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Rumor Page 8

by Maynard, Glenna

  Romeo pulls Benji to his feet and we secure him in a chair next to his piece of shit of a friend. Betty starts to ease herself from the room, "Where the fuck do you think you are going, you are supposed to be dead whore." She sinks back down on the couch next to the kid. "Keep an eye on her, if she blinks, shoot her." I tell Romeo as he crosses the room to sit between her and the kid.

  Grabbing Benji by the top of his head I jerk his face upwards, "Couldn't let her be happy could ya," I spit in his face before I sucker punch him in the eye. "Which one of you did it? Which coward fucking killed the mother of my child?" Neither of them move a muscle.

  "Get them outside; I don't want the kid to watch." Romeo leads Betty and the kid outside where our bikes are waiting in the woods away from the house. I couldn't' risk them hearing my approach.

  Squirrel speaks up, "it wasn't me it was Benji, and he paid me to give him a key to your place. I didn't kill the woman." He pleads for his life with his eyes.

  "You let him rape your daughter," I look to Benji and he doesn't meet my eyes as he replies.

  "Didn't know until tonight."

  "Is that a fact," I don't hesitate as I pull the trigger and watch his blood rain down the wall behind him. I had planned to make him suffer, but finding out your daughter is being raped by your best friend, your patched brother is punishment enough. As a dad, my heart hurts thinking about it, so I gave him a quick death, but a man who touches a kid, he's going to fucking suffer.

  I scavenge the house looking for something I can use to show Squirrel how I feel about a man putting his hands on a kid. Garden shears are laying against the wall near the back door perfect... Making my way back into the living room, I smack Squirrel to wake him up, he seems top have passed out due to exhaustion. "I want you to look at me motherfucker," I grit my teeth, trying not to let my anger get the best of me. He looks at me, and I can see he is on the verge of passing out again. "You like playing with your dick so much, whip it out motherfucker," I untie his hands. "How big of a boy are you, when you are face to face with someone your own size?" He doesn't say anything. "I said whip it out motherfucker." I force his hands to his pants. He looks at me with terror in his eyes, "fine, have it the hard way," I jerk his pants down. His little dick is hanging there, nasty bastard. I take the garden shears and open them placing a blade on each side of his dick.

  "The girl asked for it, she wanted me, I was gonna' marry her." He lies through his teeth.

  "You know what Squirrel, I had to watch the mother of my child die, and now both of her girls have been raised without their mother. I am going to watch you bleed out just like I watched her." Without another thought, I squeeze the handles of the shears bringing them together and cutting through his veiny flesh, his blood is spurting out and I rip his appendage off as he screams. "That's what happens to sick fuckers who want to put their hands on a kid." I spit on him as he slumps over into the floor. I grab a rag from the kitchen, wipe down the shears and the gun, and place both beside of Benji. I walk into the bathroom, wash the blood, and gore from my face the best I can.

  At the last minute I spot the building out back, I peek my head inside to see the meth lab that they must have been using to cook all their drugs in. Benji's motorcycle is parked under the carport. I walk over to where Romeo has the women and tell him to get them further into the woods and be ready to roll when I say go. I go back inside of the house and get the keys to Benji's Harley. There is a gas can on the carport, careful not to get any on myself or to step in it, I make a trail of gasoline from the building to where Benji and Squirrel are in the living room. Heading back to the carport I start Benji's motorcycle and get it ready. Taking the rag I used to wipe my prints from inside I take it in my hands curling it up, I remove the gas cap and shove the fabric inside the tank, leaving a piece of it hanging out. I get ready, this could be the craziest thing I have ever done, but it has to be destroyed, all of it the building, the house, the bodies. I take a deep breath, pull my lighter out of my cut, and set fire to the rag. In a rush, I push the motorcycle sending it crashing into the lab and run as fast as my legs will carry me from the explosion that is getting ready to take place. Just as I dive into the woods all hell breaks loose, the building explodes, the fire spreads to the house. The alarms are blazing, their neighbors are standing, watching the home burn, in shock. They don't even notice us as we make our getaway. Betty and Sarah are unable to speak; they were barely able to climb on the backs of our bikes.

