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Time Stands Still (Forever and Ever #51)

Page 19

by E. L. Todd

  Dad snapped his fingers then pointed at Conrad. “That’s my boy. Alright, let’s go.”

  “Dad, please hurry.” I couldn’t have our daughter without Slade there. I couldn’t go through the pain and agony without him beside me. I needed him to hold my hand and stroke my heart.

  “Don’t worry, sweetheart,” Dad said. “We’ll find him. Just hold on a little longer.”

  “I’ll try…but there’s not much I can do about that.”

  Chapter Twenty-Seven


  The glow sticks hung from the slots in the crate above us and illuminated the space of the fort while we played a few rounds of poker. Instead of betting with money, we used candy.

  “Thanks for doing this with me.” Cayson had a family and a big boy job. This was out of the norm for him.

  “I don’t mind at all. But next time, let’s play basketball or something.”

  I chuckled. “Yeah. Would be easier.” He must miss Cedric and Skye. He was spending the night with me on a hard ass shelf. “It’s going to be so cool when you teach Cedric to play basketball and baseball.”

  A smile lit up his face. “I know. I’m looking forward to it.”

  “I hope Olympia is more athletic than Trinity. If I tossed a baseball at her, it would just hit her in the head.”

  Cayson laughed. “You’re right. But I’m sure Olympia will take on some of your qualities. Are you going to get another tattoo? The way I did with Cedric.”

  “Not sure. Don’t have a lot of real estate left. And who knows how many kids we’ll have. We might have five by the time Trinity is finished.”

  “Five…yikes. I couldn’t handle that. Two is my limit.”

  “Maybe I will. Maybe something with their birth dates or something.”

  “That’d be cool.” Cayson shuffled the deck then passed out the cards. “It sounds like you’re pretty calm about the whole thing. I mean, Trinity only has three weeks left.”

  “I have my good days and my bad days. I noticed the more I think about the future the more miserable I feel. I worry over things that haven’t even happened yet. Stresses me out. I think it’s better to live in the present, not the future or the past.”

  Cayson nodded. “I couldn’t agree more.”

  “So right now, everything is good. When the baby gets here I’ll figure out what I need to do then. When I need parenting advice, my dad will always be there to answer my questions. Plus, Trinity will be around too.”

  “As will I,” he reminded me.

  “See? It’s all good.” I put down two cards and grabbed two more. “I’ll be fine. And my life doesn’t have to change if I don’t want it to. Look at us. We’re camped out in the middle of Wal-Mart right now while our wives are having a slumber party.”

  “Well said,” Cayson said in agreement. “Our lives aren’t ending now that we have kids. They’re only just beginning.”

  “I’ll drink to that.” I drank from my root beer then continued the game. “So have you knocked up Skye yet?”

  “Not that I can tell. But I’m working on it.”

  “I’m sure you are.” He winked. “Nonstop, I bet.”

  Cayson chuckled. “Not nonstop because of Cedric but every chance I get. Cedric needs a sibling to play with.”

  “What about Ward Jr.?”

  “He’s a cute kid but Ward and Clementine live in the city and they like to spend time with him. Having a sibling always around is different.”

  “I never liked my womb mate.”

  “Yes, you did,” Cayson said with a chuckle. “You’re protective of her and you know it.”

  “Protective, yes,” I argued. “But that’s totally different than liking someone.”

  “Well, I like Clementine. She’s a brat sometimes, but I couldn’t picture my childhood without her. And I know you feel the same way about Silke.”

  I shrugged. “Eh. Maybe.”

  Cayson put down his hand, a pair of twos.”

  “Damn. I have nothing.” I threw my cards down.

  “It’s my lucky day.” He scooted the pieces of candy onto his side of the forte. “I’m a rich man tonight.”

  “Don’t show off, alright?”

  “Sore loser.”


  Cayson and I both froze when we heard the bellow of my father stretch across the entire department store. We could hear it even through the heavy bags of dog food that blocked out the world around us.

