Zach (Torey Hope: The Later Years #3)

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Zach (Torey Hope: The Later Years #3) Page 11

by A. D. Ellis

  Zoey hesitated momentarily, then joined in the hug.

  “I love you, Aly. I just want us to all be happy. I want my friend back.” Zoey whispered in her ear.

  “I don’t know why I’m so angry and upset about this. I promise I’ll try harder. I miss being around all of you, I just don’t want to be the third wheel or the one to bring everyone down.” Aly sniffled as she spoke, fighting away the tears.

  The girls spent the next hour laughing hysterically about the bag of sex toys, and the look on Kendrick’s face as Zoey put him in his place.

  Leaving Aly’s house that night, Zoey felt like they were in a better place. For the time being.

  Chapter 12

  “Okay, so we’re all set, right?” Zach talked to the guys in Decker’s office at lunchtime.

  “Yep, family birthday dinner at the Captain’s house Thursday night. Cousins only party at our place on Friday night. Then Zoey is officially eighteen on Sunday.” Kendrick wagged his eyebrows suggestively.

  “What about Asher? Is he invited to the cousin party?” Zach questioned.

  “Yeah, Josie and Kyle said he could come, but they want him to leave at 10:00pm. So that gives him time to hang out, feel like a big guy, then we can really turn loose after he leaves.” Kendrick answered.

  “If by ‘really turn loose’ you mean cuss a little more and maybe drink a little, that’s fine. But we aren’t throwing a sexed-up kegger for an eighteen year old’s birthday party. No orgies, Kendrick.” Decker’s voice held a warning.

  “A few more curse words, a little drinking, no orgying, got it.” Kendrick winked at them all.

  “Is ‘orgying’ even a word?” Sawyer asked.

  “I just made it one. To orgy or not to orgy. We orgied in the past. We are orgying tonight. We will be orgying next week. I like it, it works for me.” Kendrick waved as he left the office laughing.

  “That man isn’t right.” Zach shook his head.

  “No, no he’s not.” Decker agreed.

  After a few moments in which all three men contemplated their cousin’s antics, Sawyer cleared his throat and changed the subject.

  “Okay, so what do we need to do for Friday night? Luke and I will make something for Thursday’s dinner, but what’s needed most for the cousin party?”

  “Well, the Captain and Janie said to just bring whatever on Thursday. They will provide the main meal, but everyone else can bring sides or desserts. But, for Friday, I thought we’d do something easy like pizza. I guess it should be BYOB. Zach, as long as Zoey’s staying at the house, I don’t mind her drinking a little, but let’s make sure it stays to a minimum.” Decker spoke. Could you ever really change a control freak?

  “I agree. I know she’s had some alcohol before, but I don’t want it going overboard. And I especially don’t need Aly getting toasted; you think she’s annoying sober, just wait until she’s drunk.”

  “Luke and I will do a veggie and fruit tray.” Sawyer was writing down a list so he could tell Luke what he’d volunteered them for.

  Kendrick came back in whistling.

  “Zach, you need to make those crispy rice treats. A triple batch. I don’t know why yours are so much better, but you blow everyone else’s out of the water.”

  Zach eyed his cousin to see if he was joking. When it was clear that he wasn’t, Zach shrugged his shoulders and agreed to make the treats.

  “Oh, I talked to Grandma Janie, she’s doing cupcakes for the family party and a small cake for the cousin party.” Decker read through his list.

  “Wait, is any of this a surprise? Does Zoey know these plans?” Sawyer questioned.

  “Do you actually think a surprise can be kept secret in this family?” Zach retorted.

  “I don’t know, Sawyer kept his ‘I like cock’ surprise secret for quite a while.” Kendrick pointed out.

  “Only one other person knew that secret, way too many people know this one. So I’m assuming it’s not a surprise, right?” Sawyer laughed and rolled his eyes.

  “Right, no surprise. Just bring what you’re supposed to, when you’re supposed to, and all will go fine.” Decker nodded, and their impromptu lunchtime meeting ended.


