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ESCAPE INTO ROMANCE- 4 Book Bundle Page 36

by Patrice Wilton

  “This is such bullshit,” Kelly complained. “Dad was supposed to look after Amy while you were out today. Nick’s got an important basketball game tonight, and I’m a cheerleader.”

  “I’m home now. You both can go.” Jenna nearly tripped over the dog as she plucked Amy out of the swing. Beets was jumping around, trying to see what was wrong with his custodial charge.

  Jenna pushed the dog’s snout away. “Get down, Beets.” Amy clung to Jenna, crying harder. “What’s the matter, Amikins? Why are you crying? The noise bothering you, or are you hungry?”

  She walked toward the kitchen, sniffing the air. “What’s burning?”

  “Yikes.” Nick ran past her into the kitchen. “My hot dogs. I put them under the broiler. Damn. They’re totally black now. I’m going to have to go to my game hungry.”

  “No, you won’t. Why don’t we all go together? What time does it start? We can grab a bite somewhere and still get you to the game on time, can’t we?”

  “Game’s at seven. It’s a semi-final against St. Andrews. I’d kind of hoped Dad could come.”

  Jenna felt so sorry for Nick, but couldn’t let him see. “I’m sure he wanted to,” she said softly. Not wanting to look at the boy, she took the burned wieners out of the oven and broke them into small pieces. Beets would be getting a special treat for his dinner tonight.

  “Let me get Amy ready, and then we’ll grab some grub on the way to the game. You guys like Thai?”

  They had a delicious dinner with spicy noodles, Shrimp Panang, and a curried beef. She got them to the game in plenty of time, and Jenna sat down with Amy to watch her niece and nephew.

  Observing Nick maneuver around the court, shooting basket after basket, filled his aunt with pride. Kelly too, was shining tonight. It seemed to Jenna that she was not only the prettiest, but the most skilled of the group of very talented girls.

  Like other parents in the bleachers, Jenna spent most of the night on her feet cheering.

  * * *

  The following night Jenna was getting ready for her date with Grant. She took a long shower, shaved her legs, and moisturized her entire body, feeling delightfully feminine once again.

  So nice not to smell like baby, she thought, spraying a touch of perfume behind her ears. She had no idea where he was taking her, but suspected someplace nice.

  When he rang the doorbell, Kelly answered it. She yelled, “Aunt Jenna. Your date’s here.”

  Feeling like a teenager herself, she walked down the staircase with eager anticipation. Grant’s face lit up with appreciation when he saw her. Obviously, the dress was a good choice.

  “Wow.” He kissed her cheek lightly. “You look ravishing.”

  The idea of being ravished by him made her entire body tingle. Once glance at him and already she was on a slow simmer.

  He led her to his car, opened the passenger door, and helped her settle in. His knuckles grazed her breasts, and she felt her nipples harden in response. Dear Lord, if an accidental touch could set her aflame, they were in for a very long night.

  She knew her cheeks were flushed, and in an effort to regain control, she released her breath slowly and tried not to stare at him—an impossible task.

  “So now that you have me alone in your car,” she said rather breathlessly, “where do you plan on taking me?”

  If he’d said he was taking her home to his bed, she would have gone along with it. She wasn’t even sure how she was going to sit through dinner without squirming. She couldn’t remember the last time she had been so hot for a guy.

  Perhaps it was seeing him with Tara that had lit this spark. She glanced at him. No. It had been there all along, every since that wild first kiss.

  “To Palm Beach,” he answered. “I’m sure you’ve been to all my favorite restaurants with your sister and her husband. I want tonight to be special.”

  Although she was prepared for a treat, it was still a pleasant surprise when they pulled up at the Breakers Hotel. The man definitely knew how to impress a woman.

  Grant was such pleasant company that she found herself laughing aloud at even his silliest jokes as they dined in the beautifully appointed dining room. However, he seemed reluctant to talk about himself. After some serious coaxing on her part, he gave in.