  Goosebumps emerged on my arms because I never heard my father yell like that, not ever.

  Cayson looked panicked, like he was just as scared.

  Without saying anything to each other, we shoved the bags out of the way until they hit the white tile, and we crawled out on hands and knees. “Dad, over here!” I kicked a bag away and got to my feet, wondering what the hell was going on.

  Dad and Mike rounded the corner in a run and stopped when they spotted us.

  “Thank fucking god.” Mike was out of breath with his hands on his waist.

  Dad looked sweaty like he just finished a marathon—and won the race. “We’ve been looking for you for like thirty minutes.”

  “Why didn’t you just make an announcement over the intercom?” Cayson asked.

  Dad and Mike both gave him a terrifying glare.

  Cayson stepped back. “Never mind…”

  “What’s the big deal?” I asked. “Are the girls alright?”

  “Slade, Trinity is in labor right this very second. I’m not even sure if we can make it back in time for the birth.” Dad shook his head in disappointment.

  All the blood left my heart and my knees almost gave out. The seriousness of the situation dawned on me. “Shit. Shit. Shit. Fuck, she’s having the baby now? We were just home two hours ago.”

  “Shit, you’re going to be a father,” Cayson said.

  “Fuck.” I gripped my hair. “I’m having a baby…I’m having a baby.”

  “You have time to freak out on the drive.” Dad grabbed me by the arm and pulled me out of the store. “But right now we’ve got to get you to that hospital. Trinity said she would kick our asses if we didn’t get there in time.”

  I heard what he said but it didn’t process into my brain. “Dad, I’m gonna be a dad…I’m gonna be a dad.”

  Mike walked beside me. “Not if Trinity kills you for not making it on time.”


  She was already in labor and delivery when I got there. They handed me a gown and a cap and instructed me to wash my hands. I was panicking so I couldn’t figure anything out. I put the gown on backgrounds and the cap kept falling off my head. “How the hell do you get this shit on?”

  Dad rolled his eyes then put everything on for me. “Slade, just calm down. You need to stay calm. Trinity is trying to push a person out of her body, and she needs you to be there for her. Take a few breaths before you walk in.”

  He was right. I had to be there for her. She was the one in the middle of giving birth to another human being.

  “Alright. Take three deep breaths then walk in there.”

  I concentrated on my breathing and the feeling of Dad’s strong hand on my shoulder. I counted, going through each other with achingly slowness. By the time I was finished I had a little more clarity.

  “Alright.” Dad let me go. “Now go in there and be the support she needs right now.”

  “I can do that,” I said with a nod. “And thanks for chasing me down. I would never want to miss this.”

  “No problem.”

  I turned to the door.


  I turned back around. “Yeah?”

  He smiled. “Congratulations.”

  “Thanks.” I shared a moment of affection with my father before I walked inside. I expected piano music overhead and Trinity’s quiet breathing like we practiced in our birthing course. But instead, it was just chaos.

  Trinity’s legs were spread and the doctor was between her legs. Sh
e was screaming, her forehead and neck caked with sweat. Her hair was in a ponytail but the strands were coming lose. Skye stood beside her and held her hand.

  I panicked at the scene in front of my eyes. There were blood and other disgusting things.

  But then I got my shit together.

  “Baby, I’m here. I’m here.” I came to her side and took her hand away from Skye’s.

  Skye moved away without another word. She walked out the door and gave us this moment together.

  “I’m sorry I’m late but I’m here now.” I dabbed her forehead with a tissue and felt her restrict my hand with her steel grip.

  “What the hell took you so long?” She continued to scream even though I was right beside her.

  “I’m sorry. My phone didn’t get reception. It was stupid. I shouldn’t have gone when you were this far along in your pregnancy.”

  “You’re right. You shouldn’t have!”

  Since she was having my baby she could yell all she wanted. “I’m sorry and I’m here now. I’m here.” I kissed her hand and kept grip.

  The doctor kept his eyes concentrated underneath the drape between her knees. “Mrs. Sisco, I need you to push. We need to get her out of here as quickly as possible. It’s very important that you push.”

