Revelation: De La Vega Cats, Book 2

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Revelation: De La Vega Cats, Book 2 Page 17

by Lauren Dane

  She tossed the ruined dress on the counter and bent to turn the shower on. “I think I should invest in some of those tear-away dancing clothes with you around. You’re murder on my budget.”

  He kissed her back, where he’d marked her, sending delicious tingles through her body. “I’ll make it an item in our household budget. Clothes for Kendra. That way I can rip all I want. That’s part of the fun.”

  Chuckling, he strolled from the room like the hot shit he was.

  She laughed, but it snarled in her throat.

  Her knees buckled as the first magickal hit slammed into her. On the way down, her head smacked the side of the tub, making her see stars as she scrambled to stand.

  The world slowed as Max’s cat bounded into the room. He roared so loud it reverberated off the tile, deafening her for long moments.

  Using him as balance to stand, she got her legs back and began to focus on whatever it was. In the background she heard other roars, grunts and growls. The guards outside she wagered.

  Pushing all that back, leaning into the giant cat who’d placed himself between her and the outside, she opened her othersight and found more than she’d imagined. Sharper, more brilliant and far reaching. Her magick had amped up considerably as she looked for the source of the magickal punch.

  It pressed against her, this other magick, unhealthy, not organic so it was more magic than magickal, like a chemical instead of a sunset. But it was powerful and dripping with menace.

  “Not my family. Not my house, motherfucker,” she mumbled as her hands took flight, fending off, warding and at the very end, as it faded back, tagging it with a little magick of her own.

  She slumped, holding her head, her nose now bleeding. Or maybe it had been all along, she couldn’t be sure at that point.

  Max shifted back, his face hard and angry. The scent of his cat still in the air. “What the fuck was that? Why do you bleed so damned much? I need to kill him for making you bleed.”

  She ignored his anger, knew it wasn’t at her. “I don’t know what it was. An attack of some kind. The wards here held him back, but he got through enough to physically slap at me. The nosebleed happens when I use a lot of magickal energy really fast, without giving myself the time to spool it up correctly. I also might have hit it when I smacked my head on the tub.”

  “You’ll feel better in a minute. Your system will heal very quickly now.” He crouched at her feet. “You scared the shit out of me. I felt it so intensely that my cat came without my bidding. That’s not happened in a very long time.”

  Pounding feet ran up the stairs as the guards shouted his name.

  “Hold!” He slammed the bathroom door shut. “Do you need to go to the hospital?”

  She stood, still shaky but her vision was clear again and her nose had stopped bleeding. “No. I need a shower and then I need to go outside, nearer the edge of the wards so I can see if there’s anything else out there.”

  He blinked at her, opening and closing his mouth like a guppy.

  “Go on. The guards are worried.”

  “You’re not going anywhere, Kendra. Wait for me. I’ll be back and you can shower while I’m here to be sure you’re not going to fall.”

  She waited for him to leave and turned on the shower.

  “Kendra, damn it!” he shouted from the other side of the door. She snorted a laugh as she stepped under the spray.

  Within moments he was back in the bathroom. “Didn’t I tell you to wait for me?”

  “You did. I needed to shower. I can do that without an escort. I make a lot of allowances for you and this alpha thing. I’ll take my own showers, thank you very much.”

  “You’re just being contrary for the hell of it.”

  “That so? Don’t know why I bother thinking at all since you’re so happy to do it for me. Like I’m dumb.”

  “Now you’re twisting it.”

  “Yep, that’s me. Twisting my own damned feelings because God knows when the great Max de La Vega speaks he knows everyone’s heart and mind better than they do. Don’t know why I even bother breathing when you should do it for me.”

  He stepped into the shower stall with her, groaning when the spray hit his body. “You’re bitchy when you’re pissed off and scared.”

  “Keep that in mind, then.” She smirked as she turned to watch him, water sluicing down all that muscle.

  “I think my father tried to warn me about this,” he muttered, a smile on his lips as he tipped his head back.

  She got out and began to towel off.

  “Don’t even think about going outside. Guards are on the door.”

