Proditor : Book 5 of the Heku Series

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Proditor : Book 5 of the Heku Series Page 4

by T. M. Nielsen

  “I don’t know if I can lock her long enough for it though, can’t we sedate her?” Chevalier asked.

  “We could try,” the doctor said, but seemed unsure.

  Chevalier smiled slightly, “Again, I don’t know. I still wonder about the control.”

  “How long can you normally control her?” Dr. Cook asked.

  “It depends. When she’s very ill it can be indefinitely... but when she’s not, no one can get a lock on her,” Chevalier explained.

  “What about now? She’s tired and depressed,” Zohn said.

  “We’d have to try it, I don’t know,” Chevalier said.

  Zohn sighed, “Let me do it. She already hates me.”

  Chevalier nodded, and Zohn disappeared into the bedroom. He came out a short time later, rubbing his jaw as it healed.

  “I couldn’t even get control,” Zohn said, frustrated.

  “Damnit,” Chevalier growled, and walked into the bedroom, shutting the door. Emily was sitting up in bed, watching the fire.

  “Care to explain?” she asked angrily.

  “Em, the doctor wants to get a lumbar puncture to test you for the disease that killed the horses,” Chevalier said. He decided to be honest with her.

  “No,” Emily told him, and laid back down.

  “The disease will kill you. If we find out you have it before you get sick, we can turn you.”

  Emily frowned, “You want to turn me?”

  “That’s not what I said. If you have the disease, you are going to die. I’d rather turn you than lose you.”


  “Emily, do it, please… for me,” Chevalier said softly.

  Emily slid out of bed and pulled on her jeans.

  “Where are you going?”

  “I don’t really know.”

  “Just talk to me. We need to find out.”

  “No, you need to figure out what in the hell you want. You treat me like crap for a week, and now decide that this way painful procedure is necessary, and then suddenly, you’re husband of the year,” Emily said angrily.

  Chevalier followed her out of the bedroom, “Em.”

  “Don’t, Em, me… who the hell are you?” Emily asked the doctor.

  He put a hand out and then pulled it back when she glared at him, “I’m Dr. Cook. I was called in to see if I can help.”

  “Go away,” Emily said, and ran down the stairs.

  “She has a slight…” Quinn watched her run out the door. “No… she has a severe medical phobia.”

  “I see, then, I suggest we hold her down,” Dr. Cook suggested.

  “Hold her down? You do know she can turn us all to ash,” Zohn reminded him.

  Dr. Cook cringed, “I forgot about that.”

  “Sedation is our only option,” Chevalier said, and turned to the doctor.

  “Fine, it’s risky, but I don’t see that we have a choice.”

  “We do risk her leaving though, afterwards,” Quinn said.

  “So we have no alternatives here?” Chevalier hissed.

  “I suggest Mark and Kyle talk to her,” Quinn said. “They have always had good rapport with her.”

  After Mark and Kyle were filled in, they took off in Chevalier’s Humvee to see if they could find Emily. She left the palace in her Jeep, which normally meant she was out off-roading somewhere. They were able to follow her trail up behind the woods to the Durango. She was sitting in the passenger seat with her feet propped up on the dashboard when they drove up.

  Kyle slid into the driver’s seat of the dead Durango, and leaned the chair back, “How’s it going?”

  Emily glanced to the back seat when Mark crawled in and lay down across the seats with his hands under the back of his head. He smiled when he saw her looking.

  “No,” Emily said, watching them.

  “What? We can’t just come talk?” Kyle asked. “We heard about Patra.”

  Emily turned to look at the trees as her eyes filled with tears.

  “I’m so sorry,” Kyle said, and touched her hand.

  “I had her for 16 years,” Emily told them, her voice cracking slightly.

  “Let’s go back to the palace where it’s warm.”

  “I’m fine here.”

  “You can’t stay out here in the Durango, Em.”

  “I can too.”

  Emily got out of the Durango and went around to the back. She pulled a blanket out and returned to the passenger seat. Kyle watched the rain as it started to turn the ground to mud.

  “Why don’t we go back to the palace and hit the Internet, see if we can find you a new horse,” Mark suggested.

