeing what I suspected for a while are two very different things. My poor innocent mind may never recover from what I just saw. One of my best friends, my cousin, shoving his tongue down the throat of my dear Zoey Belle.”

  Walking over to the couple, Kendrick pulled Zoey close and ran his hands over her as if checking for injuries. “Zoey, talk to me, are you okay? Did he hurt you? How ever did you fight off his tongue?”

  When Zoey giggled and slapped at his hands, Kendrick laughed and stepped away.

  “All joking aside, I’m happy for you guys.” Kendrick looked around as if noticing the three of them were hidden in a corner. “I take it I’m the first to have seen a Zach and Zoey make out session?”

  Zach nodded and pulled Zoey protectively to his chest. “It’s not that we’re denying we’re a couple, we just aren’t letting others see us physically together until after Zoey’s birthday, especially here at work or in public. Around family is a bit different.”

  “Well, there’s no denying you two are a couple; you’ve been a couple since Zoey was still taking shits in her diaper.”

  Kendrick winked at her when she groaned in protest of his description. “But, yeah you and Jail Bait better keep this all on the down low. Don’t want any rumors or issues cropping up.”

  Kendrick took a glance towards Zach’s zipper, “Speaking of that…dude, you better get the problem cropping up in your pants to get down low before we head into the meeting.”

  Zach rolled his eyes and Zoey snickered.

  “Zoey, you joining in the meeting? I think it would be good to have your input since you’re working here almost full time now.” Kendrick held out his arm to her.

  Zach nodded to her. “Go ahead with Kendrick, I’m going to take a minute to make myself presentable.” He smirked at them and rolled his eyes again as he watched his favorite girl walk away with one of his very best friends. Kendrick was crude, and crass, and crazy; you never knew what would come out of his mouth, but he was also genuine, loyal, and protective. Zach knew he couldn’t ask for a better friend or cousin.

  When he walked into the small men’s locker room just off the studio, he was too preoccupied with thoughts of Zoey to notice a shadowy figure behind the door. No one saw the figure slip from the locker room and out the side exit of The Center+. And no one saw the hatred that filled the man’s face.


  The meeting ran as usual with all the main people there. Jeremiah Jordan and Nate Morgan had accepted more silent roles since the four younger men had come back to Torey Hope to run The Center+. Decker Morgan ran the meeting with help from his assistant manager, Katie Turner.

  Josie and Sawyer and Luke spoke to the group about the arts programs, what was running well, what needed a little more publicity, and what was on the agenda later on down the road. They welcomed Zoey into the group, and thanked her for her dedication to the classes she’d been teaching. Zoey took a brief moment to tell them about things she had in mind to expand the fitness programs as she continued to take classes and work toward becoming a physical trainer.

  Kendrick had spent much of the months they’d been back in town scouting out players, putting out feelers with the local coaches in Torey Hope and surrounding communities, and building his sports programs. He’d get things started with football, then a basketball program, and he’d round out for the time being with baseball. The hope would be these programs would run during the off seasons and also provide extra skill work during the seasons so The Center+ would have an excellent feeder program to build the local and regional school sports programs. He had his coaches and assistant coaches hired, and they were all itching to get things started.

  Zach took a moment to speak to the group about the advertising successes they’d had recently, what was working, what needed tweaked, and what he had planned. When the boys came back to Torey Hope, The Center already had a couple large financial backers, but the cousins had immediately pulled a couple more supporters on board, changed the name to The Center+, and were now looking at three other lucrative deals which would keep the business afloat for several years to come.

  With the meeting over and no other classes to teach, Zoey was done for the day. Zach had been counting on her finishing up early because he had plans for their next couple days.

  When she walked into his office, he immediately closed the door and gathered her in his arms. “If I’m dreaming, I don’t want to wake up. Having you sitting in meetings with me while I do what I love is beyond a dream come true. Having you walk into my office and me be able to hold you and kiss you is perfection.” He leaned in and kissed her lips softly.

  Pulling back, he smiled at her. “Please tell me you don’t have any plans this weekend.”

  “I don’t have any plans this weekend.” Zoey mimicked.

  “Little smart ass.” He tweaked her nose.

  “Well, that’s good, because we are going to spend the entire weekend together. I’ve already cleared it with Decker so we don’t have to be here all weekend. And, I took it upon myself to clear it with your parents too.”

