My Professor's Secret Baby

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My Professor's Secret Baby Page 10

by Jamie Knight

  Once I realized what I was doing, I quickly moved my hand away. I thought that I was ready to tell him, but his showing up here at my dorm room threw me off. I figured that it would be best to see how this played out before unloading the truth on him.

  “Well, what’s wrong with sending me a message to let me know that?” he asked, standing up, his fist closed at his side. “I went through all the work of setting up the experiment and sat waiting for you there like an idiot. Trent, too. So, basically, you just wasted both of our time. Time that we could have been spending on the piles of papers that I’m still going through from Trent being off work.”

  I opened my mouth to reply and no words came out. I broke down in tears.

  It surprised both of us. Jace jumped back, startled. The anger on his face was quickly replaced with a worried look of concern. He rushed over to where I stood, still frozen in front of the door, and wrapped his arms around me, resting his head on top of mine.

  “I’m so sorry,” he said, tenderly. “I didn’t mean to come off as a jerk. I just… it’s not the experiment or pile of papers or any of that. It’s really that… Izzy, I’ve been worried about you. Probably more than I should be worried. I’m worried that you aren’t doing well in school and I can’t help but feel responsible for that. And just in general, I’m worried about if you’re okay. Handling the pressure of being so young on a huge campus. I just… I want you to know that, no matter what, I’m here for you. Okay?”

  I closed my eyes, wrapping my arms around him tighter. It felt good to be in his arms. I felt safe, protected, loved, like all the stress that I had been dealing with meant nothing. It was like he took it all away. It felt really good.

  But, then, I remembered the comment that I heard Belva make in his office.

  “I’m just letting you know, as I have many times before…”

  I pushed him away from me hard, looking up with him, seething.

  “How dare you?” I demanded, an icy chill in my voice. “It’s all fun and games for you, isn’t it? Find some unsuspecting coed, get her to believe that you actually care about her, and then take her virginity, adding it to the many others that you have had. Well, you know what? I’m sick of it! I’m tired of being one in the long line of women that you entertain. I guess I should have known the truth about you when from the first night that we met. You had me convinced that Kate as just some random date that you had. The truth is that she was probably one of many. Well, take me out of the rotation. I’m not interested in whatever it is you are trying to pull.”

  He took a step toward me, grabbing me by the shoulders, a look of thorough confusion on his face.

  “What are you talking about?” he asked. “I demand an explanation!”

  I looked at him, sure that I would see shame in his eyes, having had his secret discovered. Instead, he looked as lost as I felt.

  “I stopped by your office earlier to talk to you,” I began, choosing my words carefully. “I didn’t come in because I heard you and that lady. Belva? You were talking, and I heard her tell you to be more professional with students, like this is just part of something that you do.”

  I waited for him to deny it. He looked down, like he was trying to recall the conversation.

  “Well, I’m not too sure about what you think you heard,” he explained. “But this is not something that I just… do. And the real reason why Belva even came to talk to me is because when she saw you and I together the last time, she picked up on some tension between us. She said that it bothered her so much that she felt moved to come find me and warn me about the evils of sleeping with a student.”

  He sat back down on my twin bed, making it groan with his weight. Him being there made me realize how small my dorm room really was. There was barely enough room for my small bed, a dresser, the desk, and the chair that sat underneath it.

  I had a sheet up to my window that doubled as a curtain. I had picked it because it was black and kept most of the light out. Sitting there in the dark with Jace made me wonder if maybe I shouldn’t pull the curtains back to let some light in. That way, I could really see his face to see if I believed him.

  Because, honestly, I didn’t. I just kept thinking back on Layla’s words about the professor that she had slept with. I didn’t want to have even more egg on my face than I already did, believing the lies of scumbag.

  “How do I know that you’re telling the truth?” I asked, standing in front of him with my arms folded. It was my turn to get some answers.

