Time Stands Still (Forever and Ever #51)

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Time Stands Still (Forever and Ever #51) Page 7

by E. L. Todd


  I stumbled into the ER with a t-shirt soaked in blood. I just reached the counter when I collapsed.

  “Get him into the emergency room.” A nurse rushed to me on the floor and ripped my shirt right down the middle. “A stab wound right along his chest. Loss of blood. He needs a transfusion immediately.”

  My mind became blurry and I couldn’t think straight. My eyes fell and the darkness descended. I promised Scarlet I would come back to her and I had to keep the promise. I had to survive.

  I had to keep going.

  Chapter Fourteen


  The sun was high in the sky by the time we returned the helicopter to the airport. Mike landed us on the helipad then killed the engine. The propellers came to a stop immediately.

  Mike and I hadn’t slept in nearly seventy-two hours. We were both exhausted from lack of sleep, but our bodies kept pushing forward. The despair outweighed the fatigue.

  I didn’t unfasten my safety belt because I was too depressed to even move. We search the water for hours and found nothing. Our friends and family kept calling and asking for news.

  We’d stalled long enough.

  “Scarlet, I’m sure he’s okay,” Mike said. “Once the bid opens I’ll buy him.”

  What if that didn’t work either? Sean was supposed to escape that plane but he failed. What if the next plan failed too? He made a promise to me and he better keep it. If he didn’t…I wouldn’t know how to life on without him.

  “Hey.” Mike grabbed my hand and gently rubbed his thumb over my knuckles. “We’ll figure it out. Don’t give up on me now.”

  “I’m scared…” I wasn’t ashamed to admit it. I needed to be strong for Roland but I couldn’t. The despair was covering me like a heavy storm cloud. Soon the thunder and lightning would arrive.

  “I’m scared too,” Mike said. “But between all of us, we’ll figure out a way. We always do.”

  “Sean could be anywhere right now. How will we figure out a way if we don’t even know where he is?” My temper flared and I started to spiral.

  Mike glanced at Roland in the backseat. “Could you give us a moment, Ro?”

  Roland climbed out of the helicopter without saying a word. He walked to the edge of the helipad then sat on the concrete with his arms resting on his knees.

  I stared straight ahead and waited for the lecture.

  “You’ve got to be strong, Scarlet. Roland and Skye are terrified.”

  “Well, I’m terrified too. He was supposed to get off that plane.” I felt the tears emerge instantly. They came out of nowhere, constantly prepared to run down my face.

  “Scarlet, listen to me.”

  “No, you listen to me. How would you feel if this were Cassandra?”

  He bowed his head. “I don’t even want to think about it. That’s how I feel.” He kept his hand on mine. “Don’t give up on Sean. He’s smart, strong, and cunning. If there’s a solution, he’ll find it. Believe in him. Believe he’ll do everything he can to get away.”

  “I’m just tired,” I whispered. “I’m tired of people hurting him. I’m tired of my strength being tried all the time. I’m tired of everything…”

  “Hey.” He wrapped his arm around me and pulled me close. “I understand this is hard but now it’s the time for a pity party, okay? Bottle that shit inside and press on. When there’s no other option and no other alternative, then you can fall apart. But not right now.”


  “Not right now. We have to go back and face everyone. We need to keep everyone calm. We need to give everyone hope. That’s our job right now.”

  “What will we do next? How will we save Sean?”

  “I’ve got my contacts. The second the bid opens, I’ll know about it.”

  “And you think you can win?”

  “I’m the third richest man in the world, Scarlet. Hell yeah, I can win.”


  PIXEL was shut down the moment thing turned to shit. All the employees were given paid time off so they would stay out of the building. The only people who occupied it was us.

  We entered the lobby and saw everyone gathered around. The second they saw Roland, they jumped up and greeted him. Heath lingered in the back, wanting to embrace him last so he could hold on the longest.