  Zach looked around the room at his entire family. Sometimes he had to stop and remind himself that his family situation was quite different than some. A family as large as the Morgan, Jordan, Martin clan was bound to have disagreements, and they’d had their share over the years. From the grandparents arguing with the parents, to the parents disagreeing with each other about the kids, to the kids having brawls during a backyard game of football, or the tiff that Aly and Zoey were having, all of those things happened and were normal. But, as he looked around at the love and laughter on each family member’s face, and knew they were all here just to enjoy the company and wish Zoey a happy birthday, it made his heart warm and a smile come to his face. He wanted to keep the image in his mind, and never take his good fortune for granted.

  “The food looks great, Captain and Janie.” Kendrick gave his grandparents a hug, before moving on to his Grandparents Morgan and Grandparents Jordan.

  Pausing to whisper loudly at Zach and Sawyer, he quipped, “Although, I’m pretty sure Zach’s more in the mood for a certain taco, and Sawyer would rather be having hot dogs and buns.”

  “Lord, Kendrick, you really need to get new material when it comes to your sexual innuendos with food, son.” Audrey bopped him on the head and just shook her head.

  They were missing a few people, but still needed to seat twenty-one bodies. As was usual over the years, the ‘kids’ gravitated toward one table and the ‘grown ups’ staked another. Laughter and good food was plentiful as it always was during their get togethers.

  After the dinner dishes were done, Kendrick announced it was time for a game in the basement. Once everyone was gathered, he began the instructions.

  “Okay, so life pretty much sucks and everything turns to shit.”

  Everyone seated around the large all-purpose room looked at Kendrick with wondering eyes. Jeremiah and Audrey Jordan observed their son curiously, a flash of worry darkening both of their faces.

  “I mean, yeah, we’ve got it great in this family, but overall the world is a fucked up place. Bad people do bad things. Good people get screwed. It’s all a part of life.” Kendrick spouted his words in a very un-Kendrick-like way.

  “Son, is this little motivational speech part of the game?” The Captain quirked an eyebrow.

  Staring off into space momentarily, Kendrick appeared to gather himself.

  Zach and Zoey, and most of the others in the room, gave each other looks that seemed to say What the hell was that? Only Jeremiah and Audrey didn’t seem confused, they just seemed concerned.

  There was no time to dwell on the weirdness because Kendrick had started the game instructions.

  “Okay, this is a combo of drawing and acting. You can draw your clues, or act out your clues, or combine the two. The only thing is no talking. And everything your team decides to draw/act has to be somehow related to the family. For example, a simple one would be drawing an Army uniform, a fishing pole, and acting like you were marching or saluting. Everyone would guess the answer is the Captain. You can go easy with answers being a person, or you can choose a phrase, or an event. Just write the type of clue on the paper when you begin so we can all see it. Points go to the teams who guess the clue, and the team playing the clue gets points if someone guesses correctly too. Okay, my team is me, Aly, and Asher, the rest of you losers are on your own. Team up!”

  Zach smiled as he realized Kendrick had done what Kendrick did best. Taken the serious attention off himself, and helped out the two people in the room who were probably the most self-conscious of being alone. But, Zach was pretty sure Kendrick’s little outburst hadn’t been forgotten by most in the room.

  The teams consisted of mostly couples, although there was a bit of switching. Decker and Sawyer teamed up, while Katie and Luke were a pair.
Libby and Audrey started planning their clues immediately, which left Jeremiah and Nate to shrug their shoulders and be a team.

  Over the next two hours, hilarity ensued as clue after clue was drawn and acted out.

  The Captain and Janie got points when someone guessed “The Cakery”.

  Jack and Judy won their round when their word “grandchildren” was guessed.

  John and Cindy earned points for drawing and acting out “love”.

  When it was Nicky and Carly’s turn, Nicky whispered excitedly in her ear, and she just laughed. Nicky wrote “phrase” on the paper. Then he walked around with his stomach protruding, rubbing his back. Carly giggled, then helped him to the floor where he panted, and made the most awful faces.

  Zach had heard all the stories about his dad being obsessed with Nate and Libby having babies in the past, way before he himself was born, so he figured it out pretty quickly. From the laughter floating around the circle of family, so did everyone else. But, because they all knew how much Nicky was enjoying himself, they let him play the clue out.

