Cache 72 (A Jaxon Jennings' Detective Mystery Thriller Series, Book 2)

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Cache 72 (A Jaxon Jennings' Detective Mystery Thriller Series, Book 2) Page 4

by Richard C. Hale

  “Is it there?” Melanie asked.

  He nodded and pulled it free. Another magnetic box just like the one in the park. He opened it and then dropped it to the ground in disgust. Melanie gasped. Inside, a bloody fingernail lay on top of a folded piece of paper. The blood still looked fresh.

  “Let’s get out of here,” Melanie said, no longer having fun. “I don’t like this.”

  “Wait.” Gil picked up the box again and pushed the fingernail to the side with a stick. He pulled the folded piece of paper out and opened it. Two words were written in a looping hand in purple ink. SOFTBALL BACKSTOPS.

  Melanie leaned over him and said, “What does SOFTBALL BACKSTOPS mean?”

  He shook his head, confused. “I don’t know.”

  He folded the paper back up, put it in the box and sealed it. He stuck it back under the portable ice building and grabbed her hand.

  “Come on!” They ran back to the car, drove to the other end of the lot and backed into a spot.

  “What are we doing?” She asked, worried.

  “I want to see what he does.”

  “Why? Gil, we need to get out of here. We could be in big trouble.”

  “I want to see. I’ll take you home when he leaves.”

  “Did you see that fingernail? It was real, right?”

  He turned to her and touched her face.

  “It looked fake,” he lied. “Don’t get too worked up, Mel.”

  “I thought it looked real.”

  Jaxon’s car approached and circled a bit, then it parked a few feet away from the ice machine. “See—he’s a rookie. He’s just stopping wherever the GPS says the position is and then searching as if it could be anywhere.”

  Melanie only nodded and watched Jaxon get out of the car. He looked around and then headed straight for the ice machine.

  “Maybe not so much the rookie you thought,” she said. He shrugged.

  Jaxon disappeared behind the machine and a few minutes later they saw him near the back where the cache was located. He bent down and started feeling along the underside.

  “He’s going to find it,” Gil said.

  “Good. Let’s go.”

  “Not yet.”

  Jaxon stood up with something in his hand and then they watched him open it. He didn’t seem to react to the fingernail like Gil expected him to. Maybe he knew it was going to be there.

  Jaxon removed the folded paper and read it, then he stuck it in his pocket. He looked around and then seemed to focus on something to the left of where they were parked. Gil watched him move to the left to get a better view, then Jaxon did something strange. He raised his right hand and gave somebody the finger. Somebody high up.

  Gil followed Jaxon’s gaze and leaned down in the seat a bit to see higher up. A sinking feeling suddenly settled in the pit of his stomach as he saw what Jaxon saw.



  “There’s a camera up on that light pole.”

  She leaned over his lap and stared up at the camera. “So?”

  “Somebody may know we’ve been here.”

  “It’s the store’s camera, Gil. Only the store’s security would know and they probably don’t care. We’re not doing anything illegal.”

  “Anybody can hack into those systems. Anybody with half a brain and a little expertise. I’ve done it.”

  Gil stared at the camera and watched it move. It turned directly toward them and stopped.

  “Oh shit! Time to go.”

  Gil started the car, watching as Jaxon followed the camera’s movement and spotted their vehicle. He started toward them, but Gil put the car in gear and drove off. Before Jaxon disappeared behind them, Gil saw him running to his car.

  * * *

  Jaxon watched the camera turn and then saw the same Mustang that had cut him off start up and drive off. He couldn’t see who was driving it, but if he had to guess, it was probably the perp. He ran to his car and cranked it up. Slamming the gearshift in drive, he squealed the tires as he followed the Mustang. The car was fast and his little six-cylinder was going to have a hard time keeping up with the V8. His only hope would be the traffic.

