Always And Forever (Stone Pack book 3.5)

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Always And Forever (Stone Pack book 3.5) Page 2

by Harper Phoenix

  I all but squeal with excitement. I climb over him and perch right above him. His arms come around my hips, and he pulls me down to his mouth. I lean forward, realising that I won’t be able to do this for much longer as my bump gets bigger. I make the most of it, and I devour his cock. I feel him hesitate beneath me, and as he stills, I hum, knowing what that does to him. His fingers grip my hips, and he grinds me against him while thrusting his hips forward. His tongue flicks against my clit, and as he inserts a finger, I almost come apart. He feels me clench though, and with his arm, he holds me to his mouth. I lift my head, unable to concentrate, and throwing it back, I moan his name. His fingers are moving inside me quicker now, and I can barely hold it together. I come apart in no time at all, but he doesn’t let me go. He laps and sucks my clit until I come down from my intense orgasm. My mouth has gone dry, and I’m like jelly. He lifts me, placing me next to him. I lick my lips and move down the bed until I’m face to face with his dick, standing proudly, just waiting to be sucked again. I don’t get there though. He has other plans.

  ‘Steady yourself. This is going to be hard and fast.’ I’m on my knees already, so I only have to lean forward and disperse my weight until I am on all fours. He is behind me and sliding deliciously inside a second later. I’m mewling and panting, ready to go off again. He reaches around my hip, and under my bump and puts a small amount of pressure on my clit. I go off like a firework. I can feel my walls clamping down and squeezing his cock. Only a few more thrusts and he erupts inside me. The feeling of him emptying into me is amazing. His marking scent fills the room, and he stays seated inside me, pulling me up and back so I am sitting on his thighs. Turning my head, I look into his eyes. Lidded with a sated look, he captures my lips and his tongue licks into my mouth.

  ‘Love you, baby,’ he says against my lips. I reach up and cup the back of his head, pulling him in for another kiss. As I do, I clench my pussy and he groans. I love that sound so damn much. I’m all cleaned up and ready for bed when Jared brings up Harrison.

  ‘How come he let you hug him?’

  ‘What do you mean?’

  ‘I mean, you walked up and cuddled him like it was fine.’

  I frown. ‘I’ve hugged him before.’

  ‘l gathered because he didn’t flinch—he always flinches.’

  ‘Well, he didn’t the first time either.’

  ‘When was that?’

  ‘In the basement, when he was showing me… stuff.’

  ‘So you hugged it out over torture?’

  ‘I guess.’ I snigger. ‘I thanked him, and told him how much I had needed it, and that I appreciated what he’d done for me, and I hugged him.’

  ‘He didn’t push you away? Or leave?’

  I shake my head because if I remember rightly, he hugged me back.

  ‘No, he hugged me back. He didn’t say anything though.’

  ‘Well, fuck me. I’ve never seen anyone able to touch him like that.’

  ‘I guess, doing what we did together, helped?’

  ‘I should be jealous.’

  I laugh because he’s pouting. ‘You most definitely have nothing to be jealous about. I love Harrison like I love the pack. He helped me, Jared, hugely, and I needed it.’

  ‘I know, baby. I’m sorry it took someone else to give you what you needed.’ He looks a little sad at that.

  ‘Hey, only Harrison could have known because it’s in his nature, and he knew it would help.’

  ‘I love that you love everyone in our pack. And it’s so fucking sexy when I watch you taking care of them all.’

  ‘Really?’ I giggle ‘Sexy?’

  He growls low and crawls up my body like a predator. ‘Very fucking sexy!’



  I had the church booked for the big day, on pack land, where I grew up. Devon still doesn’t know where we’ll be tying the knot, but she honestly doesn’t seem to care much now. Initially, she said it had to be perfect, and she was stressed to hell about it. Now though, she keeps just saying it doesn’t matter where it is that we get married—it will be perfect so long as we’re both there. I agree. All the fucking fuss does my head in, but I want it exactly how she envisioned, and it can’t be anything less than perfect. We will only do this once, and I want to make it the best day of her life. So now that we only have a week left, I drag the men to the suit store to get fitted. I tell them to suck it up and get the fucking penguin suits on. Harrison is grumbling the most, Brad and Howard just look uncomfortable, with their cravats hanging loosely around their necks, which match the bridesmaid dresses. The guy comes forward to help with the cravats, but as he walks towards Harrison first, I stop him before he touches him.

