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Rumor Page 10

by Maynard, Glenna

  "What plan?" I ask frustrated by him giving me nothing but more unanswered questions.

  "To see who would be the better son, to see who could fill my shoes. I want you to takeover when I go. I am going to pass my gavel to you son." Is he crazy why in the fuck would I believe any of his bullshit? "Don't believe me; ask Skull he knows I am your father. Better yet, ask that queer you are so fond of Slim, he knew from the get go that Benji was setting you up. He wanted you out of the picture; because he knew, you would never sign off on dealing and running my drugs. Kara was in on it too, though Benji never counted on her falling in love with you. I give you credit boy stealing your brothers wife, that my son took balls." I really wish he'd stop calling me son. Every time that word leaves his mouth, I want to reach over and rip his tongue from his mouth to keep from hearing it again.

  I don't have to listen to this shit, standing to leave he cuts me off, "you know you want to hear all of my story and hear what I am offering. Sit down boy; I am not through with you. You'll go when I say you can go." His face is flushed and his breathing is labored. He pulls out a napkin from his cut and coughs up blood, brushing it off as if it were nothing. Reluctantly I take my seat, but fuck; I need a joint for this bullshit.

  "Where was I," he seems to be collecting his thoughts, could the devil himself really be dying.

  "Why tell me these things now, why wait?" I ask wanting to hear something that makes sense.

  "Because I'm dying. It's terminal. I told you, my gavel is going to fall to you. You passed the test you sacrificed everything and won. I put my money on the wrong son; Benji was never made for being a leader."

  "So everything I have been through was what a game to you?"

  "No you pissy face son bitch, it was a test, you ain't listening to a word I'm saying." He spits and coughs into the blood stained napkin once more.

  My head is in my hands, I don't know what to think or make of anything he has said. Everyone I want answers from is dead except Slim. Hook has crossed the room he is standing in front of me. "I need to know your choice, are you going to take my place boy, you going to do what you were born to do, the clock is ticking."

  "I need to go, I need to think." I stand not looking him in the eyes because I am afraid if I do, I will see pieces of me staring back at me.

  "We will be in touch soon." He steps out of my way and I get on my bike, I need to be on the road, I can't accept these things as true. I am in charge of my destiny, not him, not no man.

  I find myself at Red's grave, if I could reach down into the soil and pull her rotted corpse out and make it talk I would. Everything starts to click into place as I really think about everything since the day I met Red. Why didn't I find it strange that Slim claimed Red killed Benji before I even told him I had her at my place? Or why Hook didn't kill Red that day at the barn or me, he had the perfect opportunity. My gut told me that Red was playing me, but I felt a spark with her, what we shared was real Baby is proof of that.

  "I loved you so motherfuckin' much Red, why did you do it? Was it for money or was it out of fear? Was Benji holding Sarah over your head so you'd go along with his plan? You could have told me the truth; I would have helped you anyway. But you fucked up didn't you, you helped me, you fell in love with me, and Benji killed you for it." Kissing two of my fingers, I touch the top of her headstone. "This is the last time I will come here, goodbye Red."

  These feelings I have been experiencing when it comes to Slim, I knew he was dirty. Motherfuckin' knew it. He is going to pay. I send out a mass text to all the members of The Black Rebel Riders' MC, I tell them to bring their wives too. Slim is going to answer to me and our family for his betrayal; he can't lie his way out of it today. I can see him clearly now for the piece of shit he is.

  As I am getting on my bike, my phone rings. Sunshine's name is flashing on the screen; I answer and tell her not to worry that everything will be known soon. I don't have time to explain it to her. She will find out with everyone else what my choice is. When I get to the Roadhouse there is a few brothers unaccounted for. I go over to the bar and take a seat by Romeo, he passes me his jar of shine and I take a long hard swig, downing it all.

  "You alright brother, " he gives me a long hard stare.

  "No, but I will be." I turn and face everyone, my family, all of my brothers. Slim is staring at me with a lost expression on his face, it is as if he knows, his time has come, that the motherfuckin' Grim reaper has finally come for him. He will be one of the final teardrops to mark my chest.

  The room goes quiet as I walk to the center of the room. "I have asked you all here today because we have a traitor among us, someone has betrayed us all." Hushed whispers breakout within the group and everyone is now a suspect as all of my brothers look around the room at each other, but my eyes are focused on one man—Slim. His eyes meet mine and I can see as it all sinks in as his face wears a worried expression. He now knows that I have the proof to bring him down.

  Once the hushed whispers subside and the rest of my brothers follow my gaze, I continue with my reason for bringing them all here tonight. "Slim, brother, I am going to ask that you join me." Reluctantly he comes to stand at my side. "I am also going to have to ask that you remove your cut and disarm."

  "What in the hell is this Grim," he looks at me putting a puzzled look on his face, trying to play dumb.

  "I challenge you for president of the Black Rebel Riders' MC; you aren't fit to wear that patch." I spit my words at him trying to keep the anger clawing its way out at bay.