  He pulled out onto Park Street heading south and saw the Mustang make a hard left turn a few blocks ahead. He turned hard following it and barely missed a Honda Accord that was turning the same way. Its horn followed him angrily onto the back neighborhood road. The Mustang was pulling away.

  He lost sight of it around a curve and when the road straightened out, it had disappeared.

  The only possible turn he could make was up ahead so Jaxon took it and saw the car pulling away. The stop light was red at the intersection and he watched as the Mustang slowed, then ran the red light. It braked hard as a Semi almost took it out, then it turned left and he caught a glimpse of the driver.

  “Shit,” he said aloud and slowed down. No need to risk getting himself, or them, killed. He knew where the young guy and girl lived. He’d just go and wait for them to come home.


  Gil floored the Mustang and it put him in the seatback. He made another hard right, then left and was back on Blanding heading home.

  “Is he still behind us?” he asked Melanie, who seemed a little shaken up.

  She turned to look. “I don’t see him. I think we lost him. Do you think he recognized us?”

  “I don’t see how. He doesn’t know our car and he didn’t get close enough.”

  “Still, he may have seen us at the parking lot.”

  “Too far away. We’re good.”

  “I’m scared, Gil. What if whoever put that fingernail in the box was also watching us behind the camera? We’re involved now and we have no idea what we’re involved in.”

  Gil knew she was right and didn’t know what to say. He was actually having the time of his life and he grinned without knowing he was doing it.

  “You think this is funny!” she said and hit him in the arm. He started laughing then. He knew it was a combination of the adrenalin and the idea he may be involved in some kind of treasure hunt that would be the hunt of all hunts. He was pumped.

  “No. I just…”

  “I can’t believe you.” But she was smiling too, now.

  “Ah ha. You’re stoked too aren’t you? This rocks.”

  She pretended to still be mad at him but she wasn’t pulling it off very well. He could tell the wheels were turning in there. “What do you think this is all about?” She finally asked.

  “It’s like a treasure hunt. Maybe the ultimate treasure hunt. Maybe we’ll be rich if we get to it first and I know I’m better than that guy.”

  “But it means more to him.”

  “Not anymore.”

  “I don’t know. This could be dangerous.”

  “Life is a risk, babe. Sometimes you just have to know when to take the bet or fold. I think we take the bet.”

  “What now?”

  “We need to go home and grab a few things then we plug in the lat/longs for SOFTBALL BACKSTOPS and we beat him to it.”

  She scooted closer to him and put her hand on his crotch. “You sure we don’t have time to play a bit. I’m kind of all worked up.”

  He smiled at her. “Ok. Maybe just a few minutes.”

  But as they pulled up to the house, Jaxon was waiting for them in their driveway. He didn’t look happy.

  * * *

  Jaxon figured they would bolt when they saw him in their driveway, but they pulled right up and shut the car off. He could hear them arguing for a minute and he walked over and banged on the window. The door opened and the guy got out. The girl followed on the other side and he wasn’t sure if she was scared or pissed. Probably a little of both.

  “Just what do you two think you’re doing? I told you this was not something to mess with, but you ignored me. I should have you arrested.”

  “You can’t,” the guy said. “You’re not a local cop. Your badge says Virginia.”

  “You caught that, hu
h?” and Jaxon shook his head. “All right. Why do you think I came back here and waited for you when I told you I was on a strict timeline? If you’re so smart, answer me that?”

  The guy looked at the girl and shrugged. “You like us?”

  Jaxon couldn’t help it. He chuckled and it seemed to ease the tension a bit.

  “No. I’m pissed at you because now you’re going to slow me down.”

  “Why do you say that?”

  “What’s your names?”

  The guy looked at his girl again and made some kind of decision. “I’m Gil and this is Melanie. She’s my fiancée.”

  “Well, Gil and Melanie, you two are in a shit-load of trouble now. Did you happen to see that camera back there in the parking lot? The one that intentionally turned toward you and got a good look at the two of you?”