  He paused for a minute and slowly looked up, like he was trying to see if I was joking. Then, he shot up, growling so loudly, I almost thought a bear had walked into the room. I jumped back in surprise, pressing my body against the wall.

  “So, you think that I’m lying to you?” he said.

  He was shouting, and I could tell that he didn’t care who heard him.

  “Keep your voice down,” I said, stepping toward him. “It’s just that… I don’t know what to think! Layla got in my head, telling me about a professor that she slept with who ended up being married. And after hearing Belva say what she said, it made me really paranoid.”

  He stood up and took a step toward me, peering down at me comfortingly.

  “Come here,” he said, holding his arms out for me.

  His arms looked like home and felt like heaven. I let myself feel the full force of his embrace and didn’t try to fight it at all. I believed him. I could tell that he was really hurt by the idea that I didn’t believe him, and, for some reason, that made me believe him.

  He stepped back, taking me with him in his arms, toward my bed. He eased down on the bed, sitting me on his lap. He brushed hair from my forehead, putting it behind my ear so that he could get a better view of my face.

  He stared so deeply into my eyes, I was sure that his gaze had penetrated my soul. I was ready and willing to believe and do anything that he wanted me to do.

  “I really care about you,” he whispered soothingly into my ear. “You are not just some girl in a line up of girls, trust me. I would never do that to you. You have to know that.”

  “I do,” I said, hoping that we could just settle this once and for all and make up.

  I really wanted everything to be okay between us. I felt foolish for getting so mad, but I was just trying to protect my heart… and now, my child. Our child.

  He kissed me gently, his juicy lips pressed firmly against mine. My breath quickened as I felt the passion rising between us. He put his head behind my neck and kissed me harder, like my kisses were oxygen to his lungs. Kissing him reminded me how much I had missed him.

  “I missed you so much,” he said, like he had been reading my mind.

  “Me, too,” I admitted.

  He leaned his weight on top of me, pinning me down on the bed. I couldn’t move but, then again, I didn’t want to. I wanted to relish in this moment, him in my bed, something that had never happened before and may never happen again.

  I heard a few beeps and a click. It was the keypad to get into my dorm room. And there was only one person that I had given the code to.

  “Hey,” called Layla, cluelessly, swinging the door open.

  It was almost like everything started to move in slow motion. Layla looked toward us just as Jace righted himself, sitting on the end of the bed. I sat up hurriedly, too.

  “Oh, hey, Layla,” I said, as cheerfully as possible. “I don’t know if you’ve met Jace… I mean, Dr. Rivers. I wasn’t feeling well, so he came down to check on me. Wasn’t that nice of him?”

  Layla pursed her lips and crossed her arms.

  “Yeah, real nice,” she said, her voice snotty.

  I knew she was just trying to be protective of me. But I was annoyed that she had to come and break things up right now, even if it was inadvertent. And probably for the best – since Jace and I really couldn’t risk being seen together in my dorm room by anyone else but her.

  She walked in and sat at the desk. Jace stood up so fast, it s
ent a breeze in the small room, making my curtain flutter open, letting in a blinding stream of sunlight.

  “Well, I’m glad to see that you’re doing okay,” said Jace, fidgeting awkwardly. “Let me get out of you ladies’ way. Have a good day.”

  He disappeared out the door like the room was on fire.

  I watched him go, wondering when I would see him again. I turned my attention back to Layla. She had a huge, cheesy grin on her face.

  “So, he came to check on you, huh? How was your ‘check up’?”

  She bowled over with laughter, almost falling off the chair that she had been sitting on.

  “Screw you,” I told her, chuckling myself.

  We shared a brief laugh before Layla’s face got really serious, worried looking.

  “So, how did the test go?” she asked, leaning toward me.

  I knew what test she was talking about.

  “Oh, I passed,” I said as nonchalantly as I could, waving my hand as an added gesture to show that it was nothing to worry about.

  Layla looked at me, nodding with her lips pressed into a thin line.