  “You know what, Max? Fuck you. I told you how I feel about being held someplace I don’t want to be. Also, not to sound fourteen or anything, but it seems to have escaped your notice that you are not the boss of me.” She stormed out of the room, searching through her things to find a pair of underpants and a bra.

  Shit. He’d fucked that one up badly. He got out, toweling off quickly and heading out into the bedroom where she stood, strong and feminine, everything he ever imagined needing and more.

  Tough. Bitchy. Protective. Compassionate. Intelligent and strong. She had no plans, clearly, to take any guff from him.

  She’d been balancing on one foot to get her panties on when he barreled into her, taking her to the bed so she ended up on top.

  “I’m sorry about that last part.” He looked into her face, genuinely concerned about pushing any buttons her in-laws and ex had put inside her.

  “I know you are. Butthead.” She leaned down and nipped his lip.

  His neck tingled where she’d bitten him. He’d nearly forgotten that part. Smiling, he brushed his fingertips over it. “Never had one of these before. I like it.”

  “You’re just trying to flatter your way out of trouble. I’m still going outside.” She kissed him and tried to get up. He held her tighter but she pinched his side and he yelped and she made her escape. “Next time, it’ll be your cock if you try to confine me.” Pausing, she sent him a raised brow. “Well, outside sex anyway.”

  He groaned as she pulled jeans on and a sweater over her head.

  “You’re going to kill me.”

  “Get over yourself. I’m perfectly capable of going outside and looking around. We have to, Max, it’s imperative.”

  She walked out and the guards, he planned to kill them all later, got out of her way at the sight of the look on her face.

  “Gibson, let’s talk about the plan to go visit my father and his wife when I come back inside, okay?”

  Gibson looked back at Max, who heaved a put-upon sigh and threw his hands up. “Wait. At least let me come out there with you. I need pants or the neighbors will complain.”

  The corner of her mouth lifted. “Don’t be too sure. If I lived next door I wouldn’t complain at all.”

  He put his jeans on, not bothering with shoes as he grabbed a sweatshirt off the banister and followed her down to the front hall.

  “Are you sure this is safe? Why not wait a little while?”

  “The longer he’s gone, the colder his trail goes. You should understand that very well.” And with that, she threw the door open and walked out.

  Gibson growled, annoyed, leaping in front of her. “Listen here, pretty britches, I’m the guard, I go first. You wait for my signal to go ahead.”

  She smiled, lowering her gaze in apology. “Of course. I’m sorry, Gib.”

  “Show me by not using Gib as a nickname.” Gibson snorted and her laughter lifted Max’s heart.

  “What I need to do is walk the perimeter. I won’t leave the protection of the wards. I promise,” she added to Max over her shoulder. “Give me space, all this testosterone and cat energy is like white noise.”

  Gibson sent her a dark look, but backed off. Max recognized the hand signals his brother sent to the other guards, placing them around the yard strategically. Max also knew there were others on the roof with sniper rifles if claw and fang didn�
�t do the job.

  And yet, the fear clawed at his insides. Fear for her. It was an emotion he’d not experienced much, especially as an adult. He wasn’t worried about himself, but she was his to protect. Having her out there under threat brought a cold sweat to his spine.

  He was not used to being questioned. He knew it and she called him on it. Still didn’t mean he had to like it.

  “I can feel your cranky mood through our bond,” she said quietly as she walked past.

  Gibson made no outward appearance of having heard that comment but for a slight tic of his left eye.

  “All for you, querida.”

  She flipped him off before stopping near the high hedges on the southern side of the yard. Going still. Quiet. Her eyes, her cat’s eyes lived in her then, and a wave of admiration and love washed over him at the sight. His woman, strong and brave. Damn it, she was something else. Agitating, yes, but he didn’t want anyone else. She was the works and he’d take the good and the scary, because it was all her.

  He moved closer, but still gave her space. She cocked her head, breathing in deep, her gaze slowly raking over whatever the hell she saw when she used her othersight.

  Just as suddenly as she stopped, she turned and headed back into the house.