  We stop in the next town to fill up our tanks and rent a room for the night. I know the kid has to be in shock and in need of some sleep, she about fell asleep on my shoulder. After we check into our room, I send Romeo for some food. The girl will be hungry when she wakes up. "I can't believe you came for us," Betty is looking at me like she wants to reach out and touch me to make sure that I am real.

  "Sure as fuck didn't come for you, you are supposed to be cold and in the ground. Woulda done you in back there but was afraid the kid would need you. So thank her she is the only reason you are still breathing." I cross the room and look out the window watching for Romeo to get back, I need a shower but I don't trust Betty for a minute.


  "Are you going to kill me?" Sarah is looking at me with her mother's eyes.

  "What gave you that impression? I have spent the past thirteen years searching for you, so I could bring you home with me, so you can live with your sister." She looks at me puzzled.

  "My sister?" She asks unsure of being able to trust me.

  "My girl, Baby, she is your half sister. I loved your mother and I made her a promise to get you from the Devils Rejects, this is me keeping that promise. No one is ever going to hurt you again. I promise I will always look out for you, you will never live in fear again." She nods in understanding.

  "What about Betty," she looks over at the woman with pity.

  "Honestly I would have left her back there to burn; she hurt your mother, and me. If it weren't for her, things may have been a lot different; your mother might still be alive." The girls is looking at Betty differently as if she is seeing her for the first time. "You don't have to talk to me about it, but when we get to Kentucky, I am going to get you taken care of for you know the stuff Squirrel did to ya." Looking at her and saying the word rape, makes my chest knot up and I can feel the anger boiling in my veins again.


  Traveling with the kid and Betty is making our trip back go over a day longer than I intended. I am afraid I am going to miss Baby's birthday all together, and I know Romeo is missing his woman and kid something fierce. I wouldn't mind being home right now myself and having Sunshine writhing beneath me.

  Chapter 12

  Drag Creek Kentucky


  Pulling up to my trailer instead of being greeted with a warm embrace I am met on the porch by Foxie and Sunshine going at it. "You are just another whore to him, you watch and see, Grim is never going to make you his bitch." Foxie raises her hand to slap Sunshine but instead she is met by Sunshine's fist hitting her square in the jaw. Damn I picked a feisty one; Sunshine has one hell of a right hook on her.

  "Look here bitch I am Grim's old lady, can't talk to me like that, got the motherfuckin' paper to prove it." Foxie's face goes white; she takes a step back and looks to me to deny it.

  "You didn't..." Foxie is rushing down the steps, she thumps against my chest with tear-streaked eyes. "It should have been me." She cries as I grab her wrists to stop her from hitting me.

  "Never loved you never promised you a damn thing, Sunshine is my top bitch, I suggest you take that into consideration the next time you decide to mouth off, I might not let you walk away."

  Betty walks over to Foxie after climbing off the back of Romeo's chopper, "I used to think the same thing, come on I need a drink." The two of them walk off arm in arm towards the Roadhouse. I wave Romeo off, I know he is ready to go home and climb in bed with LL. Baby is watching from the doorway as I nudge Sarah forward. "Sunshine, Baby, this
is Sarah. She has survived a shit storm and could use a friendly welcome." I pointedly look at Baby, telling her she better wipe that scowl from her face. Daddy is home and she best not give me any of that smart mouth she has, just like her mother. I wonder if Sarah has that same fight in her...

  Recognition is apparent on Baby's face as she looks at Sarah and sees her own eyes staring back at her. The two girls walk into the trailer unsure of each other. What did I just get myself into... The thought hits me as I realize I am going to be living under the same roof as two teenage girls and a wife. I fucking got married, fuck me running.