  I was grateful my son was back, but I was also miserable my husband was gone. How was he being treated? Was he beaten? Did they cut off his fingers? Did they do worse? I couldn’t think about it because it made me collapse.

  Mike hadn’t told the others about Sean and I couldn’t stand there and listen. In just a few moments they would realize Sean was gone. I couldn’t handle the questions, the sadness.

  So I walked away.

  I entered Sean’s office and shut the door behind me. The room contained his essence, his power. I could smell his cologne as it lingered in the air. I could feel his soul in every corner of the room. His desk contained pictures of us together, including the kids. I sat in the chair and felt the way it molded to his physique over the years. I gripped the armrests and tried to pretend he was beside me, that he was still here.

  I tried not to cry.

  My wedding ring felt heavier than it did before, carrying the weight of his absence. I already felt like a widow even though Sean wasn’t necessarily gone. He promised he would return and I had to cling to that hope. He’d only been gone for twelve hours. There was still time to find a solution.

  The office door opened and Ryan walked inside. He wore his typical old sweater and jeans. When he looked at me his eyes were full of devastation. He clearly knew the truth about Sean. Mike must have told everyone.

  The last thing I wanted to do was talk about it.

  Ryan came further into the room then leaned against the desk. He crossed his arms over his chest and remained silent, understanding I didn’t want to talk. He was the only person who could be in this room with me. He was the only person who understood me as well as Sean did.

  I grabbed one of Sean’s pens and held it in my fingertips, treasuring the feel of something he once touched. This office was a haven for me. It contained thirty years of his spirit.

  Ryan looked down at me, his eyes showing his terror. “I’m so sorry, Scar.”

  I kept my eyes glued to the pen.

  “But you did the right thing.”

  There was never a choice in the matter. Sean and I both agreed Roland was our priority. It didn’t matter how much we loved each other. We loved our children more. It was our purpose to love them and protect them until the day we died. “There was no other option.”

  “I know.” Ryan placed his hand on my shoulder. “Mike said he has a plan to get him back.”

  I nodded.

  “I’m sure it’ll work.”

  “It better.” If it didn’t I would fade into the background until there was nothing left.

  “He’ll come back, Scarlet. We both know he will.”

  “I keep trying to convince myself…but what if I’m wrong?”

  “You aren’t,” he said firmly. “All hope isn’t lost. Between all of us, we will find him.”

  “I’ve been through this too many times…” I couldn’t keep carrying this kind of heartbreak. Years of happiness would pass before disaster strike. We would struggle until the worst had passed. But then it would just happen again. “If he comes back, we’re buying a private island and moving everyone there.”

  “Sounds nice.”

  “I’m not kidding.”

  “I know.” He dropped his hand from my shoulder. “I think you should get some sleep. You’ve been awake a long time.”

  “I’m afraid what will happen when I got to sleep.” Nightmares will plague me until I woke up screaming.

  “I’ll stay with you. If you start having a nightmare I’ll wake you.”

  How could I sleep when Sean was fighting for his life?

  “There’s nothing you can do right now. You may as well get some rest
so you’ll be prepared once the action takes place.”

  “I should be with my kids right now. They must be so scared.”

  “They’ve got twenty family members out there right now—plus their spouses. They’ll be okay. Concentrate on yourself right now.” He grabbed my arm and gently pulled me out of the chair. He guided me to the couch then grabbed a blanket sitting on the armrest. He draped it over me before he sat on the floor. “I’ll be here the whole time. Just get some rest.”

  The second my head hit the pillow I couldn’t keep my eyes open. My brain shut off from being sleep deprived for so long. My nerve endings fired off because they were so tired. I twitched uncomfortably but it wasn’t enough to wake me up. I fell hard into dreams of Sean, the kind where he was in my arms again.

  Chapter Fifteen


  When I opened my eyes I heard the beeping monitor beside me. The screen was dark but I could see my blood pressure and heart rate. The lights were off and the light from the hallway peeked from behind the blinds.