  ‘Any chance these can be tied before we put them on?’

  ‘These are traditional, sir, that need to be tied around the neck. However, if you are not accustomed, they can be tricky. We do a clip-on equivalent if you would prefer?’

  ‘Same colour?’


  ‘Yup, clip-on it is.’

  We leave the shop with suits in hand and clip-on cravats. Everyone is a little more relaxed now that we’re in our regular clothes. We decide to eat before we shop for shoes.

  ‘TGI Friday’s?’ Brad asks. I shrug not caring where, as long as we get food. We head that way, Harrison and Howard both not caring either. As we round the corner though, the queue is huge, so we detour to Pizza Hut.

  ‘Yaaaay, all you can eat buffet. Yes please, and thank you!’ Brad hollers, pushing through the door. We get seated in a booth near the window, and the four of us all order the buffet. On each hotplate, there are several different pizzas. All sliced so you can serve yourself a slice. I follow Brad and wish I’d gone fucking first. He doesn’t take a slice or two of each—he takes the full fucking ham and mushroom pizza. Leaving me with plain cheese or pineapple.

  ‘Greedy fucker,’ I grumble,

  ‘What? I’d only have to get up for more. Pointless, wasting time.’

  ‘Yeah, don’t worry about the rest of us, eh?’ Howard moans behind me.

  ‘Oh, get over it, she’ll bring more soon.’ He waves as he walks back to the table. I move to the second hotplate while Harrison and Howard fill their plates. I meet them back at the table.

  ‘You’re lucky they had ham and mushroom on the second bar otherwise you’d be sharing yours.’ Brad ignores me and just grins around his mouthful. Our drinks arrive at the same time that Harrison and Howard join us. We all eat in silence for a couple of minutes.

  Harrison wipes his mouth. ‘Tell me why I need a monkey suit for your wedding?’

  ‘I told you. You’ll find out later.’

  ‘I don’t fucking like surprises.’

  ‘I don’t think you’ll mind this one.’

  ‘Well, I don’t know. No good looking at me,’ Brad tells him. ‘I’m the best man. Fuck knows what you two are.’

  ‘You aren’t the best man, dickhead, I am.’ Howard says nudging him.

  ‘I am,’ he retorts like a spoiled child.

  ‘Fuck’s sake. You both are!’

  ‘Both?’ Brad asks as he bites his pizza.

  ‘Yeah, both. I couldn’t not have either one of you, so you’re the best men.’

  ‘Can I look after the rings though?’ Brad asks

  ‘FUCK NO!’ we all say in unison.

  ‘Well, fuck me, I’m wounded. It’s like you don’t fucking trust me or something.’

  ‘How many sets of fucking keys have you had?’ Howard mocks. ‘And you want us to trust you with the wedding rings?’ Brad mocks offence and carries on eating. There’s a knock on the window, and I turn to see the same guys we had trouble with, in the club the other night. I sigh as the rest of them clock who’s outside. Brad motions to the guys like a cheeky fucker to wait till we’ve finished eating, then we’ll be out to settle the score. The guy he said it to looks pissed, as we all continue to eat.

  ‘Don’t fucking need this today,’ I gr
umble to no one in particular.

  ‘Well, looks like our fun is over, there are more across the road,’ Howard says, still eating nonchalantly like the fuckers aren’t staring us down through the window. Harrison finishes his slice then moves to stand.

  ‘I’ll take care of it.’

  ‘Fuck no, you seen how many there are out there?’ I tell him. ‘Sit down, they can fucking wait.’ He does and takes a drink of his coke. Then a hand slams on my shoulder, and Harrison leaps up out of his chair and gets straight in the guy’s face.

  ‘Remove your fucking hand or lose it,’ he growls. I finish my last slice and stand myself, shrugging the offending hand off me. Brad and Howard both stand with me, and the guy suddenly realises no one else followed him in. This is one of the guys I’d knocked out. I look around the restaurant and see families with small children and decide this needs taking elsewhere and fast.

