Revelation: De La Vega Cats, Book 2

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Revelation: De La Vega Cats, Book 2 Page 20

by Lauren Dane

  “In case you haven’t, your body temperature should be higher. Aren’t you warmer since you took on your cat?” He zoomed in, sliding himself against her, covering her in his scent.

  “I am now. But we just had sex, so back off and let’s go deal with your parents.” She turned in his arms, straightening his collar and smoothing down the front of his shirt. “Handsome. Is this bad do you think? Is there trouble?”

  “I don’t know. But given the way things are going, I’d wager there’s something up, yes.”


  His mother was ending a phone call as they knocked and entered the office. Max scented his father’s emotions, could feel the pull of them as they shut the door.

  “I’m sorry to pull you two away, but there are some recent developments we need to discuss with you.” Cesar sighed heavily. “Thank you, beauty, for setting Ramon to rights. I’ve heard word about it. Gibson says you handled yourself well. Nicely done to ban him for a time. Perhaps with some cooling off, your cousin can find his head.”

  “It’s wedged up his ass, so don’t wait too long, darling.” Imogene threw her hands up, totally frustrated. “His mother is the same. Spoiled all those boys so much they think they’re smart when actually, they got the short end of the intelligence stick.”

  “I’m sure you’re right.” Cesar winked, a little bit of levity lightening the cloud around him. “And yet, I find myself here in possession of information I must speak with you about.”

  Max looked to his mother, who motioned him to sit. Taking Kendra’s arm, he led her to the sofa and sat, her body against his.

  “I have spoken to Gibson about this already. I apologize for speaking to him first, but it had to be done. Two years ago, Carlos began to make business decisions that I found myself questioning. Money wasn’t adding up.”

  Max felt himself grow very cold and very still. He realized Kendra was not surprised and wondered why he could be so blind. She pressed into him, enough that he understood it was her way of comforting him without calling too much attention to it.

  The cold eased, but not entirely.

  “I didn’t go to you with my concerns because I didn’t want it to be true and I didn’t want to involve you in something that could potentially bring a rift to the jamboree, especially without enough evidence. I spoke to Gibson. To have him look into it discreetly. I’ll have him get you the file tomorrow, but the story is that your brother began to run with some radical humans.”

  “Wait. What does this have to do with embezzling money? And why the hell would human radicals want to be with him? He’s a shifter.”

  His father scrubbed his hands over his face. Max noted his mother’s body language, the tension in her was anger, not pain.

  “If only it was theft. If only it was simply that. At first I limited his ability to get at our resources. Shifted his job responsibilities so he couldn’t touch much. All his reimbursements have come straight to me since. I’ve said no a few times and since then, he’s been more careful. At the time, I thought that was it and relaxed a little. Gibson didn’t find any gambling debt, no evidence of a drug problem or general levels of high debt.” Cesar huffed out a breath.

  “But my discomfort didn’t alleviate. It rode me all the time and I asked Gibson to keep looking. And then we found the beginnings of what we confirmed totally just this morning. The travel and the people he seemed to be hanging out with suddenly connected. He’s got all this hatred of humans but I think he hates himself more. They allow him to hang around because he’s their devil. Here’s the evil shifter, look at him, he is so dangerous he’s telling us how dangerous he is.”

  Kendra shifted against him, stiffening. “And who’s worse than a shifter? A human who’d mate with one. Or who’d become one. Traitors to their own race.” Kendra spoke and it hit Max so hard he had to shove his cat back with both hands.

  Cesar nodded. “I expect you’ve heard that a time or two, yes?”

  Max looked back and forth between his father and his wife as the horror of it began to settle into his bones.

  “My former in-laws were like that. They belong to some anti-shifter group, thinly masquerading as a religion. They said stuff like that all the time. They gave me shots. When they held me to cure me. Birth control shots so their son wouldn’t have any devil babies. They told me if I just underwent their treatment I’d be cured and able to bear children.” She tried to stand and he turned to her.

