Galactic Empire Wars: The Alliance (The Galactic Empire Wars Book 4)

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Galactic Empire Wars: The Alliance (The Galactic Empire Wars Book 4) Page 10

by Raymond L. Weil

  “We’ve taken out thirty-seven of their warships,” Dasha reported. It was more than he’d expected.

  “Our own losses?” Trest demanded, his wide eyes focusing on his second in command.

  Dasha’s pale face turned even whiter as he looked at the fleet losses. “Twenty-two battlecruisers and forty-seven support vessels. We won’t last much longer taking these types of losses.”

  “We must withdraw,” Trest said in an emotionless voice as he realized defeat was at hand. “All ships to rendezvous in the Caltair system. Once there, we will conduct repairs and go to Lanolth. Perhaps they will help to free our world.”

  Dasha nodded, relieved that they might not die today after all. He quickly passed on the order for the fleet to fall back and to enter Fold Space.

  “We have twelve ships too heavily damaged to make it to the Caltair system,” Dasha reported with a grimace.

  “Order them to cover our withdrawal,” uttered Admiral Trest in an even voice. “If we can survive and bring back help, then their deaths will not have been in vain.”

  “Message sent,” reported Dasha, a moment later. He felt a sense of guilt leaving the twelve ships behind while the rest of the fleet fled to safety.

  “Get us out of here, then,” ordered Trest. “We’ve already lost too much this day. Send word to any cargo ships or passenger ships they can join us at the rendezvous coordinates. Caution them we will only wait there a short time. At the first sign of a Kleese ship, we will leave.”


  “Belen ships are fleeing,” Minor Overlord Gareth reported as the enemy fleet began withdrawing and entering Fold Space. “Some of their ships are too heavily damaged to flee and are still fighting.”

  “A holding action while the others escape,” muttered Harmock, not pleased some of the Belen fleet was going to get away.

  “Some of the civilian ships around the planet are entering Fold Space as well,” reported Jalridd, as a number of ships in orbit around the planet suddenly accelerated away and vanished.

  “When we return to the trading station we will dispatch assault ships to search for the survivors,” Harmock replied. “When they’re found, we’ll send the necessary ships to destroy them.” Unfortunately, this was not the first fleet to flee rather than face total annihilation. The search for other scattered survivors was ongoing through a major part of the Kleese Empire.

  A few minutes later, the last Belen warships had been reduced to glowing gases and debris. The massive Zaltule warfleet then advanced unopposed upon the inhabited planet. As they approached, pleas for mercy came in from the leaders of the planetary government. Even a few claiming the Belen fleet had attacked the Kleese against orders from the government to stand down. Frantic references were still being made pointing out that a neutrality agreement existed between Belen and the Kleese Empire.


  It was several hours later and Supreme Military Overlord Harmock was down on the surface of the planet in the main meeting chamber of its planetary government. Six headless bodies lay on the floor before him, their blood pooling together on the cold stones. All were the former top leaders of the Belen people. The remaining members of the planetary government were being rounded up and Kleese collars of obedience placed around their necks.

  There were several other Belen government officials still in the massive chamber and they had sworn allegiance to the Kleese Empire. Seeing their fellow government officials beheaded had quickly swayed them to the wisdom of joining the empire unconditionally. There would be no further resistance to Kleese rule.

  “It’s time to depart this world,” Harmock said to Gareth, standing next to him holding the black control box which had been used to execute the government leaders. “We shall return to the trading station and collect our prisoners, and then it will be time to return to the home world and meet with the council.”

  “What will you tell them?” Gareth asked. For months now he’d been encouraging Harmock to take a harder stance toward the Kleese Council of Overlords.

  “They are either with us in this war or against us,” Harmock said in a cold voice. “The first hatchings of our Queens have occurred by now and soon our numbers will swell. It’s time the Zaltule take over as the dominant force in our empire.”