  He pretended to wipe his brow, and breathed what appeared to be a sigh of relief. Then he graciously took the item Carly pretended to hand to him. He rocked it back and forth in his arms. When he started to lift his shirt to act out breastfeeding, Nate interrupted quickly.

  “Whoa there, I think I’ve got it! Is it ‘having a baby’?” Nate couldn’t keep the grin from his face when he offered his answer.

  Nicky nodded his head enthusiastically. “Yes! I knew you guys would get it right! It’s what I used to always talk about.”

  Decker and Sawyer earned points, and plenty of groans from the group, when they drew clues for the phrase “Sawyer is gay.”

  By the last round, however, Kendrick’s team with Asher and Aly had pretty much run away with the game.

  “Okay, we could actually quit now, since my team is ahead, but I have one more clue for all you wonderful people.” Kendrick wrote the word phrase on the paper and began drawing the clues while Aly and Asher acted them out.

  In the end, it was clear that Decker, Sawyer, Katie, Luke, Zach, and Zoey all knew what the phrase was, but none of them would say it.

  Zach took Zoey’s hand, and leaned in to whisper in her ear. She nodded her head yes.

  Zach looked around at the group, and realized quickly that everyone had figured out the phrase, but no one wanted to out the couple if it wasn’t what they wanted.

  “So, thanks Kendrick, for that awkward opening into telling everyone. I think.” Zach darted slightly frustrated eyes at his cousin, and laughed a bit nervously.

  “What? It’s not like we don’t all know you two are in love. And this was as good as time as any to make it official.” Kendrick nodded his head at the two.

  “Okay, so the phrase Kendrick was getting at is Zach and Zoey are dating. I don’t think this is really a surprise to most of you, you all know I’ve loved her since the very beginning. We just didn’t want to make it weird on anyone if you see me kiss her or something.” Zach took a deep breath and pulled Zoey close to his side.

  It was a move he’d made a thousand times over the years, but it was different now. It meant the same, yet it meant something very different.

  Smiles, nods of approval, and tears filled the room.

  It wasn’t as if Zach had expected resistance or disapproval, he just wasn’t sure how the older generation would feel about watching them grow up together as friends, and then turn into something more.

  “Starting out as friends is the best foundation you can build.” Grandma Cindy hugged them both then scurried to get plates and napkins ready.

  “You have a whole history together, and a whole future to create as well.” Patting their cheeks, Grandma Judy headed to get the coffee started.

  “Don’t ever let anyone make you feel that what you have is wrong. Your love is beautiful, and true, and forever.” Grandma Janie grasped their hands before going to plate the cupcakes.

  “See, that went well. You’re welcome.” Kendrick stood behind them and pulled them both into a bear hug.

  He was right, it had gone well. They hadn’t been purposely hiding anything, they just hadn’t made out in front of many family members yet, and they didn’t want to shock anyone. Kendrick made it easy. But, it still felt a little strange to kiss her with all the grandpas sitting around.

  Zach glanced around at the room, and saw that no one was paying any attention to them.

  His heart warmed at how she instinctively curled into him when he put his arm around her shoulders.

  When her face lifted to his with a smile, everyone else in the room disappeared.

  “Whatcha thinkin’, pretty girl?” He brushed a kiss against her lips.

  “That I really want a cupcake.” She giggled.

  Throwing his head back in laughter, he tipped her chin up. “Is that all you’re thinking about?”

  “Mmm, cupcakes and my birthday. Specifically what we can do after my birthday.” She let her lips touch his lightly as she spoke in a whisper.

  “After? Oh, hell no. Saturday night, midnight.”

  They both laughed, knowing her birthday falling on Sunday wasn’t the most convenient for what they had planned.

  “In all seriousness, Zoey, Sunday isn’t going to work out because of church and family stuff. You know we’ll all be together most of the day. And I don’t want anything to be rushed, so something during the week seems too forced. I’m definitely not asking your dad if we can go out of town again. The first time, he knew I was protecting your virtue and all that. This time, he’s likely to castrate me before agreeing to me taking his little girl to a hotel room out of town.”

