Emerson walks Kimberly to the couch, sitting her down softly. She doesn’t even have time to blink before Jonathon is between her legs, hands sliding up her thighs as Emerson slowly undresses in front of her. She watches Emerson slowly take off his cuff links and unbutton his shirt, revealing the beautiful six-pack that adorns his abdomen. Just as he starts to slide the shirt off of his broad chest, she feels warm breath on her bare pussy. She turns her gaze to Jonathon’s eyes, which are dilated with lust. He leans in, inhaling her scent.
“Smells so sweet.” Jonathon huskily says before leaning in, sliding his tongue through the slick folds in front of him. “Tastes fucking sweeter.”
She watches him as he devours her, acting like a man starved. Just as she starts to reach for him to pull him deeper into her pussy, a hand reaches for her. She looks up to see Emerson standing in front of her, his cock right in front of her face. She looks at his face seeing the same amount of desire, that she is sure is reflected in her own eyes. He grabs her chin, bending down, bringing his face close to hers. She can smell the sweetness of the wine he had with dinner, on his breath. She licks her lips, letting out a moan as Jonathon slides his tongue over her engorged clit. Emerson smiles a mischievous grin before he slides his tongue over her now wet lips. As she opens to grant him entrance, a breathy whimper escapes. Emerson takes that as his cue and slides his tongue between her lips. He grabs her hair in one of his hands, pulling her to him, dominating her with his lips.
Jonathon slides his hands under her ass, pulling her towards the edge of the couch just a bit to grant him better access to her cunt. She digs her nails into his hair while he slides a finger deep into her wet pussy. Just as she lets out a loud moan of appreciation, Emerson slides the tip of his cock into her mouth, muffling the noises. She looks up into his eyes as she slides her left hand up his thigh to wrap around the shaft of his cock. She flicks her tongue over the head, tasting the unique saltiness of him. He pulls her hair, making her take more of him into her mouth as he watches Jonathon devour her pussy. Her hand strokes up the base of his cock while her mouth slides down to meet it. Before she can even decipher what his next step is, Emerson thrusts his hips forward, sliding his thick meat deep into her throat.
She gags as he slides all nine inches into her mouth but that doesn’t stop Emerson from keeping her there. His eyes locked on her own. Just as he pulls his hips back, letting her get her breath, she feels the stirrings of an orgasm brewing in her belly. She squirms underneath Jonathon’s attention. He slides another finger in, curling them up as she squirms. Emerson keeps thrusting his hips, holding her hair, fucking her hot mouth. She looks up at him as the sounds of her moans are muffled as she explodes around his cock. Just as she is starting to come down from her orgasm, Emerson lets her hair go as Jonathon flips her over on the couch.
“Hold on tight Kimberly.” Jonathon growls as Emerson grabs her hair again. He pulls her head up enough to look at her, lust brewing in his eyes. She looks at the volatile look in his eyes and for a moment, she’s afraid she might be hurt, but then the look is gone. She licks her lips wanting just what the two men in front of her can give her. As Emerson pulls her forward to his cock, Jonathon slams into her from behind. A loud gasp escapes her lips before they are filled with nothing but Emerson. The moans coming from both of them and the muffled sounds from her own mouth, send her into overdrive. Her whole body tingling, watching the man before her thrusting into her.
Jonathon slams into her like a piston as he watches her sucking Emerson. Most people would consider them crazy to even want to share a woman, but they both love it. It turns him on, being able to share this experience. It makes it that much hotter. Most women would say they wouldn’t want it but they are lying. At least in his experiences, they are. They act appalled until they get the real sense of the pleasure it provides them. He slams into her again, over and over, both hands on her hips, pulling her into him harder. He lifts his right hand and smacks the paleness of her ass. Seeing his handprint starting to form is even hotter than he could have imagined. She lets out a gasp around Emerson’s cock and Emerson smirks. She liked it.
“Like it rough do we Kimberly?” Jonathon asks, slamming into her again. She shakes her head as he raises his hand again, bringing it down a little harder this time. As he does, her muscles clench around him, proving just how much she likes it. He thrusts into her a couple more times before pulling out of her, knowing his release is coming. He motions for Emerson as he moves to Kimberly’s head. Emerson backs away and lines himself up with the opening of her pussy. He grabs her hips and slams into her.
“Fuck!” She yells out, looking up at Jonathon, licking her lips in anticipation.
“I want you to make me come with that mouth of yours, Kimberly.”
She shakes her head in agreement, sucking him into her mouth eagerly. Emerson is on the verge of coming but trying to make her orgasm again. He reaches around her stomach, sliding his hand under her, rubbing the engorged bud between her pussy lips. She moans around Jonathon’s cock as her hand moves against her mouth, making sure not one inch of his member is untouched. As she sucks him, she reaches up with her other hand, massaging his balls.
“Fuck!” He lets out as the hot liquid of his seed shoots into her mouth.