  “That fucking bastard,” she grumbled as she rifled through Max’s front-entry table to find paper and a pen.

  “Is that my new nickname then?” Max paused, taking her hand and kissing it.

  She snorted. “Only in my head. Don’t you have paper and writing implements somewhere?”

  He pulled another drawer open to expose a neat stack of paper and several pens.

  “Thank you.” She began to write all her impressions down as the men waited patiently. Or they may not have been patient, but outwardly, they held a calm menace.

  “You want to fill me in on what you found out there?” Max asked her after several minutes.

  “It’s the same person. The same one who attacked that night.” She paused and smiled up at him. “The night you took me to dinner.”

  His eyes warmed for a moment. “The beginning of this.” He brushed his lips against hers and her agitation settled slightly.

  “So it’s the same person, or group. And to be honest with you, I think that weak attempt tonight was a feint. Yes, yes, I was wrong to want to check it out at first. You’re right.”

  He grinned and she rolled her eyes. “I’m always right. If you’d accept that, you’d be so much happier.”

  “If you’re finished gloating? Do you remember when we went over to my father and Susan’s place? After they ran off?”

  Gibson had organized that and he nodded slowly.

  “The signature, energy, whatever, I felt tonight is similar to what I felt there. He’s involved somehow. Or she is. They both are. Whatever. He’s part of it, and we need to find him and deal.”

  “I sent out an advance team right before the party at my parents’ house. Big fun, huh? Bet you can’t wait for more of that.” Gibson’s smooth, calm delivery only made Kendra laugh harder.

  Max wore a sour expression. “Stop it. You’re going to make her more hesitant to go back.”

  Kendra and Gibson ignored Max and went back to their conversation. Gibson indicated the coordinates she’d given earlier. “I had to send out some sweepers first. To keep watch and stake out the area before I could send in a team. They’re not that far from here. Just off 93. Somewhere outside Wilmington.”

  “Why didn’t you say? Let’s go!” Kendra made to grab her bag.

  Gibson said nothing, but kept his arms crossed over his chest. He took a deep breath before speaking again. “Kendra, I would not send you out in a first wave. My people know how to run an operation and that’s what we’ll do. They’ll get all the information and reconnaissance to me and Jack, and I will make a plan of attack. We don’t involve you until we have a lot more information. And that’s not now.”

  “I hate to break it to you and all, but I’m more prepared for them than you and your people are. They aren’t a physical threat. They’re a magickal one. You can’t fight that. I can. Also, what if they move?”

  “That would indeed be unfortunate. And yet, it doesn’t change the fact that I make those choices when it comes to the safety of the leadership of this jamboree.”

  She looked heavenward, seeking patience. “Fine. Do let me know when I’m allowed to act, then.” Before she said anything else, she spun and headed upstairs.

  Back in their room, she dug through her bag until she found her phone and called Rosemary.

  “All this could be over if we just shot that fucker in the head once and for all. And his bitch of a wife.” Gibson leaned against the door and gave his brother a look.

  “I don’t think so. I mean, at least not right away. We talk to them first. Find out what the hell is going on. What happened with Kendra and Renee’s mother. They need the closure and we need the intel. After that, well, accidents happen and you’re free to be sure they do.” Max punched the speed dial for Galen and filled him in. Galen informed him that Rosemary had shown up moments before and was on a call with Renee and Kendra. They’d keep Renee inside as much as they could, which wasn’t much given that the following day was a Monday and Renee would want to go to work.

  Gibson interjected with information as they spoke, beginning to build a plan. Jack added his points, telling them he had his people on it as well.

  “Busy girl, your wife.” Gibson’s mouth might have shaped into a smile very briefly as Max hung up with an annoyed snarl.

  “She’s not going to let this go and I can’t blame her. As much as I want to, I can’t. This is about her, about her people, and she has every right to want to deal with it. Her mother needs avenging.”

  Gibson lifted one shoulder. “Max, it’s not going to stop there and you know it. She has a vision for the future of witches. One you and I both realize is totally necessary. This attack thing isn’t isolated. Even when we find and eradicate this threat, there’ll be more. She has a path. Like you have a path. And those will intersect. For instance, when you both drag the jamboree into the twenty-first century. She’ll draw fire, but hold you to the course. We all need it.”

