September Ends

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September Ends Page 6

by Jones, Hunter S.


  Ahhh finally.



  Is my Mistress happy?


  You are making your Mistress very happy.


  What about my cock? Let me know what you want to do with it.


  I want your cock to get so hard, you BEG me to fuck you.


  Good gorl, baby I can’t evrn trpm roghy now. I mean, I can’t even type right now. Damn.

  Say you’ll fuck me, Mistress. Please fuck me. I’ll make all your dreams come true. Say yes. My cock is ready for you, Mistress.


  First, I want to kiss you. Next, I'm going to take off your blindfold.


  I dream of you fucking you. You are on my mind all the time.

  How do you feel? Are you still wet? What happens when you sit on my cock? Tell me.


  You are soooo good at this, Pete.

  I'm going to sit on you slowly. The first time, we need to hear your hardness enter me. We need to feel every sensation.

  I'm going to let your hands remained cuffed so that you have to feel me in other ways.

  You're going to love the way I feel, all velvety soft hot.


  Mmmm I want to fuck you hard. Really let you know I want you.

  Baby, I want to watch every move you make. I want to see your eyes look at me when I make love to you.


  I slide onto your cock

  grip it


  down the shaft, slow


  until you cum harder than you ever imagined in your life


  I had to re-boot. Dammit!

  Have I made you happy? Did you cum? Tell me.


  Yes, you’ve been a very good boy & made me very happy tonight.


  Oh yes, sweet Mistress.

  When we meet, can you wear black lace panties for me? Something really feminine. Maybe a lacy little black thong. That would be sweet. Mmmm.


  You know by now I’ll do anything you want. I wish we could be together tonight.


  Me, too baby. I’m going to sleep now. Sweet dreams, sweet Liz. I need you here with me tonight. I promise I’ll be a very good boy.

  Make my Mistress happy. Want to sign in again tomorrow night? I’ll be free for you.


  Sweet dreams. Yes, tomorrow night is perfect. I can’t wait until we can really be together.


  If I do fall completely

  helplessly in love with you, would that please my Mistress?


  Yes, let's fall in love. Truly, madly, deeply. Let's have the entire experience.

  Sweet dreams. Walk into my life for real.



  I came for you this morning. The thought of you was all around me. I imagined you

  you sitting on me and just


  what you wanted

  sucking me

  fucking me


  Isn't it delicious?

  I knew you were thinking of me because I woke up so wet. I'm wetter than usual when you think of me. It was as if you came inside me. Keep your cock hard all day.

  Let me know about your experience.


  Today, I'm going to imagine having you tied to a bedpost, blindfolded and gagged. You are gagged because you need to have the lesson of experiencing without words.

  I'm going to message you with oil and spend some time sucking your sweet cock. You can't see, you can't talk. All your sensory experience will be through your cock.



  Did you mean to type message or massage? I like both.

  And good morning. You learn quickly. Guess your initial hesitation is gone?



  This could be addictive. Maybe it’s because we’re all alone in here. It makes it easy to lose your inhibitions, doesn’t it?

  Here ya go. Here’s our visual for today. This is how I see us.


  Hell, Liz. Where are you getting these pictures? These aren’t you, are they?


  No, these aren’t me! I found all these pictures online. You can find everything on the internet anymore. Will you be on here later?


  Yes, I can’t wait. See you then.



  Will you let me do anything I want to do to you?


  I can’t resist you. How far do you want to go?


  How far do you want to go?


  You have my attention. I’m curious. Want to take this all the way? XXX


  Yes, let’s play. There are lots of things I want to experience with you.

  Let’s take it all the way.


  Let's do it. Have the experience

  Will you let me photograph you, too? Let's do it, baby. Let me take some sexy pictures of you. Let me comb your long, blond hair. Let’s really get to know each other in so many ways.

  Think about that.

  Gotta run for tonight. Another problem with the kids.

  Tomorrow night?


  Yes. XXX



  Vintage erotica. Is this the type of picture you want to make, or did you have something more explicit in mind?



  Turn this way. Love your smile! I walk up to the bed, to get closer to you, and put my hand on your thigh.

  Moving it closer.


  This will cost me,

  maybe a damn spanking, but it will be worth it.


  Yes, all pleasure is at the discretion of your Mistress. For being so naughty,

  touching me before I approve, you are going to have to lick my thighs & pussy

  until I cum, as well as being spanked.

  Great idea!



  I'll get started right away, Mistress.


  Does your cock get hard when we do this? I get so wet from this,

  really wet. My hand’s literally shaking too.



  Liz, your intelligence & energy,

  your naughty sense of humor & enthusiasm.