  “I was married for eighteen years, but I think I told you that.” With his gaze fixed on the table, he spoke quietly and slowly, as if the memories still pained him. “I came home from work one night and found her dead.”

  “Oh, my gosh, Grant. I’m so sorry. I shouldn’t have pressured you. No wonder you keep things close to your chest.”

  “That’s okay. It was three years ago, and time heals.”

  “Heart attack?” she gently asked.

  “No. Suicide.” He drank some wine before adding, “She didn’t leave a note.”

  “Dear God.” She put her hand over his. “How horrible for you.”

  “Yes, it was.”

  He glanced around the room and then back at her. “You know, I think I fell in love with her the first time we met. I was a twenty-four-year-old resident doctor, and she was a nurse.”

  He squeezed her hand. “So, that’s it. Now you know everything.”

  “Oh, I’m sure that’s just the bare bones.”

  They switched the conversation to lighter subjects. After all, this was a magical night—a night for romance—not to be bogged down by sad memories. Jenna’d had her share of unhappiness too, but the past was not going to intrude on the present. She’d make sure of that.

  She noticed that Grant had a habit of watching her mouth as she ate. It gave her a wild, romantic fluttering inside, which was downright silly at her age. Soon she’d be too old and too practical to be swept off her feet by a handsome, charming doctor.

  If she had any sense she’d keep the flirtation light, the sex hot, and leave it at that. With any luck, a month from now, she’d be back in New York, her life in full swing again.

  “How about you? Ever been married?” he asked. When she shook her head no, he tried again. “Long-term relationship?”

  She told him about Kevin. “I thought I loved him, but I didn’t. Still, it hurt when he got engaged only months after we split.” She shrugged and added, “My ego was hurt, not my heart.”

  “He was a fool not to have married you.”

  “I really didn’t want to get married.” She knew she should stop talking, but wanted to qualify the remark. “I love being a career woman, and I like children, but never had any desire to have my own.”

  His look was skeptical, and she wondered who she was trying to convince—him or her?

  “I enjoyed being married,” he said. “I hate going home to an empty house night after night.” His eyes crinkled up in the corners. “One day, I’d like to try it again.”

  Jenna felt a faint panic. How was she supposed to respond? “Good luck with that.”

  He laughed and put a hand over hers. “Luck won’t be involved. I go after what I want. Life is too short to sit on the sidelines.”

  “True enough.” She slipped her hand out from under his and fingered the stem of her wineglass. “I don’t feel as though I’ve missed anything.”

  “You don’t get lonely?”

  “No, not really. My job is very demanding and I travel a lot. I also have a lot of friends.”

  He didn’t respond. His smile was so gentle that she had to look away.

  “A lot of women choose careers over marriage and children,” she said heatedly. “I’m not a freak because I don’t carry the domestic gene.”

  “No, and I didn’t say you were. But now you’ve been forced into that role—for a little while, at least. It’ll be interesting to hear your opinion a month or two from now.”

  “I won’t feel any different. A leopard doesn’t change her spots.”

  His smile infuriated her this time.

  “We’ll see. So, would you like to finish dinner with an espresso and a liqueur?”

  “Only if
we drop this subject.”

  “Consider it dropped.” He propped his elbows on the table and leaned toward her. “Now that we’ve established you don’t want to marry me, is sex off the table?”

  Jenna nearly choked on the sip of water she’d just taken. “I can’t believe you said that.” She grinned at him, glad to see they were back on neutral ground.

  “Had to loosen you up somehow.” His dimple flashed. “So, what’s your answer?”

  All this talk of marriage had her instincts up and running, but his smile melted her and sent her pulse humming.

  He leaned back in his chair. “You know you want to.”

  She cocked an eyebrow. “Pretty sure of yourself, aren’t you?”

  “I try to be.”

  “Well, I happen to like that.” She twirled her wineglass. “Why don’t you take me back to your place and we can have the coffee there?”

  His smile grew bigger. “That’s the best idea I’ve heard all night.”

  Her lips twitched. “You can show me your etchings.”

