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Harbor City (An Alec Winters Series Book 4)

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by Chariss K. Walker

  He became pensive and brooding.

  “What is it, Alec?”

  “I need to see her body, please,” he almost whispered.

  “It’s not advisable, Alec. You don’t want to remember her that way – the way she will appear on the slab. Having previously met Sabrina, I was able to positively identify her.”

  “I need to see her. I need to say goodbye.”

  “Then, if you must, I’ll arrange it.” Vivien acquiesced with a heavy sigh. She turned away to make the necessary phone calls.

  It had been a long day for Vivien – and it wasn’t over. She had just left Sabrina’s condo and gotten home when Alec called. Now, she would make sure he had entry to the morgue and stay with him until he was satisfied.

  Chapter 4

  At the morgue, Vivien signed the necessary paperwork. The attendant scowled. “This is on me,” Vivien quickly said. “Let Davis know, please.”

  Inside, the sheet was lowered to reveal only Sabrina’s head and a small part of her shoulders. Adhesive residue lingered on her perfect lips revealing the manner in which she was silenced during the attack. Her flawless exotic beauty, now scarred and bruised, revealed the brutal and violent punishment she’d taken. The bastards had cut deeply in an attempt to extract some unknown information from her. Her eyes and nose…well, Alec couldn’t find words to describe the condition in which his beloved Sabrina had died.

  For what? Why did they torture her? What did she so fiercely protect with her life? Why didn’t she save herself?

  Why didn’t she save herself for me? Alec silently lamented as he choked back sobs.

  Vivien knew that seeing the torture Sabrina had suffered was terribly hard on Alec Winters. She watched him closely for any signs of a breakdown. His jaw was locked in an effort to maintain control. A muscle twitched at his temple. His hands clenched and unclenched by his sides. She wished she could help, but Vivien understood his grief was a solitary path.

  “Leave us,” Alec demanded.

  No one argued. Vivien placed a soothing hand on Alec’s forearm before nodding to the attendant. They left together.

  Alec took a deep breath before pulling the sheet back further. Sabrina’s body had also greatly suffered from the appalling abuse. The man had done it – his despicable scent still lingered on her body. Alec’s heart, pounding loudly in his chest, felt as if it would burst. He wanted to wrap his hands around the bastard’s throat and squeeze the life from him, but that wasn’t good enough for the man who had tortured her. He wanted to do to him what he had done to Sabrina.

  He took another deep breath to steady himself and then lowered the sheet further. There was tape residue on her hands as well. She had been bound. Then, his eyes lingered on her torso. Shock rippled through his entire body. He recognized the brutal torture methods and the symbol carved across her abdomen. He’d seen this same technique, this symbol, while serving in Afghanistan.

  The bastards were Russian!

  No longer able to control it, rage consumed him. He roared in pain and a deep and overwhelming desire for retribution. It sounded like thunder. The walls shook and the doors rattled from the rumbling noise.

  Outside, Vivien looked at the attendant, “Did you hear that? Are we expecting a thunderstorm?” Her companion didn’t readily reply, but he nervously searched the windows for signs of lightning.

  “I don’t think thunder causes the floor to shake,” he finally said in a shaky voice. “Maybe a transformer blew up?”

  Neither Vivien nor the attendant had any answers.

  Meanwhile, Martin Saguache appeared. He stood beside his grandson and placed a calming hand on Alec, gently warning, “You must control your anger. Not here, not now. Keep your wits about you, Alec. Take a deep breath and use all your talents to find the bastards who did this.” Martin recognized that his grandson had reached the second stage of the grief process – anger.

  “I already have what I need to track them. For now, I need to see Mother and Catalina. I need to be with my family.”

  Heavy hearted, Alec slowly moved to the door. It felt as if he walked in thick muck. Each step he took felt as if the Louisiana gumbo-mud sucked his feet deeper and deeper into the sludge. It was an effort to put one foot in front of the other one. Even though he knew that the body on the table wasn’t really Sabrina, he didn’t want to leave her. He didn’t want her here… alone in such a cold, dreary place.