Emerson lets out a huge grunt as Kimberly and he both reach their climaxes with him still inside of her warmth. He tries to stand on his shaking legs, but can’t. He tries to remember the last time an orgasm overtook him like that, but can’t remember that either. He shakes from the after affects as Kimberly’s pussy continues to contract around him. She keeps sucking Jonathon, making sure nothing is left before she pulls away, panting softly.
“Agreed.” Emerson says, kissing her spine before slowly pulling himself away from her.
Jonathon gives her his signature grin before kissing her on the mouth. She looks at him surprised.
“What’s the matter?”
“I’m just… you kissed me after that.”
“All my exes would never.”
“Well, they are fucking crazy. I’m not afraid of my own dick.” He smiles, kissing her again. “Hell, its fucking hot.”
“I agree.” Emerson smiles. “But, I’m not kissing you until you brush your teeth.”
Kimberly laughs at both of them, standing and making her way to the bathroom to clean herself off and brush her teeth. When she comes back into the room, both men are dressed in their clothing.
“We have to get going.”
“Yes, we have to be up early to be in court.” Emerson states as she smiles.
“Fellas, you don’t have to worry about me being a clingy woman. I know our arrangement.” They both look relieved as she laughs. “Good luck in the morning.”
“Sleep well.” Emerson says as he grabs her, kissing her deeply. He smiles, walking out of the door.
“I’d stay if I’d have brought my own car. I definitely wouldn’t mind round two, three, four and five.” Jonathon smiles, kissing her quickly. “Good night.”
She watches as the men get into the car and closes her door. She locks the door before making her way to her bedroom with a Cheshire cat grin on her face.
Kimberly makes her way into the daycare at five the next morning. She turns on all the lights as she gets ready to start the day. Most daycares don’t do what she does. She makes breakfast for the eighty kids that come here before school in the morning, as well as stay all day. Not just a bowl of cereal or a Pop-tart either. They get French toast or eggs and bacon or even pancakes. This morning though is special, or at least Kimberly thinks so. She’s turning over a new leaf. She pulls the ingredients out of the pantry to make her special turnovers. They are an apple and strawberry filled pastry with sweet cream icing, covered in sprinkles. All the kids love them, but they take a while to prepare. She sets out to mix the dough as she hears a door opening. She looks up at the face of her sister Sarah. She smiles as Sarah walks in a
nd gets to work helping her. It’s not every day Sarah comes to help her make breakfast, but since losing their parents, Kim has become attached to these moments.
“Have a good night?” Sarah asks, opening and measuring the flour.
“I did. The guys took me out.”
“I know.”
Sarah walks out of the kitchen and comes back with a newspaper in her hand. She hands it to Kim, who drops it on the counter, throwing a hand over her mouth as she looks at the sight before her. There in a grainy picture, is Jonathon pulling her out of the restaurant with Emerson following behind. In bold letters it states: Has Phillips finally decided to settle down? She looks up at Sarah with shock on her face, looking at the paper again.
“Really? After one dinner they do this?”
“What would they write if they knew you were screwing both of them?” Sarah says smiling.
“This isn’t funny! They are supposed to be my lawyers! What would people think if they knew that?”
“Oh God, Kim… I’m sorry.” Sarah says, walking over to her sister. She wraps her in a hug before they both decide there is nothing to be done about it. The guys will just have to fix this mess before it can get any worse.
They work together and get the turnovers ready, fill them with the fruit and place them in the oven. Once that’s done, Sarah walks out to get the place ready for the kids, which will be arriving in just a few moments as Kim starts on the icing. She pulls the condensed milk and the powdered sugar from the pantry. She places a cup of powdered sugar in a bowl before mixing it with cold milk from the fridge. After it starts to make a nice mixture, she pours two tablespoons of condensed milk into the mixture. She licks the spoon, preparing for the conversation she knows is coming between Emerson, Jonathon and herself.
Two hours later, she brings the cooled down strudels into the main hall. She smiles when all the kids’ faces light up with joy. Sarah, Madison, Piper and Kimberly, distribute the turnovers to the greedy little hands of the children. Kimberly looks around, wondering just how long she will be able to keep the doors open. After a month of phone calls from parents who were worried about what went on with their children after her incident, she tried harder to prove that her business was the best place for them to be. The four women all sit around watching as the kids eat their breakfast before piling onto the school bus for the day or piling into the classrooms for their daily dose of learning. Kimberly goes into her office once all the kids are accounted for, logging into her e-mail for the day.
To: [email protected]
From: [email protected]
Subject: Paper.
Hello Kimberly,
I’m sure you have seen the paper this morning, if not you should check it out. For two men to be so private, you have sparked quite the interest with the public. The only thing I may not be happy about is that Jonathon got the privilege of having you in the eyes of the public. I’d like to go out without Jonathon one night if it would suit you. I hope you are having a great day.
She can’t help but smile while reading the e-mail. She feels like a teenager all over again when it comes to both of these men and to think it has only been three days since they started this arrangement. She hits the reply to sender button and waits as the computer loads the blank page.
To: [email protected]
From: [email protected]
Subject: Re:Paper.