  That made me uneasy. “Alright, baby. You can do this.” I gripped her hand tighter. “Get our little girl out of there.” I wrapped my arm around her shoulder. “You’re strong, Trinity.”

  She cringed then pushed. A second later, a scream erupted from her throat.

  “Mrs. Sisco, you’re going to need to push harder.”

  “Ahh! I’m doing the best I can.”

  “Come on, baby.” I kissed her forehead. “Push harder. This is all going to be over in just a few minutes and we’re going to have our little girl. It’s going to be the happiest day of our lives.”

  Trinity took a deep breath and let those words sink in.

  “The baby is breached,” the doctor said. “Her butt is coming out first. You need to push harder. Now.”

  “Come on, Trin.” I gripped her shoulder.

  Trinity screamed and cried as she pushed with everything she had. She jaw was clenched in agony and she tried to stifle her screams but couldn’t. It was the most pain I’d ever seen her in. But she didn’t give up.

  “Almost there, Mrs. Sisco,” the doctor said. “Keep pushing.”

  “Good job, baby,” I said. “You’re almost done. She’s almost here.”

  She screamed again and gave a final push.

  There was silence—loud silence.

  And then the sound of a crying baby.

  Oh, thank god.

  Trinity lay back, exhausted and out of breath.

  “You did it, baby.” I kissed her forehead. “You did great.”

  She closed her eyes for a moment and steadied her breathing.

  I kept my hold on her hand and turned to the doctor. He hand Olympia over to the nurse to get cleaned up.

  “Where’s my baby?” Trinity asked, out of breath. “I want my baby.”

  “They’re cleaning her up. She’ll be here in just a second.”

  The doctor cleaned her up down below and started the stitches.

  I helped Trinity sit up so she would be able to hold our daughter when they were finished with her.

  The nurse wrapped her in a warm blanket before she came to Trinity. Wrapped in a blue blanket was our daughter. She continued to cry with her eyes closed. The sound was loud and irritating, but somehow it was the most beautiful thing I’ve ever heard.

  I was a father.

  “Ready to hold him?” the nurse asked.

  Trinity extended her arms, her tears falling from her eyes. This time they weren’t from pain, but joy.

  The nurse set Olympia in her arms then walked out.

  “Oh my god…” Trinity looked into her face. “She’s beautiful.”

  “She really is…” I couldn’t believe this was real. I couldn’t believe we made something so innocent together. My hand moved underneath Olympia’s head, and I felt the heat radiating from her body. I couldn’t tell what features she inherited because she was still red and tinted and her eyes were closed.

  “Do we have a name?” the nurse asked.

  “Olympia,” I answered.

  “For a boy?” the nurse asked.

  Trinity and I both looked at the nurse, having no idea what she just said.

  “A boy…?” Trinity asked. “The sonogram said she was a girl.”

  “Sometimes sonograms are wrong,” the doctor said. “But that’s definitely a boy.”

  I heard what they said but I couldn’t believe it. I wasn’t even breathing.

  Trinity separated the blanket and checked herself. “Oh my…he is a boy.”

  “We…we have a boy?” I couldn’t believe it. I originally wanted a boy because a girl terrified me. But I’d grown fond of the idea of having a daughter. Someone to look after and cherish until she found a husband that would treat her even better.

  “We have a boy,” Trinity whispered.

  The baby stopped crying once the blanket was wrapped tightly around him again. Like nothing happened, he went to sleep. His small chest rose and fell with every breath he took.

  “Oh my god.” I had a son.

  “Do we have a name?” the nurse repeated.

  “Uh…” I hadn’t been prepared for this. I accepted the fact we were having a girl. I was even excited about it. But now that we were having a boy I didn’t know what to think.

  Trinity decided on the spot. “Ryan.”

  I turned to her, my eyes soft. We talked about this before but that was seven months ago. “Yeah?”

  She nodded, the tears still in her eyes. “There’s no other name I’d rather give him.”