  “No,” Emily said again, and turned onto her side, pulling the blanket up over her shoulders.

  “You know why we’re here, right?” Kyle asked.


  “We only have a limited time to see if you’re infected. If you are, we can turn you so you don’t die. If you start to show symptoms, it’ll be too late.”


  “So you’d rather leave Allen and Alexis without a mother, than go through this one little test?” Kyle asked.

  Mark cringed.

  “Go away,” Emily said, and pulled her knees up under the blanket.

  “Em, please… at least come back to the palace and talk about it.”

  “I need to be here alone. I need to think.”

  Kyle sighed, “You’ll freeze to death out here.”

  “Yeah well, I don’t want to go into the stables, and I’m not welcome in the palace. This seems like a good enough spot for now,” Emily said, pulling the blanket up higher.

  “You’re welcome in the palace,” Mark said, frustrated.

  “Yeah right. Chevalier’s made it perfectly clear that he wants nothing to do with me.”

  “That’s not true,” Kyle said. “He was just confused, but he wants you back now.”

  “Now? Oh that’s great. Please… leave…” Emily said, and shut her eyes.

  Kyle and Mark got into the Humvee and headed back to the palace. The Elders were waiting in Zohn’s office when they returned.

  “How did it go?” Quinn asked.

  “Not good. She’s not going to agree to those tests, and now she’s living in the Durango,” Mark said.

  Chevalier frowned, “Living in the Durango?”

  “Yes, she said she can’t face the stables, and isn’t welcome here, so she’s going to live in the Durango,” Kyle told him.

  “She’ll freeze out there,” Zohn said, and leaned back in his chair.

  “She’s never going to have those tests,” Mark told them.

  Zohn nodded, “Let’s sedate her then.”

  “If we sedate her, we risk her running off afterwards,” Quinn reminded them.

  “Damnit, let’s go talk to her,” Chevalier said, and stood up.

  “She’s pretty sure you want nothing to do with her,” Kyle explained, with a hint of irritation in his voice.

  Quinn stood up, “Mark, Kyle, Zohn… come with me. Chevalier, stay here.”

  “No,” Chevalier said. “I’m coming.”

  “I have an idea, and it doesn’t involve you,” Quinn said, and they left Zohn’s office, leaving Dr. Cook and Chevalier behind.

  Quinn, Zohn, Mark, and Kyle piled into Quinn’s Range Rover and drove toward the Durango.

  “Who’s that?” Mark asked. Parked beside the Durango was a black Lexus LX.

  “Guess we’ll find out,” Kyle said when he pulled up by the LX.

  Quinn sighed. Sitting in the driver’s seat beside Emily, was Exavior. The Equites got out of the Range Rover and surrounded the Durango. They could hear whispers, and from the look on Emily’s face, she was mad. Exavior glanced nervously between Emily and the Equites.

  Quinn finally opened the door and Emily stopped whispering and looked at him.

  “What’s up?” Quinn asked, looking at Exavior.

  “I’m just checking up on her, and find it disturbing that she’s living out of
a broken down car in the middle of nowhere,” Exavior said angrily.

  “She’s not living in the Durango,” Zohn told him after opening the passenger side door.

  “Just get out, all of you!” Emily scowled.

  Exavior turned back to her, “Get the test. It’s not worth your life.”

  “It’s none of your business,” Emily told him.

  “How do you even know?” Zohn asked, watching Exavior’s face closely.

  Exavior smiled, “I’m not stupid. I’m a Chief Interrogator, and I’m not falling for that.”

  “Last warning. If you are a heku, then I suggest you leave me the hell alone. I’m tired, I don’t feel well, and I want to take a nap,” Emily said angrily.

  “What’s wrong?” Quinn asked, frowning.

  “Exavior, go home. I’m not coming with you.”

  Exavior took her hand, “But I love you, you have to see that.”

  Kyle reached into the Durango and pulled Exavior out by the collar on his shirt. When Exavior got to his feet, he turned and crouched at Kyle.

  “Leave her alone,” Kyle scowled, his hands balled into fists.

