Amelie: Wizards of White Haven

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Amelie: Wizards of White Haven Page 35

by Frances Howitt

  ‘What’s your name?’

  ‘Hannah,’ she replied although she seemed to need to hold on to the woman beside her. ‘Is this your sister?’ Jim asked.

  ‘No. My family’s dead,’ Hannah informed him. ‘This is Debbie.’

  ‘Hello Debbie,’ Jim said calmly. ‘Could you both stand apart please?’

  Debbie stepped sideways and gestured sharply at Hannah when she would have followed. ‘Stay put Hannah.’

  ‘Do you wish to join the animus class Debbie?’ Jim asked.

  ‘What about Hannah? She’s not animus,’ Debbie asked anxiously.

  ‘Correct, she’s wizard,’ Jim told them and grinned at their surprise. He glanced round to see who else was still here at tea. ‘Cassy,’ he called.

  ‘Yes, sir?’

  ‘Cassy, I’d like you to meet Hannah and Debbie,’ Jim said and watched Cassy shake hands with them both. Her attention kept coming back to Hannah.

  ‘Hannah, Cassy is a wizard too. Would you like to go with her to the wizard class and see what it’s all about? Then Debbie can go with the animus class. You’ll see each other at lunch with lots to tell,’ he added lightly. ‘Excellent,’ he said briskly not giving Hannah any chance to think of a reason to say no. He watched Hannah follow Cassy out of the room. Debbie gave him a quick smile of thanks and took her place with the animus group.

  ‘Max, some new students for you,’ Jim said cheerfully knowing they would triple Max’s class. ‘Would you like Amelie to give you a hand?’ he asked quietly once Max had come to join them.

  ‘That’d be handy. Especially if any are having difficulties,’ Max responded. ‘There are also too many for much individual attention,’ he added.

  ‘Am?’ Jim asked, aware she was as usual by his side.

  ‘No problem,’ she said cheerfully and kissed his cheek.

  He caught hold of her hand, ‘no birds remember. In fact it might be better to change as little as possible until we know the little one is secure and recovered from this morning.’

  ‘I know dear. I’m fine, really I am,’ she added softly. She then turned to Max and ignoring the questions she could see in his eyes said, ‘come on, let’s get started before they change their minds.’

  The remaining non magical students, he split between Terry and Bruno to look after.

  Once all the milling students had gone, he could see who remained. Five men approached him, having been waiting until he was free. He learned they’d originally been craftsmen and were interested in finding out what skills he was looking for and telling him what they could do.

  ‘And you?’ Jim asked an older man standing back and obviously expecting to wait a separate turn.

  ‘I am Charlie. Commander Drako mentioned you were planning on building a kiln for pottery?’

  ‘Well I was thinking more along the lines of setting up the means to make house bricks. But pottery would of course also be useful later,’ Jim said. ‘Could you make bricks?’

  ‘My family had a good reputation for their pottery. But now I’m all that’s left,’ he said. Then he shook himself, aware this young man was watching and assessing him just as keenly as Drako could on occasion. ‘But in answer to your question, the skill and materials aren’t exactly the same but I could certainly make bricks.’

  ‘Excellent,’ Jim said. ‘Get your coats and you can all come and see the area and existing buildings I have in mind.’ Jim found Cobbler the head grounds-man and they walked up towards the training ground.

  ‘You’re going to be one of the priorities to get set up,’ Jim said to Charlie as they walked. ‘Those of your people choosing to stay are going to need to build somewhere to live, as well as workshops and farm buildings. The school workshops are here near the training ground; you may be able to fashion your own tools from here. But what I first need you to do is scout the grounds and find where the best clay is to be found. The local village has a small brick maker, hence my thought we’ve probably the right kind of clay here too. But we can’t make any plans until we know if we actually have the raw material on site and what you will need to extract and work it.’

  ‘You do know it will take time to dig, sift and prepare the clay before we can even make and fire bricks though?’

  ‘I’m sure you’ll find ample help from those wanting bricks to build their own homes,’ Jim suggested.

  ‘True. Any suggestions on where might be likely?’ Charlie asked, knowing the almost frozen ground would make digging difficult.