Hello Emerson,
I would love to go out with you one night. It would be nice getting to know you both on a more personal level. I hope you are having a great day and not brooding too much about not being the man holding my hand. I must admit though, I am quite pleased that you may be just a hint of a bit jealous. I hope your court appearance goes well today, but I am sure it will. You two are the best in the state after all. Have a great day today!
She finishes up the e-mail before going back to her daily routine of bills and e-mails from parents. After she spends about an hour going through the e-mails, she smiles when she notices a new e-mail from Emerson.
To: [email protected]
From: [email protected]
Subject: Date.
Ms. Weston,
I hope your day is going well. I am having a wonderful day, sitting beside Jonathon in court is always pleasant. ( Insert sarcasm in that last sentence.) I would love it if you would accompany me out of town this weekend. I have a few things to attend to with a client but will be in Orlando, Florida, if you would like to go. You can lounge around the condo. We can go to dinner or whatever you’d like for the rest of the weekend. I’ve heard they have a new attraction at Universal, if you might be interested in that. Please let me know at your earliest convenience. I will be leaving Thursday night after work.
She stares at the screen reading the e-mail, over and over. She can’t believe he wants to go on a weekend trip with her. Does this mean he is looking for more than what they bargained for? Kimberly isn’t sure that’s what she wants. She just wants to keep her business, and not lose everything. To gain her financial stability, will she lose the one thing she protects the most? Her heart. This wasn’t supposed to be a factor but the way it’s beating beneath her shirt, she has a feeling it’s already factored into the equation. She already likes them both way more than she should. She keeps re-reading the e-mail, unsure how to reply.
“Go for it.”
“What?” She jumps at the sound of Sarah’s voice behind her, reading the e-mail.
“Exactly what I said. Do it. Tell him yes. Go. Have fun.”
“I can’t.”
“Yes, you can.”
“What about work?”
“I can handle the place for Friday. Go, you deserve some fun… Some happiness.” She places her hand on Kim’s shoulder, looking her over. “I love you, let loose have fun.”
“Fine.” She retorts while she hits reply to his message.
To: [email protected]
From: [email protected]
Subject: Re: Date.
Mr. Stanley,
I would love to accompany you on your weekend getaway. I will go shopping for a weekend getaway after work. Enjoy your day! See you Thursday.
“About time you did something for yourself.” Sarah chastises Kim.
“Well, you might want to hush. They may have some friends for you.”
“No thank you!”
“Go back to work!” Kim replies, pushing her sister towards the door while rolling her eyes. She can’t help but feel pride in her as she watches her little sister walking away. She has been through so much in her twenty-six years and still has become this amazing woman. She looks over some more paperwork and watches the camera of all the classrooms before making her way into the kitchen to start lunch for the forty kids in their care.
The week seems to fly by and before Kimberly knows it, her alarm is ringing to signify that it is Thursday morning. She spent her evening with Jonathon the night before. He brought her to dinner and made sure she was thoroughly pleasured and sated before he left for work this morning. She bites her lip remembering his hands and mouth all over her body. She caresses her thigh where his lips had been just moments before. She climbs out of the bed, walking into the bathroom and turning on the shower. While the water is heating up, she brushes her teeth and looks in the mirror.
“I’m going to kill him!” She screeches, seeing the mark on her collarbone. She pulls herself closer to the mirror and stares in horror at the angry red mark on her chest. She runs to her bedroom, grabs her phone off the nightstand and texts Jonathon.
Kim - I hate you.
She sends the text then climbs under the warm water of the shower. She lets the water take the tension that Jonathon didn’t before stepping out of the warm confines of the shower stall. She wraps a towel around herself,
wadding back into the room to check her phone.
Jonathon – That’s not what you were saying this morning while my tongue was deep in that tasty pussy.
Kim – Well, good luck getting near it again.
Jonathon – We will see. You need me.
Kim – Touché.
She puts the phone down, smiling. She grabs a bra and panties before dropping her towel to put them on. After she slides them on, she grabs her blue jean capris and a t-shirt. Throwing them on, her phone dings again.
Emerson – I hope you have a great day, I can’t wait for our trip.
She smiles while reading it. She keeps trying to remind herself that this is a partnership but both men carry traits that she could easily fall for—is easily falling for. She sighs and types out a message.
Kimberly – I am excited, see you tonight.
She grabs her keys and walks to the car. She starts the car and puts it into reverse and backs out of her drive. She laughs seeing Mrs. Patty pick Lucas up in fear that she will run over the poor pug. Ever since the incident, people scurry when they see her coming in her vehicle. She makes the drive through town fairly quickly this morning. She pulls her car into the designated spot at the daycare before she reaches for her phone.
Emerson – Me too. See you in a few.
She can’t help but smile seeing the text, maybe he feels like she does. That maybe this could potentially be more than what any of them have thought.
Walking into the airport, Emerson glances around as he looks for Kimberly. He spots a brown-headed woman standing a few feet in front of him. He automatically searches more because there is no way the woman in the skin tight jeans and form-fitting sweater can be Kimberly. She turns, sensing a presence watching her and smiles when she catches Emerson’s eyes. Holy Shit. He looks her over and walks up to the woman.
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