  “That is good to hear,” Gareth replied. “The Kleese are the ultimate race in the universe and we should rule all others. The Zaltule caste is the most superior sect of the Kleese. It’s only correct we take our rightful place as rulers.”

  Harmock nodded. He’d been hesitating until he felt he had the necessary military strength to sway the council to his way of thinking. The only one who might stand in his way was Xatul, the Supreme Overlord of the Kleese race. Only he controlled the necessary forces to be a potential problem. Harmock was determined that by the time he reached the council he would have a solution to that aggravating dilemma.

  Chapter Seven

  Deep in Kleese space was the Kleese home world. The planet orbited a small K Class star slightly cooler than Earth’s. The sun was yellow-orange in color with twelve orbiting planets. The fourth planet was nearly devoid of life due to the early bloody years of the Kleese civilization and the internecine wars they’d fought for dominance of the planet. Much of the planet had been laid to waste from the weapons used in those horrifying conflicts. When the wars finally ended, only one faction of the Kleese race had survived. The others had all been exterminated and their nests destroyed. The Kleese were egg layers, and females laid multiple eggs. Great pain had been taken by the winning faction to make sure all the nests of their enemies were eliminated.

  Xatul was standing at the front of the large stone table in the Great Hall of the Council of Overlords. His multifaceted eyes moved over the other nineteen Overlords as his thoughts dwelled briefly on the strong points and weaknesses of each one. His eyes fell on Syndat, who was potentially the third most powerful Overlord because he controlled three of the massive Kleese trading stations. Out of the twenty Overlords present, only four of them were Zaltule. Their primary spokesperson was Darthu, who served as a military science advisor to Harmock the Supreme Military Overlord.

  “Harmock has sent word he will soon be returning to the home world,” Darthu announced. “He has captured a group of humans and is bringing them back for study and interrogation.”

  “Humans!” spat Aktuub, shaking his head violently. “They are nothing more than a pest that needs to be exterminated. Why does Overlord Harmock feel the need to bring them here?”

  “In case you’ve forgotten, these humans have formed an Alliance of nonaligned worlds, which currently stands against the Kleese Empire,” replied Darthu, folding his long dark arms across his powerful chest. “These human pests as you call them have been responsible for a number of setbacks in our expansion plans and have even defeated a number of Kleese fleets, including fleets of the Zaltule.”

  “You speak as if they are our equals,” commented Bixutl, who was the second most powerful Kleese Overlord. He’d long been concerned about these humans; in many ways they reminded him of the Zaltule with their ability to wage war.

  “Perhaps they are,” answered Darthu in a low and guttural voice. “It is sheer folly to believe that somewhere in this galaxy there are not other races which may be as powerful or as intelligent as the Kleese.”

  “Blasphemy!” roared Raluth his long fingers pointing accusingly at Darthu. “This is all a trick of the Zaltule to increase your power in the empire by using these humans to frighten the weaker minded.”

  “I assure you I am implying no such thing,” responded Darthu in an even voice. “We must determine just how dangerous these humans are.”

  “I am more concerned about another item,” Xatul interrupted, his multifaceted eyes focusing resolutely on Darthu.

  True the humans and this upstart Alliance were a threat, but not when the vast size of the empire was considered or the assets available to fight a war if needed. After all, the Strell had been defeated in a
short and bloody conflict, but in the end their substantial empire was added to the Kleese Empire and now the Strell were faithful servants. He was more concerned about a threat from within.

  “What?” asked Darthu, seeing Xatul’s eyes were focused on him. Of all the Kleese Overlords, Darthu only feared Xatul. The Supreme Overlord had already demonstrated his power by eliminating three Zaltule, who had been members of the council. Darthu was determined not to experience the same fate.

  “I have heard reports that the Queens the Zaltule took out of deep sleep have laid eggs and the first hatchings have already occurred.”

  “Hatchings?” uttered Keluth, looking accusingly over at Darthu. “Why were we not informed eggs were laid? It was the understanding of this council that the Queens were only removed from deep sleep for their own safety. This council has not given permission for the Queens to be bred and the size of the warrior caste increased.”