  ‘I’ll pass you over to our grounds-man Cobbler.’ While they stayed behind to talk, Jim continued walking, leading the others up to the workshops. He noted Charlie had already veered off the path to begin searching the recommended spots, Cobbler by his side. He turned his attention back to the other men and the small workshops they’d just arrived at.

  ‘I know these aren’t much and are not very big, but they do have some useful kit.’ Jim said, unlocking the small smithy. ‘Eventually I envision proper workshops with accommodation upstairs. But these should suffice initially, I suppose, to make the tools we need right away. Once I know what each of you needs specifically and how many people you would like to work with you, we can begin building. These buildings will probably be useful in the interim. I also have in mind that we could establish a working village by the front gates. That may be where you’d prefer your workshops and homes to be, alongside the rest of your clan. Only you can decide what will work best.’

  ‘You would allow us to build a village inside your walls?’ Bruce the blacksmith asked in surprise.

  ‘A separate working village, primarily designed to supply the school’s needs, wouldn’t be out of keeping. I’d have thought it would suit all of us,’ Jim explained.

  ‘Couldn’t we just start building our places if you’re ok with that? Obviously we desperately need somewhere to stay.’

  ‘So you would like to come and live here?’ Jim asked formally.

  ‘I would very much like to take up your offer,’ Bruce said and glanced at the two beside him who also nodded. ‘As you’re aware, we don’t have too many options left. I for one am fed up running and hiding each day, never knowing when they’ll catch up with us and our lives finally be over. My daughter doesn’t even know what a home is,’ he added bitterly.

  ‘So you’d like to settle here permanently? Or just rest for the winter?’

  ‘I’d prefer the chance to settle down. Establishing a new village won’t be easy but we have nowhere of our own anymore so would have to build afresh anyway. Inside a strong wall with friendly neighbours sounds ideal to me. You were suggesting down by the front gate?’

  ‘Yes. There’s plenty of empty space to the right of the gate behind that bit of woodland. Your clan could then be properly separate from the school and come and go as you please,’ Jim said. He noticed the blacksmith’s nod, his teeth gleaming cheerfully through his thick black beard. They eagerly walked down to have a look. The area being granted was ample for even a large village the men were delighted to note.

  ‘Until Charlie gets properly underway with his bricks, much of the initial building will have to be of wood. Fortunately we are surrounded by forest and for security reasons I’m quite happy for the area directly outside the walls to be cleared properly. Cutting down trees will be hard noisy work outside the protection of our walls, but it’s what we will have to do. I imagine you’ll be inundated with requests for axes and saws and the like. Once Charlie’s bricks are available, our ability to build quickly will of course improve. Doubtless you’ll all be helping him get setup and underway as quickly as possible,’ Jim added with a small smile.

  Bruce shared the smile, understanding the wizard perfectly. They would need to work together on this new project, as they were accustomed to doing. He might be in the presence of a powerful wizard, but that wizard wasn’t going to do it all for them. Having said that, he was clearly very interested in both what they wanted to do, as well as what they needed to get them started. He was b
eing refreshingly helpful.

  ‘Ah, the hunters have returned,’ Jim said suddenly glancing round. ‘Excuse me,’ he added politely and headed back up the track towards the house.

  Seven men were walking across the grass from the People Gate with a large carcass of some sort hung from a pole held between them. As they got closer Jim identified it as being a young moose.

  ‘Successful hunt I see,’ Jim said by way of a greeting. ‘Well done; the cooks will be pleased. Any sign of your pursuers?’

  ‘We didn’t see anyone but there were signs a large party passed by very recently,’ Drako said solemnly.

  ‘We’ll keep the gates locked then,’ Jim said and went inside. The others followed, so he led the way to the dining hall and entrance to the kitchens. He poked his head inside the kitchen door and noticed it was a hive of activity. He also noticed that the tables were set and he glanced at the clock; yes, lunch was only ten minutes away.

  ‘Mrs White,’ he called spotting her enter the room from another entry at the back. She saw him and quickly came over.

  ‘The hunters have brought you a moose. Where should they put it?’