  Alec looked back one last time. Sabrina’s beautiful spirit, amid beams of lavender light, stood beside her dead body. She smiled at him, touched her heart, and made a motion as if giving it to him. He knew the message, ‘my heart belongs to you.’

  He cried, and with tears streaming down his face, Alec fell to his knees on the cold, concrete floor. “Oh, Sabrina. My sweet Sabrina. I intended to propose when I got back. I wanted to marry you. Now, we are lost to each other forever. How can I go on without you?”

  She was instantly by his side, gently stroking his hair and face. He felt the mild electricity of her touch around his scalp, on his forehead and cheeks. It was soothing. The sensation was so gentle and sweet, like spidery love-webbing in his hair. Something ethereal and intangible woven around his head.

  He had witnessed this same method of comfort from so many other departed souls as they soothed and consoled their living loved ones. But it was the first time he had ever felt or experienced it.

  He wanted to hold onto it, to hold onto her, but that was impossible. When he reached to touch her, he grasped some insubstantial wisp. Airy, but nothing he could embrace. He wanted to wrap Sabrina in his arms, to feel her, to smell her sweet lavender scent one more time, but that wasn’t possible. His tears flowed freely.

  Martin Saguache stood back and watched his grandson for several long moments. Finally, he said, “There is a beginning, middle, and end to every life, Alec. Sabrina must go because this is the end for this life. She’s ready for the light. She would stay with you to ease your pain, but you mustn’t let her do that. Let her go,” Martin encouraged.

  Martin Saguache observed his grandson take timid steps toward the third phase of the grief process – bargaining.

  “I don’t know how to let go,” Alec cried. “I don’t want her to leave me. She’s been a part of me for as long as I can remember. I can’t face the emptiness that will be left behind once she is completely gone. I need her here with me.”

  “That’s just it… she’ll never be totally gone. Anytime you think of her, she’ll be nearby, but only if she has time to heal in the afterlife. She has suffered greatly. She must return to the light to be restored to health and receive nurturing for those spiritual and emotional wounds. That’s the only way she can begin again. Please, let her go. If you truly love her – Let her go, Alec.”

  Chapter 5

  When Alec got home, Cassidy had coffee and a small dark cake ready for her son. Filled with bran, raisins, molasses, minced dates and apples, it was his favorite energy boost. She’d baked the cake because she knew he would need fortitude and strength for what lay ahead. However, Alec didn’t eat or drink.

  Cassidy, Alec, and Catalina sat at the cozy breakfast table, waiting. Cassidy and Catalina waited for him to talk. Alec waited for his ability to speak to return. He was silent for a very long time. The antique clock on the sideboard ticked noisily, exaggerated by the silence. Cat nibbled at the cake and sipped sweet, creamy coffee as she gazed at her brother. Finally, after a great deal of time had passed, she jumped to her feet. Rushing to Alec’s side, she threw her slender arms around his neck and shoulders.

  Alec felt an electrical current pass between them and silently marveled, this is how Sabrina felt – how closely is my little sister living to the spirit world? He looked up at her sweet face and Catalina was the first to break the silence, “Sabrina came to visit me on her way to the other side. She loves you very much.”

  “I know,” Alec responded. “She was at the morgue. I only wonder why she didn’t appear earlier.”

“It’s ok, Alec. At first, she was confused. It’s a very big Universe with miniverses and macroverses. It’s easy to get distracted; but she’s fine now.”

  Once the conversation began, Cassidy ventured to ask her son, “I don’t want to be insensitive, but did you learn anything at the crime scene, ah hem, I mean at Sabrina’s condo?”

  “Yes, a woman and man were in her apartment. The place was torn apart. They were looking for something. They didn’t find it and tortured Sabrina to discover its whereabouts.”

  “How do you know it was a man and woman?” Cassidy asked.

  “I found a long, bleached-blonde hair and I could smell her perfume and his cologne. She was several years older than Sabrina.”

  “Was there anything new to discover at the morgue?” Cassidy gently probed as she carefully watched her son for signs of more distress.

  “They were Russian.”