  It makes this the hottest thing I’ve ever done, baby.

  I’m wrapped up in you. Not just tied up by you. I watch like a hawk to see if we can be here at the same time

  Hard & hot together XXX

  This SECRET is turning me on. Being in this secret place.

  The messages causing your wetness.

  Causing my reactions.

  Our secret place.


  Tapping, hitting, Send.


  Why don’t you drive to Atlanta? Stay with me after our meeting with IT Thursday night? We can go to dinner in Midtown, have a bottle of wine. Make love all night. I want it all, Pete. Let’s make this real.


  That’s sounds like every dream I’ve ever dreamed, Liz. Spending the night with you will be like having Heaven on Earth. Let’s plan on it. I can’t wait to take you in my arms, to kiss you. Make love to you.


  See you here tomorrow night, then?


  Yes, definitely.


  Can I be your ice cream girl?

  Bring you something sticky sweet

  Melting liquid from the heat

  There is no sweeter dish than this

  Oh so much sweeter than a kiss

  With just one lick you will decide
br />   To have some more and come inside.


  I can’t play tonight, but I love all this.

  the picture,

  the hair,

  the glove, the masque, the pose,



  You like it?


  You know what I really like? Besides you?

  Your words.

  Your language seems to lilt. You wrote like that in the intro email you sent to me at the office.

  Your words, presentation, YOU!

  YOU’RE the full package.

  Now I see why




  You’ve got me. I’m yours.

  Meet you back here tomorrow night?


  Why can’t you stay for a while?


  Okay. Sweet dreams.

  See you here tomorrow. Can’t wait to make love to you all night long Thursday night. XXX


  Waiting on my boy so we can play. x



  I love our room. You do know that, don't you? The first thought of feeling you sliding on me when I was blindfolded. I fell totally in love with you in that instant.

  You do know that, don't you? Go on, get on me

  I ummmm

  I need it. I need you.


  There's so much I want to do to you

  and with you



  Make you happy,

  that’s what I want to do.


  And you can, very soon. I can't wait until we actually meet. It won’t be long now – just a few days away.


  It’s gonna be sweet. My cock has already heard the purring call of your pussy. How will you feel?



  It will be so great to meet you. Can you believe we haven’t met yet?

  And, I love to believe that you would let me play out a few fantasies in real life.


  We will surprise each other, just the way we have here. Things will be different from how we imagine them.

  They always are.

  One thing’s for sure.

  When we meet,

  sparks will fly.


  Does this mean you are enjoying this?


  How can I say this? I’ve got it bad for you.

  I have NEVER even thought of anyone this way before. I am loving every minute of this. What if we get cold feet? What do you think of me? I never thought this would happen to me online, did you?

  Baby, if I don’t get this right, I deserve to be punished.


  We can work on that. J


  You are so right, Mistress.


  Good morning, sweetheart. You've been thinking about making love again. I can always tell because I wake up so wet. It feels like honey when I touch myself. I want your mouth on my hot velvety softness. Put your tongue in it.

  Let me know what it tastes like.



  Good morning, baby. You taste like perfect primal poetry.

  Let me have more. Please. I’ll beg if I have to. Can you sign on again tonight?


  Of course. See ya then.



  This is all great fun.

  Probably a lot less intense than experimenting with real BDSM.

  There’s only one thing I hadn’t planned on.


  What’s that?


  The way we play. I enjoy the room, this experimental side we seem to share. But,

  well, do you really feel anything? Are we addicted to this?


  Yes, I do feel something. I’m going to be more honest than I have ever been.

  I feel like I have fallen in love with you over the last few weeks.

  It just happened. I didn’t plan anything. It’s true. Every word.

  And maybe we are addicted to each other.


  I feel the same.

  We’re addicted and crazy, all right. Crazy in love.

  I know I love you.


  I love you too, baby. See you tomorrow.

  Oh, so you’ll know.

  I got a red blindfold for us to play with tomorrow.

  What do you think about that?


  Ohhh, that’s unexpected.

  So you’ll know

  This picture really is me. I made it in the mirror at home.

  Just for you.

  I’ll erase everything now that our experiment is over.



  Oh no, you don’t. I may want to come back in here between visits with you

  See you at the business meeting tomorrow.

  Bring your appetite, as you said once before.

  Chapter 7

  Black Lace

  We had been working on the software upgrade all day, taking only enough time to eat the lunch that was delivered by a local pizza shop. Pete, Tim, the tech guy, and I had paperwork and system plans spread throughout the rented conference room in the hotel. By 3:00, Pete and Tim decided that all the technical terms for Pete’s office had been analyzed. Tim left, far too geeky to hear the body talk going on between Pete and me.