  “We have lost warriors in the conflict with the Strell as well as with some of the nonaligned worlds,” Darthu responded calmly. He’d suspected this question might come up eventually. “Military Overlord Harmock felt it was necessary to replenish our losses as well as ensure we have sufficient numbers of the warrior caste to operate the new battlecruisers we’re building at the shipyards.”

  “How many have been hatched?” demanded Xatul in a cold and calculating voice. This might be his opportunity to bring the other Overlords of the council over to his way of thinking in dealing with the Zaltule.

  “Forty thousand,” answered Darthu carefully. He didn’t tell Xatul that another twenty thousand eggs would hatch shortly.

  The members of the council looked uneasily at one another, each lost in his own thoughts. Breeding was strictly controlled in the Kleese Empire, as it was not uncommon for a Queen to lay several thousand eggs during a mating session. Uncontrolled breeding could quickly lead to overpopulation of the empire and bring their economy crashing down.

  “What about additional Queens?” persisted Xatul, his voice taking on a sinister context. “Were more Queens produced?”

  Darthu felt a sudden uneasiness. How had Xatul found out? A number of eggs had been specifically selected and using genetic manipulation changed over from male to female. Twenty young Queens were now hidden deep within the nests.

  “I don’t have that information,” responded Darthu, trying to deflect the question.

  Xatul gazed coldly at Darthu. His spies had told him of the creation of additional Queens. The Zaltule were obviously planning to greatly increase their numbers and when that occurred, would be a serious threat to the Kleese, who currently inhabited the empire. Xatul had a strong and growing suspicion the Zaltule planned to become the dominant caste of the Kleese. Once that happened, they would rule the empire and the other castes would be delegated to secondary roles.

  “Find out,” Xatul ordered in a commanding and uncompromising voice. “No new Queens are to be produced without the explicit permission of this council.”

  “Perhaps it would be best to speak of this to Supreme Military Overlord Harmock when he arrives,” suggested Darthu. “He will have the information you have requested.”

  Xatul leaned back on his six legs as he gazed at Darthu. It was obvious the Zaltule knew of the new Queens and wasn’t willing to share that information with the council. This type of subterfuge only reinforced what Xatul feared.

  “What about new weapons?” asked Raluth. “The Zaltule have conquered numerous former nonaligned worlds. What new technologies do you have that are ready to be shared with this council?”

  “We’re still working on several promising weapon systems,” Darthu was quick to answer. “In just a few short months, we’ll be able to equip our ships with more powerful energy shields as well as greatly increased pulse fusion weapons.”

  “Will you share that technology with this council?” asked Raluth once more.

  “When the technologies have been perfected they will be shared with the council,” Darthu replied.

  Xatul knew the Zaltule was lying. His own sources had informed him that a number of new technologies had been discovered and were currently being installed on the next generation of Zaltule battlecruisers. Xatul was certain it was only a short matter of time before the Zaltule made their move to control the council and in turn, the empire. It was nearing time to put other plans into motion to ensure his own survival. He’d already given the order to keep one hundred and ten exploration ships in orbit of the home world at all times. Even a Zaltule battlecruiser would have a hard time eliminating one of the huge ships without suffering considerable damage in return. It would be necessary to bring in several other members of the council if his plans for survival were to succeed. Syndat, and possibly Bixutl, were strong possibilities. He would speak with them in private to see if they could be trusted.

  “We will wait on Overlord Harmock,” Xatul announced, knowing he had no other choice. “He shall report directly to the council and we can determine our future action at that point.”

  “I will inform the Supreme Military Overlord,” Darthu responded. He’d taken note Xatul had not used Harmock’s given title. “If he agrees to come before the council will his safety be guaranteed?”

  “It will,” answered Xatul. “He will be granted safe conduct to and away from the meeting.”

  “I am certain under those conditions the Supreme Military Overlord will come,” spoke Darthu, nodding his triangular shaped head.