  Chapter 15

  "You accusing me of something brother," he spits his venom back at me.

  "Oh brother I am not accusing, I am telling you I know what you did. And today you got to answer for your sins against your family. Slim here has been running drugs behind all of our backs for the past fifteen or so years. That's right I paid a visit to my father, and he told me all about your arrangement."

  The room erupts in chaos, some brothers unable to hear the truth and others like Romeo have a look on their faces as though they have felt the same feeling I have for all these years that something was off with Slim all along.

  "Your father, care to elaborate, being you ain't fuckin' got one." Slim puffs his chest out gaining some of his confidence back. A circle has now formed around us and everyone is listening intently.

  "That's right my father, Jack 'Hook' Johnson. Fitting don't you think that the Grim reaper would be the son of the Devil." Romeo looks at me with a sad look on his face, I hope that I didn't just lose the one brother who has always had my back, and I am counting on his vote tonight. "Tell them Slim; tell them how you made a deal with the devil to run his drugs. Tell them all how you, Benji and Red set me up with the hope that Hook would kill me that day at the barn, when Jailbait lost his life in my place." I give him a chance to deny it as he stands listening to my truth, his truth.

  "Everything I have ever done has been for the good of this club Grim, you know that. Did you really think we could survive off the money from the shine? Why you were busy running the roads sticking your dick wherever it could get a taste, I was here busting my ass making moves and deals securing the future of this club and our children. I was busy making something to leave behind so that our names can carry on."

  "No brother all you saw was dollar signs, and a lot of people died at our hands, for your lies, for a little extra cushioning in your back pocket. Let us put it to a vote, all those in favor of standing behind Slim, say aye." The vote has to be majority in this event. A few brothers stand with Slim. "Alright, no hard feelings boys. All those in favor of me taking the gavel, say aye." Slim looks nervous, good he should be.

  It's been decided. I challenged Slim and won. I am now the president of The Black Rebel Riders' MC. Slim and the rest of our brothers follow me to the basement for my first official choir where we will decide Slim's fate.

  I take my seat at the head of the table and call the meeting into order. No one in this room is armed; everyo
ne had to leave their weapons at the door. "First order of official business, what are we going to do with Slim?" I am all business now. I'd like to slit his throat and give him a happy face, but I have to follow procedure.

  Romeo is the first to speak up, "I say we strip him of his patch, he is no brother of mine."

  "Here here," a few of the other brothers concur. I consider all suggestions as I decide what choice of action I want to take. Do I kill him; do I strip him of his patch? I know what has to be done to protect us from facing something like this again. The decision is hard, Slim was my oldest friend, we started this club together, but in the end, the motherfucker tried to off me, and he put me through hell for money and power, he has to answer for it.

  "Slim Black, I hereby denounce you from the protection of The Black Rebel Riders' MC, you are hereby dead to us, and no one will come to your aid. Your kids will have a choice as to whether they stay or go; no harm will come to them unless they raise a hand to strike at any member of this family."

  Slim accepts his fate like a man. I give him a few minutes alone with his boys, not because I have to but because I care about them boys.

  I have Stone lay a tarp out on the basement floor and get me a knife, I have never had to un-patch a brother, but the rules are in place for a reason. Slim has accepted his judgment like a man and steps into the center of the plastic naked. It is time to strip him of his ink. I step onto the tarp and look Slim dead in the eyes as I pierce his flesh with the tip of the blade, shaving the top layer of his president tattoo on his right shoulder. He cries out in pain, and tears fall down his face as freely as the blood trickles down his arm.

  Each patched brother including his sons takes their turn doing this act to every tattoo connected to our club; he is no longer marked as a brother of ours. Slim passed out about three brothers back. "Loved you brother," I place a kiss on his temple before I pull the trigger sending him where he belongs, where we will one day meet again, the highway to hell.

  "I'm sorry boys, nothing personal." I embrace Striker and Rebel in my arms as the tears for their fallen hero falls from their faces.

  Some of the potentials come into the room to wrap up Slim's body and dispose of him, he does not get to be buried with club honors, he will be buried in an unmarked grave, away from here and we will never speak of him as our brother again.


  The next day I am called to meet with Hook once more, he wants my answer though I suspect he already knows what my choice is; I think all along he has been counting on it.

  "What say you," he lays his gavel on the table that separates us. He looks even more ill than he did the day before.

  I pick up his gavel, flipping it between my hands. "I have made a decision, I will accept your gavel, but not as your predecessor but as the man who puts an end to your power, your way of life. The Devils Rejects will cease to exist, your men who wish to fall in line and stand behind me drug free will be given immunity." He coughs and laughs at me as I put a bullet between his eyes sending him home.

  When his body hits the floor and envelope falls from his cut, I pick it up before the blood soaks into it. It has my name on it. I open the envelope and there is a letter inside.