  “She couldn’t just be a school teacher. No. She has to be Buffy the Fuckin’ Witch Slayer or whatever.”

  Gibson did laugh at that. “You’d be so bored with a woman who wasn’t your equal in the ambition department. But you’re both going to fight a lot. She’s headstrong, you are too. You’re used to total obedience and having everyone simply turn to you for direction. She is not the type to ask permission. It’ll make the sex hotter though.”

  “I draw the line at discussing my sex life with you.”

  “Must be smokin’ hot then.” Gibson stood straight. “She won’t agree to a driver to work, but if you were smart, you’d take her yourself.”

  “It would be a lot easier if she just obeyed me.”

  “Dream on, asshole.” Gibson opened the front door. “Gonna be difficult to protect her fully at work. All those kids around, adults are extra watchful of strange men.”

  “I know. But she won’t take any time off. I’ve asked. Do what you can.”

  “Always do. Night.” With a last wave, Gibson walked out the door, leaving Max alone and agitated in his front hallway.

  Chapter Thirteen

  “You’re going to kick my ass.”

  Kendra looked up, halfway into a smile for her brother-in-law when he said that. “Gibson de La Vega, what have you done?”

  He’d been there, just outside the school, waiting at the driver’s side door of his SUV. Where Max had the sleek Jaguar, Gibson had opted for a menacing-looking dark SUV with smoked windows. It suited him.

  He opened the passenger door and she hopped in. She didn’t feel like arguing over taking the T back home so if they wanted to run out and drive her all over town, so be it. She should make them go shoe shopping or something.

  “The place was deserted. Yo
ur father’s place.”

  She growled and he huffed an amused snort. “Christ, you two are exactly alike. It doesn’t matter if your father was there last night when you decided to run off and stand in the crosshairs. We don’t know enough to do anything just yet. Kendra, believe me when I tell you that I want to deliver the justice you so deserve. The justice for what he did to you and Renee, what he did to your mother. But, we need to be smart. Gathering intelligence is smart. I want to know what we’re walking into. How many people are there. If they’re armed. Even if I don’t have magick like you do, I have other skills. You and me, sweetcheeks, we need to work together on this.”

  She frowned, hating that he was right. “You suck. Who am I just like?”

  He made a sort of hissing sound. “Max.”

  “Did you just hiss at me?”

  “Cats hiss when they’re annoyed.”

  “You’re going to end up with a woman who is an even bigger pain in the ass than I am. I can’t wait.” She giggled.

  “According to my brothers, pain-in-the-ass women are the best kind.” He gave her side eye. “I’m not convinced of that just yet.”

  “Ha. So what’s the next step then?”

  “I’m taking you to Max.” He drove on, silent and menacing, even though no one could see it but her.

  “Are you always so chatty?”

  His gruff demeanor eased for a small moment. Amusement danced in his eyes. “Don’t tell anyone. They won’t believe you anyway.”

  “Here’s my contribution to the whole working-together process. I spoke with the witch who mated with one of Gabe’s wolves in Portland. He was very nice, open. But he did not take on a wolf. His magickal energy improved, he said, his focus. I proposed he come out here and learn from Mary and my aunt so he could teach the witches in his neck of the woods. He’s thinking about it, going to speak with his wife. He’s hesitant. We’ve all been taught so much fear of learning any other forms of magick. I told him to think it over. Not like I’m going anywhere.”

  It vexed her. They had all these rules to protect them, she got that part. But when it turned around on them and made them more vulnerable, she wanted to scream. Energy was energy, it could be used for good or ill, it wasn’t like she was teaching anyone how to kill the subject to steal their essence. But if those from other traditions could offer some insight and new skills, why not use that? Why not use that to teach those witches their tradition too? She knew some of the loosely created covens would feel threatened at the potential loss of individual power bases, but she’d cross that bridge when she got there. Anyway, if she brought it up, Max would flip his lid and start on her about the danger of this, that and the other thing.


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