  ‘A moose?’ Mrs White exclaimed and came forward into the dining hall to see the men still hanging on to the massive weight. ‘Oh excellent, thank you,’ she said warmly. ‘This way, gentlemen.’ She swiftly led them through the dining hall and out of a back door leading into a small yard where a number of small sheds were clustered. She opened a heavy door on the nearest and gestured inside.

  Drako saw a multitude of hooks hung from the ceiling; but only a few held carcasses. If this was the meat cache left to feed so many, then the moose was indeed sorely needed. ‘Would you like us to dress it?’ Drako asked her.

  ‘No need. I see you’ve gutted it already. It’ll be nicer hung for a while. We don’t need to eat it just yet,’ she added, aware they were eyeing the meagre reserves. ‘Hang it here,’ she gestured to one of the larger hooks at the back of the building. She watched them wrestle the heavy carcass onto it. ‘Excellent,’ she said and ushered them back outside. ‘You can put anything else you get in here,’ she added. ‘Now, lunch is almost ready. Anything you need washing,’ she said, eyeing their blood stained clothes, ‘can be left in the wash house next door.’

  ‘Thank you,’ Drako said quickly and ushered his men away. ‘We’d better get cleaned up,’ he added to them now noticing the blood and gore she was objecting to so subtly; it certainly wouldn’t do to inflict that on the students at lunch.


  Vako’s Council Report

  ‘What updates have you to report this month Vako? The foreign Novice Jim is obviously still at the school.’

  ‘Yes sir. I believe he wishes to stay a little longer to recuperate from his travels.’ There was no need to mention he’d given the lad his job. That indeed would worry them. Did they really think he was going to willingly ask such a godsend to leave? Jim’s assistance had already been invaluable. Did they honestly think him strong enough to force Jim to do anything he didn’t wish to do either? Vako was uncertain which of his seniors on the council might have been behind the plot to let the school to founder through neglect. It might not be any of these three councillors, but none were helping him so he decided to continue being circumspect with his answers. Whoever was undermining the future of the school was also hamstringing what was left of his future as a teacher. Where else could he go now he was in his twilight years? It was only through Jim’s goodwill that he’d retained a job at White Haven and he wasn’t going to forget that. ‘He seems to be getting stronger or more able. How is that possible? Would that just be experience?’

  ‘What are the extraordinary bouts of magic use we’ve monitored?’

  ‘He merged the students into teams and has now repaired the perimeter wall. I didn’t think it was possible for one person to channel the strength of about forty wizards, especially raw students, without burning out. Yet he’s done it several times now to undertake structural repairs. The results are flawless and he seems barely affected afterwards.’ Vako noticed the frowns of concern and deep thought and hid his satisfaction that they were worried by Jim’s strength; they should be!

  ‘His aura has changed since he arrived through the Portal and we first started monitoring him.’

  ‘Changed in what way?’ Vako asked, aware they were exchanging glances which excluded him, but these men were his superiors in the Guild; they didn’t need to answer.

  ‘He has become far stronger in recent months than we would have thought possible. He’s a Novice yet you’re saying he can take command of and merge raw part trained students and perform intricate spells? That’s an interesting development. His Guild has been very reluctant to share his file and cede him over to us. I wondered why they seemed so possessive of a mere Sensitive novice. I wonder if he has some unexpected talent they’re trying to hide from us.’

  ‘Maybe he’s a Leach,’ one of the older men suggested quietly.

  ‘A Leach? I thought they were exceedingly rare?’ Vako asked wide eyed and noticed nods. ‘He believes he’s a Sensitive and that did seem to fit.’

  ‘That’s often how they begin. A Leach is indeed sensitive to other people’s magic and can often identify someone’s gift. But the main difference is that he can then use that knowledge and gain new abilities. Tell us about his animus companion. How strong is she?’

  ‘She is not simply animus, she’s an animus warrior wizard,’ Vako was forced to admit. ‘They are lovers,’ he added.

  ‘A warrior wizard and a leach pairing? How extraordinary.’

  ‘And worrying.’

  ‘Yes, but that would explain his rapid increase in ability and strength, if he retains a part of her warrior wizard ability each time they merge. How does he merge with the students, individually, or through a group leader?’