  If you are reading this letter then you passed the ultimate test, you are now truly a man worthy of the title president. You have made me prouder than any man can ever hope to be of his son. You followed in your old man's footsteps and made a life of your own at your choosing. The road that has lead you to power is paved in blood, sweat and tears. It wasn't an easy journey, but you made it. Enclosed you will find a key to a safety deposit box leaving you everything. Ride free or die trying.




  I am seated at the bar getting my new ink, Inkman is setting up his equipment so he can mark me with the last teardrops I ever plan to receive on my body. Not saying I will never kill again, but I have spilled enough blood over the years. Sunshine is sitting next to me looking finer than ever. She smiles at me flashing me that come fuck me smile. Her and I are about to hit the road for the next week, I owe her a honeymoon. I don't know what the future holds, but I know that I don't plan on going anywhere for a long motherfuckin' time.

  Most of the Devils Rejects scattered once they learned of Hook's death and my plans to disband them. I am sure I haven't heard the last of them, but that journey is for another day. I look into the kitchen at Baby and Rumor working side by side and I can only hope that whatever road they choose, it is nothing like mine. There is something going on between them, I fear it is boy trouble. Sunshine keeps trying to tell me to keep my nose out of it and let them sort things in their own time.

  Things within the club are still calming down, it is going to take some time for everyone to adjust to all of the changes, and it will be even longer before some earn my trust. I glance over at Rebel and Striker playing a game of pool, still love them boys as if they were my own, but I know one day they are going to want me to answer to their father's death. Although if either of them is at the center of this feud between my girls, they are going to have hell to pay.

  **Coming later this year**


  Book 3 of The Black Rebel Riders' MC

  Deep in the hills of Drag Creek Kentucky, there is a group of outlaws, whose love of moonshine and motorcycles runs in their blood. They are known as the Black Rebel Riders' MC. My name is Baby, you came along for the ride during my father's journey, and this is my story, better put on your brain bucket, it is going to be a bumpy ride...

  It is a long hard road to find your way home; hearts will be broken and mended along the way, this is no ordinary love story.

  For as long as Baby can remember, there has only ever been one way of life— the Black Rebel way. When the leadership of the club changes hands, Baby finds herself caught between the only man she desires and her oath to her father. As the struggle for power within the club begins, Baby finds herself unable to choose between love and loyalty.

  "How do you stay when the person who owns your heart, body and soul belongs to another? Where do broken hearts go, when home is all you know, but home is where he is...?"

  Rumor is clear about one thing in her life, she doesn't want to be any mans property. She fights with everything in her being to deny the attraction she feels to a man, who belongs in the world she is desperate to escape.

  Rebel Black is at a crossroad in his life, faced with choices he isn't prepared to make. The life he was born to lead is within his grasp, all he has to do is take it, but everything comes with a price. Will Rebel make the ultimate sacrifice and deny what's in his blood for a chance at love, or will he pay with his heart and become the man that he fears...


  A huge thank you to my girls, Glenna's Rebels, you ladies are wonderful, you know who you are.

  Laura and Colleen thank you so much for all of your insight while I was writing this, I will never be able to tell you how much I appreciate it.

  To my peeps in #WriteClub thanks for pushing me and keeping me motivated to write.

  To all of the MC readers out there who have embraced this series with open arms thank you...Grim, the boys and myself are blown away by the support you have shown us.

  Morgan thank you for encouraging me to do things my way and to go against the grain.

  To my HBIC Liz, I loves you to bits, you have been with me from the beginning and I can never repay you for always having my back.

  To my favorite bitch Dawn, thank you for being you, and keeping things interesting ha ha, I am still working on your KA list. A real friend isn't afraid to hurt your feelings if you need to hear it. I love that about you.

  Nickie you have stuck right with me through so much this past year and always have my back, thank you for being a friend and one of my biggest supporters. And thanks for being my eyes on this book and giving it to me straight, love you big time :)

  Brett, thank you for alw
ays supporting me and encouraging me to never give up, I love you most.

  Last but not least thank you to everyone who has been a constant support during this crazy journey.

  A note from the author

  Dear reader,

  Thank you for supporting my work, as a self-published author, your support means more than you will ever know. With all of my stories I take a lot of freedom with my creative license in creating the characters and places, none of the events in this work are real. In this series I went against some of the more traditional terms when it comes to MC books, because I don't want my books to be the same old song and dance, I hope you can respect my choice as an artist in doing so. If you enjoyed this book, I hope you consider leaving a review for it on the site you purchased it from.

  Happy reading,

  Glenna xxoooxx

  About the Author

  Glenna Maynard is the author of the bestselling romantic suspense novel I’m with You and the bestselling erotica Grim The beginning. A mother by day and writer by night, when Glenna isn't writing or spending time with family you can usually find her curled up reading a great book. She has a passion for romance and paranormal reads.

  Glenna was born and raised in the beautiful hills of Eastern Ky, where she still resides today with her family. Her hobbies include reading, writing, scrap booking, and cooking.

  Visit for more information. You can also find Glenna on several social media sites including Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, Blogger, Google+ and Goodreads.


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