Applebottom Magic: Paranormal Romance

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Applebottom Magic: Paranormal Romance Page 7

by S Cinders

I was kneeling in-between her legs, she was spread wide open for me, her head thrown back with her blond hair sprayed across the sheets like a curtain around her. Her pink nipples were pulled tight and pointing straight at the ceiling. As I bent to take another lick across her most intimate area she sunk her fingers into my hair pulling tightly.

  ‘Please’ she begged, and she knew that I could never refuse her. I fingered her while continuing to lick and suck on her nub, higher and higher she climbed until finally I pulled her clit in my mouth for one final hard suck and it sent her over the edge.

  Before she could come down I grabbed her firm ass in both hands and rammed into her wetness. She was dripping and so tight, her breasts bouncing with every thrust of my hips. As she started climbing again I could feel a tightening near the small of my back and knew that I would be coming soon. She was just so damn tight.

  I increased my thrust and changed the angle so that I could hit her g-spot it wasn’t a moment later before she exploded again and I followed her into ecstasy.

  I shut the vision off, needing a moment away from my own imagination. Damn, that was hot. My cock was like a rock against my zipper. I closed my eyes for a moment and just took some deep breaths trying to calm myself.

  After a moment, I felt a small hand touch my arm. I looked down and saw Apple peering into my eyes questioning. “Is it always like that?”

  I let out a long breath, “I don’t know Apple. That is what I imagine it will be like with us. I think that is what it is like when two people are in love.”

  She was quiet for a moment and then a radiant smile came across her face, “You love me?”

  “Nothing else could have induced me to make myself so vulnerable just now to another human being. Of course, I love you Apple. I think from the very moment I met you and your crazy family. Will you marry me?”

  A tear escaped the corner of her eye and then another for a moment I thought that I had really screwed this up. But then she said, “Yes Ryan, I’ll marry you, because I love you too.”

  CHAPTER 19 - Apple

  I awakened to my face plastered against Ryan's chest. He was breathing heavily so I knew that I could observe him at my leisure.

  These last few days had been a complete whirlwind. And even though I'd only known him a short time I felt this connection, or bond that was undeniable.

  His eyelashes fluttered and he sleepily raised his eyes to meet mine, "Hey there princess," his deep slightly gruff morning tone completely melting my heart.

  "Hey," I smiled in return, but I knew that there was something serious I needed to discuss.

  "What is it?" He asked sitting up and pulling me into his side.

  "Ryan, I love you, and I do want to marry you. But I'm only 18; I am not ready to be your baby momma."

  He stared at me for a moment before throwing his head back in a bark of pure laughter.

  From a pathway, off to the left I heard voices. I went to alert Ryan who was still bellowing when I heard James say, "That's got to be Ryan, although I've no idea what's got into him."

  "Well, he's better not 'got into' my niece or he will have a whole world of trouble coming for him." Jessica responded tartly.

  James southern drawl quipped back "Sounds as if you really need someone to get into you Jess."

  As the rounded the corner and came into sight Jessica whispered something under her breath which caused James pants to seem to shrink a few sizes.

  They were starting to look a trifle uncomfortable when I finally intervened. "Jess, please stop squashing the man's cod piece."

  Ryan choked on shocked laughter again.

  "Would you rather I called it his Johnson?" I asked.

  "Meat Popsicle?" Jess supplied.

  "More like my Anaconda," James added now that he was breathing easier.

  "More like Tiny Tim," Jess mocked teasingly.

  James laughed good naturedly. "You are very witty Ms. Jess and I applaud you. But you do realize when you call a man's womb raider into question it only makes him more anxious to pull it out and dispel the doubts. Let's just say that I would have no problems putting those silly rumors you've started to rest."

  Jess flushed clear to the roots of her electric blue hair. "Keep that cervix crusader where it belongs, good gorgeous gravy we have real problems to talk about besides your junk."

  "Right," I said trying to get us back on track. "Did you both have any luck?"

  They shook their heads, "Darn, we didn't either and now we only have two more days."

  I could feel the helplessness start to overwhelm us and I knew that we needed to change our thinking.

  "Ryan, tell us about Emily. Tell us something about when you were young or something about your childhood."

  He thought for a moment before getting to his feet and helping me to rise as well. As we started to walk he told me about living in the city.

  "Emily loved being out in the city late at night when things were quieter. Our father wouldn't allow her to go outside. But she would sneak out in the early morning hours. She had the ability to hear astonishing well and could hear me call to her even from miles away. I would tap on the ground and the vibrations would reach her. Then we could smuggle her into her room before father could find out she had been gone."

  Ryan smiled at the memory.

  I loved how much he cared for his sister. It showed what a good man he could be.

  "Was this before or after she learned to wield fire?" I asked.

  "Mostly before," he answered. "Once father knew she could do magic she became a commodity to him and he wanted him to marry for his gain. After years of neglect and abuse how child he possibly expects her to follow him?"

  "Because she's my daughter," the gruff words from Ryan's father's voice froze me completely where I was standing. "And she damn well should have done as she was told."

  Ryan's father turned to look at him with disgust.