  His eyes lit up with amusement. “My etchings?”

  “You could at least pretend to have an artistic leaning.”

  His laugh rang out.

  “Good. Then that’s settled.” She slipped off her shoe and half-circled his ankle with her bare foot.

  “I think it’s time to get the bill.”

  “Really? You want to rush out of here?” Her foot slid under his pant leg, and she smiled with satisfaction as he shifted in his chair. “Let’s have another drink and discuss the possibilities.”

  “What possibilities?” His throat worked as if he were having trouble swallowing.

  She picked up her wineglass. “Of what we might do to each other.”

  He lifted his hand, and a waiter hurried over. “Yes, sir? What may I get you and the lady?”

  Grant’s eyes never left hers. “A bottle of champagne to go.”

  Jenna laughed, spilling a splash of wine onto the white linen tablecloth.

  “I’m sorry, sir, but we can’t sell you a bottle to take out of the restaurant. We’d be happy to open one here.”

  Grant looked into Jenna’s eyes. “Forget the champagne. The bill will do.”

  “May I tempt you with a dessert? We have a wonderful selection.”

  “No, I’ll be having my dessert at home.”

  The young waiter blushed, seeing the look that passed between them. He stepped away quickly.

  Grant grasped her hand and drew it to his lips. He kissed the back, turned it over, and touched his lips to her pulse. He winked at her.

  She wondered if he could feel her pulse racing with excitement. He ran his thumb lightly over her wrist and her smile deepened. Damn, he’s sexy.

  He paid the bill, and laughing together, they raced outside.


  The moment they walked inside his home, Grant turned off the security alarm, shut the door, and slammed himself up against her. Jenna had her back to the wall and her arms pinned above her head. She didn’t struggle. She wanted this as much as he did.

  Her leg slid up his. He caught it in his free hand and wrapped it around his back. Kissing her deeply, his hand was now on her bottom, urging her closer.

  She sighed with deep pleasure. She needed this. Mind-blowing sex with this hot doctor would take away some of the stress, the pent-up worry and frustration, and be good all over.

  She had a sneaky feeling, that he’d enjoy it too. “I want you,” she said huskily.

  “Good things come to those who wait,” he answered between playful bites of her neck.

  “But I want to see your etchings.” She touched his crotch and could feel him hard and ready.

  “You will. Be patient.” His tongue trailed down her neck to her shoulder, creating delightful shivers along her spine.

  Jenna was feeling anything but patient. It had never been one of her strong suits, and she wanted to be swept along on a wave and not to have time to reconsider. There was nothing beyond this room, beyond this man.

  She needed to feel his flesh. Her hands pulled his shirt out of his pants and she slipped one hand under, reveling in the feel of his hard back. She kissed his neck and moved her hips against him, enjoying the sound of his moan. She enjoyed it so much, she moved her hips again.

  Her hands worked their way to his front and unzipped his fly. She released him, and this time her moan echoed his.

  Grant was big and full in her hands. She licked her lips and dropped to her knees. His hands were in her hair as she took him in her mouth.

  He shuddered and tried to pull away, but she didn’t release him. “Your mouth… Oh, my God, it’s incredible.”

  She tasted and tormented him until she knew he couldn’t hold on much longer. She pulled her mouth away and slid her body up his. She was in control—just the way she liked it.

  Her eyes met his. Grant’s gray-blue eyes were almost violet in passion. Something deep inside of her was building, and needed release. She could feel it building inside, and she wasn’t sure if it was love or lust. But she didn’t want to be playful. She wanted…she wanted…she wasn’t sure. Something more than she’d ever had before. That was all she knew. She craved. She needed. She wanted. She had to have.

  “Have I been patient long enough?” Jenna whispered. “Can I have it now?”

  His mouth took hers in an all-consuming kiss. “It’s all yours, babe. It’s all yours.” He lifted her in his arms.

  In his bedroom, Grant laid her on his plush eiderdown comforter. Its softness cradled her body, contrasting with his hard, lean angles. He was pulling off his shirt and kicking off his pants, while his mouth never left hers.