  It took me several seconds before I figured out where I was.

  The hospital.

  My hand automatically moved to my chest and I felt the stitches that covered my chest. A bandage was placed on my face because I broke my nose when that gun was slammed into my face.


  I had to call her.

  I hit he call button on the monitor over and over, needing assistance this very instant.

  The nurse ran in like she expected to attend to an emergency. “How can I help you?” She sanitized her hands before she approached the bed.

  “I need a phone. I need to call my wife.” The words burned my throat because my mouth as so dry. “Please give me a phone. Now.” I sounded like a crazy person but I didn’t care. I needed a phone immediately.

  “Would you like me to call for you?”

  “No,” I snapped. “Please do as I asked. It’s an emergency.”

  She finally obeyed my command and retrieved a landline. She handed it over before she walked away.

  I hit Scarlet’s number then hit send. I held the phone to my ear as I heard it ring. It kept ringing but there was no answer. Eventually, it went to voicemail. Why wasn’t she answering? I hung up and called again. The second thing happened. It rang and went to voicemail.

  I called the next person that came to mind.

  Mike answered before the first ring ended. “Mike Preston.”

  Thank fucking god. “It’s Sean. Look, I’m in the hospital, the one closest to the dock.”

  “What?” he blurted into the phone. “You’re okay? Were you followed?”

  “No, I got away.” I didn’t want to waste time with explanations right now. “I need to talk to Scarlet. She needs to know I’m okay.”

  “Of course. She’s in your office.”

  “Put her on.”

  Mike opened the door and entered my office. I could hear the door and his footsteps. “She’s asleep?” His voice sounded in the background.

  “Yeah,” Ryan answered. “Got her to relax about two hours ago.”

  “Sean is on the phone. Wake her up.”

  “You’re serious?” Ryan asked.

  “Scar, wake up.” Mike spoke loudly to jolt her awake.

  I patiently waited to hear my wife’s voice. I needed to tell her I was okay. I needed her to know I kept my promise to her.

  “What…?” Scarlet sounded half asleep.

  “Sean is on the phone,” Mike said. “He’s at the hospital.”

  “What?” Her voice grew hysterical. “Give me the phone.” The receiver became muffled as the phone was exchanged. Scarlet practically screamed into the phone when she finally hand it in her grasp. “Sean?”

  “It’s me, baby.”

  “Oh my god…where are you?”

  “At the hospital. I’m okay. They took me into surgery right when I got here. I passed out so I wasn’t able to call.”

  Scarlet started to cry into the phone. She sniffed and didn’t say anything, coming apart at the sound of my voice.

  I just listened. I never thought it would be soothing to listen to my wife cry. But they were tears of sadness, tears of relief. She stayed on the line and just listened to me breathe. “I’m okay, baby. Everything is okay.”

  “I was so scared…I tried not to be but I couldn’t help it.”

  “That’s okay.” I didn’t hold it against her.

  “We’re coming down to see you right now. We’ll be there in a second.”

  “Take your time. I’ll be here.”

  “Okay, okay.” She took a deep breath and stopped her tears. “I love you so much, Sean.”

  Now my eyes grew wet. “I love you too, Scarlet.”

  “I’ll be there as quick as I can.”

  “I know.” I knew she would cross mountains and the sea just to get to me. “I’ll see you soon.”


  In less than ten minutes Scarlet walked into my hospital room. She stopped at my bedside and stared at me like she hadn’t seen me in years even though it’d only been a day. Her eyes bubbled with tears at the sight of me.

  I reached out my hand to her. “I’m okay.”

  She sat on the edge of my bed and took my hand. Both of her hands clung to it in desperation. She brought it to her mouth and pressed a small kiss to my palm. “You’re real. This is real.”

