3) Out of Court Financial Settlement (GBH inflicted upon one "Nickle Reggo" following application of a FinchleycorpTM Electronux) Cr. 122,700
4) Vehicle Rental, EasyWarp Starship Leasing, London Cr. 3,500
5) Recompense for theft/destruction of civilian vehicle (PastCon) Cr. 5,400
6) Overnight stay, "Swan Dive" Votel, YoCassok Cr. 130
7) Starship Parking fees, Zodboig International Spaceport, YoCassok Cr. 200
8) Weapons & Equipment, Big Zeb's Zap Shack, YoCassok Cr. 80,399
9) Starship refuelling, Squirt 'N Go, YoCassok Cr. 1,343
10) Message receipt administration costs, "Swan Dive" Votel, YoCassok Cr. 35
11) Weapons & Equipment, HiveMind Planktonic: General Store Cr. 150,450
12) Specialist weapon manufacture ("Warhammer Polearm/Happystick"), HiveMind Planktonic: General Store Cr. 2,500
13) High-strength teleporter energy cells, HiveMind Planktonic: General Store Cr. 200,000
14) Booze Cr. 143,920
15) Forfeiture of Deposit for
Fire/Theft/Total Obliteration of rental vehicle Peggy Sue, EasyWarp Starship Leasing. Cr. 139,000
TOTAL EARNINGS Cr. 1,000,000
"Reckon you look like you need that drink," Johnny muttered, arching an eyebrow.
Wulf kept staring at the figures, hoping to spot the obvious mistake. None appeared to be forthcoming.
"Expensive business," Johnny shrugged, beckoning over the robowaiter.
"I... I think maybe I just have der water."
"Sneck that." Johnny pressed down the "champagne" icon on the proffered digi-menu. "It's not all about the money."
The robot deposited two frothing glasses from its vending orifice and extended an expectant limb for payment. Johnny ignored it, raising his glass towards Wulf.
"Here's to the hunt," he said.
Si Spurrier has few recollections from his wild youth because he's still in the middle of it. He has become a frequent contributor to 2000 AD and the Black Library with the Fire Warrior novel (in between completing a degree in film & video and orchestrating the world's first fish tank-based crustacean gladiatorial contest). Attempting to reconcile the zany partying lifestyle of a neurotic writer with the sombre and lonely existence of a young uninhibited student is harder than it sounds. Strontium Dog: Prophet Margin is Spurrier's first novel for 2000 AD.
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