  "Glad you made it back; I am ready for some time with my husband." Sunshine nuzzles against my neck. "But first we have a birthday to celebrate." She nibbles on the sensitive spot behind my ear sending a flash of lighting to my dick as it twitches in response to her being smashed up against me. I want nothing more than to take my woman inside and bury myself between her thighs as she screams my name, but today is Baby's fourteenth birthday. Kid is probably already pissed that I crashed her birthday with her long lost sister by the look of her face. I take Sunshine, my wife, the words feel so funny in my mind, but I like the way it feels, into the house to get ready for Baby's birthday party.


  Sunshine helps Sarah get settled into her room. Damn glad for having three bedrooms so I don't have to make the girls share while they are getting adjusted to one another. I explain to Sunshine about the delicacy of Sarah's predicament and she says not to worry she knows what to do. The Fox's Den has a private doctor that takes care of all of the girls and she is going to take her to see him tomorrow so she can be checked out. I hate to put the girl through much more but she needs to be tested and we need to make sure she isn't carrying that bastard's child.

  After a long hot shower with my woman soaped up, rubbing against me and burying myself in her, I go into Baby's room to see how she is coping with everything that is going on. I know she has had her whole life to get used to the fact that somewhere out there she had a sister, but now that sister is here and I hope that, they can be friends. I know Baby has an attitude on her and a mouth, I just hope she does not use it to push Sarah away. "Happy birthday," I pat her on the back and she removes her headphones from one of those gadgets she is so fond of. "You okay?' I ask not sure, if I want to hear anything other than I'm fine. I am not good at dealing with feelings and girly shit. I am treading in a mothers' territory, not sure how to handle any of this.

  "I'm good; did you really kill Foxie's brother?" She looks up at me with sad eyes. That is one thing I have always been honest with the kid—about my life and how I we live.

  "That piece of shit, killed your mother, it was his time to meet his end. Don't you cry for him or shed no tears, he got was coming his way. He was a sick man...a bad man; he hurt your sister real bad too. If she chooses to tell you about it that's on her. Now that is all I am going to say about it. Are you ready for your party?"

  "Yes," she smiles at me with them wild eyes, that fire dancing in them just like her mother, that look is enough to bring a grown man to his knees. It hits me in my gut and spreads down to my toes, as I look back at this child, my child. She is growing up, one-day man is going to look at her and love her the way I loved her mother, and I will kill him. I will kill any bastard that tries to make her his. I want my girl to go out into the world and live. Don't want her to be no man's whore.

  "Go on to your party, I'll catch up. And ask Sarah to go with you and be nice ye hear me!" Fuck, I'm not ready for this—teenage girls and growing up, nope not a damn bit ready.


  Over at the Roadhouse, all of my brother's are present with their families for my girl's birthday. The kid still has an eye for pink, the clubhouse is done up all girly and frilly for the party and my mind goes back in time to another life it seems... I can see Red standing up at the bar hugging her belly, looking at me with them wild breathtaking eyes, with so much love in her heart as she steals glances at the ring I put on her finger. I was ready to give her the world; I was ready to be the man she thought I could be... I hope she is happy, I hope I made her proud—her girls are together and I am going to do right by them. I hope she would approve of Sunshine...I think she would, Red wasn't the kind of woman to judge a person, she loved me good, bad, ugly didn't matter she wanted every piece of me that was true. Though if she were here she'd knock out any bitch that tried to even look at me, I laugh to myself as I see Betty sitting at the bar and I remember the look on her face when Red put her in her place.

  "What's so funny?" Sunshine wraps her arms around me and reaches me a jar of shine. It seems surreal in this moment to be here in this room again celebrating surrounded in pink; I'm waiting for the other shoe to drop.

  "Nothing," I kiss her and decide it's time to share my news...our news.

