In both insect and human vehicular traffic, large patterns contain all kinds of hidden interactions. A subtle change in these interactions can dramatically affect the whole system. To go back to the comparison between the Late and the Early Merge, if each driver simply adheres to one rule instead of another—merge only at the last moment instead of merge at your earliest opportunity—the merging system changes significantly. Like the pattern of locusts’ movement, human traffic movement often tends to change at a point of critical density. In a reversal of the way that locusts go from disorder to order with the addition of a few locusts, with the addition of just a few cars, smoothly flowing traffic can change into a congested mess.
The locust or cricket commuter, by staying within a potentially cannibalistic traffic flow, is, as Couzin suggests, clearly making the best of a bad situation. And in many ways, we act like locusts. Our seeming cooperativeness can shift to extreme competition in the blink of a taillight. Sometimes, we may be those harmless Dr. Jekylls, minding our own business, keeping a safe distance from the car in front. But at a certain point the circumstances change, and our character changes. We become Mr. Hyde, furiously riding up to the bumper of the person in front of us (i.e., trying to eat them), angry at being tailgated (i.e., trying to avoid being eaten), wishing we could leave the main flow but knowing it is still probably the best way home. One study, taken from highways in California, showed a regular and predictable increase in the number of calls to a road-rage hotline during evening rush hours. Another study showed that on the same stretch of highway, drivers honked less on the weekend than during the week (even after the researchers adjusted for the difference in the number of cars).
Another creature does things differently, taking the high road in traffic. This is the New World army ant, or Eciton burchellii, and these insects may just be the world’s best commuters. Army ant colonies are like mobile cities, boasting populations that can number over a million. Each dawn, the ants set out to earn their trade. The morning rush hour begins a bit groggily, but it quickly takes shape. “In the morning you have this living ball of ants, up to five feet high, perhaps living in the crevice of a tree,” says Couzin, who has studied the ants in Panama. “And then the ants just start swarming out of the nest. Initially, it’s like a big amoeboid, just seething bodies of ants. Then after a period of time they seem to start pushing out in one direction. It’s unclear how they choose that direction.”
As the morning commuters spread out, the earliest ones begin to acquire bits of food, which they immediately bring back to the nest. As other ants continue pushing into the forest, they create a complex series of trails, all leading back to the nest like branches to a tree trunk. Since the ants are virtually blind, they dot the trails with pheromones, chemicals that function like road signs and white stripes. These trails, which can be quite wide and long, become like superhighways, filled with dense streams of fast-moving commuters. There’s just one problem: This is two-way traffic, and the ants returning to the nest are laden down with food. They often move more slowly, and often take up more space, than the outbound traffic. How do they figure out which stream will go where, who has right-of-way, on “roads” they have only just built?
Interested in the idea that ants may have evolved “rules to optimize the flow of traffic,” Couzin, along with a colleague, made a detailed video recording of a section of army ant trail in Panama. The video shows that the ants have quite clearly created a three-lane highway, with a well-defined set of rules: Ants leaving the nest use the outer two lanes, while ants returning get sole possession of the center lane. It is not simply, says Couzin, that the ants are magically sticking to their own chemical-covered separate trails (after all, other types of ants do not form three lanes). Ants are attracted to the highest concentration of chemicals, which is where the highest density of ants tends to be, which happens to be the center lane.
A constant game of chicken ensues, with the outbound ants holding their ground against the returning ants until the last possible moment, then swiftly turning away from the oncoming traffic. There is the occasional collision, but Couzin says the three-lane structure helps minimize the subsequent delay. And ants are loath to waste time. Once finished with the evening commute, home by dusk, the entire colony moves, in the safety of darkness, to a new site, and the next morning the ants repeat the cycle. “These species have evolved for thousands of years under these highly dense traffic circumstances,” says Couzin. “They really are the pinnacle of traffic organization in the actual world.”