  Gil nodded but didn’t say anything.

  “I know you think this is a game,” Jaxon said, “but unfortunately, it’s not.” He leaned back against his car and sighed. “You’re going to have to help me now. I can’t let you out of my sight. It’s too risky for you.”

  He watched as Gil smiled and Melanie made some kind of face. He wasn’t sure if she was happy about it or not. He figured Gil to be the driving force behind their actions, but the girl was still a mystery. If he were to guess, she was probably not very happy, though she played along like she was.

  “Are you going to tell us now what is going on?” Gil asked.

  “I’m going to have to. You’re involved whether you like it or not.”

  He told them everything and they listened quietly. He watched Melanie’s face change from non-committal to fearful. She was going to be a problem. He couldn’t believe he was going to let these two tag along, but he had little choice. If the mob was involved like he and Vick thought, then they were in real danger.

  “I can hide you guys away, and I’m beginning to think that may be the best thing, but I can’t promise you’ll be safe unless you’re with me. I don’t know if this guy is now accelerating his timeline because I’ve involved somebody else, but I can’t let you two just fall victim to him without trying to protect you.”

  “I don’t like this anymore, Gil,” Melanie said and grabbed his hand.

  Gil’s eyes betrayed his excitement and Jaxon knew the guy was gung ho for this. He probably would have made a good cop.

  “Maybe he can find a place you’ll be safe,” Gil said. “This isn’t what I thought either, but I can really help him, even if he thinks he’s just protecting me.” He turned to Jaxon. “Can you guarantee she’ll be safe hidden somewhere?”

  “I can’t,” Jaxon said and he meant it. He had no idea if he could keep them safe at all, but he had little choice.

  Gil turned to Melanie and said, “You need to stay with me. I can protect you.”

  She nodded and leaned up against him. Jaxon sighed and pulled his cell out.

  “You guys get whatever you need from your house while I make a phone call and talk with my partner. She’ll be overjoyed about you two.”

  Gil and Melanie walked to the house talking in low tones and Jaxon made the call.

  “We have a problem,” he said when Vick answered. He told her about their new partners.

  “Jaxon. This is not good.”

  “Yeah, tell me about it. I didn’t know what else to do. Do you have any suggestions?”

  “Yes. Ditch those two. They’re on their own. You mess in people’s business and sometimes you get the head instead of the tail.”

  “You don’t mean that, Vick. I know you’re upset, but think about it. You and I couldn’t deal with it if something happened. Besides, this guy is really good at this treasure hunting stuff. He says he knows every single cache spot in this city.”

  Silence greeted him on the other end and he wasn’t sure if he lost the connection.

  “Still with me?”

  “I’m always with you,” she said, “This is just going to make things tougher.”

  “I hope you’re wrong.”

  “Me too. Let me know what I can do.”

  “I will. We have to solve some kind of riddle now. I think it’s another set of GPS lat/longs but it’s just two words he gave us.”

  “What are the words? I can plug them into the computer and see what we get.”


  “I’ll work on it. Call you when I have something.”


  He hung up and the kids were back with a bag they shoved into the trunk of the Mustang.

  “Good idea,” Jaxon said. “Your car will be faster. We’ll leave mine here.”

  “Where are we going?” Gil asked.

  “I was hoping you could help me with that. I’m assuming you saw the next clue.”


  “Right. We have to figure out what it means.”

  “It’s a simple letter for number cipher.”

  “Ok. That means nothing to me.”

  “You have to figure out what number is represented by each letter and that will give you a set of lat/longs.”

  “Sounds like you have it figured out already.”

  The kid nodded. “It’s a simple one.” He walked over with a GPS in his hand and showed Jaxon a point on the map. “This is it. I figured it out on the way over here. Simple.”

  Jaxon shook his head and said, “Maybe for you, kid. Let me get a few things from my car and we’ll go.”

  His phone rang. It was Vick.

  “I got the words figured out.”