  The ice was back. These people had harmed far too many and they needed to pay for it. “Querida, don’t let them get to you anymore. You’re here with me. That’s all in your past. I’ve already had Gibson looking into it, making sure we know where they are.” He had their number and planned to make a call very soon.

  “I brought this into your life.” She took a deep breath, looking back to his father. “That’s how Gibson found out, isn’t it? In some freakish convergence of all the things he was looking into, something connected Carlos with the group, or a group like the ones my ex’s family was part of.”

  He sprang from the couch, needing to pace, his cat agitated and vengeful. “Is he high? Has he gone insane? It’s the only way to explain this!” Max seethed as his father motioned him to sit back down.

  Cesar turned to Kendra. “This isn’t about you. Not at all. We knew he was up to something. We just didn’t have the final piece until this morning. For nearly three years he’s been going on vacations with these people. Letting them use him for propaganda. He’s been advocating the wholesale sterilization of any human women who mate with shifters. Gibson is working on it with two teams. I expect we’ll know a lot more by tomorrow morning.”

  “What are you planning to do?” Max wanted to hurt his brother for even thinking of doing what he’d been doing.

  “I want you to act as if nothing has changed tonight. I’m sorry, I know it’s a lot to ask, especially after I’ve just told you all this. But I don’t want to tip our hand before we know more. I don’t want him to get away.” Imogene said it, her voice shaking with anger. “That is no longer my son.”

  She stood and Kendra followed, putting her arm around his mother’s waist. “Imogene, I’m so sorry. I wish I could help in some way. I know what it feels like to find out someone who should love you has betrayed you. I’m sorry you have to feel it.”

  His mother met his eyes a brief moment, hers was an expression filled with emotion, most of it gratitude. Christ, how did this happen?

  “Is there any chance at all that this is a mistake?” He knew it was false hope, knew Gibson’s skills were unparalleled, but he asked anyway.

  His father looked so very sad. “That’s why I’m asking you to act as if nothing has happened. There are pictures. Video clips even. Carlos speaking on his infection, on his curse. Hate mail with his face on it. For three years he betrayed us all, whipped up even more anger and hysteria that could have gotten any number of us harmed or killed. He’s guilty and I wish it weren’t so. You and I will hold on to that sliver of a chance that he’s involved in some super secret military operation to bring these hate groups to justice. And when the inevitable comes and there’s nothing left but total certainty, we’ll know we never totally gave up on him until we had no choice.”

  “This could destabilize everything you’re trying to build. This will only make the anti-human sentiment stronger.” Kendra spoke as she squeezed Imogene’s hand one last time and returned to Max’s side.

  “It can, yes, I’m afraid that’s true. Max, you and Galen need to work together on ways to move our culture forward in the wake of the devastation this will leave. I expect we’ll be challenged for leadership at least twice. I’m old, but not entirely helpless.” Cesar turned his gaze on Max and he understood the other shoe was about to drop.

  “You want me to take over.”

  Kendra put her head on his shoulder. Her fear jittered through her system, radiating into his heart.

  “There is no one in this jamboree who could best you. You k
now that.” Cesar stood, strolling over to the bank of windows and looking out over the yard where family had begun to gather.

  Max wasn’t vain, but he knew his strengths as well as his weaknesses. He was alpha and his father was correct. In truth, the chances of receiving a challenge would go down if Max took over. The certainty of losing and losing badly was total. Cats understood how things worked in much the same way humans did. The strong and the cunning ran things, and if they were strong and cunning enough, everyone lived well and safely.

  The potential threat to his cats, to his family, had filled his system with adrenaline and Kendra spoke softly. “You need to calm or they’ll feel you and wonder what’s going on. If you’re going to take over, do it right. Do it decisively.”

  Imogene’s face registered surprise and then pleasure. Max felt that approval from the toughest judge he had ever known, and it humbled him.