The secret to the ridiculous efficiency of army ant traffic is that, unlike traveling locusts—and humans—the ants are truly cooperative. “They really want to do what’s best for the entire colony,” says Couzin. As worker ants are not able to reproduce, they all labor for the queen. “The colony in a sense is the reproductive unit,” Couzin explains. “To take a loose analogy, it’s like the cells in your body, all working together for the benefit of you, to propagate your genes.” The progress of each ant is integral to the health of the colony, which is why ant traffic works so well. No one is trying to eat anyone else on the trail, no one’s time is more valuable than anyone else’s, no one is preventing anyone else from passing, and no one is making anyone else wait. When bringing back a piece of food that needs multiple carriers, ants will join in until the group hits what seems to be the right speed. Ants will even use their own bodies to create bridges, making the structure bigger or smaller as traffic flow passing over it requires.
What about merging? I ask Couzin later, in the dining room at Balliol College. How are the ants at this difficult task? “There’s definitely merging going on,” he says with a laugh. “There seems to be something interesting going on at junctions. It’s something we’d like to investigate.”
Playing God in Los Angeles
Doesn’t matter what time it is. It’s either bad traffic, peak traffic, or slit-your-wrists traffic.
—The Italian Job (2003)
“Sorry, the traffic was horrible.” These five words rival “How are you?” as the most popular way to begin a conversation in Los Angeles. At times it seems like half the city is waiting for the other half to arrive.
But there is one night when being late simply will not do, when the world—or at least several hundred million inhabitants of it—wants everyone to get to the same place at the same time. This would be Oscar night, when eight hundred or so limousines, ferrying the stars, arrive in a procession at the corner of Hollywood and Highland, depositing their celebrity carriage at the Kodak Theater. On the red carpet, the media volley questions: “How are you feeling?” “Who are you wearing?” But on Oscar night no one ever asks a larger question: How did eight hundred cars get to the same party in a punctual fashion in Los Angeles?
The answer is found in the labyrinthine basement of City Hall in downtown L.A. There, in a dark, climate-controlled room with a wall-sized bank of glowing monitors, each showing strategic shots of intersections across the city, sits the brains of the Los Angeles Department of Transportation’s Automated Traffic Surveillance and Control (ATSAC). Traffic centers like this one are essential in many modern cities, and one sees similar setups from Toronto to London (in Mexico City the engineers delightedly showed me footage of speeding drivers giving the finger to automatic speed-limit cameras).
The ATSAC room in Los Angeles would normally be empty on a Sunday, with only the quietly humming computers running the city’s traffic lights—ATSAC will even call a human repairperson if a signal breaks down. But since it’s Oscar night, an engineer named Kartik Patel has been in the “bunker” since nine a.m., working on the DOT’s special Oscar package. Another man lurks at a desk and does not say much. Teams of engineers have also been deployed in the field at strategic intersections. On a desk sits a little statue of Dilbert at a computer, to which someone has attached a label: “ATSAC Operator.”
Since the city cannot shut down the entire street network for the Oscars, the limos must be woven thr
ough the grid of Los Angeles in a complex orchestration of supply and demand. Normally, this is done by the system’s powerful computers, which use a real-time feedback loop to calculate demand. The system knows how many cars are waiting at any major intersection, thanks to the metal-detecting “induction loops” buried in the street (these are revealed by the thin black circles of tar in the asphalt). If at three-thirty p.m. there are suddenly as many cars as there normally would be in the peak period, the computers fire the “peak-period plan.” These area-wide plans can change in as little as five minutes. (For a quicker response, they could change with each light cycle, but this might produce overreactions that would mess up the system.) As ATSAC changes the lights at one intersection, it is also plotting future moves, like a traffic version of IBM’s chess-playing computer Big Blue. “It’s calculating a demand,” says Patel. “But it needs to think ahead and say, ‘How much time do I need for the next signal?’”