  “You’re quick too,” Jaxon said. “The kid figured it out already. What did you get and we’ll confirm what we have.”

  She gave him the GPS position and it matched what Gil had done in his head. “That’s it. Thanks Vick.”

  “Sounds like you didn’t even need my help. Maybe you’re right. The guy seems to know his shit.”

  “Yeah. I agree. Ok. Gotta go.”


  He looked at the camera and slammed his fist into the table.

  The stupid bastard was not following the rules. He watched the young blond guy and the girl in the Mustang drive off and he knew that his game player was not working alone. He panned the camera back and saw the player run back to his vehicle and accelerate away. The parking lot was empty. He clicked the exit button on the screen and it went blank. He sat in his chair and contemplated how to fix this.

  The plan had been working flawlessly and he was sure the jackass would not be able to complete all the tasks he had planned, but now the players had tripled, and with help, he may be able to defeat his system. The girl would survive. Unless he changed the game himself.

  He smiled then, and sat forward.

  If the player wanted to cheat, so would he. He moved the mouse and clicked on the camera in the tank and watched the girl through the night vision camera. The tide was coming in and she struggled against her restraints as the water rose. Too bad he didn’t have sound. He was sure her vocalizations would be highly entertaining.

  He watched her struggle and then finally the struggling stopped. Exhausted, she realized she would not drown. He turned the monitor off and got up from the chair. He had work to do.

  * * *

  Jaxon held on as Gil took a turn sharply, the tires squealing. “You’re going to get us killed, kid.”

  “I’m an excellent driver. Excellent driver. And don’t call me ‘kid.’”

  “All right, Gil. You’re going to attract attention, and we don’t want that. And you’re going to get us killed.”

  Jaxon watched Gil smile into the rear view mirror but he didn’t slow down.

  “He always drives like this,” Melanie said and she leaned into the next turn like a pro.

  “Maybe I should have stuck with my car,” Jaxon mumbled and made sure his seat belt was secure.

  “What?” Gil said.


  The sun was going down and the lights were coming on. It had only been t
en hours since this all started and Jaxon was already exhausted. He was beginning to think he wouldn’t make it 72 hours. If it lasted that long. He wasn’t even sure he’d make it twenty-four.

  Blue light suddenly filled the rear window and a spotlight illuminated the whole back of the car. Jaxon turned and squinted into the glare.

  “Great, kid. Unwanted attention. This is exactly what I was talking about.”

  “Shit,” Gil said and pulled over.

  “Let me do the talking,” Jaxon said and got out his wallet.

  He watched the cop walk up to the driver’s window and then Jaxon smiled. Gil rolled down the window and the cop said, “License and registration.”

  Jaxon leaned forward and said, “Officer Fanucci. We meet again.”

  The cop from earlier in the day reacted to his name and then bent over, shining a flashlight into the back of the car.

  “Jaxon, right?”


  “You seem to be popping up all over the place today,” Fanucci said standing up straight. “Do I need to be worried about you?”

  “No. Just doing a little work.”

  Fanucci nodded and looked at Gil and Melanie. “Employees of yours?”

  “Yes—temporary employees. We’re working a case.”

  “In a hurry aren’t you?”

  “My friend has a little bit of a lead foot, yes. Sorry. We’ll keep it under 100mph from now on.”

  “Please,” the cop said and shone the light on Gil and Melanie’s faces. “Anything we can help with?”

  “Not now,” Jaxon said. “Just boring surveillance stuff. I’ll call and ask for you if we need you guys.”

  “All right. I’ll let you get back to work. Keep the foot light. You don’t want me to have to scrape you off of the pavement.”

  “No, sir,” Gil said. “I will. Sorry.”

  Fanucci nodded at them and then went back to his cruiser.

  “Glad you knew him,” Gil said. “I thought for sure I was going to jail.”

  “You don’t go to jail for speeding, Gil.”

  “You do if your license is suspended.”


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