  "We have you surrounded boy. There is no point running or fighting. You will only get these people killed. But I will leave the choice up to you. What will it be?"

  "It's like you said Sir, we better damn well do as we are told." Ryan bit out, his eyes filled with regret and hatred.

  "Good boy."

  I almost jumped up and hit him then. Ryan was not a freaking dog, some type of animal that needed his head patted and a treat pressed in his tray. This man really was a monster.

  Don't fight him Apple, I looked straight into Ryan's eyes, willing him to fight back, if not for me, then for himself or for his sister or his men.

  For a moment, I felt nothing and then I was flooded with emotion, do you honestly think that I am not fighting back because I'm afraid? Because I don't care about you enough? Apple, he kills people every day for the ever-loving fun of it. He would love to sit you down and have you watch in detail as he tortured Sally, Jessica and then Nana. I am not fighting back so that you have a chance. So that he doesn't use you as a torture play thing against me. The more I seem distant the better it will be for you. Please understand my every move; my every breath is for you.

  I choked back some of the tears that were running down my face, astounded that Ryan was still able to stand there perfectly still not even glancing in my direction. I noticed that James was doing the same thing.

  These men were raised to fight this type of emotional battles and clearly, I was losing.

  "What are your orders, sir?" Ryan asked his father, clearly reverting to COW procedure.

  "We will take this case over from here officer, you and your team member are to report to headquarters and to give your mission reports."

  Ryan saluted his father as did James. With Patrick still missing I felt we still had a slim chance.

  I am not leaving you. James and I will camp nearby and formulate a plan. I don't think he will move you until he finds Emily. He has been looking for her for a long while. I love you. I heard Ryan's reassuring words rush over me.

  I whispered back I love you too.

APTER 20 - Apple

  (3 weeks later)

  So, I haven't seen Ryan, Nana, and Sally, Emily or the guys in three weeks. But what I think might be the craziest is I haven't seen Ryan's dad either. Why in the hell did he kidnap me to just ditch me?

  I know his name is Carl but it seems super weird to me to call my fiancé's dad by his first name, even if he abducted me. Shouldn't he be Mr. Ruttledge, Commander, Sergeant Major Ass-wipe or something? It's not like we are besties.

  I'm at this sort of compound place; it's like jail with memory foam mattresses. I'm thinking it's like what the rich and famous go to when they serve time in 'prison'.

  My personal guard/assistant is Shana. She's with me day and night. It's super creepy, I don't think she sleeps. She doesn't even laugh or joke, believe me I've tried. It's just not at all normal, and I'm hilarious.

  I'm currently working on another escape plan. I've attempted quite a few with what I would have to admit quite dismal results.

  I'm not allowed outside, so I have no idea how far they have taken me. It seemed to me we had driven for approximately 2 hours. But with magic there is always so many additional things to consider. I also wouldn't put it past the man the drive-in circles just to throw me off.

  I've asked Shana about our location. If we are still near the Grand Canyon since my magic is still working? If she realizes what a complete douche bag Commander Carl is? If she likes her unibrow and lady stash?

  Shana doesn't respond to any of these types of questions. I could almost hate her, but what's the point? She wouldn't care.

  I've got to admit, I'm growing a certain fondness for her.

  Or maybe this is like that one movie where the guy ends up talking to his volleyball, only Shana is my volleyball. I ran my theory by her this morning and she said that she is not sporting equipment.

  It's like she doesn't even try.

  The one thing that has been different here is that every day I have been working on my magic. Shana is a MT or master trainer.

  I am doing all kinds of things that I couldn't do before and instead of seeing silvery threads or golden strands of magic, I see a myriad of opalescent colors dancing everywhere around me.

  Apparently, I am not only an earth witch, but I have a rare gift in which I can utilize magic from all the sources around me.

  Meaning all four elements, earth, fire, water and air will wield to my command. I'm so much more powerful than I had known. But I feel strangely tethered here.

  Something or someone is holding me back, keeping me down. I've got to get away.

  As I lay down after another exhaustive day of training I open my mind to him. It's the same thing I've done every day, for the past 15 days.

  Are you there?

  I lifted 5 men in the next room, scared them to death.

  I think I even shocked Shana, which as you know is surprising. But again, it's hard to register surprise with her and her un-brow.

  I miss you.

  I wish I was with you.

  Please keep looking for me.

  As I closed my eyes I felt a small tear escape. I hardly cried at all anymore, even at night, I knew they were coming and I wanted to be ready when they got here.


  Ryan POV

  Like clockwork Apple checked in with me each night. The first time I heard her in my mind I was so overjoyed I about cried like a damn baby.

  It had been 8 days since he had taken her. And I was sure she was somewhere nearby. I tore out of camp and searched for 72 hours straight. But no matter how hard I searched or how much I tried to respond, I couldn't find her or communicate with her.

  I wouldn't put it past the old bastard to set this whole thing up just to torture me. The only thing causing me to question this theory was that I didn't think he was aware of our mind communication.

  Being apart from her was torture.

  She told me about where she was staying. Apple is so observant. I gathered all the descriptions I could from what she gave me.