Over time, ATSAC amasses a profile of how a certain intersection behaves during a given time on a given day. Patel points to a computer screen, which seems to be running a crude version of the game SimCity, with computer renderings of traffic lights and streets but no people. An alert is flashing at one intersection. “This loop at three-thirty on a Sunday has a certain historical value, for a year’s period of time,” Patel explains. “Today it’s abnormal, because it’s not usually that heavy. So it’ll flag that as out of the norm and post it up there as a possible incident.” It will try to resolve the problem, says Patel, within the “confines of the cycling.”
But on this occasion, the engineers want certain traffic flows—those conveying the stars’ limos—to perform better than ATSAC would normally permit, without throwing the whole system into disarray. In the late afternoon, with the ceremony drawing near, it becomes apparent just how difficult this is. Harried requests are beginning to come in from field engineers, who are literally standing at intersections. “ATSAC, can you favor Wilcox at Hollywood?” asks a voice, crackling from Patel’s walkie-talkie. Patel, on his cell phone, barks: “Man, did you happen to copy Highland and Sunset? There’s quite a queue going northbound.” At times Patel will have his cell phone in one hand, the walkie-talkie in another, and then the landline phone will ring. “The limos are starting to back up, almost at Santa Monica,” someone cries through the static.
As Patel furiously taps on his keyboard, lengthening cycle times here, canceling a left-turn phase there, it becomes hard to resist the idea that being a traffic engineer is a little like playing God. One man pushing one button affects not just one group of people but literally the whole city, as the impact ripples through the system. It is chaos theory, L.A. style: A long red light in Santa Monica triggers a backup in Watts.
This is when it begins to look as if something odd is going on here this afternoon. Patel seems particularly concerned with the intersection of La Brea Avenue and Sunset Boulevard. “Yeah, Petey, what’s up?” he shouts into his phone. “How many people are there? That’s good.” Patel then admits that his unit has a “labor problem.” Some three hundred municipal engineers, on a sick-out, are picketing on the same streets on which the limos are trying to get to the Oscars. What better way to draw attention, and who better to know the streets on which to demonstrate? Some of the calls Patel receives are from engineers wondering why the limos have been held up, and some of the calls are from picketing engineers seeking updates about which intersections they should cross on foot. “Tell them to walk more slowly, they’re going too damn fast,” Patel says into his phone. Reports coming in say that police are hustling the picketers across the intersections, so as to not block traffic. “Oh my God, how can they kick you out? You have a legal right to cross. Any unmarked crosswalk, you can cross it…just keep on crossing there, moving slowly.”
Patel is both trying to get the limos to their destination and coaching the picketers on how to best interrupt that progress. Does that mean he can give the sign-toting pedestrians more time, which would further their cause? A strange smile crosses Patel’s face, but he says nothing. He later excuses himself and goes to an office in the back, where he takes phone calls. Is he a coconspirator? Or does his traffic-engineer side override his labor solidarity side? One cannot say for sure, but interestingly enough, Patel and another engineer were later charged with tampering with traffic lights at four key intersections as part of the ongoing labor dispute, and the case, which attracted the attention of the Department of Homeland Security, was in criminal court as of this writing, with the defendants facing several years in prison if convicted.
Despite the picketers, the limos arrive on time. The winning picture, ironically, is Crash, a film about Los Angeles traffic on literal and metaphorical levels. Then the limos leave the Kodak Theater, rejoining the city’s traffic, and head for the postevent parties.
That Oscar afternoon was a small but perfect illustration of how complicated human traffic is when compared to ant traffic. Ants have evolved over countless centuries to move with a seamless synchronicity that will benefit the entire colony. Humans, on the other hand, propel themselves around artificially, something they have done for only a few generations. They do not all move en masse with the same goal but instead travel with their own agendas (e.g., getting to the Oscars, staging a demonstration). Ants all move at roughly the same speed, while humans like to set their own speeds, ones that may or may not reflect the speed limit. And, crucially, ants move as ants. They can always feel their neighbors’ presence. Humans separate themselves not only across space but into drivers and pedestrians, and tend to act as if they are no longer the same species.