  “Oh my goodness!” Cassidy exclaimed. “Bleached-blonde and Russian. It sounds like Sabrina’s old adversary, Natasha Flint! Surely, that can’t be. Natasha would be in her fifties by now…but who else could it be? Why would she have any interest in Sabrina after all this time?”

  “Tell me everything you know about Natasha Flint.”

  “Chaz might be able to tell you more than I can…but, before his death, Henry Devereux met a much younger woman at Harrah’s. Her name was Natasha Flint. Shortly after meeting her, Henry moved her into their family home. After Natasha lived there for a while, she gave Sabrina a week to find a new home. Sabrina moved in with me. And, without anyone looking over her shoulder, the bitch took Henry for everything he owned, even Sabrina’s college fund. I never met her, but Sabrina described her as, ‘very pretty in a bleached-blonde sort of way with a thick Slavic accent.’ She was a real piece of work, Alec. She took everything from Sabrina.”

  “She must’ve wanted something more,” Cat innocently added. “Do you think she got it, Alec?”

  Even though he was surprised by Cat’s insight, he patted her small hand. “I don’t know, little sister, but I’ll find out. I’m going to talk to Chaz now. Don’t wait up for me.”

  Martin Saguache waited outside on the porch. If he went inside, he knew Catalina would see him. She was exuberant, chatting with him incessantly whenever he appeared. He didn’t want to add any more stress to Cassidy by making a ghostly appearance, especially since his daughter couldn’t see him and her children could.

  “Don’t try to stop me,” Alec warned.

  “I won’t, but I’d like to tag along.”

  Recalling the night he was shot – the night Chaz patched him up, Alec added, “Then, please don’t smoke the pipe while there. Celina can smell it.”

  “New Orleans is filled with mystery and unusually gifted people everywhere, isn’t it?” Martin commented.

  Alec and his grandfather caught the trolley, and then walked the rest of the way to Chaz Lambert’s home. Alec rang the bell and waited for his friend to answer. Celina came to the door instead.

  “Come in, Alec. He’s finishing up with a patient and will be with you in only a few minutes.” After she showed him to the living room, Celina disappeared, presumably to finish-up for Chaz.

  “Alec,” Chaz softly greeted only a few moments later. Alec stood and Chaz embraced him in a warm hug, adding, “I’m so sorry to hear the news. Your mother called earlier today…I’ve been expecting you.”

  “Thanks, Chaz. I’ll get right to it… I need to know what you know about a woman named Natasha Flint.”

  “Geez, I haven’t heard that name in a while,” Chaz admitted as he sat with Alec on the sofa. “I had hoped to never hear anything about her again. Not after she put Sabrina through so much hell. I didn’t realize it at the time, I was too naïve, but Natasha was a ‘pro.’ Not an escort, mind you, but a prostitute. She worked Henry Devereux and Sabrina for everything they had.”

  “Why do you say she worked Sabrina?”

  “What else could you call it? She was obsessed with Sabrina - she took her father, her clothes, her mother’s place in their home, her peace of mind, and then her home and future. I always thought that she did these things because she wanted to ‘be’ Sabrina and envied her. I tried to get Sabrina to stay with my parents when it all began, but she wouldn’t. Thankfully, your mom helped her. That’s when she moved in with Cassidy. Sabrina suffered as much from Natasha’s evil influence as Henry ever did, maybe more.”

  “Tell me everything you remember.”

  Chaz repeated what Cassidy had said. When he was finished with as many details as he could remember, he asked, “Wait, you think that Russian bitch had something to do with this, with Sabrina’s death?”

  “That’s what I hope to find out. Did Sabrina mention any other names or Natasha’s contacts?”

  “Let me think a minute… yeah, she did actually. She told me about this guy named Randy. I don’t remember if she knew his last name, but if she mentioned it, I’ve forgotten it. He would visit Natasha on occasion. Sabrina said he sat in their formal living room as if he owned the place. The dude gave her the creeps. In hindsight, Randy was probably Natasha’s pimp. It was a very long time ago, my friend. I’m sorry I can’t be more helpful.”

  “Chaz, you’ve been more useful than you know.”