  Zach shuddered as he thought of it.

  Laughing, Zoey nodded, “You’re right. Let’s just play it by ear and see what happens. We don’t need a specific plan, it would feel too much like prom night.”

  “Whoa, what kind of plan did you have on your prom night?” Zach leaned back from her, pretending to be shocked.

  Smacking him in the chest, she giggled, “Not me, you goof. I just heard a lot of my friends planning perfect prom night sex, and I always thought that nothing good was ever going to come from it. Too much planning, too many expectations, too much pressure.”

  They fell silent for a moment, just cuddling on the couch while they lovingly watched their family around them. All was good.

  “Want to get that cupcake now?” Zach stood and reached his hand down to pull her up.

  “Mmmm, yes.” She licked her lips.

  Zach wasn’t sure if the move was meant to be seductive, but he had to adjust himself while walking up the stairs so his grandmothers wouldn’t notice the bulge behind his zipper.

  Chapter 13

  Opening the door to her car as she left work, Zoey could only smile as her eyes landed on the huge bouquet of flowers. Sliding a finger under the flap of the card, she felt her smile grow bigger.

  To the most beautiful girl in the world. Happy birthday.

  Taking the flowers in when she reached home, and laying the card on the table, Zoey all but bounded out the door when Zach pulled in about fifteen minutes later. Stopping to hug her parents, she spoke to them about the plans.

  “We are having pizza, veggies, fruit, cake, and other goodies. Probably playing games or watching scary movies. Asher will be home a little after 10:00pm. Someone will bring him home. There will be some drinking going on while he’s there, but only by those in the group who are legal. I plan on sleeping over at the guys’ house, mainly because it appears that everyone else is. I may drink, but I won’t drive, and the guys will keep me safe.”

  Josie and Kyle hugged her close. Each of them kissing her head.

  Zach, sat in his truck for a few minutes and watched them. He knew from the look in their eyes, they were picturing her as a newborn baby, and probably wondering how she was turning eighteen in just a few days. It was clear they trusted Zoey, and knew she was more responsible than most, b
ut he got the feeling that watching your child grow up and spread her wings was a very bittersweet emotion.

  Zach climbed from the truck.

  Shaking Kyle’s hand, he smiled a bit.

  “There may be some drinking, but we won’t have a replay of the last time Zoey and Aly got hold of liquor. No worries, I’ll guard her with my life. And Asher, too. We all love that kid, and feel like we missed out on some of his growing up years while we were in college. So, we like having him around. We’ll be on our good behavior.” Zach assured his pseudo aunt and uncle.

  “Just your good behavior? I thought guys who wanted to take my daughter to their home for a party and sleepover would be promising best behavior.” Kyle quirked a pierced eyebrow, and flicked the metal ring in his lip with his tongue.

  If Zach didn’t know the man, didn’t know he was just trying to give him a hard time, he’d be petrified of the tattoos, piercings, dyed hair, and tough guy persona. But, he knew that Kyle Martin marched to the beat of his own drummer and had a heart of gold. Not that he’d ever want to piss him off by screwing with his family, but he knew the man was just joking.

  “Well, I can promise good behavior. I didn’t go as far as saying best behavior, because we are talking about Kendrick in this equation. I make no promises where he’s concerned.” Zach just shook his head.

  “Point made. Understood. You all have a good evening. We’ll be here if you need anything. Probably having hot, kinky sex, so make sure it’s important if you need to call.” Kyle wagged his eyebrows.

  Asher came in on the very end of the conversation, and had to cover his ears.

  “Gross, Dad! Don’t say things like that. You’re going to have to pay for my therapy.” Asher walked away, hands still covering his ears.

  Zach laughed at Kyle’s words, Zoey rolled her eyes, and Josie fought the blush that threatened to stain her cheeks at her husband’s statement.

  Once they were all loaded in the truck, Zoey slid over close to Zach, placing a kiss on his cheek.

  “Oh God, no. Dad’s talking about hot, kinky, sex with my mom, and you guys are practically making out in front of me. For the love of all that’s holy, please stop.” Asher groaned from the extended cab.


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