  “This meeting is adjourned,” Xatul informed the other council members, nodding his head in satisfaction.

  Xatul left and retired to his personal chambers. He was about to set some plans into motion which could have serious consequences for the Kleese Empire. He’d received a message from Minor Overlord Creedanth, who was in command of the exploration cruiser that had picked up the humans from Diadem. Creedanth had been hatched during the same hatching as Xatul and owed his allegiance to the Supreme Overlord. Creedanth was certain Harmock intended to return to the home world and take over the council. Xatul had no intentions of being here when Harmock returned.


  Back in the solar system, Colonel Wade Nelson was aboard the troop assault ship Defender. The Argyle was docked nearby and Wade was currently meeting with Commander Greer of the Defender and Commander Anton of the Argyle as well as Marken.

  “As you know, our mission is to take over the trading station in Sector Twelve and bring it back to the solar system,” Wade informed the others. “Admiral Adamson will be in overall command of the mission as Seventh Fleet will be going along to take out any Kleese warships defending the station.”

  “Conquer another trading station,” Commander Greer said with a deep frown lining his face. “There could be thousands of conscripts on that station as well as a hell of a lot of warships.”

  “Conscripts are generally in Type Two battlesuits,” Wade reminded them, recalling his own time aboard a Kleese trading station. “Our own Marines will be in Type Three and Type Four suits.”

  “Still,” Commander Anton said, shaking his head doubtfully. “We’ll be seriously outnumbered as soon as we drop out of Fold Space, and the Kleese on the station will know we’re coming. Once they recognize human ships, they’ll be determined to hold the station at all costs.”

  “We may have some surprises for them,” Marken said, entering the conversation. “Kalarn and Larnell have been working with Delton and Talt computer techs and they’ve come up with a possible method to disable the station once we arrive.”

  “How?” asked Wade, his eyes widening in surprise. This was the first he’d heard about this. He had been expecting a fierce and gruesome battle to take the station.

  “We got the idea from you humans,” Marken replied with a knowing grin. “Before your world was destroyed you had a number of computer hackers on your planet who seemed to take great joy in planting destabilizing programs in your worldwide internet, causing servers to crash or become stuck in a loop.”

��Viruses,” responded Wade, realizing now what Marken was suggesting. “Are you implying Kalarn and Larnell can plant a computer virus in the trading station’s systems?”

  “Not only that, but once we’re on board we can take complete control of the trading station when we reach a terminal where we can download the program.”

  “Flight Control for the flight bays,” Wade suggested as he thought about how the trading stations were laid out. “It’s close to the outer edge of the station and there are several flight bays nearby. If we can take one of the flight bays, we should be able to reach Flight Control and take it.”

  “Once we have Flight Control and download the virus program we can effectively shut down any part of the station we like,” Marken said.

  “It’s a good idea,” Commander Greer said after a moment. “Assuming we can get close enough to the station to get our Marines aboard.”

  “We’ll be taking a full load out of Marines in both the Defender and the Argyle,” Wade informed them. “In addition, there will be forty assault ships with full complements of Marines. I plan to take as many of the flight bays as possible in our initial attack. By sending in the assault ships first, we may be able to get some Marines on board before the Kleese realize what’s happening.”

  “That’s nearly four thousand Marines,” spoke Commander Anton with his eyes growing wide at the number being used for this operation. “We’re going to be risking a lot.”

  “An equal number will be going with the Leviathan and her fleet,” Wade added. “If this mission is a success, we can seriously hamper the Kleese war fighting capability in our sector of space for several years. It’ll buy us time to bring more worlds into the Alliance and increase the size of our fleet as well as bring several new weapons systems into use.”

  “This is a dangerous gambit,” Commander Greer said, taking a deep breath. “But if we succeed, it will be well worth it.”

  “What about Alliance ships?” Commander Anton asked. “I assume some of them will be going along since one of the stations is going to Lanolth.”


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