  ‘How about you calm the fuck down, and we take it outside?’ I raise my hand to catch the waitress’s eye, to quickly pay by card. The dude is jonesing now, and I honestly don’t think he’s going to wait until we get outside, so I push him towards the door, at which point his buddy comes through it. Also wearing a soul seekers cut. This one says VP above his name, ‘Bones.’ Maybe, as the vice president, he would have some sense. Apparently not. But he does do a double take at Harrison, who looks at me, knowingly. We get outside with the two guys flanking us. In a packed car park, there are around four other guys circling us on their bikes, leaving around eight more on foot. Not the best odds, but not the worst either. I move forward, and we get into formation. Instinctively, I face forward, Harrison to my right, Howard to my left, and Brad at my back. This way we cover all angles. We don’t even need to discuss it. The VP holds his hands up.

  ‘I know you.’ He points at Harrison. ‘How do I know you?’ Harrison grunts and cracks his neck, he’s ready. That’s his tell. The VP still has hands in the air as he asks, ‘What’s your name?’

  ‘Ask your fucking president,’ Harrison growls, leaping forward and knocking the first guy out cold. All hell breaks loose then, and it’s a fucking free for all.

  ‘Oooh, you bastard, not my face!’ I hear Brad shout. ‘Now you’re gonna make my girl mad too.’

  I take a punch to the jaw that I don’t see coming because I’m too busy watching Harrison make a move for the VP. He’s laid out three men to get to him, and when he grips him by the throat and lifts him off the ground, everyone stops fighting, scared as shit that their VP is going down. I dust myself off and wait to see where Harrison is going with this.

  ‘Get him on the phone,’ he snarls.

  The guy nearest me moves the fastest and hands Harrison the phone. I shake my head, and he looks around wondering what the fuck to do. When a voice comes through the phone, he answers, ‘Prez…’ he asks nervous as fuck. He looks to his VP who is turning purple.

  But it’s Harrison who speaks. ‘Ask him how he knows Harrison Stone.’ That’s the name he uses for contract work. And that’s when the penny drops. He’s worked for these fucktards.

  ‘Why?’ I hear the prez ask.

  ‘Umm, he’s here, and we just had a little scuffle, Prez.’


  ‘Not me boss, but—’

  ‘Put him on the fucking phone,’ he screams.

  The guy looks at me. ‘He wants to talk to him.’ He points at Harrison—the VP is now unconscious from lack of oxygen. He drops to the floor in a heap. Harrison takes the phone. He doesn’t say anything, just grunts.

  ‘We can smooth this out, right? No repercussions? They didn’t know who you are,’ the Pres says desperately.

  Another grunt, then, ‘Happens again, they’ll be back in a body bag.’

  ‘Thank you!’ The Pres says as Harrison throws the phone back to its owner. We start to walk away when the minion comes up behind me.

  ‘Sorry, man,’ he says to Harrison.

  ‘Fuck off,’ he grunts in reply.

  ‘Can’t believe he hit me in the fucking face. My nose is gonna be swollen all night,’ Brad chimes in, breaking the tension.

  ‘Be a fucking improvement,’ Howard says taking the piss. We leave the carpark and the VP, who’s still sprawled out, and his minions dusting themselves off. Fuckers.

  ‘You done a lot of their dirty work?’ I ask as we head back towards the shopping centre.

  ‘Enough of it.’

  ‘They obviously don’t have a fucking brain cell between them, starting shit they can’t finish,’ Brad grumbles. Howard and I agree.

  ‘Hopefully, that shit won’t happen again, but if it does…’ Harrison shrugs his shoulders. I know what that means. He’ll end them. Fair enough. We get back inside the shopping centre, and the place is heaving. School’s kicked out, and the place is teaming with kids. I can see Harrison twitching as a group on skateboards come hurtling towards us. I move to Harrisons left so he isn’t on the end. I think if they bump him, the mood he’s in, he’s liable to lose his shit. Scarring the little fuckers for life.

  ‘I see a shoe shop, dead ahead,’ Brad says like he’s talking into a walkie. I laugh, shaking my head at his inner fucking child, and we find our way in. We all pick the shoes we want, and we’re done and back in the car within an hour. It’s been a long fucking day.



  I’m busy in the kitchen when the men arrive home. I’m cooking a hotpot. I’ve honestly been trying to pass the time, nervously waiting until they got back. I’m seriously hoping my plan works out. I can’t think of another way I’d rather it be. The guys come in, and the first thing I notice is their mood. The second is Brad’s face.