  I wrapped my arm around her waist and pulled her into my side, wanting to lay with her despite my IV line and catheter. I held her against me because I knew she needed this comfort more than I did. “Everything is okay. I’m okay and Roland is okay.” My wife had been through a lot. She almost lost me a year ago and now she was reliving the same nightmare. I didn’t blame her for collapsing. “Everything is fine now. No one will bother us again.”

  She rested her face against my chest and controlled her heavy breathing. She clung to me so hard it actually hurt.

  The door opened and Roland walked inside, eager to see me.

  I held my finger and silently asked for a minute alone with his mother. I knew he was anxious to see me, but Scarlet needed this more than he did.

  He nodded and shut the door again.

  “What happened?” she asked. “We looked for the plane crash but couldn’t find anything.”

  “It sank immediately. I took the only piece that floated and used it to get to shore.”

  “You swam all the way back?”

  “I took control of the plane and flew back as quickly as possible. I didn’t crash it until I could see the shore.”

  “Sean, you’re so goddamn smart.”

  I chuckled. “Just determined.”

  “Did those motherfuckers die?”

  Her sudden use of profanity was actually a little funny. “Yeah. They went down with the plane.”

  “Good,” she said bitterly. “They deserve it.”

  “They’re gone now so let’s forget about them.”

  She tightened her grip on me. “I’m so glad you’re okay.”

  “Me too, baby. We’re together again.”

  Her voice escaped as a whisper. “You kept your promise to me…”

  “You know I always will.” I kissed her forehead and ran my fingers through her hair.

  She fell silent, her eyes closing as the relief washed over her body. Now that I was safe and she could feel me, she slipped away. She fell silent as the sleep took over.

  I didn’t disturb her because I knew she was exhausted. I was happy just to hold her, to feel my wife when I thought I might not get the opportunity again.

  Roland came back into the room a moment later, anxious to talk with me. He gave his mother five minutes, and apparently that was long enough.

  I pressed my forefinger over my lips. “Your mother is sleeping.”

  He came to the bed and looked down at her, seeing her curled up into my side. “Can I stay?”

  “Of course.”

  He wanted to hug me but Scarlet was in the way. So he grab
bed my hand instead. He hadn’t done that since he was child. “Dad, I’m so sorry. I’m so sorry for everything—”

  “It’s okay. Leave it in the past.”

  “No…I can’t.” He shook his head, his tears emerging. “You were just trying to protect me, and I was a jerk about it. I shouldn’t have said and done the things I did. I wish more than anything I could take them back.”

  “Ro, I know.” I’d forgiven him the moment he was taken from me. I realized how stupid our fight was. It didn’t compare to how much I loved him. He was the single most important thing in the world. I should have spent more time cherishing him than resenting him. “I’m sorry too.”

  “You don’t have to apologize, Dad. You did nothing wrong.”

  “I wasn’t there when you needed me. If I just answered the phone—”

  “Don’t do that,” he whispered. “You had every right to treat me that way. I was an ungrateful brat who was too stubborn to admit I was wrong. You do so much for all of us and I lost sight of that.”

  I squeezed his hand. “How about we forgive each other? And leave it in the past?”

  He nodded. “I can do that.”

  I reached up to his shoulder and gave him a squeeze. “We’ll be alright, Roland. I’ll be out of here in a few days, and everything will be back to normal. This will seem like just a bad nightmare.”

  He nodded.

  I was grateful he didn’t have any bruises or scars. When he was a prisoner they obviously didn’t mistreat him. They just locked him away somewhere and waited until his execution. It could have been so much worse.

  “How’s your chest?”

  “It’s good. They fixed me up and stitched up the wound. I’ll be fine. Just need to rest.”

  Roland grabbed my hand again. “Can I get you anything?”

  “No. But thanks.”

  He pulled up a chair and sat at my bedside, not wanting to be anywhere else but right next to me. His hand still held mine as he eyed the monitor. Every time my heart rate changed, he noticed. His features were already similar to mine, but now he looked just like me—watching over me like a protective bear.

  Skye cracked the door and poked her head inside. “Is it my turn yet?”


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