  “You’re right, querida. Are you on board for this? If I run the jamboree, you do too. It’d be a huge commitment and there’d be cats at our house all the time. Meetings. You’d have to run a lot of meetings.”

  “There already are cats at our house all the time. You have guards. Gibson practically lives with you. Um, us. This is the future. You may not have planned it this way, but it’s here and now you have to do what you’re supposed to do. I’m happy to help in whatever way I can. I only ask the space to find my father and deal with him.”

  He kissed her forehead. “I’m behind you totally on that. I expect since Gibson will be so busy on this situation, we can have Jack’s people help more. I’ll make sure you get the help you need on this.”

  “Akio has been keeping me updated on everything. I’ll speak with him and Jack, explaining everything. Or, well, what I can anyway. Are you all sure I should be doing this? There will be so much upheaval when Carlos is exposed for what he’s done, should we add a former human witch to the mix?”

  His mother waved a hand at that. “I’ve been alive along enough to see a great many things. Coming out to humans was the biggest and we survived it. My son’s cat chose you, your own cat chose you. You are meant to be here and meant to help Max and your cats through this. I know it.”

  Kendra shrugged. “All right then. I expect I’ll need help so get ready for all my phone calls.”

  His mother smiled. “Of course.”

  They spent another twenty minutes discussing the transition. Max wanted his father to continue on with the day-to-day running of the jamboree. He’d done it for thirty years and had done it well, the continuity would help.

  He hated this moment, hated knowing his brother was capable of such hatred against his own people, hated knowing people said these things to his wife.

  But he had no room for it just then because he had to pretend everything was fine and smile as his father handed over the reins.

  Chapter Fifteen

  “I’m sorry you had to find out this way,” Gibson murmured as they all came downstairs. Kendra was shocked and off balance, even as she sought that calm place to pretend everything was hunky dory.

  “I understand the why, but from now on, you’ll report to me.” Max stood tall, regal, she realized, owning his role completely.

  Gibson nodded solemnly. “Of course. Congratulations and I mean that.”

  “Let’s grab some food. I’m starving.” Kendra figured if they all ate, things would be less tense. Hungry shifters were a very agitated bunch.

  Max grinned, taking her hand. “As always, very forward thinking.”

  “Don’t get used to it, but why don’t I make you a plate? It’ll give you a chance to sit and visit, and I can mill around. I know there are already rumors about Ramon so why not just be upfront and in their faces?”

  When he leaned down to kiss her, she whispered in his ear instead. “I believe in you and all your limitless potential, Max. You can do this.”

  He took her hands and slipped a ring on her finger, catching her totally off guard. “I’ve had this for a few weeks. I wanted to give it to you at the right time. Since we’re about to start an even wilder ride than marriage, I realized this might be it.”

  She looked at it, at the band filled with diamonds, and knew he got her more than anyone else ever could. It was a simple ring. Not flashy, though certainly filled with plenty of awe-inspiring sparkle. He knew her and that filled her with so much pleasure she nearly made a very girly squee sound. Instead she grinned up at him, not caring who saw it, throwing her arms around him for a big hug as she thanked him before nuzzling his neck.

  “I take it you like the ring?” His pleasure rolled through their bond.

  “I love it. You’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me. You know that right?”

  His smile softened. “I never knew what it meant to be in love before you. Making you smile has become one of my to-do list items every day. Now, go get me some food, woman, before I grow breasts and turn into a girl with all this talk.”

  She laughed, swatting his very fine behind and ambling off toward the big buffet table.

  Max watched her through the evening. Watched as she charmed those members of his family who may have been on the fence. Watched as they assessed her now that they knew she’d tossed Ramon on his ass.

  She didn’t really get it, not yet, but that bit of viciousness from her had taken her light years forward in the eyes of his cats. Of their cats. When his father made the announcement, which would be any moment now as he was just finishing his ramble about some upcoming family stuff, the other cats would understand that Kendra was more than capable of running the jamboree and protecting them from threats.

  He still wanted to kill Ramon for daring to move against his wife though. Oh and his stupid, fuckall brother who’d lost his damned mind.