  I laughed at her commentary between her and the MT, and remembered when she had called me a cow.

  I was so proud of her for rising to every challenge that had been placed before her. Ever since I've come into her life it's been one constant shock after another.

  I know the gentlemanly thing to do would probably be to walk away and to let her have a normal life away from all the craziness that my family has brought her. But I love her too much to walk away.

  And I know my father will never let this go.

  We finally met up with everyone else a few days after Apple was taken. Nana had Emily in a safe place deep in the tunnels of the canyon. For now, that was home base.

  I thought I knew of all the MMS's or Magical Military Stations. After doing a search there we searched all the lesser known bases but came up with nothing.

  I felt like there was something I was missing right at the back of my mind. Some stone left unturned, or some piece of the puzzle I was forgetting. And then it dawned on me.

  I pulled the group together for a family meeting. Emily looked thinner. Her eyes were glowing almost amber, obviously upset by the events taking place.

  Gladys, Sally and Jess were unusually quiet. I could tell that they were losing hope. Gladys sat between her sisters with a hand being held by each one. Even in hardship these women understood the strength in family.

  James and Patrick were solemn, no longer cracking jokes. I could tell they were itching to get to work. We all missed Apple and hated that Carl had taken her.

  We had avoided magic for the most part, simply as to not give away our cover. When magic is performed, it leaves a trace or residue if you will. It creates fissures in the natural cadence of its flow. Nothing that won't naturally fix itself but again, we didn't want to put out a sign, come and get us.

  "Girls," I said speaking to the sisters, "When you told me about your parents you spoke about your family wand. You said that's what your father used when he created the canyons."

  They looked slightly confused but nodded.

  Gladys answered for the trio, "That is correct Ryan, but that wand hasn't been seen for hundreds of years."

  I knew that what I was suggesting would be a stretch. But I was a desperate man, and desperate men have desperate plans.

  "I know Gladys, I do. Just please bear with me. What was it that your mother said to you when she last appeared to you?"

  "That she loved us, and to be brave," Jess whispered.

  "That because of our father's choice to desert the land we would be tasked to guard and protect it." Sally added.

  "And that there would be a time when we would need each other and to follow our hearts," Gladys said. "And someday, when we meet again to let her know what we have learned."

  "But Ryan do you really think that after all these years the family wand is really here somewhere in these canyons?" Jess asked hesitantly.

  I took a deep breath and laid all my cards on the table. "Honestly I don't know. But what I do know is that many magical families do have great sources of power from their family wands. I know that your family somehow gets a tremendous source of power from these canyons.

  Am I putting two and two together and getting five? I really don't know, but I think this is worth exploring."

  "I think you should do this." Emily spoke up.

  I looked up in surprise. Emily had been so quiet and withdrawn since my father had taken Apple.

  "Your mother asked you to follow your hearts. What does your heart tell you?" Emily stared at the women speaking clearly and calmly, her eyes a warm violet.

  I could see each sister come to their conclusion.

  "Let's do this," Nana led the way.

  CHAPTER 21 - Apple

  "Hey Wilson, what is on the agenda for today? More training you say, that's just what I was hoping to do to, honestly, I was, but I think this time I'm going to have to pass. You understand, don't you? My schedule is just so terribly full of so many people coming in and ou
t. Anyhow, thanks for stopping by! Don't let the door hit you where the good Lord split you!" I call out my entire tirade at Shana without ever once lifting the white duvet covers from my face.

  I've been here for seven weeks now, nearly two months. Shana is still the only human being I've seen in that entire time unless you count the one staring back at me in the bathroom mirror. She's truly become my 'Wilson'.

  I'm tired of planning fruitless escapes. I know that Ryan is coming for me, I know it deep in my soul. I know that Nana and the rest will do everything in their power to bring me home. But I'm damn tired of waiting.

  "I've been called a lot of things in my life, but never Wilson, most stick with Commander and a few call me Carl."

  So, the snake had finally left his den. I tossed the covers back, sat up and just looked at him. By the world's standards he was one fine piece of man candy. He quirked a brow at me.

  "What?" I replied crossing my arms across my chest, thankful I'd added a soft sweatshirt over my skimpy tank top last night. "Am I supposed to scream in terror or shudder in fear?"

  Carl smiled and then laughed; it was a cruel sound without any humor. 'You could at least act the part of the hostage."

  I shrugged my shoulders, "No thanks. Is there a reason for your visit, or are your just being polite? Oh, what am I saying, it's you, and you don't do polite."

  His eyes narrowed, "You're walking a pretty fine line here girl, you might want to watch yourself."

  "So, was there something you needed or is this a social call?" I knew I was pissing him off, but I didn't care. He'd taken everything from me, and then isolated me in a room for almost two months, alone. For all I know everyone I care about in the world could be dead. If he was looking for a broken compliant child, he came knocking on the wrong door.

  "You are nothing like I expected," he muttered rubbing his chin absently.

  I let out a bark of laughter, "likewise."

  "Clean yourself up, you are leaving here today. You are to be presented to the council tonight and we will be married tomorrow."

  "No," at first my response surprised the both of us, but I gained strength from it.


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