  Getting everyone's attention, "First, I want to wish my kid a happy birthday, may all her wishes come true." I look over to Baby and see her nestled right between Rebel and Striker like the meat in a sandwich, fuck no. I grit my teeth and decide to finish what I started before I put an end to that shit. "I have some news to share, Inkman hope you brought your gun with ya. I have a few new tats to get and so does Sunshine." It takes my brothers a minute to understand the meaning behind my statement. After a few congratulations and watching Foxie drink herself into oblivion, Slim tells me that he and I have a lot to discuss. I know he isn't happy that I went behind his back to bring Sarah home, but I had to do what I had to do.

  I send the girls home so the adults can party, and so Sunshine and I can get our new ink. For the first time in a long motherrfuckin' time I feel at peace and like I am home where I belong.

  LL comes over and hugs my neck thanking me for bringing her man home safe and sound. I talk to her about Betty. I don't like the bitch and don't want her hanging around here, so LL offers to give her Sunshine's room at the Fox's Den. I think it will be a perfect fit for her. Inkman adds two new teardrops to my chest for Benji and Squirrel. Sunshine and I get matching skull tattoos on our ring fingers to signify our union. I know she probably hates that I have a portrait of Red on my back, but I will never change it or have it removed, Red will always be a part of me, it is something she is going to have to live with. However, I don't want her to think she isn't just as special to me, so I am having Inkman design a sun with her name in it. I didn't want Sunshine to have a brand that looks just like Red's so he is designing something special for her; he said it will signify my claim on her. The only hint he is giving is that it will have to do with finding light in the darkness.

  While Inkman finishes Sunshine's skull on her finger, I join Slim for some darts. "Look man, I know you aren't happy that I went behind your back to bring Sarah home. Nothing-personal brother, I didn't want to preach it to the choir and have it up for discussion. Someone was aiding Benji from the inside and giving him a heads up every time I found his location. Had to make sure this time was different."

  "It's all good brother," he shakes my hand. "I have some information for you on that, the mole was Blaze; motherfucker had been feeding information to the Rejects and the Disciples for years under our noses. Going to put it to vote to strip him of his patch tomorrow at choir, you will get a chance to voice your opinion on what else fate holds for him then." We stop talking business and enjoy the rest of the night after I tell him about Betty. He agrees that it is the best choice for now. He is going to tell Foxie about Squirrel later in private.

  The following day at choir Slim preaches to the brothers and me about Blaze and his betrayal. It is a unanimous decision to strip him of his patch. The choice to make him go cold is harder than I thought; I have known him a long time. He really played me for a fool. He twisted and turned things and made them look as though my oldest friend was betraying our club and me. Not being able to ride and losing his patch isn't enough. He is going to die but not at my hands, it was a club decision to let Trouble do it, a new kid looking to earn his stripes. The boys is ripe
and a close friend to Rebel and Striker. He claims he has connections at the hospital—he can get in and out, while making it look like Blaze succumbed to his injuries from his accident, he will not be buried with club honors either.


  It has been two months since I brought Sarah home, her and Baby are no closer to acting like sisters, but I hope in time they will. Baby has pulled away from me, I think she is jealous of the attention Sunshine and I pay to Sarah. Baby is young and doesn't understand how much Sarah needs to heal, shit takes time. I don't know if I'll ever put my demons to bed. I carry a lot of shit with me, all of the blood I have spilled, the guilt of killing my mother even if the whore got what was coming to her, I know how it feels not to have a mother. The girl's have Sunshine but it isn't the same as them having Red. I have them helping Sunshine pick corn for Romeo in the garden for his next batch of shine, I am hoping they will do some bonding or whatever it is that females do when they get together.

  Trouble walks over carrying a box, as I am working on replacing the bottom step to the front of the porch, damn thing broke last week, split right down the middle. This boy finds any excuse to come over, I don't like the way he eyes Baby, I know she will fall in love one day, but I hope to prevent it long as I can. He is a good kid and will make a fine brother one day, but I don't want this life for Baby. I want her to go to college and make something of her life. "You got a delivery." He quips looking around, I know exactly who he is looking for and he ain't gonna' find her today. He must have the part I have been waiting on by the size of the package.


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