  “No, I love her, and I can take better care of her than you can,” Exavior said, and grinned.

  Kyle took a menacing step closer to Exavior, “Don’t push me.”

  Emily scrambled out of the Durango when Kyle and Exavior blurred into a fight. She heard growls and hisses coming from the fight as she ran toward it. Quinn grabbed for her just as she disappeared into the brawl. Kyle and Exavior continued to blur around her as she tried to catch one of them to make them stop.

  Exavior’s instincts had kicked in, and all he felt was the need to kill, the feral desire to feel blood on his hands. He felt a neck between his grasp and slammed Emily to the ground, pinning her to the mud with his hand. His other hand balled into a fist, ready to crush her skull and end the fight.

  “Exavior,” she whispered, her hands pulling at the hand wrapped around her neck.

  Exavior pulled her up to standing by her neck and turned to face the Equites. He had Emily’s head grasped between his hands and had it turned precariously to the side. A fraction more and her neck would snap.

  “Stay back,” he growled.

  “Exavior… you have Emily,” Kyle said sternly.

  Exavior’s instincts began to calm and he started to understand what happened. His innate desire to kill whoever was between his hands began to fade as he saw the long red hair, and felt her soft skin beneath his fingers. He felt her body shake against him as her hands pulled at his.

  Emily watched the Equites with wide eyes. Her neck ached at the angle, and she realized that Exavior was about to kill her. She knew that the Equites were afraid to move. Any movement could send Exavior’s predatory nature over the edge of reason, and she would be killed instantly.

  “Exavior,” Emily whispered.

  Exavior spun her around quickly and grasped her head in his hands to look into her swimming green eyes. He paused, and then pressed his lips hard against hers as she fought to get away from him.

  Strong arms wrapped around her shoulders as Zohn pulled her away from the Chief Interrogator. Kyle tackled Exavior, and Zohn held her back as the two heku continued to fight. Blood soaked the snow and Emily fought to get free of Zohn’s grasp, to stop them from fighting.

  “Stop it!” Emily screamed, pulling at Zohn’s arms.

  The fighting stopped and Emily was finally able to see what was going on. Kyle had Exavior pinned against the snow. There was blood pouring out of the Valle where his arm used to be. Kyle’s hands were grasping Exavior’s neck and the dark cloud covering his expression made Emily shrink back away from him.

  “Don’t kill him, please… Kyle,” Emily whispered.

  Kyle looked at her. His eyes were uncaring and cold.

  “Please,” she whispered again.

  He looked back down at Exavior and wrenched his neck to the side, snapping his neck, then stood up and straightened his shirt before walking back to the other Equites. Zohn began to lead Emily back toward the Jeep as she watched the bloody heap on the snow.

  “We can’t leave him,” Emily said to Zohn.

  Zohn glanced at Exavior, and then opened the door to the Jeep, “Yes we can. He’ll be ok.”

  Emily slid into the passenger seat of the Jeep and watched Zohn get into the driver’s side. The other Equites took off in the Range Rover, and Zohn followed while Emily watched Exavior start to move as she rubbed the back of her neck.

  “Zohn,” Emily whispered. “He’s hurt.”

  “He was going to kill you. Do you understand that?” Zohn asked, frustrated that she still wanted to make sure the Valle was going to be alright.

  Emily brought her knees up to her chest and wrapped her arms around them, laying her forehead on her knees. Her entire body shook. She could still feel the pressure of Exavior’s hands as he considered breaking her neck.

  Chapter3 - Reconciling

  Emily didn’t move, even when Zohn turned the Jeep’s engine off and stepped out. He glanced over at Quinn, Mark, and Kyle as they walked over toward the Jeep. Kyle had calmed some, but the image of Emily perched to die at the hands of a Valle was still fresh in his mind and his hands were still clasped into tight fists.

  “Is he ready?” Quinn asked Silas when he appeared in the garage.

  “Yes, and he’s pissed,” Silas said with a smirk.

  Zohn chuckled, “I bet.”

  “Let’s go then,” Silas said, and opened the passenger door of the Jeep.

  “Maybe we should postpone this,” Kyle said, watching Emily shake.