  Zoey’s eyes grew round and her mouth dropped into a little O.

  He reached up and gently closed her mouth. “No worries, pretty girl.”

  “What did they say when you said you wanted to spend the weekend with me?”

  “Well, your mom blushed and smiled at your dad. Then your dad tried to look tough, but he finally just cracked up laughing and said, ‘I can’t even attempt to be angry. I know you love our girl, and we know you’d never do anything to hurt her. Just remember she’s a lot younger than you. We trust you both, don’t do anything to lose that trust.’”

  “Wow, nothing like laying on the guilt, huh?” Zoey smirked.

  “Yeah, well, they’re right. I don’t ever want to hurt you or lose your or their trust.” He kissed her again.

  “Go home, pack for the weekend, and I’ll be there to pick you up in an hour. You’ll need comfortable clothes, workout clothes, and clothes you don’t care if they get dirty. Bring a nicer outfit too. Oh, and sunscreen. Wouldn’t want you to get that pretty little nose burned.”

  He tapped her nose, kissed her cheek, and ushered her out the door. “One hour. Be ready.”

  Zoey looked at him, smiling. “This is really happening, isn’t it? You’re home, we’re together, and we finally get to be Zach and Zoey the couple instead of the friends.”

  She leaned in and whispered, “I know this is usually saved for a huge dramatic announcement, but for us it’s the way it’s always been. I love you, Zachary Malone Morgan.” She kissed him quickly, and then waved her fingers at him as she walked away.

  He shut the door, leaned against the door, closed his eyes, and sighed. “I love you too, Zoey Belle.”


  Zoey climbed into Zach’s dark red Ford F150 truck, and he shut the door behind her before walking to his own side to climb in. He’d always opened doors for females, his mom and dad had taught him that at a young age, but being able to open the door for Zoey as his girl meant more.

  She bounced excitedly on the seat.

  “You seem pretty hyped up, pretty girl.” Zach laughed at her. “We aren’t flying to Paris or anything.”

  He reached over and pulled her close to his side. Leaning in to kiss her head, he whispered, “Someday I’ll take you somewhere exotic. Promise.”

  She pushed away from him slightly and cocked her head. “Zach, you know I don’t need exotic locations, I just need to be near you. If you told me right now that you were taking me to the gas station for a fountain soda pop and candy bar, I’d be thrilled. Just being with you is all that matters to me.”

sp; She kissed his cheek, “Please don’t ever forget that.”

  He turned and caught her lips in his. Bringing his hand up to cup the back of her head, he angled her for better access. The heat which grew between them threatened to end the trip before it even left the driveway.

  A loud knock on the window had them jumping like they’d been shocked with a hot poker. Zoey screamed and then laughed, hiding her head in Zach’s shoulder.

  Zach, fearing who was at the window of his truck, turned slowly while his cheeks tinted pink.

  When he found both Kyle and Josie standing at his driver side with their eyebrows raised, he slowly rolled the window down.

  And waited.

  Waited for what seemed like ages before one of them spoke.

  “Are you two planning on going on your little trip or are you just going to make out in my driveway? I gotta tell you, if you’re just going to make out I may have to rescind my blessing on this trip. I won’t spoil your surprise, but you told me this wasn’t just an excuse to get Zoey alone with you, and I believed you. Does that still stand?” Kyle wasn’t truly mad, everyone could tell that, but he did look a little put off by finding his daughter with Zach’s tongue halfway down her throat.

  “Yes, sir. I still have the same plans I told you about. I appreciate you not ruining the surprises I have for our girl here. I assure you, nothing more than what you saw is planned for this weekend. I’m sorry, I know it’s got to be hard to see us go from best friends to something more. But, you’ve got to know that I love this girl with my entire being, always have, always will. We’ve waited for so long for our ages to be more appropriate, we just got a little overwhelmed and caught up just now.”

  Zach was being genuine and he didn’t come across as patronizing or smarmy, but everyone saw exactly why Zach was such a good advertising agent within The Center+. The guy could sell ice to Eskimos.

  “Sorry, Daddy, Momma. We’ll be good, promise. You know I’ve been counting down the days until I can call Zach my boyfriend. Having him home and mine is a dream come true. Thank you for allowing us to have this weekend.”


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