Los Angeles, like all cities, is essentially a noncooperative network. Its traffic system is filled with streams of people who desire to move how they want, and where they want, when they want, regardless of what everyone else is doing. What traffic engineers do is to try to simulate, through technology and signs and laws, a cooperative system. They try to make us less like locusts and more like ants.
Take traffic signals. It’s common to hear drivers in Los Angeles, as elsewhere, lament, “Why can’t they time the signals so they’re all green?” The obvious problem with so-called synchronized signals is that there is a driver moving in a different direction asking the same thing. Two people are competing for the same resource. The intersection, the fundamental problem of the traffic world, is an arena for clashing human desire. John Fisher, the head of the city’s DOT, uses the analogy of an elevator in a tall building. “You get on the elevator, and it stops at every floor because someone presses the button. They want to get off or on. Now, it stops at every floor—is it synchronized or not synchronized? The reality is if there are many stops, it’s going to take a while to get there. It’s the same with signals.”
Engineers can use sophisticated models to squeeze as much “signal progression” as possible out of a network, to give the driver the “green wave.” Fisher says that when he came to the DOT in the 1970s, “we tried to hold the line and keep the signals at a quarter-mile spacing.” By doing that, and setting the cycle time (or the time it takes to cycle through green, yellow, and red on the traffic light) at sixty seconds, vehicles traveling at 30 miles per hour could reasonably “expect to find a green.”
But over time, as the city has grown more dense, so too has the pressure to add more traffic lights. In certain places there is now a light at every block, which means there is a potential demand to cross at every block. Engineers have been forced to expand the length of the cycle to ninety seconds—typically the maximum in cities. “Let’s say you go to a ninety-second cycle,” Fisher says. “Even if you have quarter-mile spacing it means your progressive speed is not thirty miles per hour anymore, but something like twenty miles per hour. If you complicate that further, and the signal spacing is every block or sixteenth of a mile, there’s just no way you could progress from one end to the other. The best you could do is go a couple signals and stop, a couple signals and stop, in all directions.” The green
wave works well on major streets where the demand from side streets is small. But in Los Angeles, Fisher explains, “we have traffic going in all directions, and generally the same quantities.” Some intersections receive so much competing demand that they are “oversaturated,” as Fisher says, beyond the help of even ATSAC’s computers.
To further complicate matters, there are, even in Los Angeles, pedestrians. Despite the hilarious scene in L.A. Story that showed Steve Martin driving to his next-door neighbor’s house for dinner, people do walk, and not just to and from their parked car. As a profession, traffic engineering has historically tended to treat pedestrians like little bits of irritating sand gumming up the works of their smoothly humming traffic machines. With a touch of condescending pity, pedestrians are referred to as “vulnerable road users” (even though in the United States many more people die in cars each year, which leads one to wonder who exactly is more vulnerable). Engineers speak of things like “pedestrian impedance” and “pedestrian interference,” which sound like nasty acts but really just refer to the fact that people sometimes have the gall to cross the street on foot, thus doing things like disrupting the “saturation flow rate” of cars turning at an intersection.
As a testament to the inherent bias of the profession, no engineer has ever written a paper about how “vehicular interference” disrupts the saturation flow rates of people trying to cross the street. In cities like New York, despite the fact that pedestrians vastly outnumber cars on a street like Fifth Avenue, traffic signals are timed to help move the fewer cars, not the many pedestrians—has anyone ever had an uninterrupted stroll up Fifth Avenue, a green wave for walking? Unlike in pedestrian-thronged New York City, where most push buttons to cross the street no longer work (even though they still tempt the impatient New Yorker), in Los Angeles the relative rarity of pedestrians means the buttons do work. The walker humbly asks the city’s traffic gods for permission to cross the street, and, after a time, their prayers are answered. If you do not press the button, you will stand there until you’re eventually ticketed for vagrancy.
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