  “What will you do, Alec?”

  “I’ll do what I have to do, Chaz.”

  Chapter 6

  Not wanting to put Vivien Simon in danger, Alec didn’t ask her for help. He knew the police kept a list of known prostitutes and their pimps. He also knew that, if Vivien was willing, she could easily supply Randy’s full name and last known address. She had access to all the files.

  However, if Randy was mobbed up as Alec suspected, Vivien could be caught in the crosshairs of a dangerous organization and Alec’s own wrath. That was the last thing he wanted. Besides, asking her for assistance would also indicate he was looking into it himself. She didn’t need to know that either.

  He decided to let Vivien work the case her way through the legal channels while he worked his own revenge.

  He determined to visit Harrah’s.


  Alec didn’t waste any time.

  The casino never seemed to sleep, but midnight to three was their busiest time for illegal activities. It’s when its patrons, drunk from too much free booze, began to look for companionship. It was the time when pimps took advantage of such inebriated states. Sometimes, it was a short-term mark while other times it was for the long-haul. Alec was certain that was how Natasha reeled-in Henry Devereux and set up shop in his life.

  Alec, putting his grief aside and replacing it with vengeance, appropriated a well-used membership card from a sleepy man in the lobby. Next, he took twenty dollars to a slot machine near the blackjack tables. Most of the high rollers preferred that game of chance because they were more likely to win. His next bet, if he had to make one, was the craps table. However, he had chosen wisely. His location was ideal.

  As Alec looked around at the customers, he noticed a man at the bar that seemed to fit the description he held in his mind of Natasha’s accomplice. Alec easily read the man’s story.

  Randy Petrov was born in this country, but he abused the privilege every way he could. He imported young girls from war torn countries to use and abuse in the sex-trade. Looking for a better life, the recruits easily agreed to come here. Extolling promises of a better opportunity, they never dreamed that his guarantees were only lies and that they would be used until used-up.

  Randy also ran a drug ring. And he dipped his fingers into other unsavory ventures for hire – kidnapping, murder, robbery. Anything that paid, Randy was the man! He always got the job done and he left his despicable signature to prove it.

  Nothing had happened to Randy in his youth to make his a sadistic, perverted psychopath. He simply liked it. Void of empathy, he enjoyed hurting and inflicting pain on others. Sabrina’s suffering still clung to the Russian. He wore her anguish like a banner, reveling in the vi
olent memory of her tortured agony.

  Still, there was more.

  Alec read Randy’s frustration at his own defeat. He was unable to get what he wanted from Sabrina. She had died to protect others, to protect her client list. Randy was furious that she had done so. Now, he couldn’t impress his boss. Now, he had nothing to show for the goddess’ murder either. Having been out of favor for a while, he worried that his brazen actions would cause him even more trouble.

  He’d hoped that the gift of Sabrina Devereux’s private files would be his ticket back to his boss’ approval. His plan had gone to shit. For Randy to kill the famous escort without any provocation or tangible reason wouldn’t sit well with his boss. The man was enamored with the Goddess of Light, and had been anxious to meet her for a very long time. He’d been heartbroken when her Madam had refused him access to her.

  Randy knew this would be a black mark on his own reputation and he wasn’t happy about it. He’d have to figure out a way to lay the blame on Natasha. After all, that whore was expendable.

  Alec was furious when he understood the purpose of Sabrina’s senseless murder. His rage nearly consumed him as he eyed the monster sitting before him. But once again, and apparently ever nearby, Martin Saguache appeared, reminding him, “Not here. Not now. Be smart, Alec. Pick the right place and time for your vengeance. Too many security cameras here.”

  Alec gazed around the structure and realized that his grandfather was right. He calmed himself and continued to eye Randy. Although in turmoil, Randy didn’t let it interfere with his work. He expertly eyed the patrons at the blackjack table, looking for obvious signs of wealth. When he saw what he wanted, he snapped his fingers and a pretty, young blonde appeared. Randy spoke for a few moments while the nubile hooker listened and nodded. Then, she approached her mark. Theirs was an ongoing scamming game.


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