  By 3:30, we were alone for the first time. It was stranger than strange, acting professionally in front of Tim while exchanging dozens of tiny eye contacts, forcing ourselves to focus on the project while KNOWING we were dying to focus on each other.

  Pete was so much better looking than I had imagined. Taller than me, maybe a little taller than six feet. He was a little scruffy, more sexy than unkempt. His eyes were bluer than the sky and his handsome face was haloed by golden blond hair. He had the body of an athlete and his muscles bulged through his suit. There was no denying that this man was physically as close to perfection as any man I had ever set eyes on. The picture he sent in the email had captured his boyish smile, but in no way prepared me for the impact of meeting him in person.

  He walked Tim to the door in the beige conference room we had rented for the day in the Dalton, Georgia hotel. Tim left, and a tingle shot through me as Pete placed the Do Not Disturb sign on the outside of the door, and locked the door securely behind him, bolting it. It was the perfect location, almost halfway between Atlanta and Chattanooga. Plus, Pete’s firm recently opened a new office here. Once all the specs were completed, the new software could be tested at the Dalton office.

  As Pete walked toward me, I became aware of the soft yet masculine cedar scent from his cologne. The cologne mixed with his looks and magnetism, heightened my awareness of his potent sexuality. The combination acted as an aphrodisiac on me.

  ”So we meet at last. Liz Snow. It’s about time we took a break, don’t you think? We’ve been at this all day. Time to get to know each other better. You look stunning. You're even better looking than your pictures.”

  I felt butterflies rise like a tingling sensation from between my legs and into my stomach. “Sure, Pete,” was all I could manage to say.

  Looking around, the paperwork and system plans were scattered over the conference room table and into the area where I now sat, on a small chair at the conference table in the middle of the workspace. My knee-length skirt was pulled up over my knees, almost to mid-thigh, and I had taken my black pumps off when I sat down. Suddenly, the room felt hot as Pete walked behind me, reaching into his leather briefcase, which was sitting on the floor. There was a confidence about him. He was in control. I was becoming a combination of submissive confusion, yet loving it all.

  ”If we’re going to work together, we need to trust each other, right, Liz?” He was taking something out of his briefcase as h
e said this.

  “Of course, Pete. We chatted about that in our emails. Trust is the basis of any relationship—business or personal.”

  He moved behind me and I felt something soft being placed around my face. I touched it—it felt soft, satin like. “Pete, what are you doing?”

  “Sshhh. You have to learn to trust me. Put your arms down and place your hands in your lap.”

  “Why?” I breathed.

  “Liz, you need to relax.” With those words, he took his hands and moved my long hair to cover my left shoulder. “There, now. Liz, how does this feel?” he whispered softly as he began slowly kissing and licking my neck.

  “Now, get on the table. Sit down on your knees on the tabletop.”

  “Why? What are you doing? We haven’t even kissed each other yet.” Was he going to hurt me? He hadn’t seemed this way at all on our late night chats. I thought our first time together would be a romantic dinner for two. I hadn’t expected this. I did what he said, even though it made me anxious. His demands made me curious too.

  “We have the rest of our lives to kiss each other. Just relax and trust me for a few minutes. I want our first meeting to be the hottest moment of your life.” He was standing behind me now, gently massaging my shoulders. Then, he reached down and started to unbutton my white cotton shirt. Both our breathing patterns changed and I felt my nipples harden. The room temperature must’ve been ninety degrees…ninety and rising fast – very, very fast. He softly reached into my white pushup bra with his left hand, playing with my nipple with his middle and index finger. His right hand followed onto my right breast as he removed both from the bra cups. I felt my body tingle as he said, “I’ll drive to Atlanta tonight and we’ll go to dinner like we planned. Let’s have some fun this first time. Let’s just play, Liz. You need this.”

  I did need this. He was absolutely right. He kissed my neck again as my head fell back against his chest. “Okay,” I whispered. I couldn’t remember a time I had been so aroused. I was so in love with this man, I would let him do anything to me. I crossed a line for him days ago in that chat room, but this? This was off the scale of excitement. This was real, not just an internet thing.

  “Good girl. You can’t say anything else. Sshhhh. Just enjoy. Okay?”

  Yes, I nodded.

  “Good girl. Now, raise up so I can pull your skirt up. Can you do that for me?”

  Yes, I nodded again as I raised up on my knees.

  “Good, good. Ummm,” he sighed. “What a body,” he said as he pulled the skirt up around my waist. “God, what gorgeous panties. A black lace thong, just like I asked you to wear.” His breathing increased and I felt his forehead touch my back. My skin was tingling; all my body sensors were aware, awake as I wondered what he would do next.


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