  “No, now is perfect, come on,” Quinn told him, and picked Emily up out of the Jeep.

  Emily was still shaking and she looked up at Quinn, “No.”

  “Trust me, Child,” he told her, and headed into the palace.

  Emily watched as he carried her past several guards and into the game room. She felt the fast whirl when the secret door to the bar began to spin, and before she could stop it, she was sitting on the cold, hard, wooden floor of the bar, and the door had spun around.

  “Let us out!” Chevalier yelled, and pushed against the door. Emily watched him, confused. She stood up and pushed against the stone that spun the door around, but it held steady.

  Emily looked over at Chevalier. He was furious and glaring at her, “Is this your idea?”

  She shook her head, and moved to sit down behind the bar, then curled up into a ball and hid her face. She couldn’t get the feel of Exavior’s hands out of her mind, or the fierce way he pressed his lips against hers.

  Chevalier yelled at the others to open the door, and Emily covered her ears with the palms of her hands. He gave up after a few minutes and sat down on a table.

  “I know they mean well,” Chevalier said, irritated. “However, this is going too far.”

  Emily leaned back against the bar as she sat on the floor. She started to feel sick to her stomach and shut her eyes against the feeling.

  “I guess we better make up or we’ll never get out of here,” Chevalier said, and stood up. He walked behind the bar and frowned when he saw the bruises on her neck and the way she was trembling, “What’s wrong?”

  “Nothing,” Emily said, and looked up at him.

  Chevalier frowned, “You’re shaking.”

  Emily shook her head, fighting back the tears. Only once before had she come that close to dying at the hands of a heku. The first was Damon in Paris, but this time it was Exavior, someone she considered a friend.

  Chevalier sat down beside her and then hesitated before touching her arm. There was a jolt when he touched her, and images from the fight with Exavior flooded into his mind. Emily looked at him, shocked, as a slow hiss escaped his lips and his hand tightened on her arm.

  “Chev, you’re hurting my arm,” Emily said, and pulled at his hand.

  Chevalier relaxed his grip and looked at her, “He was going to kill you.”

  Emily fro
wned, “How do you know?”

  “I saw it, when I touched your arm,” he whispered, and she could see that he was remembering the images.

  “I’m sorry,” she told him, and looked down at her hands.

  “Why do you always apologize when it’s not your fault?”

  Emily shrugged.

  “I’m glad Kyle was there.”

  “He was really mad.”

  Chevalier grinned slightly, “His temper puts mine to shame. He just has more control over it than I do.”

  Emily nodded slightly, “I’ve never seen it.”

  “It’s controlled… amazingly well controlled.”

  “I don’t know what to do about Exavior,” Emily told him as he took her hand.

  “Nothing much you can do. We just have to try to keep you two apart.” Chevalier tried to control his voice, his jealous temper was about to rage out of control.

  “How did he find me?”

  “That’s something we’ll have to find out when we get out of here,” he said, and touched her cheek lightly.

  “We’re stuck in here?” Emily asked.

  Chevalier chuckled, “Yes, we are.”

  “There are some things I want to tell you then, that may help.”

  “Like what?” Chevalier turned his body toward her.

  “The Cavalry has things under control. I see no reason why you have to keep me around, so I’ve been looking… there’s a house in town that would be perfect for Alexis and I,” Emily said, and pulled her hand out of his.

  “You belong in the palace.”

  “No, I don’t. You belong in the palace… I don’t belong anywhere, so the city is the best bet.”

  Chevalier put his hand under her chin and lifted her face, “You belong with me.”

  “I used to. I know that I made a mistake in disappearing for two months, but I can’t erase that.”

  “That wasn’t a mistake,” Chevalier whispered, and suddenly realized his words were true.

  “Yes it was. I put our relationship in jeopardy for selfish reasons, and I fully understand why you want nothing to do with me,” Emily explained.

  “Is that what you think?”

  “No, that’s what I know.”

  Chevalier brushed his lips lightly against hers, “You’re wrong.”

  “I see it in your eyes. You hate me, and can’t even stand to look at me,” she said, and pulled a little further away from him.


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