  I could feel the tears welling up, even though I was trying my hardest to keep it all together. Then they started falling in streams. After a few minutes, I was sobbing uncontrollably.

  The tears wracked my whole body, making me curl up into a ball on my bed. I couldn’t have moved even if I wanted to, because I was crying so hard. Layla came over and sat down on my bed, rubbing my hair and patting my back consolingly.

  “Let it all out,” she said, her voice very motherly. “I know how it is. I’ve been there. I mean, not this exact situation, of course, but I think if you need to cry, you should cry. Did you talk to Jace about any of it?”

  I pulled my head up, wiping my tears with my sleeve before responding.

  “No,” I said, my voice a higher pitch than I recognized. “I didn’t talk to him about anything, really. Earlier, I went to talk to him about everything and overheard another teacher or someone… I don’t really know who she is… she was telling him that he shouldn’t be involved with coeds and made it seem like this was something that he’s gotten talked to about before. Anyway, we talked about that and that was when you came in. He had been saying that she was only talking about her previous warnings to him about me, not some other student.”

  “I’m sorry for interrupting,” she said, cringing apologetically. “I wish I would have known. Because you really need to have a conversation with him, especially if you’re considering keeping this baby. I mean… are you considering keeping this baby?”

  Layla looked at me, her hand pausing from rubbing my back, waiting for my answer.

  I really didn’t have one. I hadn’t thought that far ahead. I had been so busy thinking about myself, school, and Jace that I hadn’t even considered where or how the life growing inside of me was going to fit into all of this.

  I’m sure that there were plenty of girls in my position who had come across this dilemma and had decided that they shouldn’t keep the baby. And I could completely understand. But, the thought of not having this baby was something that I knew that I wouldn’t be able to do, no matter how hard things might be because of my decision.

  “I can’t kill not have this baby,” I admitted aloud, half to Layla, half to myself. “Not have his baby,” I corrected myself.

  “Well, then, there you have it,” said Layla, patting my back. “You have to tell Jace. It’s only right. And you deserve to have his support. You shouldn’t have to go through this alone.”

  I knew that she was right. I was carrying his baby. Our baby. I kept remembering the tender moments in which we had conceived it. The way he stroked my hair, kissed my lips.

  Or maybe it was during one of our rougher sessions, when he spanked me and called me his good pupil. Either way, it had been conceived by us, and conceived in love.


  Maybe I was getting carried away by pregnancy hormones or the desire for some picture perfect life, but I really did feel like I loved him. I had never felt this way about anyone else before – that was for sure.

  I was already struggling with trying to make sense of our relationship.

  Now, I had to figure out how I was going to break the news to him that he was a father.

  Chapter 13


  I was startled out of my sleep by my phone, a bell ringing alerting me that I’d gotten a text message.

  I rubbed the sleep out of my eyes, checking the time on the top of my phone.

  Seven o’clock in the morning.

  Who in the world could be texting me this early on a Saturday? I wondered, scrolling through my messages.

  It was Jace.

  “You are cordially invited to join me for pancakes and eggs at my place,” read the text.

  The thought of eating that early in the morning almost made me hurl, even though my stomach was completely empty. But I really missed Jace. And seeing him face-to-face might give me the nerve that I needed to talk to him about where our relationship was going, if anywhere, and to tell him that I was pregnant and planned to keep the baby.

  I imagined myself telling him the truth so many times and each time, he reacted differently. I imagined him crying, saying that meeting me ruined his life. I imagined him being angry, accusing me of trying to trap him and being irresponsible.

  I shuddered at the thought, convinced that, whatever his response might be, I couldn’t imagine that he would be happy about it.

  I jumped in the shower, enjoying the empty stall all to myself. The entire dorm was silent except for the sound of the shower running. I washed from head to toe, wrapped my towel around me, and headed back to my dorm to get dressed.