  Renee shifted, leaning closer to Kendra. The sisters had created a bond he admired and knew would serve them both well. Renee was very well respected after years of struggle to make her place in the jamboree, and Kendra openly credited that with her own success. They were unified and strong, and it pleased him inordinately to see it.

  “Lastly this evening, I wanted to let you all know I’m turning the jamboree over to my next-in-line and his wife as of right now. It’s not much of a surprise as Max has been the declared next-in-line for nine years now. Imogene and I have discussed it amongst ourselves and then with Max and Kendra, and we have every confidence they will lead this jamboree into a new era blessed by even more success and happiness.” Cesar delivered the lines and smiled at the assembled group like he hadn’t just tossed a bomb into their midst.

  Kendra looked to him, showing him her heart on her face. He’d needed that just then and sent her a grin back as he hauled her to her feet, bracing an arm around her waist to hold her there.

  “I know we haven’t had a transition here in over thirty years, so I wanted to encourage everyone to remember my door is always open if you have a concern or question. Kendra and I really look forward to this new phase. I’ll shut up now so we can get to dessert.”

  Galen stood, bowing his head. Gibson followed. Diana, Christina and Armando and, much to Max’s surprise, Beth.

  Nearly the entire rest of those assembled followed. It wasn’t fake, the rush of fidelity and trust swelled through the bond his father had handed him. He held them all inside, and instead of fear, he realized how monumentally awesome it was to experience.

  Kendra, while touched by the show of support by nearly everyone in the room, wasn’t impressed by those who didn’t show it. Carlos sat sullenly as far from them as he could and still be in the room. A few like him dotted the space, and she wanted to knock some sense into them.

  She kept her eyes on him, waiting for the moment when he peeked up from his pout, and when he did, she sent him a look that told him just what she thought of his behavior. It might have been small to be pleased by the way he flinched, but so be it.

  She had no doubts at all that he was guilty of what Gibson alleged. She knew Gibson well enough, ha
d seen him at work often enough to know he didn’t play around when it came to investigation and building a case. If he took it to Cesar, he could back it up. And given what a disgusting, cowardly piece-of-crap Carlos was, it wasn’t as hard for Kendra to believe it as she thought it might be for those who loved him, like Max.

  She narrowed her eyes at Carlos as he dared to glance at her again. This time he actually tried to hold her gaze in challenge, and she simply stared, unblinking, letting him see every ounce of loathing she had for him.

  Max squeezed her as they sat back down. “What’s going on?”

  “Pffft. Just letting Carlos know what I think of his not standing up.”

  Gibson barked a laugh and patted her hand. “Aw, bebe, you’re going to do just fine. Do you have a few minutes later on? At your house? We can talk about the other work I’m doing.”

  Jack leaned around Galen, stealing a stuffed mushroom from his plate as he did. “I’d like to be in on that one. I have some new information as well.”

  “Why don’t we head over there after dinner then?” Max slid a thumb along the inside of her wrist as he spoke, sending a slow pulse of pleasure through her system, fogging her brain.

  Leaning in close, she nuzzled his neck before speaking quietly to him. “You’re making me all loopy with that. Stop.”

  His grin in response told her he knew exactly what he was doing.

  Her phone rang. Normally she’d have ignored it, but as she saw her uncle’s number on the screen, she had a feeling, a very strong feeling, she should answer.

  “’Scuse me.” She got up and found a reasonably quiet corner to answer.

  Max felt it through their bond, saw the sag in her spine and was at her side in moments.

  “What is it?”

  “That was my uncle. My ex contacted him, fished for details about me. He knows I’m here in Boston.”

  His cat surged to the fore and she noted it, placing her palms on his chest. “Shh. It’s okay. I have you. I have several giant shifter males all quite happy to hurt anyone on my behalf. I’m nervous, but not in the same way I would have been even six months ago.” Right before he’d met her and his entire world had upended and changed for the better.


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