  ‘Group leaders. I usually take a year, he takes one and she takes one, so he touches only Amelie and I when merging our groups,’ Vako told them and noticed their apprehension. Only then did he understand. Whilst a small portion of his own magic was probably being leached during each merge to aid the channelling, Jim wasn’t actually touching Vako’s individual team or Amelie’s team members directly. However, Jim was able to leach from each member of his own team’s mix of individuals. So in addition to Amelie and Vako, he was gaining the abilities of about a dozen student wizards. Fourteen wizards was a lot of combined power that a leach could soak up in one session. ‘Can a Leach give strength or abilities to others?’

  ‘What makes you ask that? What have you observed?’

  ‘He mentioned he’d aided Amelie’s strength a few times and that she used to think she was only animus. He wonders if he’s changed her somehow. Personally I believe she was already an animus warrior wizard, but either blocked from access to her magic or simply untrained. Lord Jeremiah was her grandfather and that’s always been a powerful bloodline. But if he did give her strength that’s personal and isn’t easily accomplished.’ He noted nods but no-one was prepared to answer him. Typical!

  ‘Report any further developments.’

  ‘Of course, sir.’

  ‘Now tell us of the situation with the Green Bear Clan. Are our reports correct that they’ve taken shelter on the grounds?’

  ‘Yes, my Lord,’ Vako responded to Lord Aubrey who’d been silently listening up to now.

  ‘Is Commander Drako with them?’

  ‘Yes sir. My understanding is that his group is not all of the clan,’ Vako added.

  ‘They’ve split up? Well, that does make more sense when they’re trying to evade notice. How many?’

  ‘I think Drako’s got about seventy people in his group,’ Vako told him.

  ‘How did that come about?’ Lord Aubrey’s Chief Councillor Wizard Tobias asked. ‘Did they force their way onto the grounds? Was there a battle?’

  ‘No sir, Jim invited them. Very few are warriors and it’s all been remarkably peaceful.’

them? I thought this super-strength young headmaster would have fought them, given what happened to his predecessors in the summer?’ Tobias remarked. ‘Jared’s manipulation was designed to destroy the old alliance between the Green Bears and the school, was it not? Leave them no allies. Doesn’t Jim know what happened to Headmaster Tring?’

  ‘Yes, he knows. He read my mind so he also knows they behaved dishonourably towards the clan but not why it came to bloodshed,’ Vako advised, hoping they would say something to enlighten him too.

  ‘I told Arch Wizard Jared not to interfere, but he chose to follow Prince Casper’s orders and over-ride your regional Council. Seems that order has seriously backfired,’ Lord Aubrey added, trying to hide his smile. His amusement quickly faded into grim seriousness. ‘Does Jared know of the Green Bears’ presence?’

  ‘Not yet; he’s still commanding in South Rosh. But I do know he has been tracking Jim’s movements with some interest since he arrived; he’ll certainly know soon that Jim has stopped at White Haven.’

  ‘Not much we can do about that, but I’d rather that news of the Green Bears’ location is kept under wraps as long as possible,’ Lord Aubrey ordered. ‘Do you know if they are merely passing through or plan to stay for the winter Vako?’

  ‘I really don’t know. Commander Drako and Jim seem to get along well personally, but I imagine thoughts of an extended stay are dependent on what happens when they’re discovered.’

  ‘Thank you, you may go,’ Lord Aubrey said in dismissal and watched the old wizard teacher depart. The three wizard councilmen from the Edmoston Guild also took their leave. Now the real discussion could take place with his own wizard advisor Tobias on the ramifications to his province.


  New Beginnings

  A week later, many changes had taken place. Those wishing to take advantage of the offer to become students had been integrated into the dormitories on the first floor. These were segregated by gender and age rather than ability which meant animus and wizard mixed together socially and shared the day to day chores. They were only separated for ability specific classes. Other classes like horsemanship, weaponry and tactics were selected more by age and experience rather than their magical abilities. Victimisation or bullying of other students was not tolerated. Jim could sense animosity and found ingenious ways of punishing those indulging in it, forcing them to work together until they’d got over their pique with each other. Gangs were split up swiftly too.


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