  It was almost nine o’clock by the time I made it to Jace’s condo. When I knocked softly on the door, it flew open almost immediately. He stood in the doorway, looking like someone had come to his house and announced that he had won a million dollars. I smiled, amused at his excitement, which matched my own. We were clearly happy to be seeing each other.

  “Come in,” he said, stepping aside so that I could enter, motioning for me to join him at the kitchen table.

  He had already set the table with fresh flowers, orange juice, plates, and silverware. The food sat on the counter on large serving platters. There was a plate of what looked like blueberry pancakes and another of scrambled eggs, both with wisps of steam rising from them.

  “It looks like I came just in time,” I said, blown away by how easily he moved around the kitchen. “You made all of this yourself? You don’t have a chef in the closet hiding somewhere, do you?”

  I folded my arms, giving him a playful look like I didn’t believe him as he shook his head no, with a big smile on his handsome face.

  He hung his head and laughed.

  “There you go not believing me again,” he said, maneuvering around me with both platters in his hands, placing them on the table with a loud clink. “Sit down.”

  He pulled out a chair for me. I didn’t have the heart to tell him that I wasn’t hungry, so I just sat down, thanking him. He pulled up a chair next to me, telling me to serve myself what I would like.

  I looked down at the food on the table and my stomach started to turn. I knew that there was no way that I was going to be able to eat.

  “You know, I think that I’d just rather have some orange juice, if you have some.”

  “Orange juice. I can do orange juice!” he said, running over to the refrigerator.

  He pulled out a carton of juice, grabbed a wine flute from a rack above the island in the kitchen, and poured the juice.

  “You didn’t have to get all fancy,” I said, laughing as he brought the glass over to me like it was fine wine

  “It’s the least that I can do for you, my dear,” he said.

  His eyes were so soft, his dark brows overpowering his gaze as he looked down at me, with almost a pained look on his face. I found myself walking over to him, drawn to him li
ke a magnet, and hugging him before I even thought about it.

  He opened his arms, welcoming me with a warm, tight hug. We stood there, holding each other, basking in the quiet calm of his apartment. We stayed like that, swaying, holding each other for what felt like an eternity. He was the first to break our embrace, grabbing me by my hand, and leading me toward his bedroom.

  Once there, he sat down on the bed, unbuttoning his shirt, staring at me, searching my eyes, looking over my breasts and body hungrily. I pulled my shirt over my head, my pussy pulsing greedily as I anticipated another one of our steamy sessions.

  He surprised me, pulling me down onto him before I could get my pants off. I kicked my feet as my pants clung to my ankles. I finally freed myself, just in time to feel Jace’s hands rubbing my inner thigh, his curious fingers seeking out my center.

  I opened my legs wide to greet him, moaning as he ran his finger from the bottom of my clit to the top, taking his fingers into his mouth to make them wet, and then rubbing his wet saliva on my clit. My pussy tightened from the stimulation, starting to make wetness of its own.

  Jace sucked his teeth, leaning down to get a glimpse of his work. He must have liked what he saw because then he leaned down to give my pussy a kiss. It was a soft kiss, tender. It tickled, making me jump each time his lips landed on me.

  “No running,” he said.

  I wasn’t quite sure what he meant. He interlocked his arms around my legs, holding me in place. He plunged his tongue into my pussy, squeezing my ass hard. I looked down, watching his head circle around as he moved his tongue in and out of my soaking wet pussy, drinking in all my juices that were pouring out for him.

  I pumped my hips back and forth, covering his face in my creamy goodness. He moaned deeply, like he was enjoying a gourmet meal. He started moving his tongue faster and faster, fucking me hard with it. I was just about to explode in an orgasm when he pulled his face away and flipped me over onto my stomach, eating my pussy from behind.

  It was a strange sensation, his tongue grazing the hole of my pussy, landing on the center of my clit. It felt like a bell clanging in my ears as the waves of orgasm ran through me. He kept on sucking my pussy, making me cum even harder.


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