  I stared at my wife and fell my love for her grow even more. I thought I would have to divide my life between my wife and my son, but that’s not what happened. My heart grew twice the size so I could love them both equally. “Ryan.” I felt the tiny hair on my son’s head and felt the life burn from deep within him. In that moment I realized my life was far from over.

  It was only the beginning.


  I held Ryan while Trinity cleaned herself up. She didn’t want any visitors until she did her hair and washed her face. She looked beautiful just the way she was, but I didn’t argue with her since she just had our son.

  She could do whatever the hell she wanted.

  I sat on the couch and held Ryan in one arm. He slept the entire time, exhausted from coming into the world. Sometimes he would move his fingers or kick his feet. But other than that, he was still and quiet.

  But I was still fascinated.

  Trinity came back to the bed, looking like a beauty queen with her styled hair and fresh make up. She didn’t look like she just had a baby. “Okay, I’m ready to see everyone now.”

  I returned to her side and handed Ryan over. “You look beautiful.”

  She smiled. “Thank you.” Her full focus turned to Ryan. “This is a dream…”

  “A great dream.” I sat at the edge of the bed and placed my arm around her shoulders. “You did a great job today, baby. I don’t think I could have done it.”

  “Yes, you could. Anyone can do it when it comes to their child.”

  “It still took a lot of strength and guts. Proud of you.” I kissed her temple. “So, who should we let in first? I’m thinking our parents. They’re probably the most eager.”

  “Yeah. They’ll fight their way inside if they aren’t invited first.”

  “Alright. I’ll get them.” I hopped off the bed and entered the waiting room.

  Everyone jumped up when they saw me.

  “Everything alright?” Mike asked.

  “Did she have the baby?” Skye asked.

  “Any updates?” Cayson asked.

  “We have a very healthy baby,” I announced. “Seven pounds and ten ounces.”

  “Awe!” My mom bu
rst into tears.

  “Yes!” Conrad and Roland high-fived.

  “She’s gonna be so beautiful,” Skye said. “I can’t wait to see her.”

  “About that…we actually had a boy.” I stared at everyone’s shocked expression. “I guess they read the sonogram wrong.”

  “Seriously?” Cayson asked. “You have a son? Yes!”

  “We have a grandson,” Mike said. “That’s just as good.”

  “Congrats, baby.” Dad wrapped his arm around my mom. “We have a grandson.”

  “What did you name him?” Skye asked. “Please don’t tell me you named him Slade.”

  “Yeah,” Cayson said. “We don’t need another Slade in our lives. One is enough.”

  “How about Carter?” Mom asked. “That’s a great name.”

  “Or Cole,” Cassandra said.

  “We already picked a name.” I didn’t want to announce it like this but everyone would find out very soon anyway.

  “What is it?” Dad asked. “I’m sure everyone will love it…as long as it’s not Slade.”

  I cleared my throat and locked eyes with my father. “Ryan.”

  A quiet awe filled the entire room. Silke covered her mouth with a silent gasp. Aunt Scarlet immediately looked at Dad to see his reaction. Mike grinned from ear-to-ear. Mom’s eyes watered.

  Dad didn’t react right away. He seemed to be in shock over what he just heard. He took a deep breath and glanced at the floor, realizing all the attention was directed at him. “I…I don’t know what to say.”

  Mom hugged Dad into her side, overcome with emotion.

  Dad returned her embrace before he walked up to me. He gave me the same look of affection he’d been giving me my entire life—but this look was a little different. It was deeper, full of more emotion than words could express. He glanced at the floor because he couldn’t hold my gaze. When he turned his attention back to me he took a deep breath. “I…I’m touched.”

  “There’s no better name we could possibly give him.” I wrapped my arms around him and held him tightly.

  Dad returned the embrace and rested his chin on my shoulder. His grip was tight the entire time and he had no intention of letting me go. Today was the happiest day of my life, but it was also the most emotional. I didn’t understand how much my father did for me until I became a father myself. “Thanks for everything you’ve done for me.”


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