  ‘Oh my god, what happened?’ I ask in a high-pitched voice just as Maiya walks in the room.

  ‘What the fuck?’ she asks cupping Brad’s face ‘Who hit you?’

  ‘It’s just superficial. I’ll be as beautiful as ever in a few hours.’

  ‘Who did it?’ she asks again, looking at the guys individually as if she can see the perpetrator by looking hard enough at them.

  ‘Calm down, beautiful. We had a scuffle with the same guys from the bar last week.’

  ‘What are you taking about?’ I ask, looking at Jared because I don’t know anything about it. Maiya though, clearly does and didn’t tell me. Everyone looks at each other as if they’re naughty kids. Then they all filter out, leaving Jared and me alone. I tilt my head and purse my lips, folding my arms.

  ‘Baby, I didn’t tell you, because honestly, it wasn’t anything, and I don’t want you worrying about shit that has been dealt with while you’re pregnant.’ My anger dissipates a little, and my heart melts at him protecting our babies. He looks at me with puppy eyes, and I cave, kissing his lips. His chuckle reverberates through me as he hugs me close.

  ‘Did you speak to Harrison?’ I ask nervously.

  He shakes his head and pecks my lips in a chaste kiss. ‘Baby, I think it’s better coming from you.’ I take a deep breath and nod my head. He’s right, it does need to be me, so we go in search of him, and find him in the security room with Brody.

  ‘Harrison, can I have a quick word please?’

  He frowns, but gets up, and follows me as I head to the library. He looks at Jared and then me, with a puzzled look on his face.

  ‘Umm, I just wanted to ask… and please don’t feel that you have to… I won’t be offended, I promise… but I would really love it if you could give me away at the wedding,’ I blurt it out in a hurry. His face relaxes, and instead of confusion, there’s shock. He swallows, and then looks to Jared, then to me, and then the floor, and I think, that’s it, he doesn’t want to. He grunts and then clears his throat. ‘I’d like that’ he says in a quiet whisper. I smile so hard as I leap at him and hug him. It takes a minute before I feel him hug me back. But I am so happy and relieved that he said yes.

  ‘Thank you. It means a lot, man,’ Jared says shaking his hand as I release him.

>   ‘Thank you so much, Harrison. I really appreciate it.’

  ‘I’m honoured,’ he almost sounds a little choked up. And he quickly turns and leaves the room, mumbling, ‘Got stuff to do.’ We say nothing and just let him go. I bite my lip, turning to Jared I’m so excited about the wedding. Everything is in order. The only thing I’m sad about is my dad not being here with me.

  JARED AND THE boys are all at his childhood home, while the girls and I are staying at Zoe’s, being pampered. Her mom is super nice and is doing her best to make sure I have everything I could ever need! Zoe is definitely her mum’s daughter. Her mum is stunning too and looks half her age. We have champagne and nibbles, and they’ve booked a team of beauticians to come in and pamper us for the evening, as well as get us ready in the morning for the big day. I take a small glass of champagne because I want to participate, even if I won’t drink much because of the babies. Everyone said they didn’t want to be hungover the next day so wanted to take it easy, but as they get to the end of the champagne, Mrs Kessler pops the cork on another bottle. I look at Maiya who just smirks and shrugs her shoulders, then hands her glass over to Zoe. Willow and Imogen are currently having their faces splurged with green gunk as they lay back on a massage table. There are four tables all laid out in a huge space that I assume is usually a formal dining room. It looks like the room would easily hold a huge table.

  ‘Miss, if you would like to get comfortable and release your robe before sitting down. I will slip it off once you are in place.’

  I nod my thanks and do as she asks. ‘What is it you are doing please?’ But it’s Zoe who answers.

  ‘Girl, believe me when I tell you that you will sleep so goddamn well tonight. This girl has magic hands, and you are getting the works!’

  ‘The works?’

  ‘Yes, you’re having a full massage with a facial and an Indian head massage, then a mani-pedi.’

  ‘What’s a mani-pedi?’

  ‘Jesus, woman. It’s a manicure for your hands and feet. Did you live under a rock before you came here?’ she asks laughing.


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