  Once he was down to his boxer shorts, he stopped and pulled her upright. His fingers slid her back zipper down, and he stripped away her dress.

  He looked at her breasts, full in her new lacy black bra. He cupped them and caressed them, his touch gentle. “So beautiful. You are incredible.” His mouth sank onto one nipple, and she could feel the heat through the lace. She sighed with satisfaction.

  His hands slid around her back and unhooked the bra. He peeled it away and took both of her breasts in his hands, pleasuring himself and her until she ached with need.

  “Enough. No, not enough. I need more.” She reached for him again. It was crazy, this feeling inside her, as though she were about to burst. As though she had never been loved. As though something cold and hard in her had melted and thawed.

  Grant pushed her back onto the bed, and Jenna spread her legs, smiling up at him. She whispered seductively, “Last offer.”

  His eyes smiled back. He flung his boxer shorts over his shoulder and reached into his nightstand, pulled on a condom, and then his big, throbbing cock was sliding into her.

  The smile disappeared from her face. “Oh, Grant. Oh, my God. Yes.” There was no more talking after that.

  Much later they were flat on their backs, depleted and grinning like naughty kids.

  “Doctor, doctor, give me a cure!” She giggled, trying to calm her beating heart.

  He smiled and traced an outline around her breast. “And what ails you, my dear?”

  “The hots for you.” She caressed his flat tummy. “Is that what women call a ‘hot flash’? Will I get over it soon?”

  He kissed her damp skin. “You’re much too young.” He gave her a wicked grin. “By the way, I have a cure for that particular type of hot flash. It’s listed in every medical journal.”

  “Really? Do tell.”

  “Sex. Lots of it. Scientifically guaranteed to work every time.”

  “Well, I’ve never heard of it, but since you’re a doctor,” she played up the word, “you must know about these medical breakthroughs.”

  “So, what do you say?” His hand roamed over her hip. “Think you’re up to another dose?”

  Her heart pounded with excitement. Warning bells rang in her head. “I’m afraid not.” She kissed his cheek, and started shimmying to
her side of the bed. “I need to get home and check on the kids.”

  His face shadowed. “You can’t stay the night?”

  “Nope. Sorry. I’ll just take a quick shower before I get dressed.” She had to get out of there fast.

  Tonight’s lovemaking had been off the charts. She knew the rules. Once was great; twice, dangerous; three times, lethal. “Would you be a dear and call me a cab?”

  “No.” He slid out of the bed. “I’ll drive you. You think I’d send you home in a cab?”

  “Why not? I’m a New Yorker.”

  His stern look told her to shut up.

  “Okay, thank you. I appreciate it.” She chewed her bottom lip. “I’m also sorry I have to jump you and leave, but my mom left yesterday, and Rob isn’t much help. He likes to get to the hospital first thing in the morning, and Kelly and Nick have school. I need to be there to look after Amy.”

  She knew she was babbling and making up excuses, and hoped Grant didn’t call her on it. Rob was home. She could leave first thing in the morning, as she had done last time, but she was afraid to spend the night in his arms.

  He made her feel too much, and that was not what she’d bargained for. She had her life in New York. They needed to keep this about sex and not get emotionally involved.

  Without giving him a chance to answer, Jenna headed for the shower. She needed to subdue the wild thing that had been unleashed inside her—that emotional beast could so easily get hurt.

  When she came out of the bathroom, Grant was already dressed.

  “Tonight was wonderful.” Lifting her chin, he dropped a kiss on her lips. “More than I hoped for.”

  She gave him a sexy grin, playing it cool. “Oh, yeah?”

  “Yeah.” He cupped her face. “When can you get away again? I want to see more of you.”

  “I’ll let you know.” She fastened her bra and stepped into her panties.

  “You’re planning on leaving without firming up something? I’d like to set up a date, Jenna.”

  She turned around so he could zip her dress. “I thought I already did. Firm up something, that is.”


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